Chapter 168

Turning around, Wan Polu looked at Tang Yao.

Wan Polu said: “By the way, the second stage of the match continues. However, because there are still a few people who fell into a coma like you, they cannot count the results of the first stage in time. Therefore, the results of the first stage are invalid.”

“Give you one week to recover. One week later, on the 21st, the second stage of the match will start. It is still one-on-one, and the opponent is determined by lottery. Your kid is the only one among the students of the three major martial arts gyms to kill the Shengmeng senior. A soldier-level contestant of the generals.”

“There are a lot of people staring at you. Be careful. Work harder and try to win the first place in the combat rank. This competition, whether it is the rewards of the competition itself or the rewards of the training camp, is very generous. It will be helpful to advance to God of War in the future, and strive to get it.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao nodded and smiled confidently.

Wan Polu said nothing, turned and left.


At ten o’clock in the evening, Tang Yao’s Mental Energy finally recovered to 40%.

The tingling sensation in Tang Yao’s mind disappeared, and the whole person became more energetic.

The speed of Mental Energy’s recovery has also returned to a normal one-hour recovery of 10%.

On this day, in order not to endure the tingling and weakness in his mind, Tang Yao only eats and sleeps.

As soon as Mental Energy returned to the critical point of consumption, Tang Yao’s energy was scary.

Simply, Tang Yao borrowed an energy room.

After adjusting the energy concentration and turning the energy chamber into an invisible state, Tang Yao ran the primary astrology and started cultivation.


Within a week, Tang Yao restored Mental Energy in the first three days to make up for his own energy consumption.

In the next four days, Tang Yao borrowed cultivation facilities to increase his physical strength by two points, reaching 96 points.

During the period, after Yuan Zhan recovered from his injury, he came to Tang Yao once.

From Yuan Zhan’s mouth, Tang Yao also understood the situation of everyone’s injuries this time.


July 21, 8 o’clock in the morning.

Under the leadership of Liang Shaohui, five contestants including Tang Yao came to the battle zone of the Guangming Wuguan.

Accompanied by Wan Polu and others.

In the past, the genius match between the three major martial arts halls was allowed to be watched by outsiders, and this was also an opportunity to show strength.

But this year, Shengmeng has become more and more active. None of the three major martial arts gyms wants to expose too much of the top talents under their command, so it is restricted to outsiders to watch.

In the battle zone, the Guangming Martial Arts Hall, as the host, sits in the middle area in advance and waits.

The people from Juntian Martial Art Hall and God of War Martial Art Hall arrived almost at the same time. After some greetings, they sat in the left and right areas respectively.

When everyone was seated, the person in charge of the Guangming Martial Arts Hall at Karen Base stood up.

Earlier, the former head of the Guangming Martial Arts Hall at the Karen Base was caught in the trap of the Holy League and the Corpse King, and he has died in battle. The current head Willard has just arrived shortly after.

Willard’s age is similar to that of Wan Po, his clothes are very elegant, his hair is neatly combed, and his look is solemn, giving people a sense of majesty.

After scanning a circle, Willard said loudly: “Everyone, everyone already knows the rules of the match, so I won’t repeat them. In this match, there are 8 soldiers at the level of combat and 3 to 5 star battles. There will be three people each.”

“In the first round, half of the warrior-level contestants were eliminated, and 3 to 5 star warlord-level contestants each eliminated one. In the second round, the warrior-level contestants decided the top two, and the warlord-level contestants decided each level. The first place. In the third round, the two soldiers who lost in the second round decided the third place, and the two victorious decided the first and second place.”

“Now, please go to the opposite platform to draw lots. According to the numbers drawn, they will play against each other. Among the 3 to 5 star warlord level contestants, there will be one bye and go directly to the second round. Okay, let’s get started. .”

After speaking, Willard waved to the staff under the platform.

The 4 staff members each carried a small box and walked to the opposite platform.

The four small boxes are marked with: Soldiers, 3 Stars, 4 Stars, and 5 Stars.

At the same time, all the contestants got up and walked towards the opposite platform.

Tang Yao stepped onto the battle stage, and instead of drawing lots in a hurry, he looked up his own opponent.

There are 3 people in Guangming Martial Art Hall, 3 people in God of War Martial Art Hall, and on the side of Juntian Martial Art Hall, Petrov is dead, and I am left with Pram.


There are males and females, and the breath is not weak, but there is nothing to see.

You still have to wait for a real fight before you can feel one or two.

Seeing that the people in front of him had finished smoking, Tang Yao walked to the small box marked with soldiers and reached in.

There is only one small ball left, and Tang Yao has no choice.

Tang Yao took it out and took a look, number 1!

Tang Yao smiled, this is going to be the beginning!

After the draw was completed, the contestants and staff all walked off the opposite platform. Only Tang Yao and a 9-star warrior from God of War were left.

Tang Yao looked at his opponent and moved in his heart.

This guy is a bit like the dead ghost of Zaluyev!

Moreover, this look, tsk tsk, owe a punch!

Zalusok stared at Tang Yao with a gloomy look, and said coldly: “Tang Yao, I am from the Saint Fort base, my name is Zalusok, and Zaluyev is my cousin.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao nodded.

I see!

I just killed a Petrov by me, and now there is another Zalusok, so annoying!

never mind!

Just let one get rid of one by one!

I’m going to see, there are a few top geniuses who want to help Zaluyev.

On the edge of the platform, stood a 3-star God of War from Guangming Martial Arts Gym, who was the referee of this match.

The God of War also saw the smell of gunpowder between Tang Yao and Zalusok and reminded: “You are the top geniuses of the three major martial arts halls, and you may fight side by side in the future. Although the confrontation is life or death, it is best. Don’t be cruel, stop at it. Also, weapons are not allowed.”

Tang Yao smiled and nodded to the referee.

Zalusok looked gloomy and ignored him, just staring at Tang Yao firmly.

Seeing this, the referee didn’t care.

Just a word of reminder, as for the one who killed you, I have a relationship with me.

A top genius of Juntian martial arts hall, a top genius of God of War martial arts hall, killed one and one less.

Seeing that both of them were ready, the referee announced loudly: “Start!”

Hearing this, Zalusok’s eyes flashed with cold light, and his figure moved, and he immediately rushed towards Tang Yao.

Arriving in front of Tang Yao, Zalusok made a fist with his right hand, and blasted away at Tang Yao’s head.

A fierce light flashed in Tang Yao’s eyes.


I want daddy’s life when I come up!

Tang Yao sank slightly and squatted into Horse Stance.

Immediately, Tang Yao’s right fist also shot out.


The fists collided, and both of them were retreated 3 steps before they stood firm.

After a punch, both of them had a general judgment on the strength of each other.

Tang Yao’s attack power was weaker, but not much different.

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