Global Sage Era

Chapter 358

Chapter 354

There is no doubt about his talent to occupy the top position in a grade.

The sophomore students of Ganjing University this year are also really not weak. They can reach a 20% rule comprehension in this time period, which is slightly better than the same period in previous years.

But if Xu Sheng is added at the end, this kind of good looks a bit dazzling.

Lin Zhiyan, Tao Xingchun, Kong Nange, Jiang Luobai, Qi Qingci…

These well-known names in the sophomore year represent a legendary deed.

Even at Sage’s side, it was registered, and it was impressive.

Among them, Lin Zhiyan, who ranks number one, is determined by his talent and life experience. Compared to most of the others who are parents and relatives, only one of them is Gao Sheng’s son. His parents are both Gao Sheng, and they are extremely young. Man of the wind.

When Lin Zhiyan entered Qianjing University last year, he had already set big ambitions: he must break the 1,000-person record and enter the Holy Land in the first semester of his senior year!

It has been more than a year since entering Qianjing University, and he is also firmly moving towards this goal. Although it has not exceeded that in previous years for the time being, there is still hope.

Tao Xingchun and the others behind are all in the same situation. Although they are not all sons of Gao Sheng, they are not far behind Lin Zhiyan in terms of talent and strength, and they have the ability to compare with him.

This battle to annihilate the deceiving heart clan lasted for a thousand years, and their struggle with each other has never stopped.

But the goal gradually changed.

From the original tit-for-tat, now it has the same meaning.

The direction of the spearhead is naturally not much, it is Xu Sheng who catches up with a desperate speed.

For Xu Sheng, a freshman at the enchanting level, they had known for a long time that even the ups and downs he had made in the school were clear, but they never showed up from start to finish.

How strong was Xu Sheng at that time?

The law comprehension is only a few tenths of a percent, and this strength is simply pitiful in their eyes.

At that time, their understanding of the law had exceeded 12%, and the gap between the two parties was too huge.

But I don’t know when, this schoolboy is only growing up at an unreasonable speed.

It seemed that it was just their careless effort, and suddenly he was surprised to find that he had already caught up, standing not far behind him.

This fact is difficult to accept, and they have not done a good job of psychological construction ahead of time.

If they weren’t all geniuses, change to some little girls with weak psychological endurance, or the kind of little girls who love to cry, they should whimper and say: Why are you like this, others are not ready, you will catch up.

Lin Zhiyan is a handsome man dressed in white. If you look at his looks, everyone Xu Sheng knew before is not as good as him. What is more striking is that he also has an extremely dusty temperament. At first I didn’t know what this temperament was, but after a little contact, thoughts would naturally arise, which seemed to be very similar to Sage’s temperament!

A lot of things are really born, just like Xu Sheng currently has a unique temperament that belongs to own, but standing with Lin Zhiyan, it is easy to see that they are not the same kind of people.

Xu Sheng was naturally wary of Lin Zhiyan, who was ranked number one in the sophomore year. They were originally on different campuses, and now they are in direct competition. If he suddenly comes over to find fault with himself, it will not be impossible. .

This is an extremely vast Minor World.

Spiritual Qi shrouded the entire world like a mist, and countless lives of ordinary human races are on this land.

Among them are a large number of ordinary people. Their overall appearance is not much different from that of the Huntuo race, but from some details, it can be seen that they are different branches.

The human races in this Minor World have their own ancestors. They call themselves “Su Geng”. Because of their talents, they will have greater strength when they grow up, and even if they are talented, they will be able to awaken a special bloodline. Eye of Evil’.

How do they know that whether it is greater strength or this evil eye, it is actually something exchanged for them by the ancestors who created their world in the past.

Although they themselves have reached the level of Hong-level, the talents such as the Eye of Evil Breaker can naturally evolve out of their current foundation.

The Sugen people have been multiplying in this world for more than 30,000 years, and the total population has reached an astonishing 2.5 billion!

This 2.5 billion population is not a country, but is divided into a central power and a dozen other small countries.

In addition, there are some cultivating sects hidden in various places in the territory, but the inheritance of these cultivating sects is not very good. Up to now, there have been some crises. If they continue to do this without intervention, they may have another one. They will all disappear in a few thousand years.

“Strength Ascension is really too slow, obviously I have invested all the resources in, but why is he still catching up?”

A pair of huge eyes appeared in the depths of the sky, hidden in the imperceptible irritability.

The owner of this pair of eyes is naturally Lin Zhiyan, who ranked first in his sophomore year. Because of the heavy pressure brought by Xu Sheng, he was thinking about how to speed up Ascension’s own people’s strength almost every moment.

In fact, his people have been nurtured very well. They can grow up to the Fourth Stage at the age of thirteen or fourteen. Among them, those with excellent talents have the possibility of having the Seventh Stage in adulthood, which is already a rare and powerful.

With a population of 2.5 billion now, Qi Sea realm Practitioner has roughly 30 million, which is a very powerful force.

If it hadn’t been for Xu Sheng’s appearance, he might have been satisfied with such strength, thinking that he could continue to maintain his current ranking, and even if the people behind wanted to catch up with him, it would be useless.

“Lin Zhiyan, we all know your strength. Don’t insist on your meaningless thoughts. If you don’t want to lose, you can unite with us.”

A consciousness appeared, this was Tao Xingchun who had been competing with him for the first position.

He knew that Tao Xingchun was right, and they all knew his own strength, and there was indeed no victory in the current situation.

The reason why he has persisted until now is because he has occupied the first position for more time and is accustomed to being in this position, and he is unwilling to easily admit that someone is surpassing him.

Admitting is really difficult.

Once his parents told him that he would experience a setback in the future. He was not too serious at the time, but now he has felt the feeling of suffering, which is indeed an extremely rare feeling.

And it was a way that I had never thought of before, so suddenly I came to own’s eyes.

Lin Zhiyan separated his own consciousness from Minor World, and he found that there were no less than ten consciousnesses around him.

Tao Xingchun, Kong Nange, Jiang Luobai, Qi Qingci…

These old opponents are all here.

At this moment, whether it is the East Campus or the West Campus, there is no difference.

Now facing the challenge of a powerful freshman, their students of the same grade have become the same camp naturally.

In the past year’s competition, such a situation has not appeared before. Even if some problems are encountered, it is impossible to gather all of their current people here.

But now they have to gather.

The power of the entire Qianjing University is here, and countless Sages are watching them.

Although there was no Sage speech, they all knew very well that the final result would affect a lot.

If Xu Sheng really surpassed all of them, then some chances that originally belonged to them might have been transferred to Xu Sheng.

It’s very simple.

Since you have an extra year, it is better to be blessed by Xu Sheng, and Che himself has various resources. So many advantages are still surpassed, so why not continue to concentrate resources on Xu Sheng?

They all know that the precious resources of the school are limited, and many can provide great help at critical moments.

If you encounter difficulties and bottleneck, you may be breakthrough in an instant.

But at the same time, the more precious is the rarer. It is impossible for everyone to be scarce. Originally, it was very difficult for them to compete in their sophomore year. Now suddenly there is one more person to ‘share the pie’. They definitely disagree.

“It’s ridiculous to say it. He is obviously our junior, but now we people are gathering here to discuss how to deal with him.”

Lin Zhiyan laughed at himself. He had been a similar protagonist in the past. Several of the people here joined together to deal with him, but in the face of a more threatening opponent, even he had to join him.

Lin Zhiyan’s words didn’t change anyone’s expression. Those who were able to arrive here were all the best students in the sophomore year.

Reason tells them that they shouldn’t be discussing here now.

But not reconciled to let them gather together naturally.

This is a mentality that knows that it has failed but still has to try again.

“Always try, even if you don’t say anything else, if you want to step on our heads like this, at least you have to go through some tests?” Someone chuckled slightly, but his words aroused many people’s response.

Lin Zhiyan also feels that this is reasonable, and there is no upper rank that can be flat.

Now this menacing student Xu Sheng wants to step on the heads of all of them, naturally he has made all the psychological preparations.

Those who are seniors naturally have to weigh how many catties this junior has.

Even if the Sages knew about this, they wouldn’t say anything.

It was originally a rule that was agreed upon.

“At his current rate, it only takes two hundred years to surpass the highest ranked you among us, so our next plan is to do our best to assist you.”

“In any case, during this war, at least one of our sophomores must rank better than him!”

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