The army was still moving forward under the leadership of Zhang Jue.

According to the previous plan, the border between Xumi and Nata is ahead.

There are only a few landlords left in front. After collecting all the food from these landlords, the entire army will have enough food to return.

Zhang Liang calculated that as long as all the food is collected.

Then the food on the way back will be enough for so many people to return.

As long as some landlords who have escaped the net are eliminated on the road to replenish food, they can smoothly meet up with the supporting team.

By then, the crisis of these 500,000 people will naturally be resolved.

But if this is done, the local people will definitely enter a state of famine and flee!

But there was no other way. Zhang Liang felt that Zhang Jue must have made up his mind.

After all, the 500,000 people behind him were all the young and strong men of the rebels, and also a large part of the living force of Xumi.

Once these people suffered too much loss, it would be an irreparable loss for the entire Xumi!

The fact was indeed as Zhang Liang thought, when facing those landlords in the end.

Zhang Jue did not leave the extra food to the local people, but collected all the food.

At the same time, in the next few days, Zhang Jue gave enough food for each meal, so that everyone was full and watered!

At the same time, the whole team stopped at the border to rest, and everyone was recuperating.

When Zhang Liang faced such a decision, although he didn't understand it, he still did it.

After all, the whole team had worked so hard for so long, and it really needed a good rest.

But some of Zhang Jue's actions afterwards made Zhang Liang a little confused.

Zhang Jue didn't seem to have the intention to return, but planned to take these 500,000 people to break through the border and rush towards Nata!

After Zhang Liang saw Zhang Jue's purpose, during the lunch break.

Zhang Liang rushed directly into Zhang Jue's tent, frowned tightly, and asked Zhang Jue loudly

"Are you crazy!

What do you want to do?

Bring 500,000 people to rush across the border of Nata and go to war with Nata!

Now that Xumi has finally ushered in peace, do you want to let Xumi enter the war again?"

Zhang Jue still sat at the top, and his expression on his face remained calm in response to Zhang Liang's questioning.

Zhang Liang slowly reached out, picked up the teacup beside him and took a sip.

When he finished drinking, he let go of the cup and it fell to the ground and shattered.

When the sound of the cup breaking appeared, a dozen soldiers suddenly appeared around with long spears in their hands, pointing the spears at Zhang Liang.

It was not until then that Zhang Jue looked at Zhang Liang below and spoke quietly

"Zhang Liang!

I said...

If one day I have to kill you...

I'm sorry!"

Zhang Liang stared blankly at Zhang Jue above, as if he didn't know this person at this moment.

Zhang Liang just stared blankly at Zhang Jue, and Zhang Jue also stared at Zhang Liang calmly.

The atmosphere fell into silence at this moment...

After a long time...

Zhang Liang slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I understand...

I won't be a deserter...

It's just...

Why did you do this?

It's not that we don't have other opportunities to return.

The peace between the seven countries in the First World War was broken...

War has come to the continent of Teyvat again...

The whole world will be in chaos!

How will you face Lord Grass God at that time?"

After hearing Zhang Liang's question, Zhang Jue fell into silence, and slowly spoke after thinking.

"You are a qualified clerk!

The 500,000 people following us are the cornerstones of the resistance army, the backbone and the spark!

I will never allow them to die here and return in your way.

Do you know how many people have to die before they can return?

It is not enough to just rob the food of the landlords at the border.

We need more food!

Only with enough food can we return safely!

You are right. If Xumi's army launches a large-scale attack on Nata.

It will indeed enter a state of war, and the peace that has always existed will be broken.

But what if the army attacking Nata has nothing to do with Xumi?"

Zhang Liang was a little stunned and asked Zhang Jue


What does this mean?

We change our appearance?

Attack Nata as bandits?

But will this work?

The people on the Nata side are not fools, how could they believe that such a large group of bandits suddenly appeared?

This is 500,000 people!"

Zhang Jue smiled softly and walked slowly to Zhang Liang's side.

Zhang Jue pulled Zhang Liang up, and the two came to the edge of the map together.

"What if you don't believe it?

They can't produce any evidence to prove that we are Xumi's people!

Then let the diplomats go and argue with them!"

After listening to Zhang Jue's words, Zhang Liang nodded lightly, and his eyes became firm.

"I understand, I will fully support you!"

After getting Zhang Liang's support, Zhang Jue nodded lightly.

Zhang Jue looked at the messenger next to him and said in a serious voice.

"Pass my order!

All the rebels change their clothes!


Zhang Jue said with a burning desire in his eyes, pointed fiercely at the direction of Nata on the map, and shouted in a steady voice

"All personnel enter the state of rapid march!



Xumi resistance army!

Full speed ahead!!!"

(Character mini-theater

The character appearing in this issue is the wisdom of the grass god - Tianyun

Reader: "This protagonist, what do you think of yourself as , what do you think about the wisdom of the grass god? "

Tianyun: "Uh...

At first I wanted her to call her by her name, but since the beginning, it seems that she can't change it. "

Reader: "Do you still remember that you have a system?"

Tianyun: "What is that?

Oh! Yes!

I think I have a system...

What is the use of this system?

Forget it, just pretend he doesn't have it. "

Reader: "Excuse me, what does it feel like to be in Nashida's body and watch Coral Palace Xinhai serve Nashida?"

Tianyun looked a little embarrassed and coughed lightly.

"Ahem... …

What nonsense are you talking about,

How could a gentleman like me do such a thing as peeping.

I was actually dormant when I was serving, so I didn’t know any details. ”

Reader: “I don’t believe you, your wisdom is very bad.”


Tianyun gave up control of his body, and the wisdom and depth in his eyes disappeared instantly, replaced by an extremely innocent and pure look.

Nashida opened her eyes wide, tilted her head curiously, her face slightly red, and said softly


Nashida came to ask for a small gift…”


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