Glitch utopia

Chapter 359 Work

Linda Linda was lying in her bathtub. At this moment, she opened the company system of Utopia Security. While analyzing the personalities and hobbies of each person in the company's management, she began to take out a loan to purchase three auxiliary AIs to be her assistants.

Since she had to do it, she naturally had to do her best, and then she bought some paid tutorials from the Internet to learn.

Linda Linda understood very well that the current working environment is different from before. In the past, to solve the problem, all she had to do was sleep with a man, but this method was of no use to Sun Jack.

Since you don't plan to talk about feelings with the other person, you must be useful enough to him in the company in order to have a foothold in the company.

Linda Linda took the work stimulant delivered by the drone and drank it directly.

As the black liquid went down her throat and reached her stomach, Linda Linda's whole body was shaken. The fatigue of the night disappeared instantly, and her brain became extremely clear in an instant.

She stayed busy like this until it was dawn again, and then she crawled out of the water.

After taking a look at the time in the upper left corner of the interface, she ignored sleep and let her pet bird take another tube of energy supplements. She drank it again before putting on makeup and taking a shower before going out.

After hurriedly buying a stick of nutritional ointment from the vending machine, Linda raised her head and looked at the company building that was getting taller and taller in front of her. This would be her work place from now on, and the corners of her mouth began to rise involuntarily.

As she opened the taste adjuster, she squeezed all the sticky nutritional ointment into her mouth, then stepped on her transparent high heels and walked inside.

As soon as she walked into the company lobby, Linda Linda immediately switched to work mode. As she inserted the chip she had just bought, their names, job positions, ages, and salaries were displayed above the heads of everyone in the company lobby. character.

This is just the beginning. As long as there is enough data, this chip can even show the company's employees' satisfaction with the company.

This information not only appears in front of you, but with access to the company system, if Linda wants to, she can even know the current location of the company owner.

And as they get closer, their facial features change, and even their emotional heartbeats are displayed, which helps her progress in her work.

"Apply for a change of office." Linda Linda sent an application to the company's general AI, and soon a system prompt popped up on her system interface, and the cold female voice of the system sounded.

"Application approved, B4-1, 3rd Floor, Office of the Minister of Corporate Relations."

Waiting for Linda Linda took the elevator to the third floor, opened the office door, smelled the intoxicating smell of formaldehyde, and couldn't help but take a breath.

Ignoring the system's environmental pollution warning, Linda Linda touched every part of the studio with her hands, with a smile on her face. She had broken the virginity of this room by herself. I never thought that she could break someone else's virginity. day.

But after the excitement passed, she immediately started to finish the work she had not finished last night. As the data of thousands of people in the company was put into AI big data for rapid calculation, various hidden danger rates popped up.

Through prioritization, Linda discovered that the current problem that the company needed to solve most was the priest and his group of cyborg children.

Although the other party reconciled with Jack Sun because of his help, this does not mean that he cannot doubt the other party.

Those more than a hundred cyborg kids were all from the mercenary marketing department. Not only did they have no concept of death, they were also so powerful that most of their salary was spent on replacing prosthetic bodies.

Moreover, such a group of people are loyal to the priest, an outsider of the company. This threat to the company is absolutely not allowed.

This group of people can betray Utopia Security once and betray the company twice, so they must be on guard.

Linda Linda knew that the priest and Jack Sun had worked together as mercenaries in the past, and the two had a close relationship.

If Jack Sun was asked to do it by himself, a person like him would definitely not do it due to past feelings, and would feel that he would do it under such circumstances.

Even if you tell him, he will still be in a dilemma. Whether he chooses to do it or not, it will be very difficult for him.

But Linda Linda understood that it was precisely because of this kind of work that the boss was inconvenient to do by himself that his existence was needed.

No matter how big a company is, it needs someone to take the blame for the boss and do the dirty work, and an airborne bitch like me is the best person to do this kind of thing.

And this is how she defines herself in the company. If she wants to stay in the company, she must create value for her boss, and it must be irreplaceable value.

How to disperse the cohesion of the priests without disturbing Jack Sun was what she had to do next.

On the same day, Linda Linda slightly adjusted the grouping of the orphans with the help of the old 6 department.

The former 8-person group of mercenaries was stuffed with some doctors and hackers on the condition of increasing the survival rate.

This is a reasonable adjustment to the situation, and there is no reason to refuse something that is good for them.

This was a slow job and had to be done slowly, but she could wait.

After Linda sorted out these things, she opened the priest's message again. Those cyborg children were just the people below. The real appeal was the priest, and he was the focus.

Linda After Linda read the message for a while, she decided to get in touch with the other party first.

She came to the location of the priest marked on the map, but was surprised to find that the second floor of the basement had been simply arranged into a simple church.

In the center of the church, an AA was using various mechanical garbage to piece together a cyber statue. "Father, is this okay?"

"Yes, thank you, child." The priest said, and came to the statue, picked up the metal red book in his hand and stuffed it into the left hand nailed to the cross.

"You're welcome, this is what our logistics department should do."

After the priest finished these things, he began to pray devoutly to the statue.

Linda Linda did not stop him, just watched silently from behind.

After the priest finished praying, he turned around and looked at Linda Linda. "Magdalene, is there anything?"

"Yes." Linda nodded, "Father, I'm here to confess."

"Sorry, the confessional is not ready yet. You can come back two days later. If you are in a hurry, we can go back to the old church."

"Really? That's a pity. Father, through your previous baptism, I feel that my sins have been purified. Thank you."

"No, don't thank me. This is not your sin, it is their sin. The sin in you is just the choice you are forced to make under the oppression of the capitalists."

The priest said, stretching out his fingers and drawing a sickle and a hammer on his chest.

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