Get Black Technology From Marvel

Chapter 185: Much attention! (Four thousand five hundred words)

   Los Angeles, Marbury Coast.

   Tony's mansion.

   Lu Cheng sat on the sofa and took a rare sip of the 1982 Lafite.

   Famous wine is worthy of being a famous wine. The taste is full-bodied, not too sweet and not too spicy.

   The faint taste of wine will slowly diffuse in the taste buds after it fades, until it fills the entire mouth.

   It feels as refreshing as an electric shock.

  Although this Lafite is not bad, Lu Cheng has never been interested in tobacco or alcohol, so he just tasted it.

   Tony drives Erlang's legs, his cheeks are flushed, and his condition looks very good.

   Lu Cheng smiled and said:

   "Looking at you like this, you have indeed found new elements from the exhibition model!"

   Tony spreads out his hands, his expression is calm, but his tone is inevitably a little proud:

   "Of course, my father left me a great gift!"

   "I can finally get rid of that **** chlorophyll!"

   Tony took a sip of the red wine and looked at Lu Cheng and said:

   "Lu, don't you come over to congratulate me, it's not like your style at all!"

   "You fellow, if it's okay, you won't come to me specially."

   Although it is sarcasm.

   However, Tony's tone was very kind, obviously he had regarded Lu Cheng as a friend.

   Lu Cheng didn't sell it, and said:

   "I heard that Stark Industries will hold an expo in half a month?"

   Tony self-belief:

   "This matter, the United States should know about it."

  Stark Industry Fair has a long history!

   Every time it is opened, there will be many CEOs from large companies to participate.

  Even, there will be a lot of media rushing to report!

   Anyone who has heard the name of Stark should know about Stark Expo.

   Lu Cheng said:

   "I recently opened a company and developed a new product. I hope you will allow me to briefly introduce my product in five minutes at the expo."

   Tony raised his eyebrows:

   "Lu, I remember you took 50 million from me two months ago. Is it to start a company?"

   Lu Cheng nodded:

   "Yes, but now most of the money has been spent."

   Tony said:

   "Are you kidding me, what new products can you develop in two months?"

   Although Tony is a genius.

   But he also knew that without the foundation laid by his father, it would be very difficult for him to develop a new product within two months!

Of course.

   Unless this new product is rubbish, it can be copied casually!

   Lu Cheng smiled:

   "The product I developed is called a 3D printer. As long as there is a modeling drawing, it can perfectly print anything."

   Tony is obviously relatively new to this one, but he has grasped the point:

   "You mean, this printer of yours does not print paper, but can print three-dimensional things?"

   Lu Cheng nodded:

   "It can be understood in this way, the actual effect will be greater than you think."

   "This product has just been produced, so I want to use this expo to make some publicity."

   Tony smiled:

   "You have a good vision. The purpose of the Stark Expo is to inherit."

   "The Expo will last a whole year. At that time, companies and individuals from all over the country can exhibit their facilities and inventions at the Expo."

   "I can choose a better position for you so that you can showcase your products to your heart's content."

   Lu Cheng shook his head:

   "This kind of publicity effect is too slow. I hope that at the opening ceremony, after you finish speaking, give me five minutes to promote my product."

   If I introduce my 3D printer to the media at the booth, it will cause too little sensation.

after all--

   The entire expo covers a full area. Which boss would care about a small booth?

  Only in the most dazzling position, to promote their products, in order to achieve a sensational effect.

   no doubt.

   The opening stage of the Stark Expo is the most dazzling place!

   Tony was taken aback:

   "Lu, do you treat this expo as a playhouse? On such an important occasion, helping you to promote new products will affect the reputation of Stark Industries."

   Lu Cheng shrugged:

   "How come, since the Stark Expo aims to inherit and create a better world."

   "If this product of mine can bring huge changes to all walks of life, doesn't it fit the purpose of Stark Expo?"

   "At that time, everyone will only praise you for your insight, so that an epoch-making product can come out!"

   "This is a win-win thing for you and me!"

   Tony stretched his lips:

   "Your terrifying expression makes me want to drive you out!"

   "However, if you say so, you must have confidence in your product."

   "Well, you bring your printer to my villa. If you can impress me, I can consider letting you promote your products at the opening ceremony."

   Lu Cheng smiled:

   "Okay, I'll call someone to deliver it!"

   Tony waved his hand:

   "You give me the address of your company, and I will send someone to fly a helicopter to pick it up!"

   The local tyrant is worthy of being a local tyrant... Lu Cheng sighed in his heart.

   He was naturally so happy, and directly reported the address of the factory to Tony.

   And, I contacted the person in charge of the factory to get the 3D printer ready over there!

   "Mr. Stark, lunch is ready!" Just then, Jarvis's voice sounded.

   "Hmm." Tony nodded and looked at Lu Cheng, "Let's go, Lu, I always only have lunch with beautiful women, this time you are making a lot of money."

   Lu Cheng shrugged:

   "I also don't have the habit of eating alone with the same sex, especially men with moustaches!"

   Stark stroked his **** beard:

   "Lu, you really don't look like an agent. I don't know why you have to stay in S.H.I.E.L.D., where you have to work hard all day. What's good!"

   Lu Cheng smiled:

   "Aren't you just as keen to be Iron Man?"

   Tony was slightly startled.

   He somewhat knew why he admired Lu Cheng so much.

  Because of their unruly behavior, there is a heart of justice and peace hidden!

   Cheng Lu and Stark came to the table soon.

  Lunch is not too luxurious, but Stark deliberately chose Chinese food in order to take care of Lu Cheng's taste.

   And, they are all home cooking!

   "Sometimes Chinese food is not bad. My favorite is the Mapo Tofu from Sichuan Province!"

   It’s not the first time Stark has eaten Chinese food. He uses his chopsticks very skillfully.

   The two chatted while eating, ranging from trivia to physics experiments and material design.

   Tony was also a little surprised secretly, because Lu Cheng's research on materials seemed to be more thorough than him.

   This also made Tony even more curious about Lu Cheng's new products!

  After lunch.

   waited for a while.

   Four or five big men, led by Tony’s driver, moved the 3D printer to the villa.

   Tony looked at the mediocre printer in front of him, and raised his eyebrows:

   "This is your new product?"

   "Apart from being a little higher, it doesn't seem to be much different from an ordinary printer."

   Lu Cheng said:

   "Connect to the computer and you will know!"

   Tony quickly found a computer and connected to the 3D printer!

   Lu Cheng said:

   "Just find a modeling drawing on the Internet and give me it!"

   Tony said:

   "What style of modeling drawing do you want?"

   Lu Cheng said:

   "You should have a modelling drawing for making a steel suit. Just use this."

   Tony nodded:

   "Jarvis, import the modeling drawing of the steel suit into the computer."


   Jarvis’s voice sounded:

   "Already imported..."

   Cheng Lu immediately found the modeling drawing of the steel suit on the desktop, and then connected it with the 3D printer.

   "You still have to make a steel suit here. Use the remaining materials, and find me too."

   "As long as the materials are sufficient, I can print out a steel suit right away now!"

   Tony will be suspicious:

   "Wait a minute, I will look for..."

   Not long.

   Tony took the same materials used to make the steel suit and put them in front of Lu Cheng.

"These are the raw materials. The materials used in each part are not the same, and they require very precision, requiring the assistance of various professional instruments to complete. You are sure that this machine can directly print out a complete set of steel suits. ?"

   Even if Tony has seen a lot of black technology, he is still skeptical of this 3D printer!

   Cheng Lu clicked on the modeling drawing, and put the materials needed for each part of the steel suit into the material port one by one!


   Operate on the 3D printer, design the operation process!

After    was done, I shocked the start button.

next moment.

   The 3D printer started to run.

   "That's it?" Tony was startled slightly.

   Cheng Lu shrugged:

   "Well, depending on the complexity of the steel suit, it will take about two hours to make it!"

   Tony's eyes widened and he didn't believe it:

   "Two hours?!"

   It takes him half a month to a month to make a steel suit!

   This broken machine can make a steel suit in two hours?

   Lu Cheng smiled:

   "It's only about two hours. You will know if what I said is true or false after waiting."

   Tony said:

   "Well, I'll go to the beach to make a wave first, and come back later."

   After Tony solved the problem of palladium poisoning, he regained his free and easy temper.

   Lu Cheng sat on the sofa, watching the news with peace of mind.

   Two hours later.

   Tony wore beach pants and returned to the villa.

   "How about it, are you ready to print it?" Tony started.

   "Beep, printing is complete!"

   As soon as his voice fell, the 3D printer buzzed.

   Lu Cheng smiled, walked to the printer, opened the hatch, and took out a whole set of steel suits.

   "Look, is it different from your steel suit?"

   Tony took a closer look and carefully touched the various parts and materials of the steel suit.

   A moment later.

   He was a little surprised and said:

   "This steel suit is really printed by this thing?!"

   He has just confirmed that every structure of the steel suit is exactly the same as his design!

   Even, the proportions in some places are more accurate than the steel suits he designed himself.

   The most important thing is that it only took two hours for this steel suit to go from production to finished product!

   He finally understood why Lu Cheng was so confident in his product!

   Once this product is born, it may even directly subvert an industry!

   Lu Cheng Tan Tan Shou:

   "Of course, I don't have the ability to make the steel suit ahead of time!"

   Tony looked at Lu Cheng with complicated eyes:

   "You guy, where did you get this high-end technology? This is simply subversive!"

   He doesn't believe that an agent can make such an epoch-making product in just two months.

   This not only requires high IQ and imagination, but also requires accumulation of experience!

  The launch of an epoch-making product must draw on the experience of predecessors.


   This 3D printer, although called a printer, has nothing to do with a printer.

  This kind of technology seems to appear out of thin air!

   There is no past technology that can be used as a reference.

   Cheng Lu shrugged:

   "We S.H.I.E.L.D. will not only investigate cases, but there are also many black technologies that you don't know."

   Lu Cheng did not hesitate to throw the pot to S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.

   He knew that with Tony's character, he would definitely not deliberately investigate.

   After a pause, Lu Cheng continued:

   "How about this technology, it should be possible to give a brief introduction in five minutes at the Stark Expo."

   Stark looked at the steel suit in his hand:

   "Of course, I can give you a ten-minute demonstration, and it is better to bring your printer at that time, so that it will be more convincing!"

   Lu Cheng smiled:

   "Thanks, Tony!"

   Tony shook his head:

   "Don't thank me, but if you want to, thank you for making an epoch-making product."

   If it weren’t for this 3D printer that really surprised him, even if he had a good relationship with Lu Cheng, he wouldn’t let Lu Cheng come to the stage to introduce his company’s products.

   "Okay, then I'll go back and prepare!"

   Things were done, Lu Cheng didn't stay too much, and drove directly out of Stark's villa.

   As for this 3D printer, it naturally stayed in the villa.

   When the expo opens, Stark can also take it directly to the venue!

   In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

   Stark Expo, also officially opened!

   address, in Flushing, Queens!

   The magnificent venue has already been set up, and the degree of magnificence is no less than that of the Olympic Games!

   Entrepreneurs from all walks of life also showed up to participate in this rare event.

  The major media have already arrived at the venue, waiting for the official opening of the Stark Expo!

   The whole venue was filled with fireworks and it was very lively.

   There are already huge crowds under the stage, all waiting for the protagonist of this expo.

  Iron Man-Tony Stark!

   After the Iron Man incident, Tony's momentum in the United States is unparalleled.

  Everyone worships Iron Man as an idol!


   accompanied by a burst of singing and dancing.

   Tony, wearing a steel suit, landed from high in the sky, and landed in the center of the stage in a very handsome pose!

   "Woo, Iron Man, I love you!"

   "Iron Man, he is so handsome, you are my idol forever!"

   When the crowd saw Tony coming on stage, they burst into flames.

   The cheers were overwhelming and deafening.

  Iron Man stood in the center of the stage, all the spotlights focused on him.

   made him a moment, much attention!

   The stage revolved, and a manipulator appeared, quickly taking off his steel suit.

At last.

   Tony appeared in the eyes of everyone in a straight black suit.

   In the crowd, the noise is louder!

   Tony looked around, his expression was very chic:

   "It feels so good to be back..."

   "I didn't say that no one in the world is like me, reborn from the fire like a phoenix!"

   "I didn't even say Now that the U.S. government can take care of its leisure time, it is because I have always maintained a peak state and no one dares to challenge me!"

   "Trust me, I am not important, and neither are you!"

   "We are not important, important inheritance!"

   "What should we leave for the future world? This is the purpose of Stark Expo!"

   "Just half a month ago, I had a friend who created the same technology that could change the major industries in the future."

   "I believe that once this technology is promoted, it may make a little change in the world!"

   "So, before the start of the Stark Expo, please use the biggest applause to welcome him to the stage and introduce his new technology to us!"

   He waved his hand and pointed to the back of the stage!


   was accompanied by thunderous applause.

   Lu Cheng wore a black suit and walked slowly to the center of the stage!

   All the spotlights shifted from Stark to Lu Cheng.

this moment.

   Cheng Lu became the only focus of this expo!


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