Global Sage Era

Chapter 310

Chapter 306

The entire area of ​​the battle is full of black and oppressive troops on both sides.

The number on the left is several times more than that on the right, but the more powerful one is on the right.

There are one hundred people in the West Campus, each of whom is tens of thousands of people, which adds up to millions of people, but the Qi Sea realm level power is only more than 400,000, which is less than half of the Huntuo Practitioner.

The remaining millions of Body Refining Realm Practitioners only have to be slaughtered when facing 500,000 Qi Sea realm Practitioners.

Qi Sea realm and body refining realm are a qualitative leap. One side begins to use the power of Spiritual Qi, while the other is limited to the physical body.

“Although he has many Qi Sea realm Practitioners, we still have the power to fight. Don’t be timid because of his strength. All we have to do now is to win this battle!”

Fang Su’s voice rang in everyone’s ears, which made the students of the West Campus who had been a little nervous to regain some confidence.

Yes, Xu Sheng is strong, but they are not without the power of a fight!

No matter how strong you are, our 100 people will definitely defeat you!

All the people on the west campus subconsciously ignored the 13 people on the east campus who were still behind.

It’s not that they couldn’t think of it, but that they didn’t dare to think.

If the thirteen people join the war again at this time, it will be the last straw that overwhelms the camel, and they will undoubtedly lose.

The reason they can comfort themselves in their hearts now is because Xu Sheng is arrogant and chooses one person to deal with 100 of them. Otherwise, when the millions of Qi Sea realm Practitioners come out, there will be no suspense about the outcome of the battle.

But when everyone including Fang Su and Xiao Feng did not notice, the Qi Sea realm Practitioner who appeared in front of them at this time was extremely young!

Almost all of them are young adults, and almost no middle-aged faces can be seen.

This is a very different direction, and how old can reach what level means many things.

At this moment, there happened to be a few sophomores in the battle hall. After they inadvertently watched Xu Sheng’s Practitioner, they immediately turned their heads back, and then took a deep breath.

They naturally understand what this means, Xu Sheng… There are more powerful forces in his Minor World.

At this time he only showed a small part of his power!

In fact, in the eyes of all sophomores, the first-year level of fighting is not in their eyes at all, even if the combined strength of all the two hundred people is not comparable to them.

So when Xu Sheng said those words, they didn’t actually have much thoughts in their minds.

Sophomore students have heard that Xu Sheng’s strength is very close to the sophomore level. After all, with such a high level of qualification, he has already begun to do tasks outside the territory. The strength of Ascension is not what a freshman can imagine.

As a freshman, I don’t know how fast Ascension’s strength is after sophomore year.

If there are only one million Qi Sea realm Practitioners, it won’t make them pay too much attention, but now they are not only one million Qi Sea realm Practitioners.

At that time, a million people reached Qi Sea realm’s young Practitioner just as an adult.

The meaning of this is too deep!

Even if they lower their predictions, they have to admit that Xu Sheng’s strength will never be weaker than them!

Although these sophomores in the battle hall are not very strong, they can also be ranked in the middle in the whole grade.

“This Xu Sheng, his strength is definitely not weaker than ours, hurry up and let Peng Xiao and the others come over.” One of the sophomores in the West Campus looked serious and communicated with his peers through his wristband in private.”It’s too strong. Is this the strength of the most enchanted person since the founding of Qianjing University? You can reach this level at this time in the freshman year. Isn’t it the only one?”

“In my memory, although there are several seniors who have similar records, they seem to be not as early as him in time…More importantly, we don’t know how much his true strength has reached, and he didn’t get into him. Minor World, no one can know this.”

“It is impossible to enter his Minor World. Fang Su’s 100 people have no hope of victory at all.”

Sophomores in West Campus are discussing here, their brains are running fast.

When they think about it now, if the result is really irreversible, then they will also follow Xu Sheng’s method and challenge him.

As for other things, they can’t manage too much for the time being. The reputation of the West Campus is more important.

Sophomores are communicating here. If you change to a junior, you won’t have such an idea.

Compared with the sophomore, the junior has reached another level. The juniors have begun to break through to the semi-sage. The improvement of that kind of vision has reached the level of the world, and it is impossible to be limited to a mere Ganjing University. .

Of course, sometimes on a whim, you may also come to play, but the number of times is still too few.

Xu Sheng looked at the Practitioner who walked out of Minor World.

There is no sadness or joy in his eyes.

Although the lion is still trying his best to fight the rabbit, the comparison between him and the students in the West Campus is no longer a lion and a rabbit, but a single-celled creature and a tiger.

His eyes turned to own Minor World. At this time, based on the data simulated by the battle tower, there are more than 100 million Qi Sea realm Practitioners doing things with various behavioral logics.

Regardless of the number of Qi Sea realm practitioners, in terms of the number of people, almost the 100 people add up to the same level as him.

When he first entered the outside world, the number of people was only one million, and the proportion slowly increased over the next thirty years.

Fang Su and others have experienced the time ratio of one year, and they also have to consider the issue of resources, so the people have only reached the millionth level until now.

The gap was so huge that after thinking about it for a while, he decided to send out only one million Qi Sea realm Practitioners.

He thought for a while. Although their positions are at odds for the time being, they are still classmates in the same school after all. They will fight side by side in the future, so it’s better not to destroy their self-confidence.

They can still accept the million Qi Sea realm Practitioner. If the million Martial Master comes out now, he believes that the confidence of everyone including Fang Su will experience a devastating blow.

It is estimated that even the East Campus has to doubt life.

He thinks about it in another way. If there is a person of the same age who is hundreds of times thousands of times stronger than his own, he will have to doubt the cognition of the world.


Because they are not real people, after Xu Sheng gave orders, the millions of Qi Sea realm practitioners outside began to march towards the West Campus.

Data also has the benefits of data. In the process of the team’s advancement, it is much more than real people, and it is more arm-driven. It didn’t take long for it to be very close to the students of the West Campus.

At this time, all the students in the West Campus are facing enemies.

“Everyone has a strong spirit!”

Fang Su’s spirit was extremely concentrated, and his brain shifted the fastest at this moment, and he was in an overloaded state. It was twice as fast as it was when he met Xiao Feng before.

He had to do this, millions of Qi Sea realm Practitioners are too powerful!

And he also gradually realized that Xu Sheng’s strength has not been fully demonstrated, and it is only part of his strength right now.

The question now is, how much is his strength in this part?

He didn’t dare to think about it, and he didn’t want to think about it. At this time, he just wanted to keep the bottom line of their West Campus.

No matter what the reason is, Xu Sheng is still a freshman, or he is regarded as a consent level existence in the eyes of outsiders. Such a person has beaten his own one hundred people, but in the future, the West Campus will be better than the East Campus. How powerful it is, it is impossible to look up in front of the East Campus.

This is the real break with force!

One person really overwhelms a school district!

He hoped that he could become such a person, but when he became the object of suppression, there was only a miserable thought in his heart.

After contact between the armies of both sides.

The situation that followed once again shocked everyone.

The scene where the West Campus was supposed to resist a little did not appear. When the two sides met, the West Campus was completely collapsed!

Xu Sheng’s Qi Sea realm Practitioner is like an invincible spear, while the Hundred-man Allied Forces on the West Campus is like a wall of soil, without even the slightest ability to resist.

Everyone was looking for the reasons for this, and soon they knew what caused this result.


There is a very powerful formation in the Huntuo Practitioner, which can screw the power of several people in one place. On the West Campus, let alone screw the power in one place, it is very difficult to bring the light together. After all, it was originally from different Minor Worlds, and their habits are completely different!

Huntuo Practitioner is a human being.

On the other hand, the Allied Forces in the West Campus have all kinds of races, flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the sea, and real sea, land and air.

However, this kind of strength was all about food delivery before Huntuo Practitioner, and it didn’t change the result at all.

In just a few hours, the defense line of the Allied Forces of the West Campus was defeated!

Over a million coalition forces were killed in the process!

And Huntuo Practitioner paid no more than 10,000 casualties!

The battle damage between the two sides is not an order of magnitude at all.

However, after all, the number of coalition forces in the West Campus is large. Even after one million have been killed, there are still more than three million left. Such a number can already organize an effective line of defense.

However, according to the current trend, it was only a delay for a while, and the victory steadily shifted to Xu Sheng’s side.

All the white people in the West Campus were giving instructions profusely, and everyone was burning their own spirit.

The East Campus is a completely different scene.

After the remaining thirteen people passed the initial surprise, their hearts were full of excitement at this time, and they hugged their shoulders to watch the battle continue.

It feels great to be able to wait for victory without participating!

“Okay! Another line of defense was torn. I guess they can last at most seven days.”

“Seven days? You value them too much. I think this battle will end in five days.”

“Maybe for three days, haha!”

Everyone in the East Campus is discussing, some “little people get the best.”

But this can’t be too blame for them, it’s because they have been sulking too much before.They were not provoked from the beginning to the end of this battle. It was the West Campus who was chasing after them and provoking them all the time. They were just the passive party.

Now that he has finally suffered from the consequences, Xu Sheng is back, telling them what true strength is!

As for the others, they don’t think about it anymore.

Xu Sheng’s strength now is enough to subdue all voices, and the West Campus will no longer be able to raise his head in front of their East Campus.

Even if Fang Su spent all his heart and energy deploying, but only lasted for a day and fifteen hours, all the outer defense lines collapsed, and the nearly five million coalition forces survived less than three hundred thousand.

Then they just watched the Huntuo Practitioner head to own Minor World.

The difference is that Xu Sheng did not push Minor World one by one. He directly divided the Huntuo Practitioner into one hundred teams and attacked all Minor Worlds at the same time!

The most powerful forces in the West Campus have been destroyed, and there is no resistance at all in Minor World, so even if the number of each team is less than 10,000, they are also destroying Minor World at a very fast speed.

One Minor World was destroyed one after another, and the figure with combat power above it disappeared continuously.

Only for most of the day, in the entire battlefield, there are only 23 Minor Worlds in the West Campus, and they are all on the verge of being destroyed.

Fang Su looked at the top blankly.

Since a few hours ago, he had no resistance, so all the people he sent out were wiped out by Xu Sheng’s Practitioner.

Now, all he can do is not to admit defeat.

Even if the West Campus loses, they will fight until the last one.

Xu Sheng understands this kind of thinking, and if it were him, he would make the same choice.

With the destruction of the last Fang Su’s Minor World, the battle finally came to an end.

“The result of the battle has come out. The winner this time is the East Campus.”

At the same time, Taring’s voice appeared in everyone’s ears.

“Very good!”

“we won!”

“Hahaha, our east campus is not something your west campus can provoke, so don’t be so arrogant in the future!”

Everyone in the east campus shouted with excitement, and they looked at the students on the west campus beside them, making the latter’s face pale.

“We lose, I will give you things as quickly as possible.”

Fang Su’s gaze crossed Xu Sheng and looked at Fang Su. Every time there was a battle, there was a “color head”. This time, because it was the largest scale, in addition to a large number of credits, there were also various cultivation materials. A piece of meat was severed from the West Campus.

“No hurry.” Xiao Feng showed the demeanor of a winner at this time.

“Our west campus did not lose to your east campus, we just lost to Xu Sheng.” Some students from the west campus yelled unwillingly from behind.

“Haha, is there any difference?” Everyone in the East Campus laughed from behind.

Two hundred and one figures appeared in the hall, and the east and west campuses were very distinct.

Just when Xu Sheng was about to leave, suddenly a stout boy walked in from outside.

Before he could see clearly, he heard his domineering voice.

“You are not allowed to leave until the battle is over!”

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