Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 961 No. 0 Branch 10 (Part 1)

"Fredo, what should we do?"


Fredo quietly looked at the more than ten team members around him. This was their last strength. Facing the encirclement and suppression by the two legions, their actions had become increasingly difficult, and now they had come to an abrupt end.

Although Fredo has thought about continuing to develop some group members, all branches are now under extremely strict control. Once they are found to be involved in Fredo's actions, all kangaroos in the entire family and surrounding kangaroos will be execution.

The nearly three-year activity has begun to decline. From singing all the way in the beginning to being powerless now, the entire group is filled with uneasy emotions. The remaining dozen or so group members seem to have understood that their The road has come to an end.

"Sorry, I want to take a rest."

Fredo returned to his room, and then entered Dave's research room through the passage in the room.

"You should have thought about the consequences from the beginning, Fredo."

Dave knew very well that Fredo had lost some confidence. He jumped to Fredo to comfort him, but he didn't know what to do. Fredo looked lifeless. He had sacrificed so much in the past three years. There are many, but now everything has almost stagnated, and it is impossible for the top leaders to agree to reforms.

Dave knew very well that their power was too weak. Now that this power has been completely cut off, what to do next is the most worrying question in every team member's mind. No one knows the answer to this question. .

"How about we stop at Fredo first and sort out the problems after all the past actions, and we can solve them bit by bit."

Fredo nodded, that was all he could do now.

After the break, Fredo explained the situation to the remaining team members. Although many people and kangaroos felt powerless, Fredo's words relieved everyone's nervousness.

Everything can only come to a temporary halt. The members of the team are no longer able to go to the outside world because the DNA information they left behind after many actions has exposed them, and they will be arrested if they are not careful.

Fredo once thought about turning to the Red or Red Kangaroo Legion, but he quickly rejected such an idea. Their behavior was originally intended to allow the upper levels to make changes, but once they unite with external forces, It will all end.

Fredo knows very well that if something goes against the original intention, then the so-called change is just a round of transactions for the people at the top. Such a change is meaningless, and external forces are used to squeeze and promote the change.

Although many team members have suggested that they could try to unite with the Red or Red Kangaroo Legion. As long as they have their support, they will definitely be able to do something, but Fredo rejected such a proposal.

Fredo always has a very clear bottom line in his heart. If this bottom line is crossed, everything will end.

Problems always need to be faced, and Fredo and the others can only wait for the opportunity quietly.

Recently, Fredo often thinks about Fredo, who led the kangaroos to gain a foothold in this world two hundred years ago. How did he do it? The current situation may not be as bad as before, but Fredo has become weak. Exhausted.

This feeling of not being able to find any way out was terrible. Fredo knew very well that if he continued, there would be no future.

The restless mood tortured Fredo every day. He could not see the future, and he could not see the future more and more. If humans had a certain amount of knowledge, it might be okay, but humans have been deprived of everything, and it is too much. Weak, they are afraid of the kangaroos, which makes Fredo and the others have to spend a lot of time teaching humans. Although they can make some progress, they actually have little effect.

dong dong dong

There was a knock on the door of the room, Fredo stood up quickly, and a kangaroo jumped in.

"Fredo, look at the news, it's talking about you."

Fredo opened the crystal panel, and sure enough he saw a familiar face. He was Fredo's past teacher, Niegra.

"I am very heartbroken that I have taught such a student, but I am very responsible to tell you that I will definitely get rid of Fredo."

Fredo stared blankly at Niegra on the screen. He was indeed an excellent teacher. Fredo had many novel ideas in the academy and would chat with Niegra, especially military matters. I have a great time chatting with Niegra every time.

When encountering some problems, Fredo will argue with Niegra. Even so, the relationship between the two is still very good. Fredo quietly listens to Niegra talking about something. He has now entered the high-level power world. , became a general in charge of several branches.

Looking at Niegra now, Fredo felt that he had completely changed. This change gave Fredo an indescribable feeling. He quietly watched Niegra's speech.

At this time, the scene changed, and Fredo stared blankly at some hundreds of kangaroos that were imprisoned in cages and had their ears cut off.

"These Fredo supporters will be executed next month."

Fredo looked at the familiar kangaroos. They had all helped Fredo and the others. Unexpectedly, they had all been arrested.

For a moment, a fire ignited in Fredo's heart, and he knew he had to take action.

"Getting everyone together, we can't just sit back and do nothing."

Soon everyone gathered together, because they all knew that those friends were going to be executed, and Fredo directly began to formulate a battle plan. Although there were only fifteen of them, they all survived through hard work, even if With such a small number, Fredo is confident in implementing a rescue plan.

After a short discussion, all the team members began to get busy. Fredo once again stepped out of the gate of the base. He knew very well that if he didn't go this time, he would never have a future.

With about ten days left until next month, Fredo quickly used the machinery and materials that Dave had specially prepared for him to pass the level, and headed to Branch City No. 1.

The journey was relatively smooth, and Fredo was not seen through. He entered Branch No. 1, the core area of ​​the Western Gray Kangaroo Legion, and all defenses were extremely tight.

Fredo and the others could not all enter, so they had to let Fredo in first. After causing a certain amount of commotion, the other team members took the opportunity to come in. They did this every time, and the effect was very good.

In just half a day after entering the city, Fredo determined the place where the kangaroos who were about to be executed were being held. Fredo used his false identity to find a place to stay, and then went to the beverage shop downstairs where he lived. Observe what's going on on the street.

"Hey, it's really too miserable."

At this time, a kangaroo drinking in the store muttered helplessly that he was a middle-level kangaroo, and another middle-level kangaroo also said helplessly.

"Indeed, generals shouldn't do this."

Fredo quietly listened to the discussion of these middle-level and lower-level kangaroos. Many of them believed that what Fredo and the others had done before was not bad, because what they did had helped many low-level kangaroos and helped them win. They got a lot of rights and interests, but after completely suppressing Fredo and the others, these rights disappeared from the hands of the bottom kangaroos.

Many middle- and bottom-level kangaroos are dissatisfied with the actions of the upper levels, but they can't do or say anything now.

Fredo continued to observe the city carefully, drafted some road maps, and then handed them over to Koko for analysis and processing. He would get many sets of plans. On the basis of these plans, Fredo would make some plans based on the actual situation. Modify and improve according to the situation.

Each time the plan went smoothly, but damage occurred because there were so few of them.

In just a few days, Fredo figured everything out, and he was ready to start causing problems in the city. In the past few days, Fredo's anxious heart had also eased a lot, because he heard many people from the middle and lower levels. During the discussion among the kangaroos, they did not feel too disgusted or disgusted with what they had done, but felt very happy about it.

What Fredo and the others did became a topic of conversation for many kangaroos in their spare time. Fredo clearly felt that what they did was right. If it was wrong, then there wouldn't be so many kangaroos talking about it. Theirs is good.

Two days before his execution, Fredo took action and successfully caused a riot in the city. Soon, military soldiers were dispatched to start a manhunt throughout the city.

Fredo took advantage of the moment when food was about to be transported into the city to create riots. If the city was closed, there would be problems with the food supply the next day, so the inspections at the city entrance were weakened a lot, and other groups The officers took the opportunity to sneak in.

Fredo immediately told them the meeting place. At a supporter's house, 15 team members gathered together. Fredo began to explain the rescue plan to them in detail. They needed to go to the legion to seize weapons, and then launch Attack, and finally Fredo will find a way to attract the attention of a large number of soldiers, and then they will take the opportunity to rescue those companions.

The operation soon began on the night before the execution. A legion station was suddenly attacked. The team arranged by Fredo had successfully seized the weapons, and Fredo, driving a mecha, had appeared in the city. Up in the air.

The plan unfolded smoothly. Fredo successfully attracted the attention of the soldiers and used the city's building facilities to continuously move and attack.

The prison where the kangaroos were imprisoned exploded, and the whole city was in complete chaos. Fredo could only struggle to move around the city on his own, attracting the attention of a large number of soldiers, but soon Fredo It was soon discovered that a large number of soldiers were heading towards the prison.

Fredo drove the mecha and rushed towards the prison. Although he had successfully rescued the kangaroos who were about to be executed, they were already surrounded. Fredo ordered everyone to pick up weapons and start to fight back.

The battle lasted for three hours. The entire branch city No. 1 was devastated and most of the kangaroos fled. However, the number of kangaroo soldiers was still like a flood, and they kept coming. Fredo and the others were getting more and more numerous. not enough.

"Don't give up, what are we here for?"

Fredo continued to encourage some team members. He himself was injured and the mecha was scrapped. They successfully captured another military camp. There were less than 30 kangaroos left, and only one human was left. He just smiled helplessly.

There were only three kangaroos left as official team members. Fredo knew very well that they might be doomed this time. He thought about a way to escape, and then quickly formulated a plan for him and the other two kangaroos to drive. Armed with the mecha, they attacked the weakly defended gate in the north. Everyone had to move and fight while moving towards the north.

The battle started again. Fredo and two kangaroos drove three mechas and successfully broke through the encirclement. At this time, Fredo felt hope because he could feel the kangaroo soldiers fighting them. They are somewhat negative.

Fredo and the others arrived at the north gate smoothly, with only 11 remaining from 30. Fredo broke the door, but there were more troops outside the door. Fredo and the others could only retreat temporarily, and then Fredo Think more of what Dave once said about the location of urban core energy.

There was not much time left for Fredo and the others. Fortunately, Fredo and the others successfully found the entrance to the urban core energy room. Fredo blew up the entrance and then led all the team members into the underground. .

At this time, there were only seven of them left, and the only human in the group had been seriously injured. Fredo knew very well that he wouldn't last long. The army's offensive stopped, and no one dared to attack rashly.

Fredo listened to this human's last words and watched his hands hang down weakly, unable to do anything or achieve anything.

A few hours later, the army began to come in with laser blades. Fredo led the remaining kangaroos to resist vigorously, repelling the soldiers' attacks again and again.

With a violent roar, one of the team members blew open the wall and exposed a sewer. This may be the only way for Fredo and the others to survive. At this time, only Fredo and this team member were left.

"We can't do this Fredo, you have to survive."

Fredo stared blankly at the kangaroo he had been getting along with day and night, and he knew exactly what he was thinking.

"I will find a way to hold them back for a while. Run to Fredo. As long as you are still alive, you will definitely find hope."

Fredo did not hesitate, he entered the sewer, and there was the sound of fighting behind him. He struggled to move forward in the mud, running hard, and soon Fredo found the exit, and he left the city.

At this time, a large number of aircraft came out of the city. Fredo knew very well that his friends had done it and successfully held them back, giving him a chance to survive.

Fredo looked at the smoking city behind him and could only continue to run forward. Soon his figure was submerged by the sand in the wilderness.

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