The border is still open, and the border is still open.


At the border...

A large group of people are continuing to march, and their speed is very fast.

It only took a few days to get from where they are to the border.

This group of people is the rebels led by Zhang Jue!

When the entire army is composed of young and strong people, the marching speed of the entire team has been greatly improved. After sweeping all the local landlords.

Zhang Jue did not absorb local people into the team as before.

Instead, he left 70% of the landlords' food to the local people.

Those foods are enough for them to survive for a period of time. After that period of time, the food will be transported from the port of Xumi to the entire Xumi.

Zhang Jue looked at the team of more than 500,000 people behind him, which was so dense that there was no end in sight.

When it was time to rest and eat at noon, Zhang Jue was sitting in the tent with no expression on his face.

Zhang Liang, who was standing next to him, was full of worry and kept looking at the map.

Zhang Jue was at the top, with a calm face and no emotional changes. He asked softly

"How is it? Have you found a way out?"

Zhang Liang shook his head with a wry smile. Many marks and signs had been drawn on this map.

But in the end, all the marks and signs were crossed out.

"Is it really like this?"

Zhang Jue slowly closed his eyes, sighed softly, came to the front of the map, and fell into silence.

After leaving those people behind, Zhang Jue's team quickly and successfully occupied many places, allowing the people there to regain their liberation.

More detailed work will be carried out by the rebels coming from behind.

After saving those people, Zhang Jue also killed many landlords.

The food from the landlords' homes was distributed to the local people.

They did not expand the size of the team, leaving only enough food for the team to eat for a few days, and then set off to the next place.

But as they approached the border, the routes they could choose became fewer and fewer.

And now they have no way back, their food does not allow them to turn back, they can only keep moving forward!

So even if they knew that there was a support team with food behind them, rushing towards this side, they could not turn back.

Food once again became a stone weighing on everyone.

This is already at the edge of the border, and there are almost no landlords.

Recently, the soldiers' food has been halved, but the remaining food is only enough to support 10 days.

Now Zhang Jue faces two choices, one is to go back and meet up with the support team.

Perhaps the result will be successful, but many people will die in the process.

The other is to continue to move forward across the border and bring the 500,000 troops into the territory of Nata!

But this is tantamount to declaring war on Nata!

Not only will the peace between the seven countries be broken at this moment.

Even the future is uncertain...

Now the life and death of these 500,000 people depends on Zhang Jue's thoughts.

"What should we do now?"

Zhang Liang's eyes are focused on Zhang Jue!

At this moment, this heavy burden is on Zhang Jue.

No matter which choice is made, it undoubtedly requires great courage, and Zhang Liang will choose to support whichever path is chosen.

Zhang Jue slowly walked out of the tent, raised his head and looked at the sun hanging high in the sky, with a bit of nostalgia in his eyes, as if he had returned to the past.

Two figures, one big and one small, stayed beside a dry bone.

The young man looked at the dead bones on the ground and asked his father

"Why did someone die here?"

"Alas! It's too dark, people can't see the direction and get lost."

"It's dark, isn't there a moon shining?"

"Child! The moon will also be covered by dark clouds."

"Then why didn't anyone light a torch to illuminate the night?"

"A torch is too weak for the entire night."

"But if that's the case, will the night always be dark?"


There will always be people who are not afraid of the darkness and emit their own light

And those people will light up other people, letting the flames spread across the dark night!"

"I want to be that kind of person if I have the chance in the future!

If you light up this dark night, there won't be so many deaths!"

"Okay! In the future, work hard to be such a person. If you want to be

Such a person must be calm in the face of things!

You are too easily swayed by emotions now!

When you are no longer swayed by emotions, you will be truly qualified to be that kind of person! "

"I will work hard, father!"

Zhang Jue slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were very calm, and there was not much emotion in them.

Since he began to attack those landlords, Zhang Jue has experienced a lot of things.

All these things made Zhang Jue gradually grow up and gradually become the person he wanted to be.

Zhang Jue slowly turned his head, looked at Zhang Liang beside him calmly and said softly

"Zhang Liang!

If one day I have to kill you...

I'm sorry!"

Zhang Liang smiled softly, looking at Zhang Jue in front of him, his voice was firm

"If one day I become a deserter and you kill me, I will not have any complaints!"

Zhang Jue nodded softly and did not speak.

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