Go back to 1980 and enjoy it

Chapter 119 Treasury Bills

Shuangwang Credit Union.

Director Bu Wanhui sat on a chair, rubbing his temples with both hands.

He's in trouble!

A week ago, in order to adjust and stabilize the development of the national economy and appropriately concentrate financial resources for socialist construction, the state decided to issue 4 billion yuan in treasury bonds, requiring state-owned enterprises, collective units and agencies, groups, military units, public institutions and rural wealthy teams to actively subscribe. Individuals can also subscribe.

The treasury bill subscription task assigned to Bobai County by superiors is 215,000 yuan.

As for Shuangwang Credit Union, due to its success in providing loans to farmers last year, it was also assigned a sales promotion task of 3,000 yuan by its superiors.

Although this is not a mandatory requirement, even if he cannot sell a penny, his superiors will not do anything to him. Bu Wanhui is not a newbie who just joined the work, so he naturally understands that the promotion of treasury bonds is actually a political task. , if you do nothing at all, it will definitely leave a bad impression on the leader.

However, this is not 300 yuan, but a full 3,000 yuan!

Although the government paid interest on the treasury bonds, which were repaid five times in five years, with 20% of the total amount paid each time, and the annual interest was 4%, Bu Wanhui still had some doubts about selling the entire 3,000 yuan task. nothing.

However, for the sake of the future, the task must be completed no matter how difficult it is.

After Bu Wanhui rubbed his temples for a while, he stood up and prepared to go to Baiping Farm to do some sales, and then go to various production teams to see if he could persuade some production teams with relatively loose economic conditions to support him. For the construction of the country, subscribe for some treasury bills.


After eating two bowls of sweet potato threads (the Hakka people in Bobai call sweet potatoes sweet potatoes, sweet potato threads are washed and cut into strips, dried in the sun and then used to boil sugar water. The taste is still very good), and I was idle When nothing happened, Deng Shirong chatted with his eldest daughter and eldest daughter-in-law about studying.

"Azhen, Apingmei, now that the country has begun to pay attention to education, the world in the future will definitely be a world of scholars. Your academic qualifications are still a bit low. There is nothing to be busy at home now. Do you want to continue studying?"

Zhang Xiuping was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and asked with surprise: "Dad, I'm married now, can I still go to school?"

Zhang Xiuping needs to have good looks and good figure, but due to family difficulties, she only attended elementary school for a few years, so her academic qualifications can be said to be her biggest shortcoming. Especially after marrying into the Deng family, all members of this family are "highly educated". She has somewhat low self-esteem in this regard. It is impossible to say that she doesn't want to read more.

But as she was already married, she had long given up on continuing to study.

Because normally, she would be pregnant and have a baby next, so how could she have the chance to study?

That's why she was so surprised when her father-in-law asked her if she wanted to continue studying.

When Deng Yunzhen heard this, she looked at her father in surprise.

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "You don't have to go to school to study, you can also study at home. The purpose of letting you study is not to get academic qualifications, but to improve your cultural level.

The more you read, the more you will understand many things naturally.

The changes in our country can be said to be changing with each passing day. I believe that the next changes will be so great that you can't imagine it. You are still young. Do you really want to stay in the village and be a village girl for the rest of your life? Don't want to go out and see the outside world? world?

If you want to do something big outside, your current culture will definitely not be enough. "

Deng Yunzhen asked in confusion: "Dad, I don't understand. What big business can my sister-in-law and I do?"

She really doesn't understand that the biggest ideal of rural people in this era is to study hard, go to college or technical secondary school, and then wait for the country to assign jobs and eat commercial food, and then they will become the most promising people in the village.

Apart from that, what other big things can you do?

Zhang Xiuping also didn't understand. After all, due to environmental restrictions, today's rural people, even men, have no idea of ​​going out to do something big, let alone women. This concept simply doesn't exist in their minds.

Deng Shirong also came from this era, so he naturally understood their thoughts and replied: "When I say let you do a big business, I mean to let you go out and do business. Now that the country has relaxed some restrictions on doing business, I guess I will accept it." In the future, some policies that are beneficial to business will be introduced.

I have already decided for you what kind of business you want to do, but the current situation is not very clear yet, so I want to wait for two more years before letting you do it. You can take advantage of this time to read more books so that you can go out in the future. When you are in business, you are less likely to be deceived. "

Zhang Xiuping asked: "Dad, do you want us to go out and open a shop and do business like my eldest brother and my second brother?"

Deng Shirong said: "That's more or less what I mean, but what I asked you to do is definitely not to open a small shop and make a fuss. I won't tell you more about the specifics now. I will tell you in detail when the situation becomes clear in another two years." speak."

Although Deng Shirong only revealed a few words, it still opened the door to a new world for Deng Yunzhen and Zhang Xiuping.

Zhang Xiuping is different from her sister-in-law. Her sister-in-law did not enter high school, so she did not continue studying. She had to drop out of school because her family was poor.

Now that she had the opportunity to continue studying, she was naturally happy, so she nodded and said, "Okay dad, then I will study hard at home."

Deng Yunzhen has no talent for reading, but she is only studying at home and does not have to take exams. In addition, her sister-in-law is with her, so she is not embarrassed, so she also nodded and said: "Then I will study with my sister-in-law!"

Deng Shirong said with a satisfied smile: "We have textbooks from elementary school to high school at home. You two sisters-in-law study hard. Sister A Ping, if you don't understand anything, just ask A-Zhen. If A-Zhen, if you don't understand anything, just ask your elder brother. Work hard." In two years, you will definitely thank yourself for your hard work now.”

Zhang Xiuping and Deng Yunzhen nodded repeatedly.

While Deng Shirong was encouraging his eldest daughter and daughter-in-law to study, Bu Wanhui also rode his bicycle to the entrance of Naye Village.

He first went to Baiping Farm. This Baiping Farm is indeed a state-owned enterprise and is very supportive of national construction. Although the farm itself is not rich, he readily subscribed for 1,000 yuan in treasury bills.

This good start cheered Bu Wanhui up, and he felt that he was on track to complete the task.

But then he worked for several production teams in succession, but he was disappointed with the results. Although the captains of those production teams were determined to support the construction of the country, the production teams had no money and were unable to support them.

Bu Wanhui also expressed his understanding of this. He is also a local and naturally knows that there is no truly wealthy production team in the entire Shuangwang realm. He plans to visit a few more production teams and ask if there is still no progress. Try another idea!

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