Global Sage Era

Chapter 124

Chapter 124 Assemble! (Second, please subscribe!)

The resource world, as the name suggests, is to provide resources exclusively, which is also one of the methods used for indigenous humans.

Failure to provide incense does not mean it is useless. Other aspects can also provide benefits to development.

“Open the interface.”

With Xu Sheng’s command, the golden light circulated in front of him, and the information at this time appeared.

[Sage interface][User]: Xu Sheng

[Respect Taboo]: Tongtian

[Rule]: Touch (0.01%)

【Dao Guo】: None

[Origin]: Water (17424 points)

【Dojo】: Not obtained


【Sect】: None

[Subject]: Huntuo people

[Incense]: Four thousand two hundred and fifty-eight thousand seven hundred and ninety-one

【Bonus】: Zero

[Sub-civil interface][Name]: Huntuo people

[Number]: One hundred two thousand three hundred and fifty-seven

[Rank]: Wild-level humans (level eight, talented blood bathing body)

[Enjoy]: Tablet (no bonus)

[Inheritance]: The way of cultivator, the inheritance of thunder, the power of blood

[Cultivation Technique]: Do a work (Nascent Soul period), third rank pill refining technique, refining outline, Xiantian forging body

[Cultivator]: Yin (Foundation Building late stage), Yuhua (Practicing Qi Dzogchen), Qian Min (Qi Practicing Dzogchen)

[Patriarch]: Martial Master middle stage (Martial Master middle stage)

[Practitioner]: Xuan Yi (Qi Sea realm Dzogchen), Qi Sea realm (524 persons), Body Refining Realm (47,942 persons)

[Minor World interface][Area]: a radius of one hundred and thirty-two li

【Spirit Power】: One hundred times the concentration in the center, decreasing concentration in other areas, and one time concentration at the extreme edge

[Race]: Desolate level human (level 8), Greystone spirit (level 5 desolate, subsidiary race)

[Wonderful View]: good fortune pool, Bu Laoquan

[Special]: Seven Medicines

[Attachment]: No. 1 Resource World (30 million aboriginal tribes, first-order deserted, producing various Demonic Beasts materials)

[Evaluation]: Excellent in all aspects, great potential for development


The changes in each interface are quite big. Some columns have become sub-interfaces. For example, there used to be a column for sacrifices. Now because it is not important to him, it needs to be clicked again to appear.

In addition, it is the concentration of Spirit Power. Now Minor World has a radius of 132 miles (an area of ​​nearly 4,000 square kilometers). If the concentration is 100 times, the light incense will consume 400,000 incense every day.

A demon world was destroyed, and after removing the consumed, he saved 30 million. This cost him nearly three months. If the full range of Spiritual Qi is 100 times the concentration, he can’t even survive the root hair now, so the concentration is 100 times the concentration. It is also only set up in places with large populations.

In this way, the incense consumed every day is about 100,000.

It’s not that he didn’t think about reducing it, but it’s easy to change from simplicity to luxury, and it’s difficult to change from luxury to frugality. Minor World is accustomed to such a high concentration of Spiritual Qi, both humans and animals and plants. Chain changes.

Xu Sheng has experimented with a small number of places. In most places, plants died and animals were weak. Although animals survived in some places, the potential of their offspring was greatly reduced, so they had no choice but to give up in the end.

[Reminder]: There is one minute left before the time you set, please leave the maintenance cabin in time.

“Is it so almost seven o’clock?”

Xu Sheng paused slightly after seeing it, and then left the world, returning his will to reality.

Today is the time for selection. Wang Kun has contacted him many times. He will be at the gate of the community at 9 o’clock in the morning to pick him up to the location.

Walking out of the maintenance cabin, Xu Sheng packed up his things, and then waited for Wang Kun’s contact.

At 8:50, the wrist ring rang, Xu Sheng nodded with his hand, and Wang Kun’s voice came from the wrist ring.

“Xu Sheng, I have ten minutes to arrive. If you are ready, you can go downstairs now.”

Before Xu Sheng left, he made sure that there was nothing wrong in the house, and then he got off the elevator.

At nine o’clock, a black car drove up, the window of the driver’s seat opened, and it was Wang Kun.

“Why are you a driver?” Xu Sheng asked curiously when he got on the car. How could he be the person in charge of the admissions office, and he was ‘reduced’ to become a driver. That’s too bad.

Wang Kun laughed at himself: “Who else could it be if it wasn’t me? Like us, it’s a messenger. Unlike you, you have a bright future… After you enter the champion class this time, don’t forget me, brother. .”

Xu Sheng smiled and said: “Brother Wang, I can’t stand it. The selection of places didn’t start, so I said that I can enter the champion class. This time the strong is like a cloud, but I don’t have much confidence.”

“If it weren’t for my familiarity with your character, I would really believe it!” Wang Kun gave me the look of your performance.

Xu Sheng smiled and didn’t speak any more.

He is also habitually humble. It is true that he is strong, but he still has strong confidence in himself, especially now that he has solved the world of the monster race and has become a subsidiary resource world.

On the way, Xu Sheng knew that Wang Kun would accompany the whole selection process.

In addition to him in Baiwan Province, there are three other people who will also participate in the selection, that is, the two, three or four of the college entrance examination, Zheng Jingjing, Fang Chengyi, and Su Linrui.

This selection is not based on the ranking of the province, but a standard set by Qianjing University, and then the quota is determined based on the performance of the students in the college entrance examination and distributed to individuals.

Zheng Jingjing and Fang Chengyi were not from Luyuan, so they needed to take the high-speed train by themselves, and Su Linrui was also from Luyuan. When Wang Kun was around the corner, they turned to Su Linrui’s residence.

Twenty minutes later.

In the distance, a slender figure was standing on the side of the road waiting. She was slim. She was wearing a white dress and white hollow sandals on her feet exposed her small and exquisite toes.

The car stopped accurately in front of him, and Xu Sheng took the initiative to get off the co-pilot in order to show his courtesy.

The eyes of the two met, and they both saw the kindness in each other’s eyes.

Xu Sheng and Su Linrui had heard each other’s name, but it was the first time they really met.

“What a beautiful girl.” Xu Sheng praised in his heart, and then stretched out his hand friendly and greeted him actively: “Hello, this is Xu Sheng.”

A different color flashed in Su Linrui’s eyes, she first took a step back, looked up and down, and then said with a sweet smile: “It’s worthy of being the first place, and the looks match your ranking.”

Then Luo Luo stepped forward generously and shook Xu Sheng’s outstretched hand.

Xu Sheng’s appearance is not bad, but he knows it in his heart, but even so, Su Linrui is still in a good mood.

“Not bad, Luyuan is still very handsome.” Wang Kun said with a smile beside him.

In this world, appearance is no longer a decisive condition, but if you can have a good-looking face, you can also be happy.In terms of seeking a spouse, if all the conditions are the same, the one who looks good will definitely be considered first.

With one more girl, chatting is not as casual as before, and Wang Kun and Xu Sheng are both restrained.

Fortunately, it didn’t last long. After arriving at the airport, they found that Zheng Jingjing and Fang Chengyi had already arrived and were waiting there.

Zheng Jingjing looks extremely wealthy in her dress, standing in place like a proud swan.

And Fang Chengyi, who was not far away from her, was inconspicuous to the extreme. The two seemed to be in two worlds, clearly distinct.

“You’re Xu Sheng?” Zheng Jingjing had a strong anger in her eyes the moment she saw Xu Sheng, she walked towards him, gritted her teeth and said.

Xu Sheng looked at the other person with some doubts. What was this attitude? He had no grievances with her.

Zheng Jingjing’s chest was violently ups and downs. She originally wanted to overwhelm Xu Sheng in aura, but when she approached, she realized that Xu Sheng was half a head taller than herself, which made her feel a frustration.

“It’s you! I robbed me of the champion!” Zheng Jingjing’s breath was held back after the college entrance examination.

Xu Sheng raised his brows and smiled and said: “Grab? I didn’t grab anyone’s champion, it’s there, but I stand a little higher and took it one step faster than everyone else.”

Standing behind Wang Kun snickered in his heart, Xu Sheng, don’t look at what he talks very much on weekdays, but when no one provokes him, once someone shows malice, then he won’t be polite at all.

“You!” Zheng Jingjing was speechless, but she was extremely unwilling. Originally, she thought that she was the only one besides the champion, so she dared to get a ticket from her family, but who knew that she was killed by everyone. People who are not optimistic about it are snatched away.

She still wanted to continue talking, but Fang Chengyi next to him walked forward. He looked at Xu Sheng with a face without any characteristics, but he smiled.

“Xu Sheng… Originally I thought you were from a wealthy background, but I didn’t expect you to be a poor student. You made a sigh of relief for us.”

Seeing Fang Chengyi who spoke extremely sincerely, Xu Sheng felt awkward in his heart.

I don’t know if his heart is gloomy, and he always feels that Fang Chengyi’s heart is not as harmless as he has shown.

The four of them, as the top four in the college entrance examination of Baiwan Provincial High School, are familiar with each other’s various situations, but they have never met in person before.

At this time, I only touched a little bit, and I probably figured out their personalities.

Xu Sheng prefers the feeling of being with Su Linrui. The latter feels very comfortable to him. This is definitely not because Su Linrui is a big beauty. In terms of appearance, Zheng Jingjing is also a rare beauty, and the place should be big. The place that should stand is pretty, but it doesn’t make him have the slightest idea of ​​deep friendship.

The group of five people waited at the airport for about an hour, and then the special plane arranged by Qianjing University arrived.

This is a large helicopter that can seat more than ten people. The whole body is black with the logo of Qianjing University painted on the side.

The pilot wore a green jacket and sunglasses, very fanciful, and Realm was not low, it was also a quasi-sage, and the faint feeling was stronger than the usual quasi-sage, which made Xu Sheng a little in awe.

Just like reminding owner countless times, don’t look at the daily life, most of them are ordinary people, they are doing all kinds of ordinary work, in the earth this “society” is at the bottom, but when placed outside the domain, each one can make the multi-universe tremble. figure!

On the tarmac, five people boarded the helicopter in turn.

After a while, the helicopter soared into the sky and flew towards the west!

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