Global Sage Era

Chapter 311

Chapter 307 Then bet 500,000 credits (4000 chapters ask for monthly pass)

Suddenly turning around and looking at the entrance, Xu Sheng stared at the incoming person, his eyes became extremely deep.

The other 100 people in the East Campus reacted differently, but almost all felt very uncomfortable.

How old are you? We just leave if we want.

But after seeing the situation of the incoming person, everyone knows why the other person is so rampant.

It’s a sophomore.

The face of the sophomore in the East Campus who had always been out of the war in the battle hall changed drastically at this moment.

“Oops, why is this guy here?”

“The West Campus is too not wanting face, I went to call him over.”

Peng Xiao, the sophomore Xuanzi class on the West Campus ranks among the top.

The east and west campuses of Qianjing University are about five thousand each, while the four-level classes of Tiandi Xuanhuang are composed of one, two, three, and four.

Being in the Xuanzi class proves that there are at least 1,500 people in front of this campus.

Peng Xiao’s level is not particularly good in the whole sophomore year, but is just above the middle.

But the reason why he is so famous is entirely because of his domineering character.

The reason for him to develop such a character is that his father is considered extremely strong in Gao Sheng, and he is extremely short-sighted, so in general, even if he is the same son of Gao Sheng, he is not willing to have trouble with him.

After Peng Xiao came in, five or six sophomores came from outside.

They were all called over, knowing that the situation in the West Campus was not good this time, and trying to restore things, but what made them uncomfortable was that the freshman guys persisted for too short a time. They just received the news. I rushed over immediately, but still didn’t catch up like this, the West Campus had already lost before coming.

Losing and the result have not yet come out are two completely different concepts, just like when Xu Sheng arrived before, if the East Campus had already lost, then his method would not be feasible, which is equivalent to starting another competition.

But even if they knew these things well, Peng Xiao and others still did not leave, and even silently walked on the only way Xu Sheng and others had to go out of the tower. The meaning was extremely obvious.

“Peng Xiao, what do you want to do? As a sophomore, don’t you want to fight the freshman?”

A sophomore on the east campus said sharply.

He is also a student in the Xuanzi class, but the ranking is only medium, and the gap between each level of sophomores is very large. Although the ranking gap between him and Peng Xiao is not large, but when converted into strength, he is completely crushed. Pressure.

Peng Xiao said impatiently: “You dare to make noise from wherever you are, so go away.”

“You!” This sophomore student had heard of Peng Xiao’s domineering, but he had never been in direct contact with him. This time he finally ‘seen’ and made him angry.

But Peng Xiao didn’t have the time to look at the unknown boy on the opposite side. There are so many sophomores. How can he take the time to write down everyone? His eyes were straight at the freshman on the opposite side, as aggressive as a hungry wolf. sex.

“Are you Xu Sheng? The fight is not over yet, you are not allowed to leave.”Everyone looked at Xu Sheng and sweated for him. The freshman is too disadvantaged in front of the sophomore, and they don’t know how to respond.

Like a notorious student, even if Xu Sheng is the number one freshman, it must be very difficult to handle.

But what everyone didn’t expect was that Xu Sheng ignored Peng Xiao’s words. He just turned to look at the east campus senior who had just spoken out: “Senior, the battle is over. It’s meaningless to stay here. Let’s go out together.”

From beginning to end, it seemed that there was no such person as Peng Xiao in Xu Sheng’s eyes. He did not despise, but completely ignored!

Everyone knows the difference, so most of them took a breath immediately.

When Peng Xiao was treated like this, he immediately came over in anger and stretched out his hand to catch Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng still didn’t look at him, but said coldly in his voice, “I advise you to withdraw your hand.”

During the selection process, he was punished by the school because he took the initiative to attack Lin School.

Now he naturally doesn’t want to go through this course again inexplicably, but as long as he is not the one who took the initiative, and after he reminds the other party, the other party does not stop, then it is logical to counterattack, even if there will be some punishment in the end, but that oneself It was also out of self-defense and the punishment was minimal.

For some reason, when Peng Xiao heard Xu Sheng’s emotionless words, her heart was chilled, and she subconsciously stopped her hand.

In midair, Peng Xiao’s right hand was less than a punch from Xu Sheng, but the distance of this punch was like a moat, and he could no longer move forward.

Peng Xiao felt the weird eyes cast around him, which made him feel like his body was burning, and he was a little embarrassed and said: “The battle between the East and West campuses is not over yet. If you want to leave the battle tower, you have to beat me first.”

I have to say that although the sophomore year is a lot better than the freshman year, you need to wait for the next semester if you want to completely get rid of that kind of “childish” behavior. Now the last semester is only half past, maybe the freshman habit is still A lot is left.

If you change to a junior year, you won’t have this approach at all. They are all busy with Ascension strength outside the territory, working hard to enter the semi-sacred Realm as soon as possible. How can they have time to engage these moths.

Of course, there are some people with insufficient Xiantian, let alone juniors, maybe the seniors and even entering the society will still be like this, but everyone can’t blame him, the low IQ is not determined by himself, it is brought by Xiantian, just need sympathy Just have mercy on him.

After Peng Xiao said this, all the East Campus students who heard it seemed to have heard some funny words, with mocking smiles on their faces.

Even the students on the West Campus felt hot on their faces. Although Peng Xiao was indeed considering their West Campus now, his attitude and words were too low.

But there is no way. Among the sophomores at the school, Peng Xiao is almost the strongest, and those juniors and seniors don’t pay attention to such trivial matters at all.

A smile gradually appeared on Xu Sheng’s face. This Peng Xiao is an “interesting” person he has rarely encountered in so many years. .

But there are always some abnormal people in this world, and they will let you know how great the world is in various unexpected ways.

Xu Sheng didn’t care too much about Peng Xiao’s strength. Half a month ago, he had defeated a sophomore through the strength of his subjects. He had checked the ranking just now, and the strength of the opponent was similar to that of Peng Xiao.

And now it’s more than three hundred years later, and own strength has a large Ascension, it is even easier to solve Peng Xiao.

But it doesn’t make any sense.

The results of the battle between the East and West campuses have already come out, and all the benefits that should be gained are also obtained. Even if you should fight Peng Xiao, you won’t get any benefits here. This is a waste of energy.

He would never do anything in vain.

If the other party is a freshman and he disagrees, some people may say that they are afraid and use this to make a fuss, but if it is a sophomore export challenge, then the object of ridicule can only be the sophomore, but it has nothing to do with her. .

Peng Xiao’s face was a little ugly, and he didn’t know the truth. He was domineering, but he was not stupid.

But the big defeat was so fast that all his plans on the road could not be used, and he didn’t think there was any reason for Xu Sheng to agree to his own request.

At this time, he couldn’t help but get bored with the troubles of the earth. If he was outside the territory, a small freshman who dared to speak to himself like this would kill him with a palm.

“Let’s go.”

Xu Sheng whispered to Xiao Feng on the right hand side, and walked directly past Peng Xiao to the outside of the Battle Tower. He still has a lot of work to do, he hasn’t handed in the task, and the law comprehension is not yet Ascension. There is no time to delay too long with irrelevant people.

Seeing Xu Sheng walking outside the tower, Peng Xiao was anxious, he shouted: “Xu Sheng, are you afraid that you won’t be able to succeed? I thought you were so powerful, but you are just a dastard!”

Still useless.

The ants have been yelling at the passing elephant. Should the elephant yell back?

Peng Xiao didn’t know where Xu Sheng’s current level was. He naively thought that Xu Sheng’s strength was at most a little higher than what he had already shown, and far inferior to himself. How did he know that the strength of the two was completely opposite to what he thought.

The exit is getting closer and closer. It was originally a distance of more than 100 meters, and walking at a constant speed is less than 20 seconds.

“If he goes out, then the matter is really settled this time, so I will find a way soon.”

“The West Campus must never lose!”

The sophomore students who followed were all anxious, and they also screamed, wanting to stop Xu Sheng.

“Xu Sheng, although you can be proud of your freshman year, it is not worth mentioning that you put in your sophomore strength.”

“I don’t even dare to accept the invitation. Is this the true face of No. 1 East Campus this year?”

“Extremely timid!”

There are all kinds of words, and they can do everything they can to mock.

In order to achieve its own purpose, I don’t care about too many words. I just want the result regardless of the process. The ugly method is just a stopgap measure.

But this still didn’t hurt Xu Sheng. He and Xiao Feng whispered while walking outside the tower.

Not only Xu Sheng, but all the students from the East Campus who heard it laughed. It turns out that this is the West Campus, and this is the son of Gao Sheng, which is really disappointing.

But I already knew that they were just such superficial people, didn’t they?

Although the first-year students of the West Campus also feel that the seniors’ actions are not very appropriate, they know that under such circumstances, everything has to make concessions for the reputation of the campus.

Fang Su stood far behind. He hadn’t said a word since he came out just now, and he has been silent all the time.

When Xu Sheng was only one step away from the exit, he suddenly said: “Xu Sheng, if you can beat Senior Peng, then from now on, the well water of the West Campus and your East Campus will not be offended by the river.”

The steps Xu Sheng was about to take suddenly stopped.

The East Campus students also looked at Fang Su who was speaking in surprise.

Actually, I’m not afraid of the West Campus, but the students on the East Campus know the preciousness of time. If an annoying frog next to me stops noisy, that’s also a great thing.It was Fang Su who made the sound. Xu Sheng still admired Fang Su more or less, so after thinking for a moment, he calmly said, “Not enough.”

It is not enough for the West Campus to trouble the East Campus, because as long as he is in one day, he can’t get through any storms there.

Fang Su now has a lot of prestige among the freshmen, and when other people saw Xu Sheng really stopped, they all naturally stood behind Fang Su.

As for Peng Xiao and others, Fang Su knew very well about the situation, so he didn’t say much.

Fang Su’s father is also a powerful high sage. He is only stronger than Peng Xiao’s father, and he can firmly occupy the first place in the freshman school of the West Campus. He knows the meaning of it, so even Fang Su’s current strength is not worth mentioning to them, but they have to listen to his words.

“You can raise the bet, it’s up to you.”

Fang Su looked at Xu Sheng with an extremely serious expression.

He has now truly realized how powerful this man who has always been his opponent is. The scenes of previous battles are still replaying in his mind. At that time, the unquestionably powerful, irresistible strength, made him desperate.

But he could not show that he represented the facade of the West Campus to some extent.

The West Campus is now gone, but Linzi still has to hold on.

“Then bet 500,000 credits.”

Xu Sheng’s light and fluttering sentence made everyone who heard it suddenly widened their eyes.

More…how many credits?

“Five hundred thousand? Are you crazy!”

Peng Xiao and other sophomores almost jumped from the ground.

What kind of concept is half a million? For them now, it is almost equivalent to three hundred tasks!

Each of them now has less than 10,000 credits!

Fang Su was also a little lost. The number of 500,000 was too huge, and the impact was too violent for him to respond immediately.

But for Xu Sheng, credits below 100,000 are no longer good, and with sufficient certainty, the West Campus has actually sent it up, and there is no reason why it should not be accepted.

“No…” Xu Sheng glanced at them. It was this look that made all the people in the West Campus feel extremely embarrassed, and then heard Xu Sheng continue to say: “Then bet on all the credits you have.”

“How many credits can you have? You dare to speak so loudly.” Peng Xiao said in dissatisfaction.

“Bet or not?”

Xu Sheng finally faced Peng Xiao squarely for the first time. For someone who was about to give himself a lot of credits, he felt that he had to look at the other person at least.

He knew very well in his heart that under such a situation, it was impossible for the West Campus to refuse. If he did not agree, it would really be lost in Face.

Fang Su communicated with the sophomores in private, and finally reached a unified opinion.

“We can give out 100,000 credits.”

“One hundred thousand? It’s a bit less, but it’s okay, but since you didn’t meet my requirements, then I need to mention a condition.”

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