God Card

Chapter 218 227: Three Cards

Chapter 218 227: Three Cards

Jiangbei City, City Conference Hall.

The prefect Huang Hu held a meeting in person, except for some high-level leaders who were still leading the mission and never returned, like He Dongshen and other high-level city leaders, all attended the meeting.

Wu Xue, director of the Municipal Police Department, looked serious and reported to work.

Currently, Qicheng, Xicheng, Hong'an, Yinshan, Macheng and many other counties have been completely put under martial law.

Railway stations and bus stations in all counties, as well as main roads leading to urban areas, are all blocked.

Anyone who travels needs to apply in advance, and can only leave after approval.

However, recently, in Xicheng, including Hong'an, Qicheng and other places, such tiankeng creatures as three-headed and six-armed barbarians have appeared, seriously threatening the safety of residents in the county. Go out without authorization.

Although all the creatures in the tiankeng have been killed by the combat team.

But in the city, the atmosphere of panic and uneasiness is still brewing, leading to the prevalence of various theories of crisis.

Similar situations are also happening in similarly threatened towns and counties around base cities such as Beiyu and Lingdi.

He Dong snorted deeply and looked at Huang Hu, We must apply to the General Administration for more troops. If there is no one in the army, we will work on those college students. Only those trained by the army can fight, but those trained by universities cannot fight?

Huang Hu frowned and stretched out his hand to stop it, and said in a deep voice, Some elite students from the highest institutions such as Yujing and Tiandu have already taken action, and what they need to deal with is the group of lunatics and heretics organized by the Old Kingdom.

Now chaos has begun.

This group of heretics took advantage of the chaos to develop wantonly, preaching the theory of abandonment of the Federation and revival of the old country, constantly wooing and brainwashing the people, and developing peripheral members.

I have learned that many rural towns, such as Ma Village, Liujia Village, and even Ba Town, were threatened by tiankeng creatures, and were rescued by members of the old country organization, and the people in the town began to transform into members of the old country organization. .

And in the villages in the deep mountains and old forests like Yinshan Mountain, there are still sinkhole creatures that invaded the Federation.

Among these tiankeng creatures, there are many divine creatures with extremely high intelligence, who control human beings, develop believers, and use the federal land as the source of spreading faith.

Huang Hu looked serious, These heretics and tiankeng creatures are stronger. Ordinary soldiers are not opponents at all. The people who deal with them are the tutors and elite students of these universities.

As soon as this remark came out, the entire conference room fell silent again.

He Dongchen frowned deeply, clenched his fists tightly, but the sharpness in his eyes gradually turned into helplessness.

Pull one hair and move the whole body.

Even if you have the heart to kill the enemy and eliminate the bandits, it's hard to wield a sword.

In the afternoon of this day.

Tang Jian had almost rested and recovered.

Before nine o'clock in the morning, the Zicheng and Tianhe Feijian cards, including the purchased Tianlong residence card and a bunch of materials, had all been delivered to him.

Tang Jiandang used the materials he bought in the morning to make three cards respectively.

The first one is a green 6-star combat physical body enhancement card [Glass Golden Body Card];

This card is based on a blank card made of glass, and is drawn out in one go with the metal liquid melted from a variety of rare metals and energy ink, and then applied with the golden body pen.

After the card is completed, the performance evaluation is top-notch.

If the performance of this card is inferior, it can increase and strengthen the card user's vitality by 20%, and strengthen the card user's physical defense to three times;

If the performance is medium, it can increase and strengthen the card user's vitality by 40%, and strengthen the card user's physical defense to four times;

However, the high-performance card in Tang Jian's hand can increase the vitality of the card user by 60%, and strengthen the body defense of the card user by five times.

The performance of this physical enhancement card is undoubtedly beyond the Hulk's hat card too much.

Sixty percent of the vitality enhancement is enough to increase Tang Jian's vitality by 81 points, making his vitality climb directly from the level of a one-star card master to the level of a two-star card master.

And strengthen the body's defense power by five times, so that Tang Jian can completely withstand any blow with energy level below 50 in the strengthened state, and the ability to resist blows can be said to be greatly improved.

In addition to [Glass Golden Body Card], Tang Jian made two other cards.

One is the auxiliary Xianxia Talisman Treasure Card - [Shenxing Talisman Treasure Card], and the other is another card in the White Feather Flying Lion Armor suit [White Feather Flying Lion Armor Left Arm Card].

After scanning through the function of analog recognition, the attributes of the two cards will be displayed on the attribute template.

[Shenxing Talisman Treasure Card]: Auxiliary Xianxia Talisman Treasure Series;

Star product: green 6 stars;

Performance: excellent;

Energy consumption: 60 energy points are required for each activation, 3 energy points per second are required to maintain the minimum energy efficiency, and 30 energy points are required to maintain the maximum energy efficiency;

Efficiency: Minimum movement speed bonus ~ maximum movement speed bonus: 300% ~ 1000%;

Maximum speed limit: 0.5s/100m;

Additional effects: such as walking on flat ground, Lingbo micro-steps, and eight steps of godly walking;

Introduction: With this card, you don’t need a paddle to row a boat. Qiu Mingshan has raced against a car god, chasing planes in the air, chasing sharks in the water, and you can catch up to even wild girls on the ground.”

[White Feather Flying Lion Armor Left Arm Card]: Combat Power Armor Card;

Star product: green 2 stars;

Performance: excellent;

Energy consumption: 20 card energy points are required for each activation, 10 card energy points are required to release the minimum energy efficiency, and there is no upper limit for the card energy required to release the maximum energy efficiency;

Efficacy: White Feather Flying Lion Fist: Compressed air absorbs energy and gathers energy wave fist, which bursts out five times more impact damage than the release card can;

Special effects shock, penetration, beating cattle across the mountain, dizziness;

White Feather Flying Lion Chain Whip: Cutting with a high-energy blade, the burst can cut and strangle three times more damage than the release card can;

Special effects cutting, strangulation, binding;

Introduction: Although this is just a left arm, it has multiple functions, you can grab a woman, shake her, grab a man, stun him, and then tie them together, while shaking, stunned, penetrating, and hitting cows across mountains.”

Regarding the brief introductions of several cards, Tang Jian simply ignored them.

He has always been a pragmatist, paying more attention to card effects.

Tang Jian was very satisfied with the three cards specially made this time.

Especially the Magical Talisman card, this card increased his single-player movement speed by more than one notch.

The electromagnetic buoyancy power shoe card that has been used before can only increase his moving speed to 3s/100m at most, which is about a speed of about 100 kilometers per hour.

And once activated, the magic movement talisman card can at least increase his movement speed by more than three times.

With Tang Jian's current vitality of 135.3, it has been tested that the moving speed can reach 3.6s/100m.

This kind of moving speed is a little faster than that of the mutated blue-eyed white worm, but it's almost as good as fully activating the electromagnetic buoyancy power shoe card.

Although it is impossible to last, it also means that the electromagnetic buoyancy power shoe card has basically become tasteless.

However, after using the Magic Walking Talisman card, Tang Jian can completely increase the movement speed to the maximum speed limit of this card of 0.5s/100m, which is almost half the speed of sound.

At half the speed of sound, at many critical moments, that is the speed for life-saving escape.

Of course, if you try to use the Zicheng Tianhe dual swords to fly with Yujian, you will not hesitate to consume a lot of energy, and the moving speed can completely break through the speed of sound.

Okay. Everything is ready. The energy in the red card is still lacking, but Xu Nana is also ready. You can go.

Tang Jian tidied up the room briefly, then left the room and went downstairs.

Brother, why don't you take me out for a walk, I'm so boring at home.

At this moment, Tang Yueyue came out from the corridor, and when she saw Tang Jian going downstairs, she immediately ran over and laughed.

No. Tang Jian refused without thinking, frowning, It's chaotic outside now, you just play in the yard, what are you bored for? Hone your vitality more, brother will buy you a practice formula some other day, let you Practice at home.

Tang Yueyue pursed her lips, stepped forward and grabbed Tang Jian's arm and shook it, I just don't want to practice, you take me out to the shopping mall, I haven't gone out for a long time to breathe.

Tang Jian shook off Tang Yueyue's hand, You're not a fish in the water, why are you breathing? Stay at home peacefully, don't you want to be an author? How can you become a great master if you run out every day and don't sit and code?

As an author, you have to go out often to seek inspiration!

When you go to the top of the building, you can also collect wind, stand tall and see far away.

It will fall.

It's okay. It's fine if you don't die from the fall, and it's easy to treat the disabled now.


Tang Yueyue collapsed, gritted her teeth and looked at Tang Jian's back as she left the house.

Dad, if brother goes out, he won't take me out.

Tang Lin took a drag on his cigarette, frowned and watched the news, and snorted, You want to be as successful as your brother, and become a four-star card student as soon as possible, or at least get admitted to a prestigious school, and I will let you go out for a stroll.

My brother is just a card apprentice, not a card master. It's dangerous outside in such a mess. If you let him go out, you should let him stay with me at home.

Tang Lin disagreed, Your brother is more sensible than you. He is afraid of death and won't run around. He just hides in the house every day to make cards, or he goes to the Card Maker Association in the neighboring base city to make friends with some big people and spend his time carefully. Now, you are different, you are stupid.

Let me tell you, don't write novels all day long, learn more from your brother's card making, even if there is a war in the future, talents like your brother will not go out to fight, but will make cards behind the front line.

Card making, card making again!

Tang Yueyue was aggrieved, seeing that Tang Lin couldn't be moved at all, she could only go upstairs again under the comfort of Chen Lianrong.

Sometimes although she likes to admire Tang Jian very much, but sometimes she also hates Tang Jian. The elder brother is too good, and it makes her feel too much pressure to be the younger sister.

Tang Jian walked out of the yard and was a little ashamed when he heard Tang Lin's words.

His parents trusted him too much.

He was indeed afraid of death, but this time he really wanted to take a risk and go out for a run.

After doing so much preparation, it is to be used this time.

He could overhear the moaning of his parents from upstairs.

Although his parents did not want him to go back to Xicheng to pick up his relatives out of consideration for his safety.

But he is a son and daughter, and he can't really turn a blind eye.

Besides, relatives like aunts and aunts, aunts and aunts all treated him very well in the past, but now that he is capable, he really needs to try to help these relatives.

If you don't even try, just give up lightly, then you are too cold in nature.

Leave the military compound and walk to the street.

It can be seen that there are people laying on the ground or lying or sitting everywhere on many streets, all of whom migrated from the towns below.

Many people still have panic and bewilderment on their faces, and they are a little confused about their future life.

From time to time, you can see card police and militiamen patrolling the streets to prevent some chaos from happening.

There are too many people in the city now.

When there are too many people, it is easy to cause chaos.

Tang Jian heard that some time ago, there were incidents in which members of the Old Country Organization made trouble for citizens in the urban area.

However, the police station reacted very quickly, dispatched police force to suppress, killed people on the spot, and quickly calmed down.

Some places on the street are not easy to stay.

Tang Jian summoned the shuttle card and went straight to the Qinghu card trading house.

Business here at the Jiangbei Exchange has been booming recently.

The business of the Qinghu Card Trading Club is even better.

With frequent wars, many cards began to increase in price.

Especially the energy card that consumes the most, the price has basically increased by about 30%.

It can be expected that if there is more chaos in the future, the price of the energy card will rise again.

Tang Jian contacted Xu Nana to get an energy card of 2.6 million federal coins at one time, which was considered a big deal.

The energy card of 2.6 million federation coins was all consumed, and the red card cheater directly replenished 2 million energy.

Although Xu Nana was very curious about Tang Jian buying so many energy cards every time, Tang Jian didn't say much, so she naturally wouldn't ask more questions without knowing the interest.

On the contrary, Xu Nana was very concerned about the establishment of the card making room mentioned by Tang Jian many times, and she was waiting for Tang Jian to come over one day and say something to take her away.

However, there are too many busy things these days, and Tang Jian has temporarily shelved the card making room.

After getting the energy card, Tang Jian drove directly out of the city, but when he passed the provincial road to Xicheng, he was stopped by soldiers blocking the road on the spot.

I wrote it just in time for zero o'clock. This chapter is 3,700 words, plus more. Ask for some recommendation tickets and monthly tickets! Huhu, good night.

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