God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 821: Even God dare not surpass (Part 3)

Boom! !

Ye Que shook the different space with a stick, and the eyes of ancient gods appeared in his eyes.

Taking advantage of repelling the demon angel, he glanced at the data.

Opened Bloodline 1: The Power of the Ancient God's Latent Fury (Insufficient Qi and blood, cannot be opened)

Unable to open.

There is more pressure in my heart.

The monster is not simple, he did not completely kill it when he opened the Ancient God's latent anger.

Although the other party seriously injured the Duoshe demon angel, it still cannot be underestimated.

"Let this seat be seriously injured, how can this seat let you go! The little Yin-Yang three-step realm!"

The demon angel's pupils turned into black holes, breathtaking, it is undoubtedly a monster.

With a wave of his hand, the different space turned into a starry sky.

A force of starry sky enveloped his whole body, causing some black mist to form on his body.

"You've just recovered to the first step of the Yin-Yang Three-Step Realm, dare you say a small Yin-Yang Three-Step Realm?"

Ye Que was wearing a sky-cutting armor, and when Yuanjue Miaoming was activated, the invincible belief was in his eyes, and he volleyed with a stick.

"This starry sky is too big, beyond your imagination! Powerful people are like countless stars in the starry sky, countless! The source of Dao is nothing! Even gods dare not go beyond the starry sky!"

The demon angel sneered, and his body turned into mist.

This is a special starry sky secret technique. He stood still and let Ye Que do it, his eyes were full of disdain.

It was a feeling of contempt that did not take the creatures of the six realms seriously.

"I am not a god!"

He is an ancient god, not a god. With a yell, the golden stick smashed the demon angel into the air.


Half of the demon angel's body was rotten, bleeding profusely, and he said in horror, "How could you hurt me?"

The eighth level interception technique of Jietian Dao can intercept all living beings and everything in the world.

With one stick, the enemy is locked, and the enemy can't escape unless he has a stronger technique than Jietian Dao, or his realm is higher than Ye Que's.

"Ants, I really don't like your attitude! Gods will bow their heads to me. If you are such an ant, you should kneel down and surrender to me!"

The demon angel tore his body apart and turned into a monster shrouded in mist. His eyes stared coldly at Ye Que. The black mist on his body dispersed, and the starry sky was swallowed by darkness.

Ye Que felt quite familiar, recalling the scene of the ancient gods walking in the dark.

"Balabala for a long time, isn't it just to make you look arrogant! You are so awesome, show your strength! If you don't, kneel down!"

Ye Que hit the sky with one stick, causing the starry sky to tremble.

"very good!"

The monster smiled sinisterly, opened its mouth and sucked, the power of intercepting Dao released by Ye Que was actually sucked away.

Ye Que was taken aback. When the stick passed, his power was sucked dry, leaving only pure stick power.

"Absorb the power of the Great Dao?"

He suddenly moved away from the other party, shocked in his heart.

The monster licked his lips and smiled: "We are the higher races in the starry sky. The power of the Dao of your creatures is useless to us, but it is our ration!"

There is greed in the eyes: "Especially Shenyuan, it is also delicious food!"

He is very confident, which is why he dared to face Ye Que.

"The Yin-Yang Three-Step Realm requires Dao Power most. If you don't have Dao Power, you are nothing!"

Stretching out the right arm with scales, clenched into a fist, full of wildness.

"You are the first step. You have no power, only a little supernatural power. Can you hurt me?"

He smiled cruelly at Ye Que, his eyes filled with contempt, disdain and arrogance.

But when he looked over, his expression changed.


Ye Que withdrew his Dao power, his body burned with golden flames, and the explosive physical power could make the void explode.

The eyes of the ancient gods and the eyes of the blood wheel in the eyes looked directly at the monster's heart, and said sharply: "My strongest is not the Dao! The higher races in the starry sky? Gods, don't you dare to go beyond half a step?"


One kick shattered the dark starry sky.

He is like a supreme **** from a long time ago, shattering the starry sky step by step, causing the monster's face to change slightly.

The incomplete memory loss made him feel familiar with this person.

But now, this feeling is even stronger.

Who is this man?

The monster couldn't help backing away, and the arrogance in his eyes was unknowingly subdued.

boom! !

The ancient **** burning with golden divine flame climbed to the top of the dark starry sky and looked down at the monster: "Those who bully me hurt my love, even if it is the supreme **** in the starry sky, I dare to destroy it with a stick! You, count it!" what?"

swipe swipe—

In the dark starry sky, his figure gradually blurred.

Unlimited virtual flash!

One of the three forbidden techniques in Jietian Dao.

Tao, can be absorbed by the opponent.

Certain supernatural powers and infinite sword skills of Jie Tian Dao will be absorbed by the opponent, but there is no need to worry about infinite flash.

Just because infinite flash is a forbidden technique used on oneself.

The monster looked horrified, and the sense of familiarity in his heart was even stronger.


He must have seen each other!

Who is the other party? !

"I hurt my lover, now you have enough confidence to destroy me! Then show your strength! Let me see how strong you are!"

The ancient **** holds a stick, although the stick is not the strongest, but it is the most convenient, enough to destroy monsters.


With absolute strength and without any power, the stick split the dark starry sky and landed on the monster fiercely.

With a bang, the monster disappeared in smoke.

"Ants from the six realms, one day, you will be completely eaten away by us! God has abandoned you, you have no hope!"

The monster woke up, suppressed the familiarity in his heart, and a strong killing intent swept his body.

He roared, roaring like an evil ghost, and his body merged into the dark starry sky.

This is his domain.


There is a fist pressing down in the darkness, trying to suppress this person.

Ye Que turned around and punched, crushing his fist.

Stepping on the dark starry sky with one foot, large swaths of the starry sky shattered.

"I merged into the starry sky, if you don't destroy this different space, you won't be able to hurt me!"

The monster screamed in the darkness, and the sound came from all directions.

The darkness turned into countless hands and mouths, squeezing Ye Que and devouring Ye Que.


Ye Que shakes the starry sky with his stick, and suddenly, the golden light of his body bursts and shines again.

His person was instantly blurred.

At the same time, countless him flew out of the blur, smashing the starry sky with sticks.

In an instant, thousands of ancient gods appeared, and the golden flames on their bodies illuminated the starry sky.

Every pair of ancient **** eyes peered into the starry sky.

Every corner of the starry sky has the power of monsters.


Countless ancient gods, occupying the starry sky, wielded sticks and performed the interception technique of Heaven-cutting Dao.

All living beings and everything in the world can be intercepted.

boom! !

A large area of ​​the starry sky collapsed!

The monster turned into a starry sky, trying to swallow Ye Que, but was restrained by Ye Que.

At that moment, he was seriously injured again. He was beaten unexpectedly and caught off guard.

Looking at the countless Ye Ques in amazement, and meeting those eyes with nine and a half star patterns, he suddenly choked on his breath.

He remembered!

"You are an ancient god! The oldest **** in this starry sky! Impossible, you were wiped out by the God Realm! Why are you still alive!"

There was horror in his voice, but also an uncontrollable fear.

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