At this time, the fake"Gold Dust" in the picture saw that he had not answered yet, so he sneered and said:"In my opinion, neither of them is the correct answer... You refuse to face it just because it proves your weakness." Hearing this, Gold Dust asked back:"How can a weak person take such a risk?".

』:"Yes, you like to take risks... but you just can't let go of some unnecessary things."

False 'gold dust』:"Even in this beautiful dream, you only dare to try [Death] on yourself】"

False"gold dust"』:"

Those entourage members could have been your jokers and played a greater role.』:"The family has as many stains as it wants, and it only requires a small sacrifice... If it were that"Opal", these problems would have been solved long ago.』:"Unfortunately, you are not as good as him. If you had done this, you would not have fallen to this point... Why not do it? It should not be out of professional ethics, right?"

When everyone in the live broadcast room heard what the fake"Gold Dust" said in the video, they were stunned.

【Paimon】:"Just make a small sacrifice? What does that mean... I don't quite understand what that fake gold dust is saying? (doubt.jpg)"

【Ara Taki Ichito】:"Sacrifice? Does that mean Shajin has to sacrifice himself?"

【Nashida】:"No... I'm afraid what he meant was... as long as Shajin sacrificed his entourage, he could get hold of the"family" and he wouldn't have to take such a big risk... using three cornerstones and his own life to gamble with the"family". (Frowning.jpg)"

【Funina】:"Eh!? Is that what you mean? But...but why? Why can I get hold of the family just by sacrificing my companions? (doubt.jpg)"

【Nashida】:"Don't forget, the purpose of Interstellar Peace Company sending gold dust here is... to recapture Pinoconi"

【Nashida】:"And before that, Jiuqi Shinobu had mentioned that if the company wanted to regain Pinocchio, it would need an excuse.】"

【Nashida】:"As long as there is an excuse, the company can legitimately take back Pinocchio from the"family""

【fluorescent】:"Wait... Nashida, you mean... As long as Shajin kills a random companion in the dream of the"family", and then uses this as an excuse... the company can take back Pinocchio openly! ? (Shocked.jpg)"

【Nashida】:"That’s what I mean… (nod.jpg)"

【Kamisato Ayaka】:" can you do this!? This is too cruel...too unscrupulous!!! (Shocked.jpg)"

【Nashida】:"Yes, this is indeed too cruel, but it is the best way to regain Pinoconi at the lowest cost... However, Shajin did not choose to do so."

【Nashida】:"He would rather use his own life to try to die in the [Dream] than reach out to his companions... Perhaps it is because of this that the fake"Gold Dust" mocked him?"

【Funina】:"So that's how it is. Shajin is really... so kind! (touching.jpg)"


At this time, after hearing what the other party said, the gold in the video said with disdain:"The techniques you mentioned are very efficient, but it's not that I don't know how to use them, but I just don't understand them, understand?"

Gold in the video:"If the game is unfair... what's the fun in it?"

The fake"Gold in the video" said:』:"Fair? Haha... As if your opponent is fair to you?"

"The situation is obviously not in your favor, why are you still so relaxed? What did the words of the masked fool enlighten you to?"The fake"Gold Dust" sneered.

Gold Dust:"She gave me an answer that can subvert everything."

The fake"Gold Dust"』:"Humph, subvert everything?"

"You mean - make everything on the table disappear?"

Hearing this,

Sha Jin said coldly:"This is cheating."

At this time, the fake"Sha Jin" in the picture suddenly disappeared, and then, the voice of a young child suddenly came from a distance

"If I take these leaves back, will new flowers bloom?"

After hearing this familiar voice, Shajin immediately went in the direction of the voice.

However, this time, he found a talisman at the end of the voice.

A talisman... that he was very familiar with.


When he saw the amulet in front of him,

Shajin's face was no longer calm. At this moment , the voice that he hated so much before sounded again.


It is really hard to describe your expression right now.』:"

This amulet your mother left you is made of pure gold. Why have you never considered selling it?』:"Obviously, you and your sister could live a normal life for a while. Now looking back... that was obviously the better choice."

Hearing this,

Sha Jin looked at him with cold eyes and said,"Mom only left us these two pieces of jewelry. A necklace and an amulet. There won't be a third one."

However, after Sha Jin said this, the fake"Sha Jin" suddenly laughed:"You have always said this - but you actually regret it, right? Regret that you didn't sell them?"

"Don't make small talk." Shajin said coldly.

』:"Ha... I know. You must remember what your sister said at that time:"You are a child blessed by the Mother Goddess. You can lead the clan to happiness, so always remember to protect yourself and never resent pain and poverty."」"

False"gold dust"』:"

I still remember what you said...right? You are a good kid, you will never forget it.』:"So you will never forget how miserable her last moments were, and how piercing the heart was with the shrill laughter behind you.……"

"You just ran away without looking back and did what she said.……"

"Tsk tsk, what a lifelong regret!"

【Paimon】:"Woo woo woo┭┮﹏┭┮Stop talking, stop talking!!! Every word of these is hurting Sha Jin's heart! How can he be so cruel! (crying.jpg)"

【Ganyu】:"Oh my god... I couldn't help but feel a sharp pain in my heart when I heard these words. I really can't imagine how upset Sha Jin must have felt when he heard these words! (heartache.jpg)"

【fluorescent】:"Good man... This is the first time I've seen someone be so cruel to himself... This fake 'gold dust' is too ruthless! (Shocked.jpg)"

【Wendy】:"Fate is really too unfair to Shajin... But even so, he never thought of using those despicable means to get what he wants. He is really much better than those damn Fatui executives!!! (crying to death.jpg)"

【Funina】:"Please...can you please not let Sha Jin die like this...I really don’t dare...I don’t dare to continue reading.┭┮﹏┭┮"

【Kamisato Ayaka】:"Sha Jin had such a hard life... His childhood was so heartbreaking. I really hope that fate will be kind to him... and give him a happy ending... (uncomfortable.jpg)"


"That's enough.……"

"Don't you have anything else to talk about?"

At this moment, when he heard the fake"self" in front of him talking about the scene of his sister's death, at this moment, Jinsha was completely defeated.

However, when he saw Jinsha's angry expression, the fake"Jinsha" in front of him did not restrain himself.

Instead, he said mockingly:"Hehe... This is the second time you have interrupted me. You are really easy to understand."

The fake"Jinsha"』:"Now I finally understand your thoughts... Oh, it's really crazy!"

Fake"Gold Dust"』:"【Finally, I will overturn this beautiful dream and create the most magnificent death】——"

False"gold dust"』:"You said that, right? And that is indeed what you advocate, and it has never changed.……"

False"gold dust"』:"From the star core, to the robin's loss of voice, to the two murders, to the negotiation with Sunday... and the Masked Fool's tip."

The fake 'gold dust'』:"Only these two unchanging words can arouse your interest, and now... you actually hold it in your hands"

"But whose death was it?"

Hearing this, the expression on Shajin's face returned to its previous cold expression, and then he slowly said:"We will know when the dice falls."

The fake 'Shajin』:"

Okay, then leave me a seat in the audience. I want to see how capable you are.』:"But I'm still curious……"

"If you start all over again... do you still want to be a child blessed by the Mother Goddess?"


At this moment, when everyone heard the false"Gold Dust" asking this soul-searching question, their hearts trembled.

"If you start all over again... do you still want to be a child blessed by the Mother Goddess?"

"Oh my God... this question is too difficult for Shajin to answer, right?"

At this time.

Kamisato Ayaka looked at the"Shajin" in the picture who was questioning her soul, and couldn't help muttering.

Kakawashia - this name means a child blessed by the Mother Goddess.

It was the name Shajin's mother gave him on the day he was born.

Because it rained heavily on the day he was born.

Both his mother and sister believed that Shajin was the child blessed by the Mother Goddess, and he could lead the entire Evikin clan to luck and bring hope.

However, fate seemed to have played a joke on this"child blessed by the Mother Goddess".

Because every time he brought rain, someone around him would die.

Father, mother, sister... even the entire Evikin clan, All died in the rain one after another.

Gradually, Shajin gradually discovered that his so-called"luck" was more like a curse... cursing everyone around him to die under the cover of his"luck", until he was the only one left in the entire universe.

Why is every step he takes a risk?

Why are the options he prepares for himself always accompanied by a strong impulse of self-destruction?

Because his life has long been handcuffed with the shackles of"luck".

Apart from luck, he has nothing.

Only by winning the game of life and death again and again can he find the meaning of continuing to exist.

And this is the greatest misfortune in Kakavasa's life.】


Liyue -

Hall of the Rebirth

""If you could start all over again... would you still be willing to be a child blessed by the Mother Goddess?"

"What kind of question is this? If it were me, I would definitely not agree to it!"

At this time, Hu Tao looked at the conversation between the two Sha Jin in the video and couldn't help but say.

Hearing this, Zhongli on the side couldn't help asking:"Oh? What do you think, Hall Master?"

Hu Tao walked up to Zhongli with her hands on her waist and said:"Do you still need to ask this? Although Sha Jin has been named"Lucky" since he was born."

Hu Tao:"But what has the so-called luck brought him all this time?"

Hu Tao:"The departure of his family, the demise of his clan... Apart from this, he has nothing."

Hu Tao:"If my luck is exchanged for the lives of my relatives and clansmen, then what's the use of this luck?"

Hearing this, Zhongli couldn't help but smile slightly, praised and said:"The Hall Master's words are insightful."

"Hehe, am I right?"

Hu Tao also smiled and said

"Unfortunately, there is no if in this world. I believe that Mr. Shajin also understands this truth very well."

At this time, Zhongli suddenly changed the subject and said slowly:"So, the problem that Mr. Shajin is facing now is not - if everything can start over again... are you still willing to be a child blessed by the Mother Goddess?"

"But - if everything could not be repeated, would you still be willing to carry the"luck" that your family and tribesmen had exchanged for their lives and continue on your way?"

Hearing this,

Hu Tao was stunned.



"It's so quiet this time"

"Is he finally disappearing, or am I about to disappear?"

At this time, in the video,

Sha Jin's ears finally stopped nagging and questioning from another"self".

Until just now, Sha Jin finally realized that he was so annoying.

"Finally... I am out of here."

As Sha Jin finally reached the end of the maze, he felt that his life was about to end.

"Are you going home? But I don't want to go back yet——"

"It’s so fun here, I want to stay here forever!"

At this moment, the voice of the young child suddenly rang in Sha Jin's ears.

For some reason, when he heard the voice of the young child,

Sha Jin's originally restless heartbeat also calmed down.

""Ah, it's really you! Sir."

At this time, when the gold dust finally followed the voice and came to the child, the child couldn't help but shout out in surprise after seeing the gold dust.

The young child:"I don't know why, sir, you always give me a special feeling... It makes me very curious and eager to try!" The young child:"It's a pity that I didn't get to know you better. We should say goodbye. Did you have fun?"

The young child smiled and looked at the gold dust and asked.

Upon hearing this, the gold dust also responded with a gentle smile.

"Are you...going home?"

Shajin asked gently.

The young child nodded:"Yes, I should go home."

The young child:"The sky is getting gloomy and it's going to rain. I can't let everyone worry."

At this time, when the young child said"It's going to rain", the whole live broadcast room was instantly PTSD.

【fluorescent】:"Oh my god...can you please stop saying it's going to rain soon? I'm almost having PTSD! (scared.jpg)"

【Funina】:"It's so scary...Now when I hear the word 'rain', my heart trembles, and I'm afraid someone will die next... (fear.jpg)"

【Kamisato Ayaka】:"Yes, every time it rains, someone around Sha Jin always dies... Could it be that this time, it will be Sha Jin's turn! ?"

【Paimon】:"Wow! Stop it, stop it! I don’t dare to look down now! Please don’t die!!!┭┮﹏┭┮"

【Rosalyn】:"Hehe, now Shajin has one foot halfway into the coffin, you don't think he can survive, do you? (laughing.jpg)"

【Dottore】:"Haha, what a coincidence! My father, mother, and sister all died in such a rain."

【Dottore】:"Now when this gambler is about to die, it rains like this……"

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