Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 542: School Beauty Wants to Become a Disciple

At noon, the bell rang for the end of get out of class. Tianyu packed up and went out with his roommates to eat lunch in the cafeteria.

As soon as he walked to the door of the classroom, he saw Zhao Ziqiu waiting for him. When he saw Tianyu, Zhao Ziqiu immediately came up to him happily.


Many students around were very surprised when they saw this scene, especially those who admired Zhao Ziqiu, whose eyes were red with jealousy.

Many discussions were heard.

"Damn, our school beauty Zhao has really been waiting for Tianyu. Did Tianyu succeed?"

"It's unbelievable. What means did Tianyu use? He was able to win over school beauty Zhao overnight?"

"Didn't you laugh at Tianyu for failing to confess and fainting before? Didn't you think he was overestimating himself? Now you've been slapped in the face, right?"

"I didn't expect that the real winner is this guy"

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"My dream lover just fell into someone else's arms and cried"

"Brother, stop talking. It hurts!"

Hearing the discussions around him, Zhao Ziqiu blushed a little, but he didn't mean to leave at all.

Seeing this, Zhang Chao, the roommate, was obviously envious, but on the surface he had to pretend to be doing good for his brother. He patted Tianyu on the shoulder and said, "Tianyu, the cafeteria doesn't welcome you at noon today. We're leaving first!"

After the words fell, Zhang Chao left with his roommate. Tianyu looked at Zhao Ziqiu. He could guess the reason why this girl came to him.

"Let's go, treat me to a meal."

After saying this, Tianyu walked away.

Zhao Ziqiu was stunned at first, and then hurriedly followed. The two of them walked on the road, attracting a lot of attention.

Mainly because Zhao Ziqiu had a good reputation in the school, many students were surprised to see Zhao Ziqiu following Tianyu like a little follower.

Until he left the school gate, there were fewer onlookers.

"Is there any good restaurant nearby?" Tianyu asked.

"Ah?" Zhao Ziqiu said quickly: "There is a Sichuan restaurant in front that tastes pretty good!"


The two came to the Sichuan restaurant and booked a private room. Tianyu started to order food very impolitely, without any awareness of ladies first.

"Go ahead." Tianyu asked Zhao Ziqiu after ordering the dishes: "What do you want to talk to me about?"

At this moment, there were only two of them in the private room, a man and a woman alone, which made Zhao Ziqiu a little uncomfortable.

After hearing Tianyu's question, Zhao Ziqiu thought for a while and said: "I mainly want to say thank you to you. If it weren't for you, I would have..."

Tianyu waved his hand and interrupted: "Treating me to this meal is considered a thank you, is there anything else?"


In fact, Zhao Ziqiu came to Tianyu for no specific purpose, but after what happened last night, she felt that Tianyu was very powerful and would be safe around him.

In short, she had been worried for so long, and it was Tianyu who made her feel safe for the first time.

Then Zhao Ziqiu's heart moved, and he asked: "I want to become your apprentice, Tianyu, can you teach me how to eliminate the weirdness?"

Tianyu smiled and shook his head, and said bluntly: "In our line of work, talent is the most needed. I'm sorry, you don't have this talent, and I can't teach you."

It's true that I can't teach, and everything else is fake.

Zhao Ziqiu's pretty face showed disappointment, and then the waiter brought the dishes one by one.

Tianyu was already hungry. When he saw the dishes on the table, he immediately picked up the chopsticks and started eating. He ate very deliciously, and Zhao Ziqiu was embarrassed to interrupt him.

After thinking about it, Zhao Ziqiu also closed his mouth and took two bites of the dishes.

Compared to Tianyu, who had a big appetite, Zhao Ziqiu obviously had no appetite. He put down his chopsticks after eating two bites, and seemed to be worried.

Now Tianyu seemed extremely mysterious in her eyes, and coupled with her recent experiences

especially the experience last night, Zhao Ziqiu was full of curiosity about Tianyu.

However, Tianyu's attitude just now was neither hot nor cold towards Zhao Ziqiu, and he seemed to have no great interest in her, which made it difficult for Zhao Ziqiu to say anything more.

Thinking of Tianyu's confession to her yesterday afternoon, Zhao Ziqiu's pretty face became hot, and Zhao Ziqiu now regretted his ruthless rejection of her.

Just when Zhao Ziqiu was thinking about it, Tianyu had already cleared the table of food.

"I'm full." Tianyu put down his chopsticks and looked at Zhao Ziqiu: "What if you don't want to eat?"

"Ah? I'm not very hungry."

"Okay, let's leave!"

The two left the private room, and Zhao Ziqiu took the initiative to go to the bar to settle the bill, and finally the two walked back to school.

When they were about to part, Zhao Ziqiu suddenly asked softly: "Tianyu, can we be friends?"

"Yes." Tianyu perfunctorily said, "I'll go back to the dormitory first."

Zhao Ziqiu smiled happily and said: "Well, go ahead, go to the library to read."

This silly girl didn't seem to see Tianyu's perfunctory intention.

On the other side, a luxury car was speeding on the road. The fat man sitting in the passenger seat saw Sister Li run several red lights in succession. Once she almost hit a pedestrian. He was so scared that his face turned pale.

"Sister Li, we can slow down. There is no rush."

"You are not in a hurry, but I am!" Sister Li's face was serious.

"It's not too late to worry about it!" The fat man advised earnestly: "Your driver's license points have probably been deducted, and it may be considered dangerous driving. What if the traffic police chase you?"

"Don't worry about this!" Sister Li said calmly, and she really didn't seem to worry about this.

The fat man knew that Sister Li was a big shot in their circle. At this moment, it seemed that he had underestimated her. Sister Li's identity and background were definitely not simple.

"Sister Li, where are we going now?" The fat man couldn't help asking.

"To pick up my daughter, she was cursed like me."

Hearing this, the fat man immediately understood Sister Li. No wonder Sister Li was so excited after hearing his news.

It turned out that not only Sister Li was in the circle, but also her daughter won the prize. The whole family was targeted by the weird, which was definitely a huge disaster!

An hour later, the car arrived in another city and stopped outside a villa.

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