Global Sage Era

Chapter 488

Chapter 484 Exchange for Chenhuan Dao Body!

【Chen Huan Dao Body】

Category: Talent

Description: The probability of people appearing as Spiritual Roots is 3000%, the probability of appearing virtual Spiritual Roots is Ascension 2000%, the probability of people appearing as Spiritual Roots is Ascension 1000%, and the probability of appearing Spiritual Roots is Ascension 500%. The training speed during the Qi training period is increased by 500%, the training speed in the Foundation Building period is increased by 400%, the training speed in the Gold Core period is increased by 300%, the training speed in the Nascent Soul period is increased by 200%, the spiritual training period is increased by 100%, and the breakthrough probability in the void phase Ascension 50%, the breakthrough probability of the meditation period Ascension 10% (everything is dust, the world can travel by itself)

Exchange required: 28 trillion incense

Xu Sheng has read the above information hundreds of millions of times, and in the past ten thousand years, he has wanted to exchange it countless times as soon as possible.

Just think about it, the most anxious time was when I just exchanged the Qingwei Dao Body. After experiencing the strength of the Qingwei Dao Body, I would naturally look forward to the scene of the Chenhuan Dao Body.

Later, as the accumulated incense increased, his heart became calm, just like his mood now. Although he is still excited, he still maintains his composure. He even has free time to pay attention to the overall situation of the Huntuo human race. , Choose the best time for the state.

Time is nothing to him, after all, here with a flow rate of 379, the delay of several years is only half an hour on the earth.

Half an hour…the daze is over. If it’s on campus, walking on the tree-lined path with someone who wants to be with someone, it feels like it’s over in an instant.

Xu Sheng waited quietly for three years and seven months, so that the Huntuo tribe could roughly digest the gains from the last stop.

Then on a ‘good day’, he said quietly in his heart: “Everything is equal.”


An image of the equivalent of everything appeared in front of him, and then began to turn the page above, and at the last place where I stayed, various introductions of the Chenhuan Dao body appeared line by line.


There was no excitement, just ordinary thoughts, and the 28 trillion incense in the Sage interface was quickly deducted.

Xu Sheng faintly felt that something was absorbed by everything, but when he was looking for it, he couldn’t see any shadow.

[Record]: You added a talent to your people

[Record]: The potential of your people has been greatly Ascension

[Record]: The probability of your people’s awakening talent is large Ascension

The reappearance of the three familiar pieces of information seems to have infinite light, gushing out from the equivalence of everything, like the sun is shining, shining on every Huntuo race in Minor World.

The scenes are different from usual. With the increase of strength, Xu Sheng can see more things, and it seems that he can gradually come into contact with the equivalent operation mode of everything.

If it is a question, the biggest question in his mind is naturally the secret of the equivalence of everything.

How the equivalence of everything appeared and how it worked, he was curious as early as the first day.

It is really hard for him to imagine that in such an ultra-high-energy world, there are still objects that can do this step, and this kind of power seems to exceed the Holy Realm.

Generally speaking, the probability of Spiritual Roots appearing in the human race is one in tens of thousands. When the wild class race becomes one in ten thousand, then the Hong class is about one to two thousand, and the cosmic class is several hundred. One part.

At first, the Huntuo tribe slowly Ascension Destiny Level under the nourishment of high-concentration Spiritual Qi, and then continued Ascension with the bonus of various talents.

A large part of the reason for reaching the destiny level of the current cosmic level is due to the role of the Ninth Stage battle body and Dao body.

Now, after the Chenhuan Dao Body was added by Xu Sheng, the Huntuo Terran’s destiny level was raised again, and it was first-level ascension in a short period of time!

But this is not the most amazing!

The probability of the Huntuo people appearing as Spiritual Roots has changed from about 3% to 1%!

In other words, for every one hundred children born in the future, one will have the qualifications to cultivate immortality!

Think about it, even in a small village of two to three hundred people, there may be seven or eight cultivators. What a terrible thing is this?

Of course, the horror here is quoted. For Xu Sheng, this is the best thing.

[Record]: You have a new citizen who has broken through to the stage of transformation

[Record]: You have a new citizen, breakthrough to the emptiness period

[Record]: You have a new citizen breakthrough to the Martial Emperor realm

The familiar series of breakthrough information began to arrive.

The first is the breakthrough of the cultivators. This is a normal process. The emergence of the Chenhuan Dao body is a brand new stimulus for many stuck people. It almost makes them breakthrough naturally.

Sometimes when people get stuck in a certain place, they often lack such a little excitement.

And what follows is the breakthrough of Practitioner.

The role of Taoism has always been reflected in everyone. Even if Practitioners themselves will no longer awaken Spiritual Roots, the strengthening of their bodies is real, and at the same time they can feel that their own cultivation speed is increasing.

On the vast ground, many people suddenly entered the Closed Door Training, and even the two sides who were fighting with each other suddenly felt the opportunity, and then they stopped and left the cultivation in a tacit understanding.

There are too many situations like this, and the changes brought about by the Chenhuan Dao Body have only begun, but it has already made the entire Minor World different.

Minor World.

Practitioners are almost always on the earth today, they are like the masters of heaven and earth, wandering freely.

Occasionally, I can see some cultivators, but the number is too small compared with the Practitioner, their own power does not occupy an advantage, and some small cities are not even visible.

You can even see some adventurous teams with banners to solicit cultivators. After all, cultivators have always been known for their versatility. You can bring a cultivator when you take an adventure, which can solve many problems.

No matter what kind of attribute the cultivator is, some basic healing techniques will be used. When a battle occurs, adding a buff to the Practitioners, the increase in combat power is not just one or two points.

Summary of the Western Fantasy system, the relationship between fighters and wizards is roughly the same, but the number of cultivators is smaller than that of wizards, and their abilities are much stronger than those of wizards.

Of course, Practitioner is much stronger than Western fighters, and skill alone is not a level.

“One percent…”

In the palace, Kuang Yuan took a deep breath, and after reading the aggregated information, he already felt a posture of eagerness to wind and rain.

From a higher perspective, perhaps from the perspective of the ancestors, such changes are naturally beneficial and harmless.

But from the perspective of the Practitioner, the strength of the cultivator in the future may become stronger, but it may cause a powerful impact.

The number of cultivators suddenly Ascension is several times, reaching 1% of the number of Practitioners, which means that it will move rapidly to the tens of billions.

He had to consider the possibility of the cultivator forming a country.

Practitioners can be gathered together to give birth to a fortune dynasty.

The cultivator can naturally condense a cultivator in the same way.

If this is the case, the cultivator will definitely not stay in the secret realm as it is now. No matter how good the secret realm is, it is still small compared to the whole world. No one wants to stay in a small space.

If there is a war between the kingdom of the Practitioner and the kingdom of the cultivator in the future, it will definitely be a very tragic situation.

Even if the cultivator does not give birth to a unified country, even if they no longer stay in their own secret realm, it will have a strong impact on the existing order.

Kuang Yuan faintly felt some headaches, he shook his head, “This is much more troublesome than conquering the outside world.”

Kuang Yuan was not the only one who was troubled, but Yin in the Huntuo tribe in the depths had already thought of all these things before him.

It is a good thing, but it needs to be dealt with properly. A little slack will cause a disaster.

He thought for a while, and sent a message to the three disciples of own and asked them to restrain his followers.

In the past, he had heard the three disciples of Shenshenzong and other Sect complaining about why their cultivator wanted to let out a large area outside.

There are many cultivators with this kind of thinking. It can be predicted that they will grow rapidly in the coming time, and people’s ambitions will always grow with the growth of strength.

Just as he would want to conquer more of the outer world because of the increase in his body.

Wang Fan, who has an ordinary face, is now the founder of the school, and he has long been ignoring the world. Apart from traveling around the world, he spends the rest of his time in the Closed Door Training of the martial art, and his disciples rarely see him.

The head of the martial art is now the fourth generation.

The second-generation leader is his disciple, and his talent is not good. He died of his life more than 7,000 years ago.

The third-generation leader has a good talent, and now he is also a cultivator in the early stage of the Ming Zhao, and he is the heavenly Elder.

The fourth-generation leader is now only over a thousand years old, but he is already a cultivator, and he is full of talent.

It also has a pioneering spirit, and often formulates strategies for the growth of sects.

Wang Fan knew that the changes this time would definitely give him a bigger idea, trying to break through the current secret realm and go to the outside world.

In the past few inadvertent Spiritual Sense scans, he can often hear him chanting words like ‘if you can expand the martial arts area, it’s great’.

“The disciple knows that he will restrain his followers well.”

After Wang Fan received the message from Yin, he quickly responded.

But it seems that he knew his thoughts. The fourth-generation leader did not directly adopt the method of expansion, but instead sent out a large number of disciples in the door in the name of going out for experience…

Wang Fan soon discovered that this was obviously a way of boiling frogs in warm water.

Before he could stop him, the disciples who went out to practice had already clashed with the outside Practitioners.

The object of the conflict is not the most central Dahuang, but the poisonous country in the highly poisonous land.

This is a small country with a population of no more than three million. It was born because of its special geographic location. It has always been inconspicuous on the map, living its own life.

But today, their quiet days are broken…

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