Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 956 Branch 0 8 (Part 2)

"Why is he going?"

Fredo asked, and Dave laughed. He stretched his head and took a big sip from the big teacup. Fredo smiled helplessly, took out a straw from the cabinet on the side, and handed it over.

"It's more convenient."

Fredo is very curious about what happened in the past. He really wants to know everything that happened in the past. However, he was born in a middle-class family and cannot understand that much.

"Why do you know so well Dave?"

Dave smiled, took a sip of tea and sighed.

"Because my ancestor was a core member of the technical department next to Fredo. He was lucky enough to survive and lived to the era after the kangaroos completely crushed humans. He witnessed everything, so he wrote about it with a pen. Everything has been recorded, everything that was cruel and helpless in the past. There are not only words, but also pictures and videos. However, these things cannot be made public. Only the heirs of each generation in our entire family can do it, and only those with mature minds can do it. Look at these things from the past.”

Fredo stood up again excitedly.

"Great, tell me Dave quickly, what happened next?"

Dave smiled helplessly, looked into a cabinet on one side, and then sniffed.

"Do you like cigars?"

Fredo opened the cabinet, took out a cigar, lit one, and wanted to hand it to Dave, but he coughed and refused.

"I'm curious why you like this kind of thing."

Fredo also said helplessly.

"It's not that I like it, it was given to me by a low-level farm owner I once helped. I only smoke one occasionally when I'm upset."

Under the smoke, Fredo's eyes looked a little dim under the light. Dave jumped over and patted Fredo's arm comfortingly.

"Don't think about things that are too sad, Fredo, as this will affect your emotions. We must not be controlled by our emotions."

Fredo can't find any way out now, so he is sad. Although Fredo thought that if humans and kangaroos could coexist peacefully, maybe the future would be different, but Fredo thought such an idea was very stupid before. Because he doesn’t know the past or what it was like in history.

The only thing Fredo knew was what was announced in the kangaroo society. Humans once treated kangaroos extremely cruelly and almost made kangaroos extinct. However, a kangaroo named Fredo gave other kangaroos intelligence, and then the kangaroos were liberated. Defeated humans and established the kangaroos' respective kingdoms.

It is impossible to know everything from such a short text description. Fredo once asked his most knowledgeable teacher, Niegra, why some industrial facilities now have human notes and annotations, as well as a lot of written knowledge. All aspects are written down and recorded by humans.

Nigra's answer to Fredo is that because humans have been defeated, the losers can only hand over everything, while the winners enjoy everything.

Such words do not sound credible to Fredo, because there are too many doubts. He has seen a lot of human resistance. Such a race with a very rebellious spirit and a high IQ should not hand it over easily. All technology is right.

"Tell me Dave."

Dave nodded. He could see that the doubts that had troubled this kangaroo of the opposite age to him for many years would be answered tonight, and Dave would be happy to tell Fredo everything.

"the truth!"

Fredo hummed.

“This is something extremely important in any society, but it has always been ignored by our society. Ninety percent of the history known to the middle and lower class kangaroos is false and written by the victors. "

Fredo was so excited that he moved closer. Dave couldn't stand the smell of smoke and opened the window.

"Fredo, this is the last one tonight. I don't like the taste very much."

"Okay Dave."

Dave said with a solemn expression.

At that time, after humans and kangaroos worked together to build their own cities, the center of the north and south was used as the dividing line. Humans lived in the north, kangaroos lived in the south, and all kinds of kangaroos went to the south.

Kangaroos develop faster than humans because of their cold resistance and physical strength. The friction between the two sides is often caused by humans. There have been countless bloody conflicts, but Fredo has always asked the leaders of the five legions. They exercise restraint.

The entire kangaroo society, from bottom to top, only obeys Fredo. Fredo, who has absolute power, has not made kangaroo society the same as human society. Instead, everyone develops production together and takes care of some weak people. .

Kangaroos have evolved from low-intelligent animals. Many kangaroos have no bad intentions and go straight, just like the kangaroos in the past could not turn and could only sprint forward.

But humans are different. They are intelligent creatures that have reproduced for thousands of years. They have too many desires and too many thoughts, so in such frictions, the kangaroos always suffer.

This kind of friction gradually escalated due to a certain small-scale battle. The clever kangaroo commander took advantage of the night to defeat a human stronghold that was causing friction. This conflict was about to turn into a large-scale conflict. , it was at this time that Fredo proposed peace negotiations.

The higher-ups on the human side agreed, but they needed Fredo and the others to go to human territory to show their sincerity.

Fredo took some of his followers with him. At that time, the kangaroo leaders of the five legions unanimously advised Fredo not to go. If they wanted to negotiate, they should go to the cities near the dividing line.

But Fredo still went, and the normal negotiation turned into a quarrel. The negotiators who followed Fredo argued hard. Regarding the friction, the humans unanimously accused the kangaroos of being barbaric and that they were the first to provoke the dispute.

Fredo knew very well that this was a common tactic used by humans, to make things seem like things that didn't exist, and to confuse right and wrong. They just wanted more things, so Fredo was still restrained in the initial negotiation.

As a result, these humans kicked their noses and felt that the kangaroos were afraid of war with humans, so they touched the kangaroos' bottom line again and again. In the end, Fredo became angry and directly tore up some of the conditions negotiated at the beginning.

At this time, humans immediately showed their fangs, and they directly attacked Fredo and the others. The two sides started a small-scale battle in the city where they were negotiating. All the kangaroos tried their best to protect Fredo, even if they died. Fredo must be allowed to leave alive.

However, no miracle happened in the end. Fredo was killed, and his body was hung up by humans. The image files were sent to the kangaroos, and they threatened that the kangaroos would end up like Fredo if they did not surrender.

Dave's ancestor was a dwarf kangaroo. At the last moment, Fredo protected him and told him that he must bring the truth back. Not all humans want to do this, because during the war, some Many humans in the city provided help to Fredo and the others, but tragedy inevitably happened.

The entire kangaroo society was completely boiling. Dave's ancestors returned to the kangaroo society with the help of humans, and he was brought to the leaders of the five legions.

"He lied."

Dave said helplessly, Fredo looked at Dave in shock, his eyes were filled with tears.

"My ancestors shouted to the leaders of the five legions at that time that they were the ones who killed Fredo, and Fredo protected me, and asked me to tell everyone, fight, fight thoroughly, until there is no longer a threat! "

Dave smiled helplessly when he said this.

"I heard from my grandfather that my ancestor told the truth to the family before he died. He regretted the decision he made. It was this decision that changed everything, and he also went against Fredo's will. The will to coexist peacefully with mankind, my ancestors once regretted it, because it was Fredo who saved him with his life."

Fredo was silent. He sat down and silently took out another cigar.

"I said this was the last one."

Fredo lit it up anyway.

"You really are a disobedient fellow, Fredo."

Dave continued.

The entire kangaroo society was completely angry. Every kangaroo, male and female, took up arms. They wanted to avenge Fredo and crush humans.

The kangaroos, which originally outnumbered humans and were developing faster than humans, had already decided the winner when the war started. The kangaroos from the five major legions invaded human territory.

Humans couldn't imagine it at all. They thought these silly creatures would be obedient, but the kangaroos were not obedient. Human strongholds were constantly breached by the kangaroos. Even if they surrendered, they would most likely be tortured and killed by the kangaroos.

In just three months, two-thirds of human land has been riddled with holes, and a large number of humans have been captured. They once wanted to enslave the kangaroos, but the kangaroos enslaved them.

The remaining humans began to flee toward the high mountains in the northeast, hoping to rely on the advantages of the terrain to preserve themselves. The only ones who escaped were high-level humans.

The remaining human leaders want peace talks at this time, but the kangaroos do not accept it. Either humans become slaves or wait to die.

"Blue blooded people?"

Fredo asked suddenly and Dave nodded.

"This is the biggest secret of the entire kangaroo society, because something happened that was completely incomprehensible to the kangaroos."

After Dave finished speaking, he looked out the window and sighed helplessly.

"Perhaps all this has been buried a long time ago. A man calling himself Captain John appeared on the volcano in the northeast."

The kangaroos assembled a large number of troops and planned to carry out the final extermination of humans on the northeastern mountains. However, they did not encounter any resistance after going up the mountain. Instead, they saw human corpses all over the mountains and plains.

These corpses seemed to be poisoned, because black blood flowed from their mouths, noses and eyes. On the top of these corpses, on the top of the mountain where magma surged, sat a man. He was Captain John.

It was John who killed all the humans who went up. When the kangaroos asked him why he did this, John just said that because humans were in serious disaster, he would kill humans when he saw them. He apologized on behalf of humans and kangaroos, and said that in the future, this The land belongs to the kangaroos.

Of course, the kangaroos would not easily believe John's rhetoric, until they attacked John, and John showed strength that the kangaroos could not understand. Finally, the kangaroos came back and left the volcano.

After returning, the kangaroos began to rectify everything, divided the humans into five legions, and formulated an extremely cruel system for humans. In order for humans to no longer threaten the survival of the kangaroos, everything about humans needed to be erased.

At that time, the leader of the Pygmy Kangaroo Legion came forward to restore the freedom of all humans and to coexist peacefully with them. After experiencing such a tragic situation, humans finally began to no longer intend to have any disputes and wanted to coexist peacefully with the kangaroos.

However, all this was just a way to make humans obediently hand over technology. After the last technology in human hands was obtained by kangaroos, the humans who provided the technology were all executed after they had offspring. .

After a long century, the last human being who knew the alphabet died, and the current kangaroo social structure was completely formed.

It was at that time that human beings began to completely become trash. The only thing they knew was their own name. Many human beings had almost zero knowledge of this world.

"That's when the blue-blooded people appeared."

Dave nodded.

"It is certain that the appearance of the blue-blooded people is related to John, but we still have no way of knowing exactly how they came here."

One day on the volcano in the northeast, a group of people who seemed to be made of water suddenly appeared. They collectively went down the mountain and entered the city of kangaroos. The kangaroos attacked directly, but the power of the blue-blooded people was far greater than that of the kangaroos. their imagination.

After killing millions of kangaroos, the kangaroos found a way to deal with the blue-blooded people, freezing them and throwing them back into the volcano, but they still came down, again and again.

In order to prevent the blue-blooded people from entering the kangaroo society, the five major legions built a defense line while the blue-blooded people were frozen and transported back to the mountains to wait for thawing, and have been fighting against the blue-blooded people to this day.

"I've said all I know, Freddo."

Dave looked at the excited Fredo with a smile, and Fredo put down the cigar in his hand.

"Thank you Dave, thank you so much."

Dave shook his head.

"How about Fredo, after hearing all this, what do you think? When I was young, I had an idea to tell all the kangaroos the truth that my ancestors knew in the past."

Dave said and held out his hand, and Fredo took it.

"It's really nice to meet you Dave."

"I am the same, Fredo, let's do something together, do something for this society that has been completely solidified. After all, there must be a goal in life."

Fredo nodded happily.

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