Chapter 98: "Autopsy"!

The beauty who was hiding in the lounge did not speak when she saw the expert team.

She played the role of a corpse seriously.

It was obvious that she had been informed by the program team.

Besides, Su Chen's way of tying was just a show, and he did not really tie it hard.

However, the scene was very clear.

Luo Ji looked around carefully, reached out, and took a piece of paper from the beauty.

On it, Su Chen even wrote down the information of the deceased very considerately.

[Dead: Chen XX]

[Gender: Female]

[Age: 22 years old]

[Description of the body: The neck was cut open, there were multiple knife wounds all over the body, the top was pushed to the armpit, and there was no obvious sign of injury. ]


Luo Ji let out a long breath and searched in his brain for a few tenths of a second.

Then, he nodded:

"I saw a copy of the case file of the Platinum case at my brother's place before, and I was particularly impressed by the information of several victims."

"Su Chen's description is exactly the same as the first victim of the Platinum case."

He almost wrote "This is the first" on the paper.

After hearing Luo Ji's words, Shangshan Mingai suddenly became alert:

"This is the first victim, and according to Su Chen's previous practice, he will simulate the entire case, which means..."


Luo Ji scratched his hair and whispered:

"He will commit crimes in succession. There are currently five victims in the Platinum case, and he still needs three more."

"This can be regarded as a declaration of war, which clearly means that he will 'kill' four more people next."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the expert group fell into a brief silence.

Not only because of Su Chen's crazy behavior.

It was also because Su Chen had announced that he would start the Platinum case.

When Su Chen first simulated the previous Jinling University dismemberment case, no one would have thought that this case would be solved in the future.

This time, they hesitated.

"Although the Platinum case and the Jinling University dismemberment case are both unsolved cases, the difficulty is not of the same order of magnitude."

Wang Yanxing said:

"The Jinling University dismemberment case is a single case. The murderer disappeared after committing the crime, leaving no chance for the police to find him."

"If the murderer of the Jinling University dismemberment case commits a crime again, the chance of being caught is very high."

"However, the murderer of the Platinum case committed crimes over a period of 18 years, committing crimes one after another, constantly dealing with the police, until he stopped committing crimes 20 years ago and disappeared from the crowd."

"I have no doubt that this murderer's anti-reconnaissance ability is far better than the murderer of the Jinling University dismemberment case."

Wang Yanxing sighed.

"For 38 years, the police have filed cases again and again, three police chiefs have changed, and the old police chief has passed away, but the case is still unsolved."

"Moreover, recently, the murderer committed a crime again."

Luo Ji followed Wang Yanxing's words and added:

"We are ashamed that he committed a crime in the public security system and left safely."

"Now, because the murderer committed a crime again, the case has been reopened. Mr. Cui Liwan also formed a special task force after leaving the program to pursue the murderer."

"But, how should I put it? According to the new intelligence, the murderer is funded by someone behind him, and the forces that funded him have not yet been identified. The water is probably very deep and not easy to investigate."

Compared to the Jinling University dismemberment case, which was fought alone by the murderer.

The Platinum case involves particularly complicated things, and even involves an organization that has been funding crimes for decades.

If nothing unexpected happens, this organization may also have inextricable connections with unsolved cases that have occurred or are occurring around the world.

If we continue to investigate, it will not only be a difficult problem, but Su Chen's life may be threatened.

Beside Luo Ji, Shangshan Mingai's thoughts are flying.

Regarding the "organization", famous detective agencies in various countries are conducting a preliminary investigation.

Before she came to Longguo, there was a senior in the Jintian Detective Agency who was investigating a serial murder case that was currently happening in Sakura Country...

According to him, it seems to be related to the "organization".

If Su Chen insists on going his own way on this path, he may end up investigating the same thing as his predecessors.

In this case... the situation is too complicated, with both a variety show and a case.

"We'd better catch Su Chen as soon as possible. After the show, he will probably be directly assigned to your country's special case team, the front-line criminal investigation."

Uesugi Aya said:

"I think it will be more convenient to investigate the case this way."

"Su Chen's role-playing game will only slow down the progress. We must not let him commit a second crime. We must interrupt him before that. There is no time to lose."

This train of thought... can only be said to be very strange.

Luo Ji secretly complained a few words.

While they were talking, Bai Su and others had already taken the beauty out of the cabinet.

Untied her.

And when pulling the rope.

Bai Su was suddenly stunned.

Because the rope was longer than she thought, it was connected to the depths of the box.


Bai Su looked at the number on the door of the box where the beauty was hidden before, 0225.

Somehow, she suddenly trembled in her heart and turned to look at Luo Ji, the only one who could recite the file.

"Mr. Luo Ji, the date of death of the first victim of the Bai Jin case is...?"

"It is February 25, 1982."

As Luo Ji said, he followed Bai Su's gaze.

When he saw the box door number that he had ignored before, he was also stunned, and then he took a breath.

A terrifying guess lingered in his heart.

Luo Ji stepped forward quickly, searching his mind for the memory of the victim's death date.

The second person, October 5, 1982.

The third person, December 30, 1982.

He quickly opened the box with the corresponding number.

Then, everyone was completely stunned!

In that cabinet.

There were two more "corpses"!!!

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