Global Sage Era

Chapter 273

Chapter 269 Exchange, [Ninth Stage Battle Body] Second Stage!

The flames of war ignited in this deity world.

Unlike the previous twenty-eight worlds, the main material plane in this world is being invaded by the abyss.

The gods of the gods are also engaged in a battle with Maharaja Devil.

This war that has engulfed the entire continent has lasted for more than ten years. The two sides have long been red eyes. The weak and small races are used as cannon fodder by the powerful races, and countless lives have been turned into ashes in this war.

There are actually many worlds like this, but Xu Sheng has not entered many worlds after all, and this is the first time he has encountered it.

The current scene is naturally powerful for him. He looked at the gods of the gods and the princes of Devil. He could only hide the traces of the Huntuo human race with the source. He had done this many times, and he has done this many times now. Able to achieve the greatest effect with the least amount of origin.

The hostile relationship between the gods of the gods and the Devil princes cannot be reconciled. This involves the issue of camp. One is lawful, the other is chaotic, and it is inherently opposed.

This opposition is much more serious than the natural contradiction between Practitioner and cultivator, and there is almost no possibility of coexistence between the two.

More than ten years of battles have resulted in the fall of dozens of gods from the God Realm, all of whom were weak and weak. The abyss also lost almost a number of Devil Monarchs.

The entry of the Huntuo human race made the two warring parties unclear about the situation. At first they thought it was the reinforcement of the other side, but soon they knew that this new party was simply a behemoth passing by!

Huntuo human race does not matter whether you are a deity race or an abyss Devil, as long as the lives that exist in front of you are treated equally, more than 80,000 Practitioners operate the Universe array and want to get on the road roller, and there are no places where you pass by.

Soon the deity race and the abyss Devil knew that the newly emerged third person had no way to resist, as long as he felt the breath, he would dodge far away.

The Huntuo race didn’t care about the small units that flee. They only aimed at the location of the temple based on the experience accumulated in the previous twenty-eight times.

The gods of the gods were the first to be unable to sit still, and one after another came down to block the progress of the Practitioner.

At the beginning, they didn’t have a unified voice organization, they all rushed over eagerly after receiving their believers’ request for help, and then they ended up being erased by a Wu Ying Dzogchen.

The gods with weak divine power and weak divine power almost didn’t have much resistance in front of Wu Ying Dzogchen, and they didn’t have to move at all.

Later, the theology of the gods became obedient and began to come over under the leadership of the main god.

Kuang Yuan wanted to make a move, and with his current strength, he could be able to kill the main god head-on, but Yin still took the initiative in pursuit of speed, and then the blood rain fell and the main god fell.

Maharaja Devil was happy at first, but he was quickly horrified. They also understood the truth of his lips and teeth, so he soon put down the war with the gods and stood together to resist the Huntuo human race.

But the result could not be changed. Under Yin’s Heaven-shaking Seal and Kuang Yuan’s Fang Tianji, the army of gods and Devil were beheaded one after another.

The scene was too horrible, and the deity race and the Devil army almost lost the courage to resist!

Even if the gods and princes are easily killed, how can they resist?

Above the sky, Xu Sheng was opposing the Gaia consciousness in the world here, in a relatively relaxed state.

The consciousness of Gaia encountered this time was very weak, and he could almost concentrate half of his mind on Yin and others.

If he wants to, he can consume the source of support at any time, but after reading it, he found that he doesn’t need own support, and they can solve everything in this deity world by themselves.

“When I need my help less and less…” Xu Sheng was very happy. Starting from the tenth world of the gods, he didn’t have to do much, even if the source of the shot was very small.

The combination of the gods of the gods and Maharaja Devil did not cause much trouble to the Huntuo human race. When the most powerful of them were beheaded one by one by Yin and Kuangyuan, the whole world fell into chaos.

The light spots of faith crystals also began to appear, and Xu Sheng condensed the twenty-ninth crystals of faith.

After only one year and three months, everything in this world is over, and the twenty-ninth crystal of faith is about to be completed.


[Sage interface]


[Incense]: 10.47 billion



The incense finally exceeded 10 billion!

After recalling Minor World into his own heart position, Xu Sheng converged his own breath and said solemnly:

“Everything is equal.”

Books that have appeared countless times came to mind again, flipping through the pages.

【Ninth Stage Battle Body·Second Stage】

Category: Talent

Description: With a growth rate far exceeding that of a Hong-level race, the absorption rate of Spiritual Qi is greatly increased, and Qi Sea realm combat power is available in adulthood, and the minimum chance of being promoted to Martial Master is 1%.

Exchange required: 10 billion incense

“After thinking about it for so many years, I finally reached this point!”

Xu Sheng was deeply moved when he saw the picture appearing on the equivalence of everything.

At that time, when he was consuming 70 million incense to exchange for the first stage, he felt that it would take a long time for the second stage to redeem it. He didn’t expect that it would take only a month to make up enough incense.

Think of it this way, is the Third Stage also…

Quickly stop, the exchange price between Ninth Stage battle bodies per First Stage is not doubled, nor is it ten times, but a hundred times!

From 70 million in the First Stage to 10 billion in the Second Stage, a full 143 times the leap!

Not to mention the advanced level of the cultivator talent [Xuanguang Dao Body] [Qing Wei Dao Body], it makes my scalp tingling even thinking about it.

In addition to these two’incense-eaters’, there are more advanced inheritance and Cultivation Techniques that need to be exchanged, as well as high-quality Spiritual Roots and Magic Treasures, so incense will never be enough.

After a brief immersive thought, Xu Sheng’s attention returned, and then he whispered in a mixed mood: “Exchange.”

The incense that had accumulated for nearly sixty years disappeared in an instant, and there were only 400 million of 10.4 billion. Although it is still a large number, Xu Sheng’s current “vision” has been raised again.

[Record]: You added a talent to your people

[Record]: The potential of your people has been greatly Ascension

[Record]: The probability of your people’s awakening talent is large Ascension

With three familiar reminders, Xu Sheng’s eyes entered Minor World, just watching the various emotional changes of his subjects.

Hun Tuo Minor World.

Over the past sixty years, the entire Minor World has undergone earth-shaking changes, the area has grown a few times, and more spectacles have appeared.

The most important thing is the increase in cities and towns. With a population of nearly five million, the number of cities has exceeded one hundred.

The one hundred cities are almost independent of each other, and their cooperation from the beginning has become the current competition.

Some resources appearing between the two cities will be contested, and then bloodshed will inevitably occur.

The more people there are, the more difficult it is to control. Even if there is a Huntuo tribe pressing on it, people’s desires are endless, and they may get out of business because of various accidents.

There will also be gamblers, these people are red-eyed and want to fight, although all those who do this have a miserable end, they have always been banned repeatedly.

Controlling floods is not as good as sparse, and the same is true for governing human races. The prohibition of one person will have some effect in the early stage, but it will also make the flames in the dark accumulate higher and higher. When it finally erupts, no one can stop it. .

But on this day, regardless of whether it was in dispute or not, they all looked at Own’s body in a daze, and they discovered that a reborn change was taking place inside Own’s body.

Although it has only been 50 years since the last time I exchanged the talent of the cultivator, most people are not awakened and naturally do not feel it.

A hundred years have passed since the first stage of the Ninth Stage battle body exchange.

The life of a mortal is insignificant in the face of time. For hundreds of years, even a young child who is babbling at this time has turned into a piece of loess.

So at this time, there were only a few thousand people in the entire tribe who knew that this was a good fortune gift from their ancestors.

Almost all of these thousands of people are concentrated in the Huntuo tribe.

So everyone in the outside world basically doesn’t know what this change is.

They just feel very comfortable and they seem to have become stronger.

In the Huntuo tribe.

Different from the confusion of the outside world, at this time it was still in a tribe with a scale of ten thousand people. All of them had already emerged from their own houses, gathered spontaneously in the center of the tribe, and knelt down in the direction of the tablet.

“Xie Anzu~”

“Xie Anzu~”

One after another, continuous.

And in the forefront position, it is clear that Yin and Kuangyuan are two!

Xu Sheng looked at this scene and smiled with satisfaction.

The meaning of the Ninth Stage Second Stage is much heavier than the First Stage.

Even if the Qi Sea realm Cultivation Base becomes an adult, this means that after eighteen years, there will be more than 200,000 Qi Sea realm Practitioners in the Huntuo tribe every year!

And it will continue to grow!

At that time, what is the scale of the current 100,000 Qi Sea realm Practitioner?

Qi Sea realm is no longer a conventional combat power, and will have to be raised one level higher before Martial Master can become a conventional combat power!

The strength of Martial Master Realm is already equivalent to that of a cultivator!

There are 200,000 Qi Sea realm Practitioners every year. After a few years, there will be at least 2,000 Martial Master realms!

However, this situation will not last long. Martial Master Realm consumes resources far beyond Qi Sea realm’s ability to compare. With Xu Sheng’s current situation, resource problems will arise in a few years.

Resources can also be regarded as incense, and the desire for incense will be greater.

This giant beast that devours incense can’t be filled, because while Xu Sheng is growing, it is also growing at the same time!

So starting today, Xu Sheng will have more and more comprehensive things to consider!

But no matter what, he will not give up the situation that he finally won!

Qi Sea realm Practitioner he wants.

Martial Master…he wants it too!

At this moment, Xu Sheng’s eyes showed a rare light like a wolf!

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