Global Sage Era

Chapter 125

Chapter 125 The seventh base, number 89757 secret realm (subscription required!)

In his previous life, Xu Sheng had never travelled far, but had only taken a high-speed train and had not taken an airplane.

In this life, he had no chance for the first eighteen years. This was the first time he soared above the blue sky, overlooking the earth.

The feeling of the real body was completely different from that of the world. He looked through the porthole and Lu Yuan had become a small spot in the distance in his sight.

“Brother Wang, you should be able to tell us where we are going now? It is so good to keep it secret?” After a while, Xu Sheng, who had seen enough of the scenery below, asked Wang Kun in the side seat.

“Hahaha, it’s all the school regulations, my brother must be able to understand.” Wang Kun took Xu Sheng’s shoulders affectionately, “but this meeting is all on the helicopter, the confidentiality rules are no longer useful… our purpose this time The land is the school’s base in Xisu Province.”

“To be precise, it is the seventh base.” The pilot suddenly added.

“Since this brother has spoken, why not let him answer you.”

When Wang Kun said something, Xu Sheng and the five others all looked at the cool-looking pilot.

The pilot is obviously not bored with Calabash, so he quickly talked about it, “Our school has many bases, and you are going to only one of them this time… The base is very large and complex. With your authority, you can only Activities in the small film range, if it were not for this selection, you would at least have to be a sophomore if you want to come over!”

“What is the significance of the existence of the base?” Fang Chengyi asked suddenly, because of his origin, he couldn’t touch many things.

The pilot glanced at him with a smile and a smile: “The significance is very important, but it is not what you want to consider now. What you have to think about now is to not fall behind too much in the freshman year.”

“What do you mean?” Zheng Jingjing interjected somewhat unhappily. She didn’t stand out for Fang Chengyi, but because she felt some other meanings from the pilot’s words.

“Hehe, the little girl is young, but she has a big temper. If you don’t change your personality, you will lose money.” The pilot is obviously not going to care about a little girl who has just graduated from high school.

Zheng Jingjing was very upset, but considering that the pilot was a quasi-sage, she finally endured what she wanted to say.

Wang Kun knew everything. The pilot meant that it was useless to think so much. The result of Fang Chengyi and others was the’accompanying prince exam’ this time. The probability of really entering the champion class is too low, even Xu Sheng , It is not safe to enter, there are too many strong hands, just the’monsters’ he has heard in the work group during this time, there are no fewer than fifty people.

A perfect score is both an honor and a burden.

Wang Kun quietly glanced at Xu Sheng next to him, and thought in his heart, I hope this little brother can withstand the pressure and prove everything with his strength.

The helicopter flew over the bustling city and came to the uninhabited desert. Finally, it slowed down in the yellow sand and fell towards an inconspicuous soil slope.

Suddenly, the soil slope shook, and then a huge apron appeared, and the helicopter landed on it.

A huge alloy door appeared on one side of the soil slope and slowly opened.

Xu Sheng and others came up from the helicopter, and soon there were security personnel wearing Qianjing University uniforms.

“Please verify your identity.” The security personnel took out the terminal.

Xu Sheng and others attached the wristbands to the terminal one by one, then scanned the iris and recorded fingerprints.

“Xu Sheng, verified, temporary permission.”

“Su Linrui, verified, temporary permission.”

“Zheng Jingjing, verified, temporary permission.”

“Fang Chengyi, verified, temporary authority.”

The security officer nodded, “Come with me.”

The four followed the security personnel through the alloy door.

“This is Base No. 7… belongs to a university.”

As soon as Xu Sheng walked in, he felt that he had come to a new world.

Above it is a metal dome, which is more than ten meters high. Standing here is extremely small, but here is just a passage. At the end of the passage, a huge oval space appears, and there is a steel city inside!

This steel city is more than 10 kilometers long and wide, and people pass through it from time to time. Everyone has a strong aura, at least above the semi-sacred realm!

Wearing uniforms of various colors and styles, they are in a hurry, and I feel that there is something to be done for everyone.

I walked like this for 20 minutes, and the security personnel have not stopped.

Xu Sheng couldn’t help asking, “How long will it take to walk?”

“Yeah, yeah, it’s been too long.” Su Linrui hurriedly talked, and she wanted to say it a long time ago.

The security officer was a young man with an ordinary face, at most twenty-five or sixty-six, and replied blankly, “At the current speed, there are still ten minutes.”

“where are we going?”

“I’ll know when you get there.”

Several people are speechless, even Zheng Jingjing knows to constrain here, although she is proud but not stupid.

After another ten minutes, Xu Sheng and the others came to a gate.

After verification, the gate opened.

“Welcome to the secret realm number 89757.”

After entering, I found that the area here is astonishingly large, no smaller than the steel city outside!

“No. 8957 secret realm? If it is sorted by number, doesn’t it mean that there are tens of thousands of places like this?”

Xu Sheng couldn’t help taking a breath after thinking of this.

The other three were not stupid either, and soon thought of it, and their reactions were similar.

Wang Kun smiled and looked at the expressions of several people. Xu Sheng realized that the old man was doing bad things when he saw it, and couldn’t help rolling his eyes in his heart.

“Should you explain to us?” Xu Sheng looked at him.

Wang Kun said innocently, “Didn’t you hear it, this is the secret realm.”

“What is a secret realm?” Fang Chengyi asked, which was what Xu Sheng thought.

“The so-called secret realm is the special space that Sages attach to the earth in some way.”

Wang Kun was about to explain, a voice suddenly sounded in the distance, and then a middle-aged man walked over.

“I have seen Sage.” After Wang Kun saw the person coming, he immediately saluted him respectfully. Although he didn’t know him, he could feel Realm.

Xu Sheng and others responded quickly, and immediately saluted them respectfully.

“No need to be polite.” The middle-aged man smiled and waved his hand. “Introduce myself. I am one of the teachers in charge this time, Xuan Tong.”

“Because of the large number of people participating in this selection, people who are more leisurely like me are invited to make coolie. The time you came is considered to be in the middle, and more than a hundred people have arrived before.”

Xu Sheng and several people have good senses to this newly-appearing teacher Xuantong, and they think they are very kind people.

“Teacher Xuan, can you explain the secret realm in detail?” Zheng Jingjing looked very well-behaved at this time, and she couldn’t imagine her usual words and deeds just by looking at her now.

Both Zheng Jingjing and Su Linrui belong to the descendants of Sage, and they are considered to be well-born.

But even they have not been told about secret realm by their parents in the past 18 years, and they know no more than Xu Shengyu Fang Chengyi.

“There is nothing to explain in detail. Secret realm is a very common thing, and it is often contacted by more than half holy.”

“It may be a small space, like what you see now, or it may be a planet, a starry sky, a multi-dimensional universe.”

“Difficulty Does our school have so many secret realms? It’s almost 100,000?” Fang Chengyi asked.

“Hehe, this is where the secret realm is.” Xuan Tong laughed.

Xu Sheng could hear every word very clearly, and he knew that he was a small piece of human power at the moment.

Although he always knew that everything he saw before was only a small part of it, he didn’t know how small it was.

Now it seems that own imagination may still be too scarce.

The secret realm number 89757 was created by a high sage in the school for the purpose of experimentation.

The power of this high sage is concentrated in fantasy and spirit. All the people and things that come here can be transformed into energy bodies after being transformed by special devices.

The secret realm is attached to the earth, and the suppression is not as strong as the earth.

The reason why the quota is selected in this secret realm is that the students are here, and the people in Minor World can be spiritualized-as long as a certain amount of energy is given, the people can be resurrected.

The selection must be accompanied by the fight between the cultivator and the Practitioner. If two students of similar strength meet, then the outcome must be both sides, and then the subsequent selection will not be able to proceed.

So in order to solve this problem, Sage has figured out a way long ago.

However, this kind of energy consumption is much more than that of Minor World’s autonomous circulation, so such secret realm will not be opened unless there are special circumstances.

When Xu Sheng heard the news, his eyes lit up instantly.

“It turned out to be so, great!”

Under such circumstances, not only will the fighting among the civilians have no impact, but it will also greatly increase the fighting experience of the citizens!

We all know that the probability of breakthrough between life and death is very high, but no one dares to walk between life and death all the time, because if you are not careful, you will die.

But in this number 89757 secret realm, don’t worry about everything, just fight desperately!

“It seems that they don’t have to die…however, they were finally cultivated.” Even Zheng Jingjing, who doesn’t care about the lives of her people, was very happy at this time.

“Hehe, so you have to cherish this opportunity. The entire assessment time continues to be misleading. If you work hard, even if you fail to enter the champion class at the end, you can also make your strength ascending to the first level. After enrolling, you will be The fight for resources is very beneficial.” Xuan Tong mentioned from the side.

Xu Sheng and others nodded.

The five followed Xuantong and continued to move forward, and soon after passing a corner, they came to a spacious hall.

The hall is estimated to be thousands of square meters. At this time, there are more than 100 people sitting in twos and threes everywhere.

As soon as Xu Sheng and the others arrived, many people looked up at them one after another.

“Yeah, someone is here again.”

“A lot, there are actually four people.”

“I don’t know who came this time. I hope it’s from Baiwan Province. I am very interested in Xu Sheng.”

“Why don’t you go up and ask? Hey, maybe Xu Sheng is among those two people.”

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