Global Sage Era

Chapter 487

Chapter 483


A roar resounded throughout the world at this moment.

The earth shattered in this sound.

The secret realm that exists everywhere, its own barrier is also fragile like a piece of paper, cracking and shattering.

The only place that remained intact was in front of the portal that appeared on the ground.

The place where the billions of Huntuo tribes stand is like an isolated zone, so that all influences cannot affect themselves.

“It’s an unimaginable force.”

“It’s really shocking.”

Practitioners and cultivators were a little scared for the first time, thinking that their insignificant self would be crushed directly in this storm, but in the end they found that nothing could affect them. In the entire area of ​​the Huntuo tribe, all powers could not enter. Come.

Standing at the very center is Kuang Yuan, whose body is like a god or devil. He raised his head to look at the small spot in the sky, that is Yin’s figure.

Invisible power radiated from him, forming a transparent cover, protecting the entire Huntuo tribe.

On the sky, the held’sun’ began to struggle. After the giant hand that was invisible to everyone, the shape of the sun gradually changed, giving birth to a pair of eyes looking down.

This powerful life in the late stage of the meditation is itself the first energy life born in this world, and it has survived for more than a million years.

Among all the common races, the human race is the one with a lower life span, or the flesh and blood life is the one with a lower life span. Whether it is energy life, force field life, or regular life, their existence time is unimaginable by the human race. .

This powerful meditation late stage life, it represents the hope of this world, and it has been trying its best to cultivate it. There is still a trace of the possibility of becoming a combined-level life in its body.

It opened its eyes and looked at the tiny life below.

There is no comparability to each other in body shape, but what it feels from that tiny being is a powerful aura like tide, possessing no less than own life level.

“You… are… who… why… do you want to… attack… attack… me?”

Its consciousness flooded into Yin’s mind, crossed the language level, and communicated directly with the soul.

What responded to it was an attack that traumatized it.


I don’t know how long I have not had such an emotion. As I surpassed the limit step by step and became the second sun in this world, there was no existence that could provoke it, but at this time, it felt this feeling again after a long absence. .

In the sky, under everyone’s gaze, the sun held by the giant hand suddenly burst into hot rays, trying to escape from the giant hand.


The sour voice sounded, and the hearts of the Huntuo tribe were stunned. Is it possible that Elder is going to lose?

Only Kuang Yuan’s expression remained the same. He stared at both sides, his burly body still exuding invisible thunder, protecting his surroundings.

Yin did feel the power of resistance at this time. This was the first time he had fought against Ming Zhao’s late stage life, and it was indeed different from all the usual battles.

The middle stage life before the Ming Zhao before that he had fought was countless, and the number of those killed by him personally could not be counted, but even if the lives were added up, it was not as good as the Ming Zhao late stage life in front of him.

However, he is not what he used to be. After breaking through to the middle stage of Mingzhao, even if the life in front of him is extremely powerful, so what?

Decades passed in a blink of an eye.

The second sun in the sky has disappeared, and only the original sun continues to emit light and heat.

But the battle between Yin and the second sun is still going on.

When it reaches the level of meditation, it is normal for a war to last for decades.

The battle time will continue ascending with the ascending of the strength of both sides.

The Huntuo tribe had already dispersed. When the second sun didn’t dissipate so much power, Kuang Yuan had already led the Huntuo tribe to attack the life in this world.

Those forbidden areas that stood on the ground were originally the best fortresses, but at this time cracks have occurred in these fortresses, and Kuangyuan walked in the forefront and removed these forbidden areas.

In the weaker forbidden grounds, there are life in the early stage of Mingzhao, and the stronger ones are in the middle stage of Mingzhao. In all of these forbidden areas, there is no one close to the late stage of Mingzhao. There is a relationship between strength and strength. An obvious fault.

This should have been a good thing, but Kuang Yuan curled his lips in dissatisfaction. There was no life connected to the late stage of Ming Zhao, which meant that he would not be dedicated to fighting in this world.

On the whole, the strength of the Huntuo human race has surpassed the lives of this world. Even if only a part of the power came in front of them, they had already defeated the lives of this world.

A 70% level of life has a vast land, and Life’s intelligent life is in the trillions.

But now the trillions of lives have become lambs to be slaughtered in front of the billions of Huntuo people. Wherever the Huntuo people go, all the cities have been destroyed.

Forbidden races are resisting.

Every forbidden land has left a legend of own on this land. Many of them were once the masters of this land. Later, because they felt the second sun in the sky, they chose to hide, but in the dark. They continue to develop their own strength.

But now, no matter how glorious their past, under the front of the Huntuo human race, all have been flattened.

There is a powerful race in Life in each forbidden area. They are the existence of the gods by the ordinary life of the world, which means that this is absolutely powerful, but the gods are only relative to the weaker races, and now they can only be located one by one. Shaking in fear in his own lair, he was killed in a patch of blood.

Every time you enter a world, the initial conquest is the easiest, because at this time, the beings in the conquered world have not yet gathered due to the pressure of survival. They still follow the previous mode, stay in the own territory, and then be quickly Kills.

This world is no different. After stepping on thirteen forbidden lands in a row, the remaining forbidden lands finally unite and unify their forces in one place.

Not only that, they also sent envoys to gather power in the ‘mortal world’. The strength of the Huntuo human race has made them know that they must concentrate every bit of power to avoid this fatal crisis.

It can be said to be useful, or it can be said to be useless.

Useful means that it does have a certain impact on the formation of the army below, but it is useless because even if they unite their forces, the combat power at the top can’t stop Kuang Yuan at all.

Kuang Yuan…killed crazy.

It is just the life of the middle stage before Ming Zhao, and it will be quickly killed by him in the case of one-on-one. Practitioner is originally good at killing enemies quickly, in addition to its powerful recovery, like a broken limb. Rebirth is too simple for Kuang Yuan now. Unless he consumes all the Spirit Power and flesh and blood power in his body, even if he crushes his whole person, he can still resurrect.

From this point of view, the cultivator of the same level is absolutely inferior to him, but the cultivator also has the own soul. Even if the body is destroyed, the own soul can still have 70% of the body’s combat power. This is another advantage that the Practitioner cannot compare.

“It’s almost over, it’s really slow.”

After solving the opponent in front of him, Kuang Yuan glanced in a certain direction, and after confirming that he was still developing on a good side, he completely dispelled the idea of ​​assistance-he would never admit that it was his own hand itching. NS.

[Record]: Your incense has reached 28 trillion

At a certain moment, Xu Sheng, who had been watching, also received the message.

After he set the goal in advance, he let the Sage interface notify himself when it was time.

Now that the world hasn’t conquered ten thousand, the incense is enough.

“It seems we have to wait for the end of this world.”

Xu Sheng was not in a hurry for this meeting, mainly for the consideration of Yin and other people who were going through the war. Although the talent addition was a good thing for them, it could become a fatal flaw in the fierce battle.

Although Yin and Ming Zhao had an advantage in the late stage life battle, this advantage was not great, otherwise he wouldn’t have been so long before he got rid of the opponent.

Gaia’s consciousness in front of him suddenly fluctuated violently.


Xu Sheng’s eyes condensed, and the power of the law added a little more.

In the endless ruins, two huge shadows are constantly colliding.

Of course Xu Sheng himself was not idle, he still restricted the consciousness of this world as usual, even the time of this restriction was earlier than the time of Yin’s shot.

Otherwise, the moment Yin shot, the other party would react and suppress Yin.

This is a very normal thing, after all, now that the strength has reached this level, it is no longer as ignorant as the previous Gaia consciousness.

If you compare the current Gaia consciousness with that at the beginning, you can find that it has damaged most of it. Xu Sheng has been attacking and is in an absolute dominant position.

After another twenty years, Yin in the world below finally had a victory with his own opponent.

With the reappearance of the giant hand covering the sky, the second sun was crushed directly in its hand!

There were crying voices from all directions. This world was sad because of the death of the first life. At the same time, all the original life in this world felt deep sadness.

Then…there is no more.

The Huntuo race would not let go of such a good opportunity, and took the opportunity to collect the opponent’s head.

The conquest of the world has also come to an end, and when the last forbidden area is also uprooted, this time the conquest is a complete success.

Gaia’s consciousness was also extremely weak. Xu Sheng retracted the power of the law at the last moment, put a life on it, and continued to graze it here.

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