Get Black Technology From Marvel

Chapter 186: Orders continue! (Four thousand four hundred words)

on the stage.

   Lu Cheng was covered by a spotlight lantern and instantly became the focus of the entire expo!

   In the crowd, there were cheers, exclamations, and bursts of doubt.

   The sound and waves seemed to have turned into an ocean, and they wanted to submerge Lu Cheng.

   Lu Cheng stood in the center of the stage, only to know what is called attention!

  In terms of costume ratio, Iron Man is still slightly better.

   Tony retreated naturally and handed the stage to Lu Cheng.

   The audience under the stage could not help but sigh when they saw that Tony had given up the stage for an unknown character.

   "Who on earth is this person who asked Iron Man to promote his product himself?"

   "Isn't you giving money?"

   "Idiot, in this world, who else can use money to buy Iron Man?!"

   "How come you are a Chinese, madeinchina?"

   "I'm even more curious about what product he invented, so that Iron Man can promote him on this occasion!"

   Many entrepreneurs have a look of interest in their eyes.

  They know that Tony Stark is arrogant, and it is impossible for someone or money to make unscrupulous publicity on important occasions such as fairs.

   Doing this is tantamount to smashing the stark industry's signature.

  The only possibility is that the product is indeed very good, so Tony put down his body to promote it.

   Lu Cheng looked at the crowd boiling in the audience, adjusted his suit and adjusted his mood a little.

   This is not the first time he has spoken in public, so he is not too nervous.

   He picked up the microphone and said:

   "Many people may be thinking, oh, who is this person, and how can Tony promote him in such public places."

   "Tony, blink your eyes if you want to be kidnapped!"

   finished this sentence.

   There was a burst of laughter from the audience.

   The atmosphere suddenly became more enthusiastic!

   I have to say, Lao Mei loves this half-joking way of speaking.

   Lu Cheng continued:

   "Comeon, he is a famous Iron Man. It is much harder to kidnap him than to kidnap the president!"

   There was another burst of laughter.

   A short two-sentence speech directly brought the atmosphere to the gao tide.

   Lu Cheng saw that the audience's emotions were aroused, and then he entered the subject:

   "Well, Tony doesn't have much time to advertise to me. Let's get back to business. My name is Lu Cheng and my company is Chengxi Technology... The product I will introduce next is called a 3D printer!"

   "Everyone present should not be too unfamiliar with the printer, but my printer is a bit special."

   "It can not only print paper, but more importantly, it can also print real objects!"

   "Small things can be printed out with only this 3D printer, as small as polishing jewels, as large as making cars and even aircraft carriers."

   "There is no need for huge labor, just make the relevant modeling drawings, and then prepare the materials, you can print out the original products!"

The ordinary people below    are a little bit unclear.

   It is some bosses who heard something extraordinary.

   "This guy, you can print the entity?"

   "Well, you should give him a picture, and you can completely restore the things in the picture."

   "How is it possible, if this is the case, wouldn't it be magic?"

   "Don't rush to the conclusion. Since Tony personally recommended it, he must have verified it beforehand. Let's see it again!"

   Although most of them don't believe what Lu Cheng said.

   However, in view of Iron Man's face, they still patiently waited for Lu Cheng's later article.

   Lu Cheng glanced at the audience in the audience and smiled:

   "I know that many people will question what I said. After all, such a product has really subverted people's past perceptions."

   "So, no matter how much I said, I might as well demonstrate it myself."

   "Please send my 3D printer up, and project the demo screen on the big screen!"

   The voice just fell.

   The stage revolved, and the 3D printer connected to the computer that had been prepared was sent to Lu Cheng in front of him.

   Everyone looked at the three-meter-high 3D printer in front of them, with curious expressions in their eyes.

   They also want to see what is so magical about this device, which is similar in shape to a printer, but rather weird.

   Cheng Lu walked to the computer and said:

   "Next, I will show you how to use the 3D printer!"

   "Please watch carefully, don't blink."

   "Next, is the moment to witness the miracle!"

   "First of all, this is the 3D modeling drawing of the Desert Eagle I made in advance. I will use this 3D printer to produce the Desert Eagle in 3 minutes!"

   finished this sentence.

   Cheng Lu walked to the 3D printer and said:

"After importing the 3D modeling diagram into the printer, the next thing to do is very simple. You only need to put the materials used to make the Desert Eagle into the material port one by one, and then use the 3D printer to adjust the position and position of the materials. Proportion!"

   "Finally, just press the start button, and you're done."

   "Next, what we have to do is to wait patiently for a few minutes."

The crowd below    looked at Lu Cheng's operation frequently and couldn't help showing surprise on their faces.

   "Is this all right?"

   "No way, it takes at least a week from polishing to completion for a Desert Eagle, right?"

   "It's not just a model, it can only be used for viewing, right?"

   "If this is the case, it would be boring."

   Just as everyone was discussing, three minutes passed quickly.

   In the past three minutes, Lu Cheng didn't have any idle time. He took out the promotional video of the 3D printer and played it again to deepen the impression of the masses.

   "Beep, the printing was successful!"

   is accompanied by a beep.

   An exquisite desert eagle was delivered from the exit hatch of the 3D printer.

   Lu Cheng took the Desert Eagle and let the camera give a close-up.

   No matter the size, structure, and even the patterns on it, they are exactly the same as the 3D modeling drawings!

   Seeing this, some corporate bosses showed shocked expressions.

   Not to mention whether this desert eagle is a model.

   With this exquisite workmanship, the modeling diagram is perfectly restored, and it is enough to be regarded as a cross-age product.

   Entrepreneurs like them naturally think more long-term than ordinary people.

   If this 3D printer can really print out the design of 3D modeling drawings perfectly, then it will play a great role in other fields!

  Even, a lot of machine costs and labor costs can be saved.

   Lu Cheng looked at the audience and said:

   "Maybe, many people will question that this desert eagle is just the same model, but what I want to say is that this is not a model, but a real firearm!"


   Lu Cheng has slowly taken out a bullet, and then loaded the bullet!

   He raised his arms and fired a shot into the sky!


The roar of    bullets instantly echoed in the venue, overwhelming all the noisy discussions!

   One time.

   The whole venue was silent!

   Everyone was shocked at this moment.

   This, this printed gun, turned out to be real? !

   In three minutes, a gun was made.

   This is incredible, right? !

   After the silence, there was a boiling sound like a tide.

   "Wow, that's awesome!"

   "Oh, God, who will tell me, this is not true!"

   "This desert eagle, shouldn't it be hidden in this device beforehand?!"

   "Are you stupid, if that's the case, do you think Iron Man will help propagandize?"

   "That is, he is propagating here, and he definitely wants companies to buy his products, how can it be fake!"

   "Wait, have you noticed that this man seems familiar, is he the golden flying man who was on the Internet before?!"

   "The video on the Internet is too vague, I can't see exactly what it looks like!"

   "I think it's very possible, otherwise Iron Man would recommend him, because they are all superheroes!"

   "But there is no denying that this machine is really cool, I really want to have one so that I can make anything I want!"

   All the audience in the audience cheered.

   The CEOs of those companies are also shining in their eyes and have discovered great business opportunities!

   In their eyes, this is indeed an epoch-making product.

   Even, in a sense, it can be comparable to Iron Man's steel suit!


  Once this 3D printer is invested in a certain field, it may save a lot of manpower and material resources in a certain field, and even subvert an entire industry.

   No wonder, Tony Stark would say that this product will change the world!

   Lu Cheng looked at the crowd around the stage and said:

   "This 3D printer of our company is not just for making desert eagles."

   "As long as the 3D modeling drawings and materials are prepared, the samples in the 3D modeling drawings can be printed out perfectly, without the slightest error!"

   "Moreover, 3D printers can also accept special customization. After modification, they can even print out a car directly."

   "The process may only take an hour or two."

   "If there is a boss in need, you can contact me, or come to our company to see in person, the price can be negotiated."

   "Okay, this is the end of my presentation and presentation, and I also wish the Stark Expo a complete success, thank you everyone!"

   Lu Cheng bowed very gentlemanly, and then walked off the stage slowly.

   The audience under the stage saw this, and was silent for a few seconds, and then thunderous applause rang out.

have to say.

   Lu Cheng’s ten-minute presentation and demonstration was indeed a great success.

   At least, most viewers have intuitively realized the excellence of this product.

   Tony walked to the center of the stage again, looked at the excited audience, and said with a smile:

   "This product is very difficult to make. To be honest, I am a little jealous."

   "If anyone wants to try this product, please contact this guy as soon as possible."

   "I also hope that more and more exciting new technologies will appear in this expo."

   "I will also come to the Expo from time to time to take a look. If there is a suitable product, I can contribute funds to invest."

   "Then, I announce that the Stark Expo will officially begin!"

   With a burst of brilliant fireworks, the Stark Expo officially kicked off.

   Just after Lu Cheng stepped down, a large number of companies and even the audience surrounded him.

   "Mr. Lu, I am the regional manager of, would you like to talk about it?"

   "Mr. Lu, hello, I am the CEO of Domei Jewellery. This is my business card. I am very interested in your company's 3D printer and hope to cooperate in the future."

   "Can this 3D printer really restore the modeling drawings one-to-one? If it is true, we can order three or four sets of Deep Blue Aerospace!"

   "What is the price of this 3D printer, can you tell me a little bit?"

   One time.

   Lu Cheng directly became the focus of the crowd.

   "If you are interested, you can come to my company to negotiate. Then, you can also operate the 3D printer yourself."

   "I can promise here that all the demonstrations on stage just now have absolutely no false elements!"

   Cheng Lu handed his business card to the heads and CEOs of some well-known companies.

   After all, these talents are his ultimate goal.

   There is also some media who want to interview Lu Cheng's company.

   These free promotions, Lu Cheng will naturally not refuse, and have arranged an interview time with these media.

   Lu Cheng patiently dealt with these bosses and the media, but he was secretly annoyed.

   I knew that Rosalie should be brought here.

  As a professional professional manager, he can naturally deal with this situation easily.

   Don't have to worry about him too much.

   "Sure enough, I am still suitable for doing research with peace of mind." Lu Cheng sighed secretly in his heart.

   It took three full hours.

   The opening ceremony of the Expo just ended.

   Cheng Lu also took this opportunity to bugger!

   As for Tony Stark, he left with excuses long after he finished his speech!

   This **** brother can't stand being watched by a crowd.

drive home.

   After washing, he continued to meditate.

   The congenital heat in Lu Cheng's body has also become more and more full-bodied.

   The aura contained in Marvel, although not as strong as one person, is much better than the real world!

   until the next day.

   Cheng Lu came to Chengxi Technology.

   Just arrived at the company.

   He saw many company leaders who came to the company to take a closer look at the 3D printer and negotiate cooperation intentionally or unintentionally.

   Rosalie generously welcomes everyone and prepares several 3D printers for everyone to experience.

after all-

   Such an expensive device, it is impossible to buy it directly just by watching the demo.

   Even the most proud company will not do this.

   There are some companies who were hesitant to hear the price of 3 million yuan.

  Some companies are more interested.

  This means that they can invisibly wipe out some insufficient competitors, so as to occupy a larger market through 3D printers.

Of course.

   The premise of all this is to build on this 3D printer, which can really print out the modeling diagram perfectly, not just empty talk.

to this end.

  Some people even bring their own materials, and then follow the instructions of the 3D printer to start printing the finished product.

   The operation of the 3D printer is very simple. Even if you have not read the book, you can complete it independently after reading the operating instructions.

   The next period of time.

   Cheng Lu goes to the company almost every day to receive business leaders from all over the world.

after all-

   The company's promotion has just entered the right track, and it is difficult for him to be the shopkeeper directly.

   No matter how professional Rosalie is, she is not familiar with Lu Cheng when it comes to 3D printers.

at the same time.

   Many media also come to Chengxi Technology for interviews and publicity.

The popularity of    Chengxi Technology can be regarded as being opened step by step!

that's all.

   A week has passed.

   The sales of 3D printers have finally started to increase.

   Order one from the first few days, and then two a day later, UU Reading www.uukānshu. com even ordered five of them in one go!

every day.

  The company's orders are slowly increasing.

   Until half a month has passed.

   After seeing the powerful features of 3D printers, orders surged suddenly.

   Even, it reached the level of ten stations a day!

   Fortunately, after this period of development, Chengxi Technology has been able to produce one 3D printer a week, and there is no need to worry about insufficient supply.

   Lu Cheng also secretly relieved.

   is still only the domestic market. If the foreign market is opened up, then he can rely on the benefits of the 3D printer to temporarily solve the company's profit problem.

   provides him with sufficient funds to research new materials!

   His goal is more than half accomplished.

   "The vacation is almost over. It's time to go back to the headquarters to have a look. By the way, I will ask the materials experts at the headquarters for new materials science knowledge." Lu Cheng exhaled.


   He was just about to drive to the company.

   There was a loud noise from the street not far away.


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