Global Manhunt: If I let you flee, how can you solve the case?

Chapter 99 Three deaths spanning a year, Luo Ji reveals the inside story!

Chapter 99: Luo Ji reveals the inside story of the three deaths that spanned a year!

"When did Su Chen do this?"

Uesugi Mingai covered her mouth and said.

She was just saying that she would never let Su Chen have the chance to kill the second victim.

Shi Yong took out the kettle and took a sip of water.

"This kid's movements are too fast. Look at these victims. Except for Miss Chen, who was unaware at the beginning, everyone else is an employee of the circus, his spies."

"Su Chen resurrected the case and even tried to do it to his own people. It's so cruel."

Shi Yong's words made everyone's minds go numb.

They could imagine how Su Chen deceived these informants before leaving, and then solved them one by one.

I'm afraid these circus employees would never have imagined that they would "die" in the hands of their boss Su Chen in this scene.

Perhaps, from a mock criminal perspective, he never considered these people his allies.

More like chess pieces that are moved randomly.

Facts have proved that if you kill too many people, you will become numb. Many serial murderers also have a kind of indifference, which is exactly the same.

When several people are having a conversation.

Luo Ji had also checked the newly discovered two people.

"We have carefully checked here and can confirm that there are no other bodies."

"There are some new discoveries on the two newly released corpses."

As Luo Ji spoke, he placed the two pieces of paper found from the "corpse" in front of everyone.

This time, the message Su Chen left on the piece of paper was no longer as simple as the chief beauty's piece of paper.

He recorded the deaths of two people in a style without any emotion.

The second note read:

[Deceased: XXX]

[Age: 24 years old]

[Gender: Female]

[Date of death: October 5, 1982]

[Description: The neck was cut open, and one side of the scalp was removed. There was DNA from the murderer in the body. Based on the location of the remains, it was determined that he had been violated after death. 】

The third note read:

[Deceased: XXX]

[Age: 18 years old]

[Gender: Female]

[Date of death: December 30, 1982]

[Description: The neck was cut open, and tissues from many parts of the body were removed (privately). The murderer's DNA remained in the body. Based on the location of the remains and the contraction of the lower cavity, it was judged that he had been violated before his death. 】

"It's getting more and more perverted."

Caritas's eyes showed deep disgust.


Luo Ji nodded:

"The original crime time of the Platinum Case spanned eighteen years, and has now been adjusted to thirty-eight years."

"Three of them happened in the same year, and one happened eighteen years later. The last one was the murder of Zhao Xiaoyue that happened not long ago."

"After examining the deceased, the police came to an obvious conclusion, that is, the murderer's methods became more cruel and his control over the victim became more and more relaxed."

Luo Ji pointed to the first of the three pieces of paper and continued:

"The first victim suffered a fatal wound on his neck and multiple stab wounds on his body. It can be inferred that the murderer was in a panic when committing the crime and encountered resistance from the victim, showing signs of a struggle."

"Moreover, no DNA of the murderer was found in the first victim's body. After the murder was completed, the murderer fled the scene without doing anything else."

Then, he pointed to the second piece of paper:

"More than half a year later, the second victim's throat was sealed with one blow, cleanly, with no signs of struggle, and he was violated after death. I can only say that the murderer was not only skilled this time, but also much more calm."

"I have seen pictures of the deceased before her death. She was a very beautiful and quiet girl. After committing the crime, the murderer not only did not rush to escape, but also violated the body and took part of the scalp tissue as a souvenir."

"This time, the only thing the murderer was not confident about was that he killed first and then violated. It can be seen that he still did not have good control over the victim."

After Luo Ji said this, everyone looked at the third piece of paper in unison.

Chapter 3: On the piece of paper, it was clearly written: Violated before death.

And there were no strong traces of resistance.

In other words, this time, the murderer overcame the last problem. He first controlled the victim, then slowly carried out the violation, and finally killed and left.

Before leaving, he also cut off many (private) parts of the victim's body tissue. I don't know what his mentality was.

Aftertaste? commemorate? Provoking the police?

"The third victim is a girl who just went to college and lived alone during the winter vacation."

Luo Ji said:

"After investigating the scene and traces of the body, the criminal investigators at the time speculated that the murderer first used threats to control the victim and tied him up with a rope without resistance."

"He may have promised the girl that she would survive if she did as he said. This resulted in the girl not resisting when he tied her up and losing her ability to resist. Therefore, the murderer seemed particularly calm in his subsequent violations and killings. ”

Shangshan Caritas asked:

"Did the murderer take away the victim's tissue after the victim's death or before his death?"

Luo Ji thought for a moment and replied:

“Some of it is in life and some of it is after death.”

“It’s really…”

Uesugi Aya gritted her teeth, and then stopped talking.

"That is to say, Su Chen used these three 'corpses' and the notes left behind to show us the one-year journey of the murderer of the platinum case."

Luo Ji nodded.

"Who is the next one?"

Shi Yong interrupted.

This was the most important question he thought, and in the expert group, only Luo Ji could recite it.

Luo Ji heard this, pondered, and then said:

"According to the file records, the next victim is a twelve-year-old girl."

"This time, the murderer's method of committing the crime was more calm and cruel, as if to vent his resentment for not continuing to kill for more than ten years."

"It took him at least three hours from entering the little girl's room to escaping. The murderer even leisurely asked the little girl to make him a cup of tea."

Okay... It's detailed enough.

As a girl who is about the same age as the deceased, Uesugi Aya is obviously more likely to empathize with the victim.

She quickly suppressed her emotions and calmed down, and just focused on thinking about the case.

"Su Chen will definitely go to reenact the fourth victim next."

She turned to Shi Yong:

"Senior, do you remember the staff member we caught in the employee passage at that time?"

"I remember he said that the chief beauty was also the etiquette lady of the Platinum City Chess Academy."

Shi Yong said lightly:

"If nothing unexpected happens, Su Chen's purpose in doing so much in the circus is to delay us while switching to Platinum City."

"And get a gun."

"... Damn, didn't he do it all?!"

Shi Yong suddenly felt annoyed.

"It turns out that he bought himself plenty of time."

Luo Ji opened his mobile phone and handed the message call on the screen to the other members of the expert group.

"Before I was in the iron cage, before Ming Ai rescued me, I realized this and contacted the guards stationed in Baijin City to find the circus owner's car."

"As expected, I learned that at that time, Su Chen had already passed the border and may have arrived at the Chess Academy now."

Shi Yong raised his head from the mobile phone screen:

"Brother Luo, he declared war on you, what are you going to do?"

"Every failure makes you wiser."

Luo Ji put away his phone and smiled:

"Su Chen's current level can already alert half of the city's police force. This time we won't bother to fight wits and courage. We will fight an asymmetric war and let the police force of Baijin City circle around the Chess Academy."

"In any case, if Su Chen is trapped inside, he can't run away."


Time forward, ten minutes ago, Baijin City.

Chess Academy Road.

A black, inconspicuous Peugeot is galloping on the road.

"Ms. Su... Miss Chen, we will be there in a few minutes."

The driver, Mr. Zhang, said nervously while holding the steering wheel.

Feeling the hard object on his back, he didn't even dare to turn his head.

In the back seat, Su Chen nodded slightly.

At the same time, a low roar of an animal came out of his mind.

Is the big Xiezhi missing me again?

Su Chen, who is already an experienced driver, said he was not panicked at all, and even wanted to play a little.

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