God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 822: The Last Pure Land (Part 4)

"So you just found me."

Ye Que glimpsed the battle between the monster and the ancient **** in the belief of the ancient god, and thought that the monster knew him.

Unexpectedly, the other party didn't find out until now.


The frightening thing about infinite flashes is that thousands of selves appear in an instant.

Although short, it is enough to destroy monsters.

rumble! rumble!

Large expanses of starry sky collapsed.

The monster's body was forced out, and the body was crushed, but the head escaped, and he said angrily, "Ancient God! The oldest **** is still alive! No, I must inform my group!"

The most feared memory from the heart is awakened.

He couldn't keep any of the Old Gods alive.

"There are still six realms! The six realms have not been destroyed, and I have found the last pure land. Inform my group and destroy them!"

He growled in his heart.

You can't beat it.

Under this starry sky, except for the ancient gods, they are not afraid of anyone.

But for the ancient gods, the same realm is crushed.

call out-

The monster turned into a black line and went straight to the sky.

"Where to go!"

Ye Que killed the past, feeling terrified in his heart.

The monster's vitality is too tenacious, even the Ancient God's latent wrath could not kill it, but now that only the head is left, the monster still does not die.

Too scary, he will never let the other party go.

"Hmph! Want to compare your speed with me?"

The monster sneered, even if he was seriously injured, once the secret technique was activated, he could still distance himself from the opponent.

His speed was so weird that Ye Que couldn't catch up even though he ran wildly.

But Ye Que didn't dare to relax, he had an ominous premonition in his heart, if this monster escaped, there might be dire consequences.

"See you next time, you and the Six Realms will perish!"

The monster left a cruel sentence and went straight to the starry sky above the sky.

Ye Que's heart was shrouded in uncertainty, and he didn't dare to let the other party go.

Turn around and turn into an unknown star cracking turtle.

"Activate talent 2, broken star marks!"

"Ding! The host activates Talent 2: Broken Star Scar. When this talent is activated, the host will turn into a Storm Star Breaker, crushing all obstacles!"

Ye Que looked at the sky, and could vaguely see the starry sky outside.

At that moment, the slanted blade on his head shook violently, aiming at the front, and the silver brilliance of the star power bloomed all over his body, making him a shooting star.

The limbs and head retracted into the turtle shell, spinning in silvery light.

In an instant, it became a tornado meteor with blades, as if it wanted to smash all the obstacles in front of it.


The Broken Star Trace made his speed skyrocket, and he quickly approached the monster.

He is like a storm star cracker, rushing into the starry sky, like a star rainbow.

The monster only had its head left, and there was still a powerful burst of power after fatal injuries. He was desperately absorbing the starlight in the starry sky, and activated secret techniques in his brain to communicate with the starry sky maze.

Suddenly, a force capable of tearing apart the starry sky struck from behind, and his brain froze.

Turning his head to look, he happened to see a meteor spinning at a high speed, killing it.


Before the monster could finish its horrified words, it was torn apart by the broken star marks.

This guy is also unlucky to meet the ancient **** Ye Que.

If facing other living beings, he can suppress him to death, but the ancient **** can just restrain him, so it's not a calf.

With a bang, his head shattered.

After Ye Que killed the monster, he stopped spinning, hovered between the starry sky and the sky, shook his head, a little dizzy.

"I didn't expect the extraterrestrial star demon to come here."

Above him, the old man with white hair and plain clothes was startled.

The old man looked at the shattered head of the monster, with apprehension in his eyes, as if worried, he waved his hand, and the shattered head was wiped out.

Regarding his arrival, Ye Que was not surprised.

"It turns out that it is an extraterrestrial star demon, senior, I can know something, right?"

Ye Que had deep doubts in his heart.

Unexpectedly, there are starry sky races beyond the Six Realms, and even gods are afraid of them.

The old man took a deep look at Ye Que, and sighed, "That's your fate, go back. After the tribulation is over, you will find out!"

Every yin and yang three-step realm is eligible to know, but the premise is to pass the tribulation.

Ye Que turned into the body of an ancient god, and covered the star pattern on his forehead in advance, looked at the old man and smiled: "Senior, can't you tell me anything?"

The old man shook his head, one step rippled through the starry sky, and slowly disappeared.

"Fuck! It's so mysterious, is it possible that it's a low-level person who wants to hide the entire six realms?"

He complained a bit, but he was also relieved to have wiped out the extraterrestrial star demon.

He raised his head and looked around.

In the endless starry sky, there are stars, meteors, meteorites and darkness, just like his turtle shell, full of unknowns and mysteries.

Sighing lightly, he flew directly into the starry sky, then turned around and looked at the World of Beasts, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

A boundless continental plate appeared in the eyes, and the plate was as big as tens of thousands of earths.

It floats in the starry sky, shrouded by the walls of the world.

This is the World of Beasts.

It is also what the old man with white hair and plain clothes said, the last pure land.

Raise your eyes slightly, and you can see that the four sides of the continental plate are firmly fastened by iron chains thicker than hundreds of stars.

At the other end of the chain, another continental plate is connected.

Looking farther away, we can see more continental plates, all of which are bound by iron chains, connected to each other, and surrounded by each other.

Above them, there are the sun and the moon running as usual, Ye Que guessed that it was transformed by great supernatural powers.

And all of these are the six realms and the last pure land.

In front of them, Ye Que could only be counted as an ant.

But they are in the starry sky, not even as good as ants.

Inexplicably, he felt somewhat afraid of the extraterrestrial star demons.

The highest race in the starry sky...the highest race in this vast and unknown starry sky! How terrible that would be!

Fortunately, he destroyed the extraterrestrial star demon in time.

Slowly raised his head, looking further into the distance.

He wanted to know where the God Realm was.

After searching for a long time, there was no trace of the God Realm.

But it reminded him of a scary thing.

"All the worlds are in the starry sky, so my Ancient God Realm has been discovered by the Yin-Yang Three-step Realm and Daoyuan Realm long ago?"

He started to fly in the starry sky, and if he moved a little away from the plate, there would be an invisible barrier to stop him.

This should be the space barrier protecting the Six Realms.

He will not break through forcibly, and he feels that the strongest is watching him, so he dare not and will not act recklessly.

After searching for a long time, there is no existence of the Ancient God Realm.

Instead, various wreckage and incomplete weapons were found in the starry sky.

They float in the endless icy starry sky, telling every passer-by the **** history of the past.

Ye Que was inexplicably respectful.

Suddenly, a broken sword and a piece of blood cloth floated by.

He stared, and slowly read the words on the blood cloth.

"We guard the same homeland, why are you?"

The words are incomplete, but it reveals a sense of grief and indignation.

Ye Que was silent for a long time, sighed lightly, and continued flying in the starry sky.

Only the physical bodies of Yin Yang and Dao Yuan can walk in the starry sky, and he has nothing to do.

After searching for a long time, I still have no results, and I have more doubts in my heart.

"I can easily pass through the human world, which means that the ancient gods are near the human world, that is, near these continental plates! But why doesn't it exist?"

No matter how small the Ancient God Realm is, it is not comparable to ordinary stars, so it stands to reason that it is easy to find.

Just when he was looking for the Ancient God Realm.

The Realm of Ten Thousand Beasts, Fen Tiandu, Tiandu Mansion, inside the secret room of the Fen family ancestor's tomb.

A special starry sky fan rotates slowly.

"Hehehe! I'm not stupid. If I fly up into the sky, I will fall into the hands of the guardians of the six realms! The method of slamming east and west is really effective! It's time to inform my star demon clan!"

Inside the maze, there was a cold whisper.

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