Glitch utopia

Chapter 360 Begins

"Father, are you serious?" Linda Linda asked with curiosity in her eyes. "I'm really confused. Can you help me?"

"Of course this is true, in Old Testament chapter 23 verse 16..."

Later, during the conversation with the priest, Linda Linda found out some useful information. First of all, this church was allowed by Jack Sun, and he had no objection to the preaching of liberation theology in his company.

Secondly, through the priest’s words, she also learned about the relationship between liberation theology and the Rat Alliance Front, and through past work experience.

Finally, through her rich experience in past work, she also saw that the priest's sexual preference was asexuality, which made her very glad that she did not seduce him.

After getting this information, Linda left with satisfaction. "It seems that she also needs to get to know the other people in the company in person. This is much more than what the data shows."

The priest looked at Linda Linda's back and silently sorted the folders in the system about the Old Testament and the New Testament.

He could see that the other party did not really agree with liberation theology, but he didn't care. As long as someone asked, he could answer no matter what the other party's purpose was.

At the end of the day, many people from the company came to the church to repent and pray.

The priest could see that they also did not really agree with liberation theology. They just wanted to find some inner sustenance because they were empty inside.

The priest just listened silently, listening to all the prayers. Calling them prayers was more like complaining.

"God, I am guilty. I went to prostitutes again until I had no money to pay the rent. If you can let me go out and find a hot spot and let me live broadcast to make a lot of money, I will definitely convert under your sect."

"Why is my self-control so poor? Why do I always take off my clothes at the end? My god, is there anything you can do?"

"It's difficult to be private


たのですか? "

After waiting until late at night, the priest closed the church door and opened the company membership record.

Silently he marked all the people who prayed, and he continued to do so the next day. On the seventh day, he dialed Jack Sun's phone number and said, "I found that the employees of the company were having a very difficult time, even if they The salary is much higher than that of other companies. ”

"Huh?" Jack Sun was stunned, not wanting to understand what the other party was going to say. "Father, I cannot answer this question."

"As mercenaries, they have no concept of saving. After they get every cent of their salary, they will spend it as much as possible, on whoring, gambling, and buying drugs. In the middle of the month, they have to take out loans to buy food. There is no A little planning.”

"You mean you want me to increase their salary?" Jack Sun clicked on the company's income and expense form and found that if the overall company benefits continued to be increased, the company would lose money. After all, the financial crisis has passed and there are not so many now. Delegated.

The priest shook his head. "No, I'm suggesting that you lower their salary."

"What?" Jack Sun almost thought he heard it wrong. Was this sentence really said by a priest of liberation theology?

"I suggest lowering their salary by a certain percentage, and then building a company canteen, so that at least they don't have to plan and won't go hungry, and this doesn't conflict with your ideas."

When Sun Jack heard this, his body shook violently, and he thought of many things, especially his past.

I thought of all the pain I had experienced, and the night I was hungry when I had no food to eat.

Then the priest looked into Sun Jack's eyes and said calmly: "As a leader, teaching is also your task. God has said that if they are stuck in the mud, they should not watch them suffer. Then do it first They started by pulling it out of the mud."

"Thank you Father, it really helped me."

After hearing what Jack Sun said, the priest nodded, "Your strength has far surpassed mine. There is not much I can do to help you, but since I choose to help you, I will do my best."

"Thank you, Father, you are right. I'm really glad you can come back!" Jack Sun said, closing the priest's communication.

After deliberation with his more than two hundred clones for half an hour, Jack Sun contacted the Minister of Finance.

"Accountant, follow my instructions from now on. Medical insurance, combat insurance, food, clothing, housing and transportation. All these benefits are covered by the company. I calculated how many times they cost and deducted them from their wages at a proportional rate."

"Boss? But why are we doing this?" The accountant looked a little confused. "Not only does this not have any benefit, but it also requires a lot of costs."

"Don't talk nonsense, just do as I say."

Since the boss gave the order, what else could be done? The accountant immediately followed it.

The result was no surprise. It immediately attracted a lot of curses, and the swear words on the company channel were like flooding the screen.

"Fuck! I'm not a mercenary. What kind of medical insurance do I need? Are you trying to steal my money? Are you trying to steal my money?"

"Jack Sun, I'm cnm."

"Boss SB."

"After pretending for so long, my true colors are finally revealed!"

"This almost deducted half of my money! This will save me so many men! I fucked!"

"I may die one day, what kind of protection do I need?"

Sun Jack looked at these words, smiled indifferently, and started to curse with them directly in the company channel.

"You bunch of beasts, I have disliked you for a long time, you bunch of people with twisted values! From beginning to end, I have never been wrong, it is you who are wrong!"

"From now on, you will forget all the garbage habits of the Metropolis! Follow the rhythm I set!"

Sun Jack finally scolded them, because he said that if you talk again, your salary will be deducted.

He also knew that some people might resign tomorrow. There are always some people who are used to that kind of life. Even if they die or are exploited, they still don't want to be controlled by others.

But he understood that it was not himself or them who were wrong, but the entire Metropolis. This dumping ground specially designed by the Holy Grail made them unable to distinguish right from wrong.

After Sun Jack finished these things, he came to the corner next to the bedroom. There was a person lying in the game cabin over there. It was not someone else, but one of the few survivors of the Rat Alliance Front, the crazy An Qing.

In order to prevent him from running around, Sun Jieke put him into a virtual holographic online game. Anyway, for him, it doesn't matter where he lives.

The other party's hands struggled, and he muttered something, "Big"

Sun Jieke put his hands down, put them back into the game cabin, looked at him and whispered: "Don't worry, I'm here, I haven't forgotten, I will never forget."

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