Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 944 Branch 0 4 (Part 2)

9 a.m.

Jamie was sweating and panting, standing at the door of the room. He had just finished his morning exercise. Recently, Jamie found that his arms bulged when he exerted force. These were muscles. Jamie was very happy that his body had changed like this.

Fredo prepared the training content for Jamie, which he would complete every day seriously. After entering the room, Imogen was already up, Coco had prepared the heating stove, and Jamie planned to make a hot breakfast.

"You wait a moment, Imogen. It will be ready soon. Don't eat the cold one."

Seeing that Imogen was going to get food, Jamie ran over and took away the cold food. Imogen stretched out her hands to find the food. She seemed to be starving.

Jamie could only speed up and start cooking food. Imogen came over and Jamie could only hold her because she had to be very careful. Imogen had been burned before. In desperation, Jamie could only tie her with a rope. Imogen.

Jamie made breakfast after a while, and waited until the breakfast had cooled down a bit before untying Imogen. He fed Imogen little by little. If she was allowed to eat by herself, Imogen would definitely grab it with her hands, or directly Bite it with your mouth and get it all over your body.

"Eat slowly, there's still plenty of Imogen."

Seeing Imogen devouring her food, Jamie planned to wait until she was full and give her a bath to make her clean. This might help her condition to some extent.

Jamie doesn't know when Fredo will come back, because he went there yesterday and hasn't come back yet. Last night, Jamie saw a light on the sea over Branch 0. Jamie was a little confused.

After giving Imogen a bath, it was already 11 o'clock in the morning. Jamie took Imogen to the reef. The beam of light on the sea was the most beautiful at this point. Imogen would be stunned every day. Look at it for a while.

"You stay here well, Imogen, I'm going to exercise."

Jamie picked up two steel blades and quickly came to a training room.

"It's time to start, Kou Kou."

Along with a rustling sound, some viscous metallic liquid surged up on the ground, and soon gathered into the shape of a nearly 2-meter-tall kangaroo. Jamie rushed up with a steel blade and chopped it. stand up.

When the steel blade cuts on the liquid metal, traces will immediately flow out, and the metal kangaroo used for training will also fight back. Jamie quickly dodges and then swings the steel blade again. This kind of practice has become more and more popular. Familiar, Jamie is making progress every day.

Jamie, you used too much force, which is not conducive to a long battle.

Koko reminded her. Jamie looked at the video playback of his recent practice and thought about it seriously. Koko started reminding Jamie again what he should do.

After practicing for a while, Koko discovered that Imogen was missing. He hurriedly ran out. After a glance, he saw a white spot in the distance on the coastline. Jamie ran over quickly.

"You can't run around Imogen, it's very dangerous."

Jamie pulled Imogen, but Imogen was still walking forward, as if she didn’t want to stop. After thinking for a moment, Jamie let go of Imogen, because she seemed to want to go somewhere, Jamie Mi saw a glimmer of light in Imogen's eyes, and she seemed to have noticed something.

Jamie looked around, and Kou Kou did not warn of any danger. Jamie just followed Imogen and came to the edge of a strait. On a cliff in the distance, there was a round building. Jamie had noticed the tower before and asked Fredo what it was.

Fredo told Jamie that it was called a lighthouse, and it was used as a demarcation point for human ships that sailed on the sea in the past. Imogen was indeed attracted to the lighthouse, and Jamie could only let her move forward.

"Be careful Imogen, come closer in case you fall."

Jamie pulled Imogen and walked around the strait. Such a small distance was nothing to Jamie now, and it was the same for Imogen. She was walking every day.

The road underfoot began to get steeper. Jamie pulled Imogen and climbed up little by little. Finally, they saw a cracked but gentle road, and the two of them stepped on it.

After a while, the two came to the bottom of the lighthouse. The entire lighthouse had been completely corroded by rust. Imogen walked in. It was empty. Unexpectedly, the space was quite large. Jamie looked around, and Imogen was in the room. After wandering around, she headed up the spiral staircase. Jamie was a little worried, so he ran up first.

"I'm holding you Imogen, be careful."

Jamie went up little by little. Fortunately, the stairs were still strong. Jamie held Imogen's hand and went up little by little. After a while, they reached the top floor.

"It's so clear here."

Jamie looked at the ray of light that had begun to slant in front of him. Imogen sat down. She looked a little tired. Jamie pulled her and sat behind her. Fredo said that he could not look away from Imogen. Qin, she must be taken care of as a child who doesn't understand anything.

Jamie remembered that he had taken care of many children before. The kangaroos would let their older children take turns taking care of the completely ignorant children, and they would be separated when they grew older.

Jamie now somewhat understands what Fredo said. Family love does not exist among humans. Because the kangaroos do not want humans to have family love, many human slaves have not established emotional connections before. , they will be separated.

Jamie and Imogen were relatively lucky. Even when they were separated, they were grouped together. Jamie held Imogen quietly. It was very windy here.

"If Imogen is ready, let's go back first. It will take a long time to go back."

Jamie stood up and tried to pull Imogen up, but she remained motionless. Jamie didn't know what happened, and Imogen just stared at the sea blankly.

"Did you see something?"

Jamie knew that no matter how he asked, Imogen would not speak, but he still insisted on communicating with Imogen normally as before. Jamie felt that one day Imogen might really get better. Recently, There was already a little warmth in her expression.

"It's almost done, Imogen, let's go back."

Seeing that the beam of sunlight in the distance had disappeared, Jamie was about to get up. Imogen was in a daze. Jamie knew that she was going to sleep, so he carried Imogen on his back and started to go down to the lighthouse.

Jamie was careful every step he took, because some places were damaged and they would die if they fell.

After successfully returning to the bottom floor, Jamie yawned. He was also a little tired and planned to take a nap after returning.

A breeze blew over his face. As soon as Jamie turned his head, he saw the sea rising up in the distance. Jamie opened his mouth wide and looked at the sea approaching here. He was startled.

But after gradually seeing that the sea water coming over was very low, Jamie relaxed. He watched a large amount of sea water hitting the cliff, causing large splashes. Jamie walked over a little bit, wanting to take a look again. , and at this moment, Jamie noticed something around him, and as soon as he turned his head, he was startled.

It was a skeleton, a human corpse. This skeleton was almost falling apart, with only the body and head left. A sharp spear was nailed into the wall at the chest.

At this time, Jamie noticed something on the ground. After he squatted down, he carefully peeled away the wet soil with his hands. A faint blue color was revealed from the soil. Jamie was surprised to pick it up and button it off. The soil on it was blue, and he didn't know what material it was made of. It felt cold in Jamie's hand.

After tinkering for a while, Jamie opened the small lid and saw a woman. This should be a photo. Jamie had seen many before. It looked like a pendant. Jamie had also picked it up before, but it was all tattered. , this seems to be well preserved, Jamie picked it up and thought of Imogen. After cleaning it later, he would put it on Imogen. It should be very beautiful.

Jamie carried Imogen on his back again and prepared to leave, but at this moment he felt a chill. As soon as he turned his head, he saw a wisp of black smoke floating in the air. Jamie looked at it in confusion.

The smoke cloud in front of him circled around, and Jamie patted it playfully with his hand. The smoke and dust did not disperse, but were gathering little by little. Gradually, Jamie saw that the smoke and dust looked a bit like a human face.

"Damn Jamie! Give me back my stuff."

Jamie looked at the Yanchen face in front of him who was talking in shock, and he immediately stuck out his tongue.

"I picked it up."

The man's face became ferocious and angry, and he flew towards Jamie with a roar, but he slapped the smoke away, and soon the smoke gathered again.

"You're going to regret it one day Jamie, if you'll give it back to me."

Jamie didn't know what this face was, so he ran away with Imogen on his back.

"Give it back, give it back to me Jamie."

Jamie ran all the way, with the Smokey Face behind him still chasing him. He quickly ran to the bottom of the mountain, and the Smokey Face had disappeared.

"How does he know my name? I'll ask Fredo later."

This was the first time Jamie encountered such a strange thing. He carried Imogen and walked along the seaside. The base was still far away because it seemed almost invisible.

Jamie talked as he walked, humming a few words from time to time. Fredo had taught Jamie some songs before, but Jamie could only remember part of them.

When it was completely dark, Jamie returned to the base.

Jamie, you must replenish your nutrients quickly, your body is seriously imbalanced.

Coco reminded her, but Jamie was too tired, and he planned to sleep for a while before getting up. After taking Imogen into the room, Jamie hugged her and fell asleep.

The blue pendant that Jamie brought back now gave off a slight blue light, and the light became brighter and brighter, and soon the blue light occupied the room.

Why on earth did you come here?

Koko's voice sounded, and the light on the blue pendant began to shrink.

How long until they arrive?

The blue light flickered slowly, and Kou Kou's voice sounded again.

I haven’t seen Nono and the others for a long time. I really hope to see you all soon. This planet is almost unable to hold on.

The blue light flickered for a while and then became quiet.

Wish ya'll good luck!

10 at night

Niegra watched as several adjutants reported on the situation throughout the day. 18 seabed mines had been affected, and 11 seabed passages had been damaged to varying degrees.

Although the monsters from the deep sea have been successfully eliminated or lured back to the deep sea, the cost was the death of more than 100 soldiers and the damage of 297 small submarines.

This is a chain reaction caused by the collapse of the No. 3 submarine channel. Now the entire No. 0 branch is in chaos and requires a lot of labor.

"That's enough. No need to report any more. I want you to send a message to the generals of each branch immediately and ask them to bring some human slaves over as quickly as possible."

"General, if you do this, there may be a lot less labor in the farmland."

Niegra slapped the table angrily and said.

"Just let the guys at the bottom take care of their own farmland. We need to repair everything as quickly as possible in a short period of time."

War is inevitable, and Niegra knows very well that if this place cannot operate normally, the supply of materials for the war will be seriously insufficient, and the Eastern and Western Gray Kangaroo Legions will launch attacks at the same time, as long as the subsequent supply of strategic materials can keep up. , the war can be ended in a short time.

"Where's Fredo? Did you say anything?"

"General, he still won't say anything."

Niegla stood up angrily and walked out of the headquarters. As soon as Niegla went out, he saw several kangaroos from the special investigation team.

"Have you investigated anything?"

Looking at everyone squeaking, Niegra became a little angry, and then a kangaroo stood up.

"General, can we go to the cell together? We can ask Fury to take a look."

Niegla glanced at the newly appointed kangaroo. Their special investigation team had encountered a serious accident before, and this guy named Kimball also took the opportunity to take over.

"Let's go."

Kimball lowered his head and followed Niegra. Now he could finally know where Fredo was being held. As long as he understood the situation and brought some weapons to Fredo, he would definitely have a solution. , Kimball has already found the hiding place.

Soon Kimball followed Niegra to the basement. The leaders of the special investigation team around him seemed a little timid. After all, such a big thing happened, and they had no intention of getting involved, because it was easy to get involved. Take the blame.


The door of the cell opened, and a strong smell of blood came out. Kimball immediately saw the dying Fredo curled up in the corner. He was covered in wounds and his mouth was bloody. Two doctors were caring for him. .

"Look at the good things you've done Freddo."

Niegra roared angrily.

"Give me a cigar."

Fredo sat up, looking more energetic, but speaking a little awkwardly. Niegra nodded, and Kimball took out a cigar and walked over, lighting it for Fredo. The two looked at each other, and Kimball Bol closed his eyes slightly.

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