Chapter 256 Zuo Feng’s Talent Ability

Several people outside the Juntian Wushu Hall were secretly surprised by Tang Yao’s participation in the trials.

Fighting against the corpse king and the beast king is really hard power.

Tang Yao’s courage has nothing to say, and he has a lot of calculations, but when it comes to strength, everyone is really not too optimistic.

Prior to this, there was no top genius at the pinnacle general level in Ningcheng base, and Tang Yao showed that there was no way to face the Beastmaster.

But now, the four top geniuses at the pinnacle general level have returned.

As for Tang Yao, there is still not a small distance from the top of the warlord. Even if he is the Awakened, it is basically impossible to win the four opponents who are also Awakened.

Seeing the expressions of these people, Jiang Changhai smiled and said nothing.

You don’t know the true strength of this kid.

This kid has the ability to quietly understand, and his understanding of occult art is much better than the average God of War.

Not to mention the talent abilities, the explosion of 30 times the increase just under the burning energy is not comparable to the top geniuses of these pinnacle generals.

At least, that kid in my family can’t do it.

Moreover, Tang Yao said that it can only explode up to a 30-fold increase, and there is absolutely water.

That day, after Tang Yao threw out more than 100 micro-nuclear bombs, the speed of this kid’s escape at that time was definitely more than a 30-fold increase.

Look, it’s probably this kid who won in the end.

The kid in my family wanted to steal the position of the chief curator from Tang Yao, but it was basically useless.

Thinking of this, Jiang Changhai took a pitying look at his son, who had always been very shrewd.

Those eyes are like caring for mentally handicapped children.

Jiang Mingzhe was seen a little unclear, so he was even a little hairy.

What’s wrong with ginger?

Wouldn’t it be after becoming the peak of God of War, happy mental disorder, right?

At this time, Zhang Yinian said: “Since the candidates for the competition have been determined, let’s formulate the rules of the trials.”

Everyone nodded and began to discuss.

There are only 5 people participating, and the rules are very simple.

In less than two minutes, everyone reached an agreement.

Pairwise duel!

Draw lots!

In the first round, two duels, one bye.

In the second round, a duel, one bye.

The third round, the final.

At the end of each round, you can rest for up to one hour.

Play 4 games and you can get results.

After the rules were finalized, Zhang Yinian said to the 5 contestants: “Although you are from different forces, you are all top talents of Ningcheng Base, and also the hope of Ningcheng Base. In the future, you are more likely to be comrades fighting side by side.”

“In this trial, just click until you finish, there is no need to fight for life and death. If it is a crisis, we will directly intervene.”

Hearing that, the five of Tang Yao nodded their heads.

Afterwards, Zhang Yinian had a thought and took out a square jade box and 5 beast crystals from the Interspatial Ring.

Among them, two at level 1, two at level 2, and one at level 3.

In front of everyone, Zhang Yinian put 5 beast crystals in the jade box and began to shake constantly.

While shaking, Zhang Yinian said: “If you draw beast crystals of the same level, you will be your opponents. If you draw level 3 beast crystals, you will have a bye. The 5 beast crystals are arranged in the jade box from left to right. All you need is Explain, you only need to choose which number.”

When the words fell, Zhang Yinian also stopped shaking and placed the small box on the ground.

Zhang Yinian thought very thoughtfully, using a jade box to isolate the beast crystal from radiating energy, and Tang Yao and others could not judge by the energy concentration.

Shaking the jade box while talking can also prevent Tang Yao and the others from judging something based on the voice.

Even Tang Yao, who had mastered the skills of listening and debating position, could not hear anything under Zhang Yinian’s deliberate interference.

Since there is no other means, it’s all about luck.

Five people from Tang Yao said the numbers they had chosen.

After the five candidates were selected, Zhang Yi young and lightly opened the jade box.

The results are clear at a glance.

In the first round, Tang Yao played against the left forward, Jiang Mingzhe played against Han Xu, and Mu Xiaowan was bye.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yao was overjoyed.

I really don’t want others to want a bye.

I already know Jiang Mingzhe’s ability, and I can’t get it for the time being.

But I don’t know the abilities of Zuo Feng, Han Xu and Mu Xiaowan!

One more fight will give you more knowledge of an opponent’s talents.

If you are lucky and have a suitable one, you can directly integrate into my 3 major ability system, and I can have more hole cards.

Left forward!

For your talents, I really look forward to it!

Since both Tang Yao and Zuo Feng chose level 1 beast crystals, the first match started with them.

In the field, Tang Yao and the left forward stood opposite each other, and the others retreated to the periphery.

Several God of War are evenly distributed around the venue, and once a real fire is hit, they will be rescued in time.

Looking at Tang Yao standing opposite, Zuo Feng said in a cold voice: “I fight to kill. If you can’t bear it, speak in advance, I will stop as much as possible. If I hurt you, sorry!”

Tang Yao smiled.

This guy is really confident.

Tang Yao said, “Since you said that, then I will try my best not to hurt you.”

When the words fell, Tang Yao’s figure moved and rushed toward the left forward at a swift speed.

Zuo Feng’s eyes condensed, and in an instant, a beast-like aura suddenly radiated from his body.

Zuo Feng looked at Tang Yao as if he was looking at a prey.

Immediately, the left forward stepped hard on the ground with both feet, and shot towards Tang Yao.

Now, Tang Yao’s physique strength has reached 842 points. He has been promoted to an 8-star warlord, and he can use the secret technique to increase it by 18 times.

Tomorrow before the battle with the corpse king and the beast king, Tang Yao would be able to absorb all the 54 drops of life essence he had previously taken.

At that time, Tang Yao’s physique strength will Ascension to 850 points.

As the pinnacle warrior, the left forward has a physical strength of 999 points, the maximum multiplier of the secret technique is 20 times, and the maximum combat power is 19,980 points.

After the final polishing, you can advance to God of War.

Tang Yao’s basic physical strength and the multiple that can be increased without injury are not as good as those of the left forward. Therefore, in the process of advancing, Tang Yao’s heart moved and began to burn energy.

After increasing the multiplier of the secret technique Ascension to 24 times, Tang Yao’s combat power reached 20,208 points.

Later, Tang Yao no longer had the effect of increasing the Ascension secret technique.

Only a 6-fold increase, Tang Yao could tolerate it, and there were no injuries on his body.

It’s just that the energy in Tang Yao’s body cells is rapidly consuming.

Tang Yao estimated that he could hold on for up to 5 seconds before he was injured.

At that time, the essence of life must be used to restore the consumed energy and heal injuries.

Nearly before and after, Tang Yao and the left forward’s right fist slammed out.


The two right fists slammed together.

In an instant, Tang Yao sensed the skills Zuo Feng possessed.

But Tang Yao only paid attention to the talents of Zuo Feng and didn’t care about other skills.

Talent ability: control the beast, can not be copied, replaceable, and can be merged.

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