Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 962 No. 0 Branch 10 (Part 2)

"You woke up Freddo."

Everything in front of him was in a trance, the lights turned on slightly, and on a small medical mecha next to him, Dave was looking at Fredo with a smile.

"Well, wake up!"

Fredo's voice was a little low, and Dave didn't say anything to comfort him. He knew that no matter how he comforted him, it was useless. Their action was a complete failure, and this inner hurdle could only be overcome by Fredo himself. OK.

Dave handed over a cigar, and after Fredo lit it, he pressed his hand against his cheek. It had been two days since he came back, and he had been in a coma for the past two days. It was Dave who cured him.

"How's the situation?"

"They claim to have wiped out you, and you are already 'dead'."

Fredo smiled helplessly, he was indeed dead, and the vigorous action of the past three years came to an end.

"I thought I could do something."

"You did your best Fredo."

Fredo didn't answer. Dave asked him to continue to recuperate, and then left the room. Now there are voices everywhere criticizing Fredo. Many kangaroos believe that Fredo's behavior is the greatest betrayal of the entire kangaroo society. , he is a betrayer.

These voices have completely gathered together, and through such an opportunity, the kangaroos on both sides of the east and west have begun to cooperate closely. There are even rumors that Fredo's actions are behind the scenes under the influence of the Red Kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo Legion. Support, his purpose is to destroy the peace of gray kangaroo society.

Looking at these rumors flying all over the sky, Dave knew that Fredo would not pay attention, but he was still a little angry. Everything Fredo did was not for himself, or for a certain guy, or to get more money. Good status.

Dave knew that Fredo would probably be depressed for a while, and he didn't know what method to use to help Fredo regain his confidence. Such a blow would be very big for Fredo.

Looking at the empty base, Dave was a little sad. Although he had no contact with other team members, he would watch everyone's situation through surveillance. This place used to be full of laughter and laughter every day, but now those guys have disappeared. .

Dave also planned to go home. He prepared the medicine Fredo needed to take and some food and left.

Now the pygmy kangaroos are building an artificial island in the northern sea, the only place where the sun can shine, mainly for practical purposes, and other things that Dave is not qualified to know.

Dave had just participated in the construction of the artificial island a while ago, but he and other engineers were ordered back after one stage. It seemed that the dwarf kangaroos were conducting some kind of extremely rigorous research.

Dave thought it might be the research on photons, but after thinking about it carefully, this research has reached its peak and there is nothing worth studying.

Dave left the base. The base was designed to be extremely secretive and had an escape hatch. The base had never been exposed in the past three years, but Dave knew it was time to abandon the base.

Dave has already thought about the next base, building a base on a seaside in the northwest. Perhaps Fredo will continue to carry out reform activities in the future, so Dave has to prepare everything in advance.

After leaving Branch City 22, Dave quickly returned to Branch City No. 3 where Pygmy Kangaroo belongs, a branch city very close to the sea. Every day, you can see the huge golden light pillar on the sea.

Dave returned home, and the family warmly welcomed him. As the smartest kangaroo in the entire family, Dave has been highly anticipated since he was a child, and now he has become a very outstanding kangaroo. engineer.

"Dave, what on earth have you been doing lately?"

Dave was a little surprised. Every time he came back, his father would ask this question.

"I did not do anything."

His father was already a little old. He was a teacher at the Institute of Technology and Engineering. Looking at his father's confused eyes, Dave didn't know what to say.

"Still the same."

Song nodded and asked Dave to follow him to the laboratory.

Dave followed his father into the laboratory. Every time he returned home, his father would always call him into the laboratory and talk to him while talking about some results.

"Did you really not do anything? I noticed that you were very sad in your heart Dave."

Dave was a little surprised, but he still shook his head and looked at his son helplessly.

"Were you involved in the East and West Gray Kangaroo Troubles?"

Dave looked at his father blankly, his father's eyes were still sharp. Dave knew that he could not lie to his father. His father may have noticed it, because many of the technologies Dave provided for Fredo and the others came from their family, and The actual controllers of these technologies are their families.

"I really can't hide anything from you."

Song looked at Dave seriously, but then laughed again.

"Is he really dead, that Fredo?"

Dave thought for a moment and shook his head.

"Fredo is still alive, but"

Looking at his dejected son, Geli said comfortingly.

"You are very good friends."

"Aren't you surprised that I would do such a thing, and we?"

Geli shook his head.

"I'm not surprised, because everyone in our family is like this. We want to pursue the truth, and I am no exception. In fact, I am quite disgusted with today's society. There is no need for Dave to do what you did. Tangled up in everything, this is a historical necessity.”

Dave laughed. His father had understood him very well since he was very young. Dave would always communicate with his father every time he encountered a problem, and his father would patiently help Dave.

"What should I do, father? Fredo has lost his fighting spirit. Everything for us is over."

"How about finding another target?"

Dave laughed. It was true as his father said, just find another goal.

"But what else can we do now?"

Song said with a smile.

"Come with me and I'll show you something nice."

Dave followed, and soon in a room, Dave saw a silver-white rectangular metal plate placed in something that looked like a white balloon, with dense numbers and characters written on it.

"Isn't this something I saw when I was a kid? It's really strange."

Dave stretched out his hand and poked into this translucent bubble. The bubble would not burst and his hand could still be stretched out.

"These are regular particles created through certain technical means. After many years of research, I have discovered some clues."

Dave was immediately interested, Songli continued.

"Take a good look at the string of numbers and characters above. They are not written randomly."

Dave looked at it in surprise. He couldn't understand these things at all, and Geli immediately explained.

"It's a code of numbers and characters, where the numbers represent coordinates and the characters represent words."

Soon, Song took out the comparison table and the remaining books from the original humans. After looking at it for a while, Dave immediately knew what was written on this metal plate.

"Brilliant City? Is there another human civilization?"

Dave was stunned. The only thing he knew clearly was that there was indeed a human society on the other side of the ocean, but it was almost impossible for the societies on both sides to connect because they needed to cross the ocean, and those huge creatures in the ocean The monsters are the obstacle. Although some kangaroos have tried it in the past, there is no news about it and most of them failed.

Dave read it carefully. This book used to record some human password characters. It was a very simple password character. The sign clearly stated that Bright City was a large city with a population of 20 million.

“Is it really possible for such a civilization to exist?”

Ugeli nodded and said.

"I am also skeptical, because there were many of these things more than a hundred years ago, but no one could cross the ocean and go to this dimension."

The song points to the world's highest peak on the world map. What needs to be crossed is not only the ocean, but also a large amount of land. These lands are full of dangers because there are also monsters on them.

The detection robot released by the kangaroos captured pictures of piles of monsters, and it was almost impossible to cross them.

"If it has been more than 100 years, this civilization may have been destroyed, and humans are extremely cold-resistant creatures. Is it really possible for humans to build a city on such a plateau?"

Both father and son are skeptical about the existence of such a civilization. After all, after more than 100 years, the temperature of this planet has become very low. The reason why the kangaroos built the steel city is to cope with unexpected events besides the cold. other crisis issues.

"I have consulted a lot of information. When disasters occurred in the past, the sun gradually disappeared and the ocean became violent, so the only places humans could go to were higher places, and viruses were raging, so humans had to hide in the mountains and forests. It was possible to avoid being infected, so I speculate that the humans at that time concentrated on this plateau and finally established a shelter. I think this dazzling city existed."

Dave laughed.

"It's been more than a hundred years, it's impossible, in this situation"

Dave suddenly thought of something. He was excited, and all the hairs on his body stood up. He jumped to the side of the ball in surprise, stretched out his fingers to poke it in, and then stretched it out.

"Yeah, it's amazing, right? After my experiment, this kind of small ball can effectively isolate some harmful particles from the outside, as if it has a fixed repulsion function. It's very amazing. A civilization with such technology, if Unless there is a bigger disaster, generally there will be no problem if it lasts for hundreds of years."

Dave nodded immediately. He excitedly took out the Yinliang brand and held it in his hand as if he had found a treasure, smiling excitedly.

"In my opinion, human civilization in this society has completely died. If you want the humans here to be saved, you must rely on other civilizations who are also human beings."

Dave hummed, but after the excitement passed, Dave fell into deep confusion.

"But it's too difficult to move past the past."

"It is indeed too difficult, but with AI now, it is actually possible to surpass the past as long as several conditions are met."

Geli immediately took out a top-secret research document for Dave, and Dave looked at it carefully. It turned out that the dwarf kangaroos had been conducting external research for a hundred years, and there was a lot of real and reliable data. No matter how much the outside world changes, it basically remains where it was more than a hundred or even two hundred years ago.

Dave became more and more excited as he watched. He stood up happily and said.

"I have to break the news to Fredo."

Song nodded.

"It's rare to come back. Stay a few more days before leaving."

"I'll go back to my father when I go. I have to tell Fredo the news as soon as possible, and then we can slowly spend some time researching it."

Song nodded.

"Don't tell him about me, got it Dave."

Dave nodded.

Three hours later, Dave returned to the base again.

"Why are you back again?"

Fredo had just eaten. He seemed unhappy and was wandering around the huge base. Dave noticed that the corners of Fredo's eyes were a little moist. He excitedly handed over a silver-white sign and held a large Stacks of books.

"What's this?"

Dave immediately explained to Fredo. Fredo looked through these books, and the sadness in his eyes disappeared and gradually became brighter.

"Is this true Dave?"

"Well, it's true. I think we can try to find this Brilliant City. In this way, they may be able to help humans here. We are always different from humans. What do you think, Fredo? ."

Fredo smiled, the first time Dave had seen Freddo smile in a while.

Dave continued to strike while the iron was hot and said that if you want to go out, you need to make a lot of preparations. Many of the key technologies must be obtained, and most of the technologies in kangaroo society are controlled in the branch city, so Furui The next thing Duo needs to do is to go to these branches and get back all the skills needed for going out.

After the joy, Fredo fell silent again. He smoked his cigar silently and looked at the things in the book seriously.

"Do it Dave."

Fredo made a decision, his eyes glowed, and Dave nodded happily.

"I will build a base on the seaside as soon as possible. There happens to be a human abandoned shipyard there. No kangaroos will come close. We can slowly build everything there."

The two hands touched together again, and Fredo was excited at this moment, because he saw another way. If he could find this human civilization called Brilliant City, the humans here would be saved.

Fredo, who has tried various methods, is very tired. He knows very well what humans have been deprived of. All living things have the instinct to imitate. If the humans here can see the posture of the humans in Brilliant City, this is The method that can quickly eliminate the fear in these human hearts.

"We're going to make it this time Dave."

"Yeah, definitely Freddo!"

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