Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 955 Branch 0 8 (Part 1)

"My name is Dave, Freddo, and I've heard about you."

On a street with a cold climate, Fredo looked quietly at the thickly dressed dwarf kangaroo in front of him. There was a trace of disdain and indifference in his eyes. After all, Fredo didn't have a good impression of these dwarfs. They always Hiding behind, although this is directly related to their small size.

But Fredo is indescribably annoying. These dwarfs can be seen in every dispute between the major branches. They do not participate in the dispute, but they do business with the major branches. They are a group of annoying guys. .

In this merged city of western gray kangaroos and dwarf kangaroos, Fredo is very frustrated. He has just graduated from the military academy, but he is dissatisfied with the current situation. He has proposed reforms and is also serving as some military officials. Sometimes, I did something.

However, what Fredo has done is different in the eyes of most kangaroos. He once took soldiers from the army to help in the farmland of the lower class kangaroos, because the number of human slaves in the western gray kangaroo society has been declining over the years.

The natural disdain for humans and only treating them as tools is generally the biggest problem of the western gray kangaroo army now. Therefore, many gray kangaroos will easily kill some human slaves. A few months ago, there was a riot on a farm.

Fredo personally investigated and questioned many humans. Instead of pursuing the cause of the riots, the higher-ups of the kangaroos directly treated those humans in more cruel ways.

In such an extremely oppressive society, Fredo can't breathe. He has had enough of everything, and most of the kangaroos at the bottom are also in this chain of oppression. Only the bottom and middle class will go to the volcanoes in the northeast to fight the blue-blooded people. Kangaroos, before going online, only have the bottom layer, and the bottom layer provides all the needs of life. The knowledge they can learn and recognize is too little, which is completely out of proportion to their efforts.

Even some spiritual things are not available at the bottom. Entertainment is very common in the society of kangaroos in the upper class. But at the bottom, in addition to looking after food, they just find more female kangaroos to mate, and then give birth to and raise kangaroos.

Fredo clearly saw the cruelest side of this world. He was dissatisfied and angry at the same time. A week ago, Fredo saved a slave who was about to be killed on a farm, and the entire senior management was shocked.

Although Fredo only needed to kill the human being he saved, he would still not be blamed. In the end, Fredo chose to resign and left the army completely. The society could not understand what Fredo had done. , all thought there was something wrong with Fredo’s brain.

Fredo never thinks so. The upper class has deprived many things in order to rule forever. Human beings have nothing, while the lower class only have the lowest level of life. Many of them don't even have the concept of family, marriage and partners. They can only obey blindly. Orders from a higher level, I don’t know why I live for the rest of my life.

Fredo learned from a large number of human books in the past that living is the most primitive survival instinct of the kangaroos who did not have intelligence in the past. This is the case for most animals in the world. They live to reproduce and survive in nature. .

But now that the kangaroos with intelligence are still like this, it seems too pathetic to Fredo. It is this sadness that makes Fredo feel angry and want to resist everything.

It is a very sad thing if a creature with intelligence and advanced emotions does not know what to live for in its life.

"How about we talk?"

"Nothing to talk about."

Fredo didn't even want to take another look at the dwarf kangaroo. He just turned around, but Dave immediately jumped on Fredo's shoulders.

"How about we talk?"

Fredo was a little annoyed and wanted to slap Dave down, but Dave went even further and went to Fredo's head, holding Fredo's ears with both hands, and said with a smile.

"You think we dwarfs don't have any credibility, right? You think we are two-faced."

Fredo asked with anger rising in his heart.

"Is not it?"

Dave didn't hide it, but said it directly.

"That's true, but just like in any society or race, there are one or two alternative, right? Isn't that the same for you?"

Dave's words made Fredo angry. He stretched out his hand and wanted to pat Dave down, but Dave dodged and jumped directly onto Fredo's left shoulder.

"I don't want to do anything, don't force me."

Dave laughed.

"If you are an outlier in the Western Kangaroo Legion, then I am an outlier in the pygmy kangaroo society. Don't you want to talk to me, an outlier?"

Fredo was a little surprised. Dave put Minato on Fredo's cheek, stretched out his hand and pulled the fur on Fredo's face.

"There are obviously so many resources, right? Why don't we all want to coexist peacefully? It is obvious that human beings have higher IQs than us, and the modern society established by humans in the past has provided great help to our rise, but now we are Treat humans like this? Just because they slaughtered us for food and warm clothing during disasters in the past? This happened many years ago, right?"

Fredo looked at Dave with some surprise, and then started walking. He really wanted to find someone to have a good chat with, and he had been depressed for many days.

Fredo took Dave to his residence. After entering the room, Dave started to make tea by himself. He didn't need Fredo's help. Seeing such a small kangaroo taking such a big teacup, Fredo laughed happily.

"You are really different."

"I told you, I am an alien and I am an alien like you."

Fredo looked at Dave seriously. He really wanted to find someone of the same kind. Although some friends had similar thoughts, many of them chose to remain silent in the end.

"I think human beings are actually quite cute. They should not continue to be enslaved like this. We should work together to solve some problems. This is the way for the race to survive for a long time. With today's method, our technology cannot There may be great progress, after all, we relied on working with some human friends to resist most natural and man-made disasters, and worked together to build this kind of apocalyptic city."

Fredo looked at Dave in shock. He didn't know what Dave was talking about.

"Why do you know that?"

Dave directly revealed his identity. He came from an upper-class family in dwarf kangaroo society. He naturally knew these things, and Fredo became interested.

"Can you tell me Mr. Dave?"

Dave carried the tea with a smile and jumped in front of Fredo.

"Don't call me Mr. Fredo, just call me Dave. I really want to make friends with you."

Fredo stood up in astonishment and hurriedly helped Dave take the tea cup. Then he looked at Dave's outstretched hand and Fredo took it.

"Where should we start? Fredo, as I just said, in every society and every ethnic group, there are not only aliens and the majority, but among the majority, there are also those forward-thinking and kind-hearted beings. "

Dave told Fredo seriously. He had seen some images and written materials, so he knew very clearly. Only the upper levels knew about these things.

After natural disasters occurred in the past, human society collapsed in an instant. Then humans all over the world fought for their own survival. Kangaroos in this vast land became a stable source of food for this country.

These kangaroos were hunted, and after a very bad decade, the kangaroo population was almost extinct. At this time, a blue-furred kangaroo used in experiments in the research institute appeared.

"He was also named Freddo. What a coincidence. 200 years later, another kangaroo named after Freddo appeared."

Fredo laughed and decided to take this name. Fredo's father said that he hoped that he could make a difference in the kangaroo society like the kangaroo who brought light to the kangaroos.

Dave continued to talk about this blue experimental kangaroo. After gaining intelligence, he escaped from the research base with the help of a human female scientist who took care of him.

Fredo and the scientist then traveled together. Along the way, the female scientist taught Fredo many things and witnessed the crazy bottomless side of human society in the face of such natural disasters, as well as the misery of the kangaroo community.

What Fredo couldn't understand was that they were obviously the same kind, but they didn't want to work together to help each other survive. Instead, they fought for the last bit of resources and kept killing the same kind. The kangaroos were even worse off than dead.

The journey of the two finally ended in a human city. The female scientist was caught by humans and died miserably after being treated cruelly. Fredo was also caught. Because of his rare blue fur, he had no He was killed, but humans saw that he was young and strong, so they imprisoned him among female kangaroos and let him mate and give birth to them.

Fredo was imprisoned by humans for five years, and the situation became worse and worse. However, the kangaroos imprisoned with Fredo at this time were different. They began to gradually become like Fredo. intelligent.

Then, taking advantage of the chaos, Fredo and the imprisoned and bred kangaroos escaped from the human cage and took up weapons to fight back, easily killing the humans in the slaughterhouse.

But Fredo did not kill the weak humans and those humans who still had some humanity left. They began to help each other, coexist peacefully and began to continue to grow and develop.

The news about the intelligence of kangaroos began to spread. Fredo established friendship with humans and began to liberate kangaroos from various places. They established complete crop fields and attracted many people and kangaroos.

These kangaroos have been given intelligence by Fredo, who seems to have incredible power. With the efforts of humans and kangaroos, a peaceful small society composed of kangaroos and humans emerged.

However, it is extremely difficult for such a small society to survive, because this land is full of violent predators who have gone crazy. In such a world, they only know how to endlessly plunder all the resources they can get, and even Not willing to sit down and talk.

Fredo and his small society were soon attacked and collapsed. Fredo witnessed many human atrocities. They killed the humans and kangaroos in the small society without any hesitation or guilt. Loot and destroy everything.

Fredo knew very well that he couldn't stay here anymore, so he could only take the remaining kangaroos to leave the human city, because Fredo knew very well that they had an advantage that humans absolutely did not have. They had thick fur, even if they were You can still move and survive in the cold outside world.

Fredo began to change his mind. He took the remaining kangaroos to continue to multiply and grow in the forest and grassland that had not completely disappeared, and also helped some human friends who were willing to survive with them.

After ten years, everything turned around. Although humans had established some bases, their inherent arrogance and prejudice made them become more and more ignorant and cruel.

A war began to break out between kangaroos and humans, but now Fredo's group and number of kangaroos have far exceeded humans. In the disputes for survival of humans for so many years, many factories have long been unable to produce. The weapons and ammunition in their hands are almost exhausted.

In a pure competition of strength, humans were no match for these strong kangaroos. Humans began to lose ground, and finally had to sit down and negotiate with Fredo and the others.

Both parties began to integrate, and then started working together to start factories and start cultivating the land. Because the sun had not completely disappeared at that time, they had to seize the time so that the entire society could find a stable development in the future after being completely bathed in darkness. way down.

This kind of peaceful coexistence has been going on for nearly 10 years, and during this period, humans have always taken the initiative to cause friction, and even treated some kangaroos as slaves and tools.

Fredo knew very well that humans are a race that is never satisfied, especially these humans. Once they recuperate and master technological power and weapons again, they will reveal their true colors again.

Furuido, who knew all this, was prepared. He knew very well that humans would definitely start a war again, so Furuidu made all preparations in advance.

Sure enough, humans soon began to break the peace unscrupulously and constantly had conflicts with the kangaroos. When things got to this point, many kangaroos felt angry and wanted to teach humans a lesson, but Fredo always maintained restraint, because He knew that once the war started, everything that had been built with great difficulty would be destroyed.

Therefore, Fredo still wanted to negotiate peacefully with humans with a peaceful mentality, so he went to the core city of humans and wanted to continue negotiating with humans. However, it was this negotiation that changed everything.

"What happened after?"

Fredo asked and Dave sighed.

"Fredo died in that city, and his death became a flash point for both societies."

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