Tianyu turned a blind eye to the gazes around him. He could even hear many students around him whispering, talking about what happened yesterday, and quietly looking at him.

There was teasing in those eyes. If it were an ordinary person, he would be so ashamed right now that he would be reluctant to run away from here immediately.

But Tianyu was unusually calm, sitting calmly in his seat, waiting for class.

The gazes and comments of ordinary people have no influence on him at all.

The reason why he is still in school is because Tianyu has not yet decided what to do next. If he has a goal, he can leave the campus at any time.

At this moment, a beautiful girl burst into the classroom. She was tall and had a pure temperament. She attracted everyone's attention as soon as she entered the door.

"Goddess Zhao, why did she come to our classroom?"

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"Isn't she a student in the Department of Business Administration? What is she doing in our Computer Department?"

"I don't know, but this girl is really pretty. She deserves to be the school beauty."

"No matter how beautiful she is, you can't get her."

The person who came was none other than Zhao Ziqiu. Amid the astonished looks of countless boys, Zhao Ziqiu strode towards Tianyu and said, "Classmate Tianyu, can I have a private chat with you?"

Zhao Ziqiu's voice was not loud, but she had attracted a lot of people's attention, so her words were noticed by many people.

Hearing this, most of the students in the classroom, especially the boys, were all stunned.

Tianyu, however, looked calm and refused without thinking: "I will have class soon."

Zhao Ziqiu was slightly stunned, probably not expecting Tianyu to reject her, and then she said: "Then I'll wait until you finish class."

quiet! The classroom is very quiet!

The boys all wondered if they were hallucinating, and they all looked at Zhao Ziqiu and Tianyu in surprise.

After Zhao Ziqiu finished speaking, he left the classroom. When Zhao Ziqiu disappeared, the uncle caused an uproar in the classroom.

"Damn it, did I hear it wrong just now? What happened to Goddess Zhao today? She actually took the initiative to ask out a boy, and the most important thing is that she was rejected?"

"Isn't it ugly and rejected yesterday? Why are you pursuing me again today?"

"It's unbelievable. Damn, I wonder what these two people are playing?!"

"Why did it feel like Tianyu was colder than Zhao Ziqiu just now?"

"It's only been one night, why has Zhao Gao Leng's attitude changed drastically? Is this still the cold goddess I know?"

While discussing, many students looked at Tianyu with surprised eyes.

Especially those boys, they couldn't understand why the legendary aloof school beauty's attitude towards Tianyu changed 180 degrees in less than a day?

Many boys were curious about what happened last night, but they were too embarrassed to ask Tianyu.

Others were embarrassed, but Tianyu's roommates didn't have this worry. Zhang Chao, who was sitting next to Tianyu, immediately exclaimed: "Damn, Tianyu, what's going on?"

"It's nothing." Tianyu said.

"I understand. No wonder you didn't return to the dormitory until around 3 o'clock in the morning last night. It turned out that you went on a date with the school beauty!"


Tianyu didn't know how to explain it, so he simply didn't explain it, and his silence convinced Zhang Chao even more.

"Good guy, you got the coldest school beauty in our school in one night. How did you do it?"

Tianyu: "."

It seems that I canโ€™t explain it clearly.

The surrounding students were all listening with their ears pricked up. When they heard Zhang Chao's judgment and Zhang Chao's statement that Tianyu didn't return to the dormitory until around 3 a.m., they immediately thought of an inappropriate scene for children.

In the blink of an eye, countless people looked at Tianyu with envy and hatred. If looks could kill, Tianyu would have been chopped into pieces by now.

"Damn it, thanks to us comforting you for so long, it turns out that you have already made up your mind. No, you have to treat us tonight!" Zhang Chao said angrily.

Even he was envious and jealous of Tianyu at this moment.

Zhao Ziqiu is recognized as the school beauty, both in terms of figure and appearance, she is the best choice. To have such a girlfriend, any man will be extremely happy!

Knowing that the teacher was coming, the classroom became quiet again.

In a coffee shop, the fat man who narrowly escaped death last night was sitting in a booth, seemingly waiting for someone.

Judging from his tired face and shiny face, you knew that he must not have slept a wink all night.

But the fat man seemed to be very excited. He was indeed very excited at the moment. He had been so excited since he saw the man crushing the weird thing last night.

It's not that he doesn't want to sleep, it's that he can't sleep at all. What does it mean that someone can kill Weiyi? Fatty doesn't know, but he knows this news, which is absolutely huge for those who are burdened with the same curse as him. good news.

Not long after waiting, a middle-aged woman with a capable temperament walked into the coffee shop. Seeing this middle-aged woman, the fat man immediately waved: "Sister Li, here!"

The middle-aged woman walked over and sat down opposite the fat man.

"Sister Li, I ordered a latte for you."

The middle-aged woman didn't drink and said straight to the point: "Tell me, why are you calling me here in such a hurry?"

"Sister Li, good news, great news!" Fatty said excitedly.

"What good news?" Sister Li asked calmly.

"Last night, I went to participate in the sacrifice ceremony again," Fatty whispered.

Sister Li's expression moved and asked, "Then what?"

"Then, the weird last night was very fierce, and only I and a newcomer survived!"

"Oh? Congratulations!" Sister Li said lightly, "Is this the good news you want to tell?"

"Sister Li, don't worry, listen to me slowly."

The fat man finally got to the key point: "Originally, last night, I and the newcomer should have died, because we were also targeted by the weird, and then a mysterious man appeared. He not only saved us, but also killed the weird!"

Sister Li just picked up the cup, and after hearing what Fatty said, her hand trembled, and most of the cup of latte was spilled on her own clothes.

But she didn't care whether her clothes were dirty, and her eyes were fixed on Fatty.

"Is what you just said true?" Her tone became extremely serious.

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