Global Sage Era

Chapter 359

Chapter 355 Entanglement! Synchronous ascending!

“Hehe, Xu Sheng, you have to find a way. Your’threat’ is too great. The top sophomores are ready to unite.”

Just like Lin Zhiyan and others thought, although the Sages didn’t say anything, all their eyes were on these little guys.

Among the original lists, their list is the least noticeable. After all, the level of strength is too low and it is not worth paying too much attention.

But the need to bear the existence makes this ranking full of suspense, which naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Unconsciously, even the semi-holy, quasi-holy, and Sage ranking lists are not as good as theirs.

All the attention is not only Sage-like, but also a lot of semi-holy and quasi-holy people.

Sage is more powerful than imagined for them, sophomores, and semi-holy and quasi-holy are the same.

So as long as they are within the range of sensing, as long as the sophomores are communicating, they will be sensed.

Huang Xuanlang was very close to Xu Sheng from beginning to end because he wanted to protect Xu Sheng. Naturally, Lin Zhiyan and the others were heard by him.

But he didn’t mean to stop it, just as those sophomores said, it would be impossible for Xu Sheng to surpass the past so smoothly.

To some extent, Xu Sheng wants to surpass the entire sophomore in the rankings, that is, stepping on them to the top. If he is there, he will also be unwilling.

So Tai is just an idea of ​​watching a good show. Although I want Xu Sheng to win in my heart, he will only wait for the results later.

Reasonable competition is no longer within the scope of their organization.

As long as it can be guaranteed not to hurt Xu Sheng, it doesn’t matter what means the sophomore uses.

Although the three true sages were still fighting with the five true sage levels of the puzzled heart tribe, they also knew the situation.

Peng Yuan couldn’t help but said with a smile: “Xu Sheng’s growth rate is very fast, and he has reached this position in just a thousand years. Lin Zhiyan is also a rare genius, but he did not expect to be forced to become like this now.”

Among the three true sages, Ji Huairu knows Xu Sheng the least, and has never communicated with each other. However, in the thousand years of fighting side by side with the three of them, I have heard that the other two have talked a lot about Sheng, and I also know that Xu Sheng is here. The status of these two people.

“Do you really think he has a chance to reach that level?”

“Naturally, there is a chance. Since the founding of Ganjing University, there have been countless geniuses, and there are also many who are called evildoers by the outside world, but you also know that the performance of those people in the freshman year was far worse than what he is now. “As the principal, Peng Yuanshang can be said to be precious to those outstanding geniuses who have come out of the school, and he has the most accurate positioning of Xu Sheng in his heart.

“Xu Sheng has this qualification.” Gu Shiyi didn’t say much.

The plan in his heart The other two also knew, and understood that this battle was also a test of Yi in ancient times. As long as he could reach the standard in his heart, he would be accepted as an apprentice after the battle.

In ancient times, Yi had received very few apprentices, and he had never received apprentices in his first year.

Gu Shiyi’s own personality is also quite special and can be recognized by him. They know that Xu Shengzi’s previous performance must be more surprising than they thought.

“How far is he from the standard in your heart now?” Peng Yuanshang asked curiously, and he was not sure about Gu Shiyi’s thoughts.

In fact, in his thoughts, the various characteristics that Xu Sheng has shown now have undoubtedly met the requirements, but in ancient times, Yi is not him, and may have his own ideas.

“Don’t say it.” Gu Shiyi’s words made Peng Yuanshang a little urge to roll his eyes.

He was about to speak, but was interrupted by Gu Shi Yi.

“It seems that the five guys on the opposite side are finally going to be unable to bear it. Improve your concentration and don’t fall short at this juncture.”

When Peng Yuanshang heard the words, his face became straight, and he withdrew the thoughts he wanted to ask, and concentrated on dealing with the five puzzle-minded races opposite him.

Being at the same level of true saints, their status is actually equal to each other.

Therefore, although Peng Yuanshang was the principal, he did not have a higher status than the other two in the war.

As a true saint, the position of the principal is more of a restraint and a responsibility.

Qianjing University has no effect on them anymore. The reason why they are still in the school is only for the overall situation of the whole human race, in order to cultivate more talents, which is a sacrifice.

Therefore, every high sage and true sage who remains on the earth to perform a certain specific duty is worthy of admiration.

At this time, Xu Sheng didn’t know that the true saints were discussing him just now.

His current goal is already in the last few rankings.

Now it’s like a three-kilometer long-distance race, with the last lap left, and the final destination is right in front of him. All his thoughts are to leap over the past quickly and become the ultimate winner.

But suddenly, after another ten years, he solved an opponent again, only to find that Lin Zhiyan, who hadn’t moved in the ranking for a long time, had also moved forward at the same time.

With his original sophomore and freshman rankings, his progress naturally surpassed a junior.

Needless to say, the difficulty of sophomore surpassing junior year naturally, even Lin Zhiyan couldn’t surpass it casually.

This ranking of Ascension made Xu Sheng’s ranking of Ascension become useless. He wants to surpass everyone or continue to ascending several rankings.

He didn’t think much about it, thinking it was just a coincidence. After all, Lin Zhiyan hadn’t been ascending for so long, and it wasn’t a strange thing to be an ascending now.

But when the second ten years passed, his ranking moved up one place again, and when Lin Zhiyan came to 9,719, he felt something was wrong.

“Could it be that he was hiding his strength before, but now he is really exerting his strength?”

Such an idea inevitably emerged in Xu Sheng’s mind.

However, Minru’s quickly discovered that when Lin Zhiye ranked as a non-own progress rate Ascension, the dozens of people in front and behind him had slowed down.

If it was just an idea that couldn’t be fully verified at the beginning, when fifty years passed, Xu Sheng surpassed five people one after another, but the previous Lin Zhiyan also ascending five rankings, already let him know what happened.

Take a deep breath.

There was a deep smile on Xu Sheng’s face: “Unexpectedly, this time things have undergone such a change. It is said that people are not sages and sages can do nothing. Now although we people are walking on the road to sanctification, But normal thoughts have not diminished.”

The current situation is obviously that the top sophomores in the sophomore year have chosen to concentrate their efforts to help Lin Zhiyan in order to prevent him from surpassing and maintain the minimum ‘decent’.

He doesn’t have any atmosphere.

After thinking about this choice, he can easily accept it.

He could also feel the faint atmosphere. Although the ranking competition this time didn’t seem to have any smoke, there were a lot of undercurrents in it.

Human races are not allowed to kill each other, but this kind of reasonable competition that can promote each other’s growth cannot be prohibited by anyone.

Xu Sheng could see clearly, and Xuance team naturally could see more clearly.

The five people are now dealing with the puzzled clan, and they are leaning together to discuss.

“Hey hey, Xu Sheng has been so smooth for the past millennia, and now it’s good for him to recognize the cruelty of reality.” Xu Lei, who is a careless personality, said with joy, she is kind of fearful. The world is not chaotic character.

If Xu Sheng became the first place without any disturbance, she would only feel too boring. A good drama must have its ups and downs.

The other three people in Xuan Ce’s team also nodded in agreement, but many of their thoughts were definitely better for Xu Sheng.

With the fierce opponents, Xu Sheng’s already very fast progress rate will definitely continue to be stimulated.

No one is too fast for the speed of progress. As long as you can ensure that your own foundation is not depleted, the faster the better.

As long as you can ensure that everything about you is good, even if it is three years of sanctification and five years of harmony, the entire human race will only applaud and admire.

The situation on the earth is so bad now. Everyone thinks that the stronger the better, the others are not worthy of too much concern.

“Before they were a mess of sand, fighting on their own. Even though they worked very hard, they couldn’t change the result of being completely surpassed. Now it’s hard to tell…” Chen Feng, who has always been silent, said a lot this time. talk,

Han Susu curled his lips and said, “Even if they fail to succeed in the end, it will not affect anything. The whole sophomore is destined to have at most one person on top of Xu Sheng. What they want now is to guarantee the final Face… if they can work together. Working together, I am going to make Xu Sheng’s ranking stagnant. I can still admire them a little bit more. Now, I just feel that they are not as good as Xu Sheng.”

“We are not in that position, so how do we know their pressure at this time? There is no doubt that Xu Sheng is strong. If it were five of us back then, I am afraid that we would not even be qualified to fight him?” Huang Xuanlang said in a tone. It was very calm, and there was nothing wrong with what the sophomores did in his heart.

Even he was able to know why they chose the current method-it must be after the overall argument, knowing that only the current method can have some possibility of success.

If it is true according to what Han Susu said, it may still be impossible to avoid being surpassed one by one by Xu Sheng in the end.

“Fortunately, I didn’t have the same class as him… Oh, it should be said that he was lucky enough to be in school when I graduated.” The elder Zhou Kun said.

His words resonated with several other people.

The four of them glanced at each other, but they didn’t show it tacitly.

Although he thought of Xu Sheng as a little brother in his heart.

But some things are really embarrassing to admit…

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