God Card

Is there a manga or audio master?

Are there any masters who are anchors in comics or audiobooks?

I think my books are mostly comics or anchors developing audiobooks.

Great gods with these specialties can do it.

Hey hey.

If you really have an idea, I can help and ask the editor to run errands or something. It would be even better if a company takes a fancy to the manga revision. Hey hey.

In addition, this month, I will try my best to write up to 800,000 words. If there is no 800,000 words, I should have 780,000 words.

As long as there are not many things at home, Jiajia basically writes all day long.

My friend asked me to go out on the street several times, but I refused, so I can code at home with peace of mind. It made my friends post me on Moments, of course, I think that if you are so sarcastic, then you are not a friend.

But this year is indeed very busy, and I will get married this year. I took a wedding photo before, and it will be married in a few months. I don’t have much time to run around on both sides, plus Jiajia belongs to a certain literary association, and I have to hold meetings occasionally. Although there is no money for meetings, I still have to go. I am so busy that I can only watch I've written my best for the past two months.

Lei and I, if there are not many things, I can update my 4D every day without any problem. Everyone can see it too. I often take the initiative to update. conscience.

Okay, let’s stop talking so much, I just went to a certain association to submit materials and was busy today, and I just came back, I guess the update will be late, I can only update about 6,000 words, try to write as much as possible.

It shouldn't be busy tomorrow, but I still have to update my 4D.

This book has come to the present, thanks to my gentle brother of the Baiyin League for supporting me. I also thank the other quasi-silver lords, the gods who fell from the sky and fell into the world of mortals, and the three thousand Yuejia can swallow Wu. The quasi-silver lords gave you such a big name, when will the quasi-word be removed? Ah, hey hey. By the way, bro, your name is really long, hahaha, I can only type the first four characters every time I add an update. For your additions, I haven't finished adding them yet. It's really the life of a part-time worker.

In addition, I would also like to thank Xiaobai and TERU for their support. You have to work hard to give you such a big name. You can’t just watch me code crazy.

There are also other hall masters, rudder masters and veterans, such as brother Erha, starry sky, thank you, although it is a free chapter, but the number of words is too low, I will not name them one by one, when you are really powerful enough to reflect the heavens , the name is engraved on it.

One more reminder. Today's update is estimated to be later. At around four o'clock later, I will post a chapter first, and another chapter, which will be later. I have no choice but to cook for the family at night. Sigh. . . I really want to get rid of the life of salted fish.

Thanks to Xue Zhan, 丨Leng Yue for their rewards!

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