Global Sage Era

Chapter 274

Chapter 270 The Best Use of Golden Luck

【mission completed】

In just one year, the last crystallization of faith was condensed by Xu Sheng.

Corresponding information also appeared on his Sage interface.

The entire task took forty-nine years!

At the same time that Xu Sheng completed the task, everyone around him who had been paying attention to him sighed.

“I only have sixteen now, just over half.”

“I’m not much better than you, seventeen.”

“The fastest of us is only twenty-three, right? I really don’t know how fast he is.”

They didn’t deliberately avoid it when they were discussing, so when Xu Sheng unfolded his consciousness, he just ‘heared’ it, almost to the extent that someone was talking about a dozen meters away when he was walking in the school.

“My mission is complete, I will go back first.”

Xu Sheng has become accustomed to such discussions, so he feels as usual, but just sends a message to Huang Xuanlang as agreed.

“You are so efficient… Don’t take on tasks that are too difficult and tedious when you go back.” Huang Xuanlang replied quickly.

Leaving from this temple, Xu Sheng quickly went to the place where he arrived.

He had already applied to the school for the spaceship to pick him up in advance, so when Xu Sheng arrived, he had seen a spaceship parked there.

From the transfer secret realm, Xu Sheng returned to the familiar campus.

It is five o’clock in the morning on November 7 of the earth. According to earth time, he left at noon on November 5th.

Nothing has changed in the school, but for him it has been fifty years.

This is different from the feeling of time in Minor World, because I will experience real time and Minor World time with my own hands. There is a sense of confusion, but in the endless return to the market, it is a real feeling. I have been on the earth for fifty years. Years are no different.

It’s more like a time house in the territory of ten thousand races.

Ganjing University at five o’clock is quiet and quiet. Sometimes there are early-rising students walking around the school, but there is not much to memorize with a book, so there is no need for this.

Xu Sheng walked around the campus slowly.

In the meditation lake, there are circles of ripples, and goldfish swim leisurely in it.

There were rows of golden willows by the lake, but the autumn wind was bleak in November, and the tops were bare, showing a somewhat withered appearance.

Everything is ordinary.

It is so common.

But gradually, Xu Sheng felt his a little restless heart, but gradually calmed down.

There were more people, and after looking at the time, I realized that it was seven o’clock unknowingly.

Suddenly Xu Sheng’s stomach groaned, causing him to shake his head and laugh.

“I haven’t felt hunger for fifty years, I almost forgot…”

Returning to the earth body is just like ordinary people, even the three-year-old child of the Huntuo tribe is stronger than himself.

After going to the cafeteria for dinner, Xu Sheng went to the task building and handed over the own task.

When I walked to the door of the mission building, a light swept down from above.

“Authorized permissions, passable.”

Last time I was put in with Huang Xuanlang, and now I have permission to enter, which feels much better.

“There are still so many people.”

Xu Sheng glanced around and found that there were already nearly a hundred people in the hall, standing together in twos and threes.

All gathered together are in the form of small teams. Some tasks have insufficient personal strength. The division of labor and cooperation can greatly speed up efficiency.

But he still can’t get in touch with such a task, it’s best to have a task like Crystallization of Faith.

“Hand in task.”

Walking to a terminal, after verifying his identity, Xu Sheng looked at the screen and said.

“One-star mission: crystallization of faith, requirement: 30, time: 3 days, reward: chalcedony milk, 700 credits.”

“Time-consuming: 1.7 days.”

“Quantity brought back: 30.”

“Mission completion: 100%.”

“Student Xu Sheng, you have completed the task, the credits have been issued, and the in-kind reward will be sent to your dormitory within 24 hours.”

Xu Sheng had already used up all his credits before doing the task, and now he has earned another 700, which is a bite of blood.

However, 700 credits is really a drop in the bucket, which is almost only 0.02% of Ascension’s understanding of the law.

If it is at this rate, even if ordinary students do tasks for three hundred and sixty-five days a year, they will not be able to grasp the law ascension to 10% when they enter the sophomore year.

The task done by a single person is not as good as the team type. The efficiency of the two is at least five times the difference, and the slightly normal one is ten times the difference. The speed of five students working together to do the task is exponential. ascending.

If Xu Sheng had four other teammates of the same strength in the mission of crystallization of belief, then just go straight in and push horizontally, and a world can be leveled in a few days.

“My current strength can do slightly more difficult tasks.”

Xu Sheng glanced over on the central large screen one by one.

Naturally, he didn’t swell to look at the two-star mission to find a slightly more difficult character, but to find the kind that is not cumbersome.

It is also a one-star mission. The mission of crystallization of faith is relatively cumbersome. It needs to conquer 30 worlds, but it is purely suitable for newcomers.

After watching for a while, he suddenly moved in his heart, and his gaze fell on a new task.

“One-star mission: to find the spiritual source of heaven, time: unlimited, reward: 1500 credits.”

“Note: The Spirit Source Sky Crystal exists in the Spirit Source World, and it is extremely difficult to find it.”

The so-called spiritual source world is a civilization system that specializes in producing various resources. Because of its characteristics, this civilization system is often plundered by other systems.

It is widely distributed in various resource areas, and at the beginning it provided the earth with a large amount of resources, but as time passed, it became more and more difficult to mine.

The spiritual source celestial crystal is the core of a spiritual source world, equivalent to the earth of the earth, but the difference is that its location is extremely concealed, and there is almost no conventional way to find it, and it can only rely on the method of great luck.

The reason why Xu Sheng thinks this task is good is entirely because of the existence of Kuang Yuan. It is extremely difficult for the golden luck person to appear. Even now, he has never heard of a second person with golden luck in the school.

But it’s not that golden luck can be obtained, it can only be said that there is great hope.

There are also some spirit source beasts in the spirit source world, protecting various mineral veins, so Xu Cheng’s acquisition of incense will not be delayed.

“It seems that someone has been collecting the Spirit Source Celestial Crystal for a long time, Kuang Yuan, it’s up to you whether I can make a fortune this time.”

If Xu Sheng couldn’t see Kuang Yuan now, he would have to bring his own consciousness to some extent.

“The task has been accepted.”

After seeing this line of words appear, Xu Sheng didn’t stop and walked out of the mission building quickly.

Not many people pay attention to him. With the half of the semester, everyone has entered a formal state. Ascension own strength is the most important. How can there be so much energy to pay attention to others.

A little later, Xu Sheng returned to the dormitory and entered Minor World to develop the Huntuo tribe.

It is class time, Xiao Feng and Su Linrui both have own courses, so he plans to wait for the evening to see them.

“It is estimated that the two of them will be a bit speechless…” Xu Sheng could not help but feel the urge to scratch his temples when he thought of their worried eyes when they left.

But he did miss these two friends a little bit. He hadn’t talked for fifty years, and he had accumulated a lot of loneliness in his heart.

For dinner, Xu Sheng and Xiao Feng ate together in the familiar second canteen.

“You are a bit fast. You completed the task in just two days. It seems that you have achieved a good result?” Xiao Feng now also knows the status of some tasks. He knows that he can complete the tasks so much ahead of schedule. It’s hard to do.

This guy didn’t expect that after surpassing all of them, he didn’t stop his momentum at all to compare with the sophomore senior.

He has gradually felt that beside own, a legend seems to be born gradually.

In the two months since entering the school, he is now very clear about the experiences of those legendary figures. After doing a comparison, he found that Xu Sheng is no worse than those people, and even more victorious!

According to the current situation, the extremely sage dare not say, but the probability of becoming a true sage is very high!

As for himself, the goal he set was nothing more than a high sage, and even now he didn’t have much confidence.

Although I was not counted in this session, in more than a hundred years, there were many people who were better than me, and there were no less than a thousand people at the same level as me.

More importantly, the current lead does not mean that you have been leading. Many students who have become junior and senior students may not perform well in the four years of university. Such people will account for half of the number!

So he now has a sense of urgency in his heart. He wants to be Sage, and even more so, and even one day… take a peek at Realm.

“The harvest is okay.”

“How does it compare to the territories of the ten thousand races?”


Xiao Feng’s teeth were sore, it was similar to the territory of the Ten Thousand Clan, then how strong is this guy now?

“According to what I know about you, you should have accepted the task again, right?”

Xu Sheng smiled, “You got it right.”

“when are we leaving?”

“Leave soon.”

The chalcedony milk has been delivered, and Xu Sheng has used it. At the same time, he also used own700 points during the day, so that the ascension of the law of own was 1.57%. Although it is horribly slow, the accumulation of less is more than 10%. close.

After parting with Xiao Feng, Xu Sheng met Su Linrui at Huxin Pavilion.

When the weather turned colder, Su Linrui wore a little more, but she was still so pretty.

“If you do tasks like this in the future, then I feel pretty good.”

As the two walked and talked, Su Linrui suddenly speeded up and walked in front of Xu Sheng, then turned her body around and was behind her, and said playfully.

Xu Sheng paused, nodded and smiled: “I think so too.”

After chatting with Su Linrui for more than an hour, the two waved goodbye.

University time is precious. Both he and Su Linrui must cherish every minute and every second of Ascension’s strength.

Su Linrui, who could only see her back in the distance, suddenly turned around and waved, Xu Sheng also smiled and waved.

After completely disappearing from sight, Xu Sheng walked towards the transfer secret realm and started his second mission!

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