【Paimon】:"Strange... Why do I feel more and more that... this little boy looks like Jin Sha when he was a child? (doubt.jpg)"

【Funina】:"Yes, they have the same eyes, the same hair color, and even the same family members."

【Funina】:"But...Shajin's parents and sister all died in Tsyganiya.……"

【Wendy】:"This little boy... is like a lucky gold dust that has never experienced those hardships.……"

【Wendy】:"He has a happy childhood and a complete family that Sha Jin never had.……"

【fluorescent】:"No wonder Shajin's tone became so gentle when talking to that little boy.……"

【fluorescent】:"I think... Sha Jin must have been very envious of his past self who was able to live this kind of life, right?"


At this time, the gold dust in the picture listened to the boy's advice and tried this"animated game" that he had never had the chance to play in his childhood.

After easily getting the highest score, the gold dust couldn't help but smile proudly and said,"How about it, this score is not low, right?"

However, the only response he got was the silent air.……

"Oh, no fun.……"

Gold Dust sighed.

Why did he suddenly want to play such a childish game?

Could it be that... he really envied the boy too much?

But this was not wrong.

After all... the boy had a happy childhood that he had never had.

And a family that he dared not even dream of.

If his childhood had not been spent in Tsyganiya.

He would not have to worry about food and water every day, and he would not have to think of ways to avoid the pursuit of the Katikas every day...

Would his childhood... also be as happy as that child's?

False Gold Dust』:"well……"

Just as Sha Jin was thinking about something, he suddenly heard another"self" sighing in his ear.

Seeing this, Sha Jin couldn't help but ask in surprise:"Why don't you talk?"

The fake"Sha Jin"』:"You have indeed aroused my interest... I admit that there are still some things about you that I don't fully understand."

Gold Dust:"You are very sincere this time."

The fake"Gold Dust"』:"

Sincerity is one of my few precious qualities, so I don’t need to emphasize it.』:"See that [maze]? I can understand you thoroughly before you walk out of there."

False 'gold dust'』:"Our movie studio tour is not over yet, your revolving door is still going on... and I don't mind making this process very long."


【Paimon】:"Go... revolving lantern! ?"

【Paimon】:"Wait...what did that fake 'gold dust' mean by that?"

【Paimon】:"Why would he say... this section is a revolving lantern of gold dust! ? (Shocked.jpg)"

【Skirmishers】:"Hehe, isn't it obvious?"

【Skirmishers】:"Because of gold dust... he will be dead soon"

【Rosalyn】:"Hahahaha... I didn't expect that the hallucinations produced by this gambler after he went crazy would allow him to recognize reality faster than some people in the group.……"

【Rosalyn】:"Even he himself knows that he won't live long, but you still think he can turn things around?"

【Rosalyn】:"I really don't know whether to call you idiots or to say you have wild ideas? (laughing.jpg)"

【Dottore】:"Hehe... a revolving lantern? Interesting... I didn't expect this gambler to have some self-awareness."

【Dottore】:"I guess this gambler has realized by now that he simply doesn't have the power to fight against the"family"?"

【Dottore】:"In this case, let him recall his miserable life before he dies.……"

【Dottore】:"At least this way, he can still please me a little more, hehe... (laughing.jpg)"

【Ara Taki Ichito】:"Fatui executive, I *you*! You are the only one who talks too much, right? Do you believe that I can smash you out with a club? (菜刀.jpg)"

【Kelly】:"You fucking Fatui, all of you, go die to Klee! Klee is going to use the bouncing bomb to blow your mothers to death today! (bouncing bomb.jpg)"

【Kuki Shinobu】:"Weird... Why does the boss curse with all *, but Klee can say it completely? (doubt.jpg)"

【Paimon】:"Could it be that... Klee has mastered some kind of 'power of law' and can curse people as she pleases in the group! ? (Shocked.jpg)"

【fluorescent】:"My goodness... Is this the fighting power of Zaun Klee! ? So scary... But, good scolding! I support you Klee! Scold them to death! (Come on.jpg)"


At this time.

In the picture.

After entering the [maze] in front of me with the gold dust.

From time to time, I heard the surprised shouts of the young child.

The young child:"Wow! It's so high here! It's higher than the highest stone in the desert!"

The young child:"There are so many flowers! Sister, this purple one is for you——"

However, when Sha Jin followed the sound and walked deeper into the maze, a tall wall suddenly blocked his way.

"Dead end... Did I go the wrong way?"

When he saw the wall in front of him, Sha Jin couldn't help but frown.

However, at this time, an object on the ground caught Sha Jin's attention.

"This is……"

Looking at the [shackles] thrown on the ground, Shajin could not help but recall the time when he was bought as a slave for sixty Taamba.

That time... was probably the darkest time Shajin had ever experienced.

At this moment, the fake voice of"Shajin" suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Remember anything?"

That hypocritical and sarcastic voice made Sha Jin feel annoyed. Sha Jin didn't want to discuss this topic with him, so he said coldly:"It has nothing to do with you.


Need a reminder? These are shackles, and they are for you.』:"The first"job" that man gave you, the first pot of gold you earned... I remember it clearly~"

Fake"gold dust"』:"You just wrap this chain around your fist, which is the only tool you can find. Then, in that maze, you……"

"Shut up!"

Shajin interrupted the voice in his mind.』:"Oh, you don't want to face that past? Don't want to admit that your life is only worth sixty taamba (red copper coins)?"

At this time, when everyone in the live broadcast room heard the fake"Sha Jin" in the video constantly talking in a weird way in Sha Jin's ear, they immediately got angry.

【Barbara】:"What's the situation with this fake 'gold dust'? Why does he keep exposing the scars of gold dust?"

【fluorescent】:"This fake"Gold Dust" has the appearance of Gold Dust, but has the poisonous tongue of Doctor Zhen... It's really something."

【Paimon】:"Yeah, how come this fake 'gold dust' is as annoying as the Fatui Executor! ?"

【Funina】:"Don't mention those fools. I get angry when I mention them! (angry.jpg)"

【Amber】:"That's right! Captain Jean, you should really let Klee use the bouncing bomb to kill those Fatui! (Angry.jpg)"

【Skirmishers】:"Haha, this is really funny... We are just telling the truth, why are you angry?"

【Skirmishers】:"That gambler’s life…isn’t it only worth sixty taambas?"

【Skirmishers】:"If the slave owner hadn't bought his worthless life with sixty Taambas, he would have died on Tsyganiya long ago. In that case... the slave owner actually saved the gambler's life~ Hahahahahaha... (laughing.jpg)"



"I'm so mad! I'm so mad!"

"How can these Fatui officers be so mean!!!!"

At this time, Paimon looked at the crazy and sarcastic looks of those Fatui officers in the group chat.

He was so angry that he stomped his feet in the air.

Ying, who was standing aside, nodded in agreement when he heard the words:"These Fatui officers really deserve to die."

Ying:"After all, these guys are bad guys who can do anything except good things."

Ying:"By the way, these guys really should join the"Joyful" tavern. I think the"God of Fun" must be happy to accept these guys, right?"

Paimon:"To be honest, I really want to borrow Klee's bouncing bomb to blow all these Fatui officers up to the sky!"

Ying nodded in agreement when she heard the words.


Mondstadt -

The Knights of Favonius���

""Don't stop me! Klee is going to blow up those bastards!!!"

At this moment, the entire Knights of Favonius were in chaos.

The reason was simple, because Klee was dragging a large bag of bombs, intending to blow up the Kingdom of Winterfell.

Although Captain Jean knew that this statement was a bit exaggerated.

But with Klee's ability, if she wanted to blow up one or two cities in Winterfell... it would be very easy.

So whether it was for Klee's safety or for Mondstadt's diplomatic relations, she had to stop Klee at this moment... even though Jean herself really wanted to blow up those Fatui in Winterfell.……

"Kelly, calm down!"

"Yes, violence cannot solve the problem!"

"Klee, please forgive them!"

At this time, Amber Ula and others on the side saw this and hurried forward to hold Klee.

Klee:"It is the Wind God's job to forgive them, and Klee's mission is to send them to see the Wind God!!!"


"But... isn't Lord Wind God still alive?"

Barbara couldn't help but say.

At the same time, Wendy, who was visiting Master Diluk's Dawn Winery, suddenly sneezed.

"Strange... Is someone cursing me behind my back?"

Wendy said, scratching her head in confusion.


(This book will be available tonight. I beg all readers who like this book to subscribe. Currently, there are ten chapters in the book, which will be released all at once after it is available. I guarantee that all readers will enjoy it all at once!)

(The author promises that as long as there are enough subscribers, the author will lock himself in a small dark room and update 20,000 words a day, and code until he faints!!!)

(PS: I wish all the readers who subscribe will get 10 consecutive golds, and the readers who subscribe will get 10 consecutive yellows!)

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