Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 945 Branch 0 4 (Part 2)

"Mr. Fredo, given that your past behavior has had a serious impact on the entire western gray kangaroo society, and everything that happens now is related to you, don't you think about the future? This land has raised you Land, don’t you feel the least bit guilty about your homeland?”

Kimball stared at Fredo, Niegra behind him nodded slightly, and the other heads of the special investigation team left.

"Keep talking, Kimball."

Niegra's eyes softened when he looked at Fredo. Kimball talked about many of the rebellious activities that Fredo had engaged in in the past, and the impact these activities had on the entire western gray kangaroo society.

"The impact you have caused is immeasurable. The problems caused by your resistance are countless. If you are willing to explain everything properly, all the problems you caused can be swept away. You should be clear,"

Kimball glanced at Fredo, who nodded and smiled.

"Get me some food first. When I'm full and drunk, maybe I'll talk slowly."

Although Niegra was angry, he still sent someone to get food for Fredo.

Fredo has been hungry for more than a day. He knows the interrogation method of the Western Gray Kangaroo Corps, which involves physical and hunger interrogation. Physical damage may be temporary, and many people can endure it, but hunger is different. One day Fredo had no strength at all.

Fredo was thinking about how to talk to Kimball. At this time, he had to make a little concession and let go of something. Fredo carefully thought about what he had seen in Branch 0 during this time. , he knew very well that the mist must be released now to make them relax their vigilance, and then Kimball should bring him weapons. As long as he has weapons in his hands, Fredo is sure to be able to escape.

"Individual combat aircraft."

Fredo suddenly said something, and Kimball understood immediately, while Niegra and the other kangaroos behind him looked at Fredo in confusion.

Niegla thinks that Kimball is a pretty good kangaroo. He told many things about his past investigation of Fredo, which may have evoked some past memories in Fredo's heart. These memories have a profound impact on Fredo. In many cases, it is difficult to talk about it, and even more reluctant to look back.

Niegra knew that Fredo had been wandering alone in the wilderness for too long. Although he should have gathered a resistance team now, it was completely different from the past.

There is no kangaroo like Fredo who can endure loneliness alone, but he cannot endure loneliness for the rest of his life.

"What do you mean Fredo, please tell me clearly."

Niegra asked, and Fredo laughed.

"I'll tell you after I've eaten."

Niegla is a little worried. What he is most worried about now is that Fredo may have colluded with the Red Kangaroo Legion or the Red Kangaroo Legion. This is the reason why Niegla is most worried at the moment.

Several armies knew that the war was about to begin, and at this juncture Fredo appeared in Branch 0, and such a serious accident actually occurred in Branch 0. Fortunately, Niegra and Earls and their Eastern Gray Kangaroo Corps There is still some preparation work to be done. If the war starts, it will be devastating for both of them.

Niegra looked at Fredo in a daze. He had just mentioned the individual combat aircraft, and Niegra quickly reacted. He winked at an adjutant, and soon the adjutant left the room.

"I ask you to immediately deploy soldiers to conduct a blanket search within a 50-kilometer radius, especially in the mountainous areas in the west."

"General, what do you mean?"

Niegra laughed.

"Foredo will not bring up individual combat aircraft for no reason. I am afraid that the Red Kangaroo Legion has already made arrangements. It is very likely that they will cooperate with Fredo and directly attack Branch 0. Once everything in the branch is destroyed, we will A war that has been prepared for three whole years will come to nothing."

The adjutant immediately jumped up quickly, and Niegra walked into the room with a sneer. Fredo should know more. A large-scale investigation was still going on in Branch 0. Niegla knew very well that he wanted to find Fredo. It's too difficult to have wings.

Although he can influence the behavior of the kangaroos at the bottom, it is difficult to influence their thoughts. Fredo's thoughts are very attractive to the kangaroos at the bottom.

If many kangaroos lean towards Fredo, it will definitely have a great impact on future wars. The reason why Niegra wants to execute Fredo is to show his comrades what happens to betrayers. And if the core of Fredo is executed, those resisters at the bottom will probably suffer a devastating blow.

Niegra knew that Fredo did have some tricks up his sleeve in planning some actions. He was equivalent to the brains of the rebels, and those rebels who followed Fredo's instructions were probably inseparable from Fredo.

At this time, the food was delivered, and Niegra walked in with a smile. Fredo began to eat, but he could only swallow it directly without chewing. Niegra waited for Fredo to finish eating before he got up and went over.

"Tell me, Fredo, which side of the guys are you working with?"

"Those red-skinned guys."

Fredo said, while Kimball looked around at the structure here. If you want to enter this room, you need Niegra's permission. He observed the thickness of the cell and wanted to open it without causing any harm. Getting to Fredo requires very complicated and precise calculations, but this is not a problem for Dave and the others.

All Kimball needs to do is to observe and measure the structure of the entire room in detail. He has secretly photographed everything in the cell and will contact Dave and the others tonight.

"What do they want?"

"Destroy everything here, of course."

Fredo said weakly and asked for another cigar.

"I want to know the distribution of their external forces."

Fredo shook his head.

"I don't know about this, but if riots continue in the city, they are very likely to attack."

Niegra looked at Fredo with solemn eyes.

"Name your comrades."

Fredo shook his head.

"I currently communicate through notes for activities, and we have never met each other, you should know."

Niegra immediately felt a chill running down his spine as he thought of something.

"No matter what you do, there's nothing you can do to stop them because the plan has already begun."

Fredo laughed, and Nigra turned around and jumped quickly, then turned around and shouted.

"Keep questioning him Kimball."

"Yes, General."

There were two kangaroo doctors in the room. Kimball couldn't say anything directly to Fredo. He could only talk to Fredo without saying a word. There were soldiers guarding the door.

"You can go out now."

Kimball said as one of the two kangaroo doctors clearly didn't want to leave.

"We have to keep an eye on Fredo, he's in bad shape."

Kimball couldn't say anything else and could only continue to cross-examine Fredo.

"He wants to rest, Mr. Kimball."

A kangaroo doctor said. Kimball looked at the kangaroo doctor with some doubts. He was wearing a mask, but his eyes were cold, Kimball said immediately.

"Let me ask some final questions."

Kimball looked at Fredo and then asked after thinking for a moment.

"Your mecha?"

Fredo immediately waved.

"Come here and I'll tell you."

Kimball was approaching step by step. At this time, Fredo noticed something strange about the two kangaroo doctors, and he called Kimball.

"Forget it, I'll talk about it another day when I'm in the mood."

Kimball looked at Fredo in confusion, because he hoped that Fredo would tell him the code of the mecha, so that Kimball could get the mecha over, and if Fredo climbed onto the mecha, he would have to escape. completely fine.

"Let's talk about it some other time. I'm tired and need to rest. Can you go back first?"

Kimball looked around and a doctor shouted.

"Soldier, bring Mr. Kimball up."

Kimball didn't know what Fredo meant, so he could only turn around and leave. After the door of the room was closed, two doctors came over and carefully treated the wound in Fredo's mouth.

"Sorry, can you give me another cigar?"

"We'll talk to Mr. Fredo after the wound is taken care of."

Fredo felt that the attitudes of these two doctors were a little strange. They treated him very gently and were not rough at all. They had been taking care of him for more than a day.

"We'll find a way to get you out Mr. Freddo."

"What's the meaning?"

Fredo wondered, a doctor stood up and took out a black disc-shaped object, which should be some kind of jammer.

"The conversation here will not be overheard. My name is Hans! His name is Rival."

The tall Hans stretched out his hand, and Rival, who was treating Fredo's mouth, laughed.

"We've been looking for you for years, Mr. Freddo."

Hans said as he lit a cigar and handed it to Fredo.

"You just wanted to take action."

Fredo said, and both guys nodded.

"It's true that we just wanted to kidnap Kimball and then find a way to take you out."

"You're going to die if you do this, and Kimball is on my side."

Hans and Rival looked at Fredo in shock.

"What do you want from me? I'm just..."

"We know everything about you Mr. Fredo. We hope you can join us and lead us. Many of our kangaroos started to gather together spontaneously because of your actions. We all talk about you every day. , Mr. Freddo."

Fredo smiled unexpectedly.

"Sorry, I am already a dead person in the past. What on earth do you want here?"

"Stop the war. If we can't stop it, we will seize branch No. 0."

This was something Fredo didn't expect at all. There would be resistance forces in Branch 0, and it looked like they had not been here for a day or two.

"How many do you have?"

"At least 3,000, Mr. Freddo, if you count the guys in other branches, there will be a hundred thousand."

Fredo looked at them in shock.

"In the past ten years, we have often heard about you and sent people to look for you, but unfortunately we have never been able to find you. It was not until you appeared in Branch 99 that we were sure that you were still alive."

"Thank you for your hard work."

For a moment, Fredo seemed to think of something, and he smiled bitterly.

"The efforts we have made in the past have not been in vain."

"Yes, Mr. Fredo, everything you have done in the past, everything with extraordinary courage, has always been a beacon for our actions. Many people have gathered because of this. We must resist this society that has brought us heavy oppression."

Fredo felt a little relieved, but there was nothing he could do now.

"I'm leaving this land. I'm sorry, but I can't give you any help."

Hans and Rival were a little confused, and Hans said.

"Mr. Fredo, if you are willing to lead us, we will obey your command unconditionally. Many kangaroos you have helped have said that you are a person worthy of trust and expectation."

Fredo shook his head.

"Sorry, please find a way to contact Kimball, and then bring me the mecha and weapons."

In the end Hans and Rival had no choice but to leave.

After the two guys left, some of Fredo's inner doubts were answered, because when he came to Branch 0, he noticed that many kangaroos here were slightly different from those in the original western gray kangaroo society.

These kangaroos will help each other and cooperate, and during the battle that day, Fredo found that many kangaroos did not attack directly, but shot from a distance, and the level of shooting was too low. Those who rushed up wanted to He killed all the kangaroos who tried to catch him.

From despair to full of hope, this is how Fredo feels now. He didn't expect that there would be so many rebels in ten years, and I'm afraid it's not just the west, but the east as well, and even several other major cities. There are also those in the Legion.

This may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. What Fredo is considering now is whether to leave or stay. If he stays, he can indeed cooperate with them to capture this branch city in one fell swoop and establish a stable armed force. Even if the western gray The Kangaroo Legion dispatched a large number of troops, but they were unable to use heavy firepower here.

After a stalemate for a while, Fredo and the others could negotiate with the generals, but Fredo soon came to his senses. He knew very well that such an approach was meaningless.

No matter how they resist, such a society is hopeless. Fredo must tell them clearly. Everything in the past is still vivid in their minds. There may be many brave people who are not afraid of the dead, but most of them The kangaroos still prefer to return to a peaceful life. This land can no longer cause large-scale civil strife.

What Fredo is most worried about now is the blue snowmen on the volcano in the northeast. When will they break through the defense line again? This is the problem that kangaroo society must face now. Fredo plans to have a good talk with Niegra after he comes over. talk.

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