During this period, Jiang Yun and Ouyang Cheng were able to deal with these sophomores, but He Chong and others were completely helpless and were beaten black and blue. In the freshman dormitory area, some freshmen saw this scene.

In the end, they saw Jiang Yun and others fighting with a group of sophomores in order to help them take back the dormitory building and give them a good living environment.

Some freshmen could no longer sit still.

"Brothers, regardless of whether we are from the Red Gold Alliance or the Red Lotus Alliance, we first have to know that we are all freshmen. Now Jiang Yun and the others are outside helping us attack the dormitory, and there are so many of us just standing here. Isn't this a bit ungrateful!"

"What the elder brother said is right. Jiang Yun and his friends have a place to live, and they all live in that suite. In the end, it is us who have no place to live. In other words, the reason why Jiang Yun and his friends went to the No. 5 dormitory building was actually for all of us, not for themselves!"When many freshmen heard this, they were all moved.

"Brothers, if you want to help Jiang Yun with me now, just follow me!"

Immediately, a large group of people followed.

When they saw the bruised and battered faces of He Chong and others, all the freshmen rushed towards the No. 5 dormitory building with indignation.

Ma Wenxiang and other sophomores saw this scene and were all panicked, thinking that Jiang Yun could actually mobilize so many freshmen.

But they were not vegetarians either.

""You are the only ones who can call for help, right? Brother Guang, save me!"

Ma Wenxiang sent a call for help to the next door building No. 6. When the brothers in Building No. 6, who originally just wanted to be spectators, saw this scene, they all went downstairs to help.

Because Building No. 6 was originally a dormitory building for freshmen, that is to say, they were on the same boat.

"Jiang Yun, why don't we retreat first."

Ouyang Cheng, who was punched in the face, couldn't stand it at this time.

Although they had more people than the opposite side, He Chong and others who had not undergone intensive training were far behind the combat power of those second-year seniors.

Jiang Yun certainly saw this point, that is, whether in strength, martial arts, or combat skills, they, the freshmen, were far inferior to those seniors.

In the end, it was not a boast, an old student could almost beat three or four of them.

So in this battle, they lost. While overestimating He Chong and others, they also greatly underestimated the strength of the seniors on the opposite side.

In a word, Jiang Yun and Ouyang Cheng were really unable to carry.

But Jiang Yun was a little dissatisfied with fleeing like this.

Ouyang Cheng was the same, so the two of them looked at each other at this time, and immediately understood and rushed towards Ma Wenxiang.


Duanyun Palm!

Immediately, the two of them used their four-star martial arts directly! Ma Wenxiang saw these two people, one on the left and one on the right, and he was completely stunned.

"Come on, stop these two guys!"

Then he immediately asked other people to come and help.

But the next second, Jiang Yun used the Divine Shadow Step directly. The magical phantom step that turned into three allowed Jiang Yun to dodge the siege of three sophomores in an instant.

On the other hand, Ouyang Cheng on the other side did not have such strength.

However, Ouyang Cheng's attack helped Jiang Yun attract enough attention.

Especially that of Ma Wenxiang.

In the end, because he was really unable to dodge, Jiang Yun's Bajiquan hit Ma Wenxiang's lower abdomen directly.


Ma Wenxiang screamed and fell to the ground like flying backwards.

As for Jiang Yun and Ouyang Cheng, after they succeeded, they immediately slipped away.

"Let's retreat!"

Ma Wenxiang was hit hard by Jiang Yun, and then he was furious when he saw Jiang Yun immediately leading his men to retreat.

After he finally recovered, he climbed up from the ground and immediately turned his fierce look to a flat-headed guy next to him:"Zhang Guang, you did it on purpose just now, didn't you? You could have taken action to help me force Jiang Yun back a step, so that I would have a chance to react and dodge, but you just stood there without moving!"

In response to this, Zhang Guang immediately explained:"I didn't, it was Jiang Yun's clone's steps just now that stunned me, and I didn't react."

Ma Wenxiang was also amazed by the Divine Shadow Step

"This Jiang Yun is really powerful, especially the move that can split into two bodies just now. It can be said that no one can defeat him except martial artists."

Zhang Guang nodded slowly:"In the end, it was also a loss. There were too many freshmen who dragged us down. Otherwise, we really couldn't resist the combination of Jiang Yun and Ouyang Cheng."

Ma Wenxiang:"In fact, Ouyang Cheng is also a drag."

On the other side, Jiang Yun and his group, who returned to the freshman dormitory area after a miserable defeat, all collapsed on the ground and sighed.

"I didn't expect that the strength would be so different."

"If we didn't have Jiang Yun and Ouyang Cheng, I don't think we would have had a chance to fight back."

"Damn, I must avenge this! Ouch, be gentle with the alcohol disinfectant."

In addition to the bruised face, many people were also injured.

Ouyang Cheng was also hit several times, and when he took off his clothes, there were several bruises.

"That bastard actually dared to lock my legs and make me beg for mercy. If I don't take revenge, I, Ouyang Cheng, will not be a human being!"

Ouyang Cheng was ready to kill Ma Wenxiang.

In the end, among all the freshmen, it was probably only Jiang Yun who escaped unscathed with almost no injuries.

At the same time, everyone was also holding back a lot of anger in their hearts, thinking that they must take back the revenge tonight and the dormitory building.

"Half a month later, if we go to fight them again, I don't believe we can still lose so badly."

"It’s not that we can lose so badly again, but next time, we must take back the No. 5 and No. 6 dormitory buildings that belong to us. So brothers, for the next fifteen days, you must train with all your might!"


At this time, everyone was full of fighting spirit.

As for Jiang Yun, he actually received a mission because of this.

【"Ding"Task challenge triggered: Recapture dormitory buildings No. 5 and No. 6 within 15 days. If the challenge is completed, an additional 5 points of strength attribute will be awarded. If the challenge fails, 5 points of strength attribute will be deducted.】

To be honest, Jiang Yun was not sure, because this was not a 1V1 duel, but a group battle of hundreds or even thousands of people.

So for a moment, Jiang Yun was a little afraid to accept it.

Because he didn't know whether he could grow up to the point where he could defeat all the opponents by himself in these 15 days.

In the end, after thinking and hesitating for a long time, the system actually-

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