["Ding" Since you have not made a choice for a long time, the system automatically helps you accept this challenge task.]

Jiang Yun:"??"

I thought, can this be answered automatically?

"I'm really screwed!"

"It seems that in addition to my own improvement, I have to help these guys improve."

Otherwise, if we don't win, not only will we not get five points of strength attribute, but Jiang Yun will also have to deduct five points. In the end, this is a difference of ten points of strength, a full 100 kilograms of strength.

Jiang Yun can't accept this loss.

"Teach them to learn the"Zhan Zhuang Gong"》?"

Finally, after thinking about it, Jiang Yun didn't seem to have much to teach except standing posture.

So Jiang Yun taught on the spot. As a result, before he said a few words and did the bow step, someone recognized the method Jiang Yun taught.

"Isn't this the"Eight Postures Training Method" that was just distributed today? Jiang Yun, you are so amazing. You have learned the first bow step on the first day of distribution."

That's right. The Jiang Province Martial Arts College has distributed the"Standing Posture" training method to all students, not only freshmen, but also some old students.

Finally, in addition to the students of Wuda University, the Martial Arts Alliance also wants to distribute the training method to Wugao (high school) and Wuxiao Junior High School in the near future.

However, due to the difficulty of training, the Martial Arts Alliance wants to simplify it a bit and then conduct national practice.

As for the version of Wuda University, it is naturally the"original version".

However, even the Martial Arts Alliance probably didn't expect that the"original version" in their hands was actually incomplete. Not only did it not have the complete eighteen movements, it also lacked the most critical breathing method.

So when Jiang Yun coherently introduced the next"Bend Body Style""、"When the"Standing Posture Kung Fu" movements such as"Standing like a Pine" and even"Soaring like a Dragon" were performed, not only Ouyang Cheng and others who were present, but also Feng Chuan and Zhang Dahai who were hiding in the dark and observing Jiang Yun, couldn't help but widen their eyes, amazed that Jiang Yun had actually practiced four movements of their"Eight Postures Training Method"!

"Is this the peerless genius?"

Ouyang Cheng, who has always been called a genius, couldn't help but exclaimed at this moment.

Because as one of the young generation of the Ouyang family with the highest martial arts talent, he has only practiced two"Standing Posture Kung Fu" movements, but you say Jiang Yun has practiced four. If this is not a peerless genius, what else can it be.

In addition, Jiang Yun and other"small town" warriors do not have many resources for practice. Finally, if there are enough elixirs, Ouyang Cheng thought, Jiang Yun might really be able to defeat those super perverts of the four ancient families.

"The fourth move is Tenglongjuan. Actually, I have just started practicing, so I can't teach you for the time being. As for the first three moves, it may be a bit difficult for you to learn them all in half a month, but after learning the first two, this should not be a problem."

However, Jiang Yun said so, just——

"Jiang Yun, I understand the truth. We also know that you are very powerful. After all, you are the martial arts champion this year. But we don’t have your martial arts talent to quickly learn the"Eight Postures Training Method""

"That's right. According to some instructors, if you can master the first move, the bow step, within a week and perform it, it's already amazing. Now you want us to practice the bow step and add a bent posture in half a month. How is that possible?"

"Jiang Yun is so amazing! The teacher asked us to complete the practice of the"Eight Postures Practice Method" within a year, but Jiang Yun finished half of it on the first day. The difference is amazing!"

"Is this the value of being the top martial arts champion? This talent for martial arts is too terrifying."

For a moment, everyone started talking at once, and some of them even thought that Jiang Yun was showing off his amazing talent for martial arts.

To this, Jiang Yun explained:"Everyone, be quiet, be quiet!

I am not showing off.

As for why I have learned four moves, it is because I have been practicing the"Eight Postures Practice Method" before, and in the process of practicing, I have also mastered some small skills for practice.

Now I want to pass on these skills to everyone so that everyone can quickly learn the"Eight Postures Practice Method".



"Learn quickly?"

"Jiang Yun, you must be kidding us. If there is such a skill, the school would have taught us."

No one believed it. It was not until Jiang Yun explained the breathing method of the"bow step" and asked Ouyang Cheng to demonstrate it that everyone believed it a little.

As for Ouyang Cheng, he was shocked at this time, because the breathing trick taught by Jiang Yun could really make him do the bow step easily.

At the same time, recalling the fist fight with Jiang Yun this morning, Ouyang Cheng suddenly understood what was going on.

"Jiang Yun, you can't have mastered the"Eight Postures Training Method" so thoroughly that you can use it directly like a martial art, right?"

Ouyang Cheng was shocked, because these postures and movements are extremely difficult to perform.

As a result, Jiang Yun can actually use it and release it instantly like a martial art. This is too amazing and amazing.

Jiang Yun nodded:"Yes, but the"Eight Postures Training Method" is always a training method. It needs to be combined with martial arts to be released together, so as to increase the great power of martial arts. The punch I used to defeat Lu Zeng before is a combination of the first two postures. The power of the bow step and the bent body style is included in it."

"Oh my god! You actually combined two movements, no wonder your punching skills are so powerful!"

Ouyang Cheng was completely overwhelmed at this time.

The look he gave Jiang Yun in the end was just like a little fan who had seen his super idol, almost prostrating himself.

But the others present were still confused.

Afterwards, they also tried the breathing method taught by Jiang Yun, but they did not perform the"bow step"

"Jiang Yun, Ouyang Ben already knows the bow step, so it should have nothing to do with your breathing method."

Jiang Yun had heard similar words countless times when he was in Sucheng.

However, when those guys used Jiang Yun's breathing skills to really do the bow step, they immediately became really excited.

And after more than 30 minutes, these freshmen began to show such a look of excitement.

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