Chapter 167

Tang Yao stopped eating, looking at Wan Polu with a puzzled expression.

What kind of nerves does Lao Wan have? This condition is great!

That’s the successor of the general curator of Juntian Wuguan in the Beijing base!

In the Juntian Martial Arts Hall, they are the top figures second only to the master Ying Jun, the three major inspectors, and the director of the training camp.

In the world, in addition to the bigwigs above God of War, they are definitely the figures at the top of the pyramid.

If I really took over Lao Wan’s class, the plan I had made with Ba Jie and Dead Face would have been overfulfilled ahead of schedule.

Control all the Practitioners affiliated to the Juntian Martial Arts Base in the Beijing Base. Just think about it!

The college entrance examination is at the end of this month, so it is too late for Bajie and Dead Face to apply for the colleges in the capital base.

However, with such good conditions, why would Lao Wan provide it to me?

Just because you see me pleasing to the eye?


Tang Yao thought secretly and did not immediately reply Wan Polu.

Wan Polu was not in a hurry, and looked at Tang Yao with a smile.

The conditions he offered were very generous, similar to those of a pie in the sky.

Wan Polu didn’t believe that Tang Yao, a young man, could resist such a big temptation.

After thinking for a while, Tang Yao’s eyes suddenly lit up.

I’m only a 9-star warrior, and Lao Wan wants me to be his successor. This is anxious to get out!


Lao Wan is already the pinnacle of God of War, and Realm above God of War is not far from him.

However, as the world’s No. 1 martial arts center in the capital base, it is bound to be very annoying, resulting in the fact that Lao Wan may not even have much time for cultivation.

Depend on!

Lao Wan is trying to get away, so he takes me as the pick-up man!

If I really promised him, then I would tie myself down.

In more than two years, the war will break out.

Grasp Ascension’s own strength is the kingly way.

Moreover, it is estimated that Lao Jiang and Lao Wan have the same thought.

For me, Ningcheng Base is the best choice.

The situation in the capital base is too complicated. If I want to take over, I must spend a lot of time mediating among the various forces.

Although the situation at the Ningcheng base is also very complicated, it is much better than the Beijing base.

Moreover, Jiang hasn’t reached the peak of God of War, there is still a distance above God of War, and he can survive for a while.

The general curator of the Juntian Martial Arts Hall in Ningcheng Base also needs a lower level of strength, just a high-level God of War.

With my talent, when I reach the intermediate level, God of War is almost capable, and can control a huge force faster.

Thinking of this, Tang Yao shook his head and said, “Thank you Wan Senior for his love. The kid is low in strength. Senior should look for someone else.”

Hearing this, Wan Polu was taken aback.


There is something wrong with this kid’s brain!

That’s the future successor of the director of Juntian Wuguan in Beijing Base!

Wan Polu frowned and said, “Boy, don’t make a decision so quickly, just think about it. I’ll give you the conditions, but how many people dream of it.”

Tang Yao smiled and said, “No, I have decided. Moreover, I believe that Director General Jiang will give me better terms.”

“Boy, do you want to negotiate with Jiang Changhai on the terms I gave you? You are not authentic, right!”

“Senior, what you said is serious. However, I still want to thank senior. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t know my value is so great!”

Wan Polu’s face sank, and he said, “Boy, you can’t forget your roots! Don’t forget, I helped you when I was at the base in Beijing.”

“Senior, you are entrusted by General Director Jiang. Moreover, I also took out the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King.”

“I gave the money!”

“Senior, the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King, don’t worry about the buyer. If you hadn’t helped me, I wouldn’t have taken it out.”

“I just saved your life yesterday, you have to admit it.”

Tang Yao’s face turned dark, you are really embarrassed to mention it.

Had you not used me as bait, could I almost hang up?

Tang Yaobai glanced at Wan Polu, and said coldly: “That’s what you should do, I don’t owe you anything.”

Wan Polu gave a light cough, and said in a whisper: “It’s all over, let’s not mention it again. Boy, the conditions can still be discussed! As long as you agree, cultivation resources, Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, weapons and combat uniforms, It’s not impossible to even get you a war shuttle.”

“Moreover, even if Jiang Chaohai can give me the same conditions, objectively speaking, the status of the Beijing base is much higher than that of the Ningcheng base, which is more beneficial to your future development. What’s more, Jiang Changhai’s old stuff is just Senior God of War, how can the conditions he gave are as good as mine?”

“Boy, think about it, this matter is related to your future development, and you must be cautious. In this way, you should consider it first, and don’t rush to give me an answer. If you have any conditions, please mention it, I am older than Jiang Changhai. The guy is much more generous.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao’s heart moved.

Great opportunity!

A good opportunity to ripped off!

However, instead of knocking Lao Wan, we knocking Lao Jiang.

The enemy, Lao Wan, agreed. Is Lao Jiang embarrassed not to agree?

Tang Yaomian nodded in difficulty, and said, “Okay, then I will consider it again.”

Upon seeing this, Wan Polu’s face went dark.


Daddy gives you benefits, you are still embarrassed!

If it weren’t for the successor, it’s your attitude, Daddy beats you up first. Life can’t take care of itself.

Daddy is the pinnacle of God of War!

Daddy doesn’t need Face?

After thinking about it, Tang Yao took out a silver medal from the Interspatial Ring and threw it to Wanpolu.

Tang Yao asked, “Wan senior, what is this?”

Wan Polu looked at the silver medal in his hand and said: “The logo of the Holy League is also a tool for contacting people in the Holy League. There are currently four known brands of this kind, namely gold, silver, bronze and iron.”

“In the Holy League, God of War holds the gold medal, the senior warlord holds the silver medal, the intermediate warlord holds the bronze medal, and the junior warlord holds the iron medal. The Practitioner under the warlord is basically not recruited by the Holy League. They are recruited, and most of them hold iron medals.”

“Of course, some particularly important chess pieces will hold a higher level of brand than the Practitioner of the same level. As for whether there are any holy alliance among the strong above God of War, it is not known.”

“You fast brand, it’s useless. Shengmeng is mostly one-line contact. Once someone has an accident, it will immediately cut off the contact. Moreover, all the information in the brand will be destroyed remotely.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao nodded.

People in the Saint League are really cautious.

Throwing the sign back into Tang Yao’s hand, Wan Polu stood up and said, “You take a rest, I have something to do, so I’ll leave. Consider my proposal. The opportunity is rare. If you have any requirements, please contact me directly.”

Tang Yao nodded and got up to see him off.

When he walked to the door, Wan Polu paused, as if he had suddenly remembered something.

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