Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 942 Branch 0 3 (Part 2)

"Fredo what are you doing?"

Jamie looked at Fredo squatting on the rocks. He ran over with a smile. Fredo held a cigar in his mouth and quietly looked down at the light beam in the distance. Jamie turned his head. No matter how many times he looked at it, he felt very nervous. pretty.

"Jamie, I am thinking about the various problems we may encounter after we go out. We must rehearse and explore in our minds in advance, and take the dangerous factors into consideration in as safe a place as possible."

Jamie was a little hard to understand. He had just finished exercising, Imogen was still sleeping, and Jamie had already run a long circle along the seaside. He planned to rest for a while and then continue to carry out combat training with the steel blade.

Fredo helped Jamie make a training dummy, using liquid recovery metal. Jamie could directly cut with a steel blade. He was very happy.

Fredo didn't know what was going on with Dave. He was always ready to move in his heart, and this impulse was ready to come out, because he knew that soon everything he had imagined over the years would be realized, as long as he crossed the last hurdle. .

"By the way Jamie, let me ask you a question."

Jamie looked at Fredo confused.

"If, and I mean if, if you are in danger, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you, just like I did a few days ago."

Jamie looked at Fredo doubtfully, and he saw some sadness in Fredo's eyes.

"I will train hard, Fredo. You have taught me so much knowledge, I believe I can do it."

Jamie held the steel blade in his hand. Fredo looked at Jamie. His eyes had changed. There was still some hesitation and fear in his eyes before, but now these things have gradually disappeared during the past few days of training. .

"I went to train Fredo. If Imogen gets up, you can watch her for me."

Fredo showed his thumbs up and watched Jamie running over happily, looking up at the dark sky.

Recently, Fredo often recalled the real dream before. He still clearly remembered what the man named Gene said. Although the man didn't say it clearly, Fredo also had the same feeling. He might die.

This feeling has become stronger and stronger recently, because Fredo always dreams about his dead friends, and he always feels inexplicably sad every day. He is obviously about to go on a trip, but now Fredo is a little unhappy.

Fredo thought that maybe what he had experienced a few days ago had shaken some of his thoughts. Could he really take Imogen and Jamie on a smooth trip?

Even if the trip goes smoothly, can they really reach Brilliant City?

Many things are unknown to Fredo. From the moment he started trying to resist the system and resist unreasonableness, Fredo knew what his future path would be like.

After staying on the reef for a while, Fredo got up and went to the warehouse to start producing compressed food. In a few days, everything they would eat along the way would be ready. Then they would only need to bring the food to No. 3 Just the undersea passage.

At this moment, Koko reminded him, and Fredo immediately came out with his weapon. Not far away, an aircraft came towards this direction, and Jamie had already run into the room.

The aircraft slowly descended, and Kimball came over. Fredo looked at Kimball who got off the aircraft in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't you know yet?"

Fredo was a little confused. After learning that Dave and his team would evacuate from Branch 0, Fredo was shocked.

"is that true?"

"The news is accurate. I think Dave may be thinking of something. I'd better come over and inform you in advance. After all, I have to be prepared."

Fredo said thank you, but he didn't expect Kimball to come and inform him of this.

Kimball directly took out a crystal screen and showed Fredo the transfer order from a branch general of Pygmy Kangaroo. This transfer order had been sent at 5 o'clock this morning, giving them a week at most to leave Branch 0.

"I think it would be better for you to go and check it out yourself, Mr. Fredo."

Fredo thought so too. He had to go to Branch 0 to understand the situation.

"Were you not suspected when you returned?"

"Of course, Mr. Fredo, I'm fully prepared, and my travel record stops at Branch City No. 21, because the higher-ups know that I'm just a guy without real power, so they won't doubt me."

After noticing Fredo's confused look, Kimball laughed.

"Can't you trust me, Mr. Freddo?"

Of course, Fredo couldn't trust the guy in front of him because his reaction was too quick. Fredo knew the review mechanism of the Western Gray Kangaroo Legion, and the guys at the top would not simply listen to Kimball's one-sided words. .

After all, the disappearance of the entire special investigation team is no small matter.

"If you don't believe me, you can deal with me now, Mr. Fredo. It was you who proposed cooperation in the first place."

Fredo hesitated and turned around and jumped up. He told Jamie the situation, then got on his motorcycle and left.

Jamie was somewhat hostile towards this kangaroo named Kimball. He was far away from Kimball and did not take Imogen out. At this time, seeing Kimball coming, Jamie tightened his grip on the steel in his hand. blade.

Kimball also realized the hostility of this human child and said with a relaxed smile.

"If I really meant it, you and this girl would have died that day."

Jamie nodded, thinking about it that way, their purpose was to capture Fredo, and he and Imogen were dispensable.

"I don't think humans are weak."

Kimball glanced at the steel blade in Jamie's hand. He had seen many rebellious humans a long time ago. If they had matching weapons in their hands, they would not be weaker than the kangaroos.

Jamie didn't intend to answer Kimball and pointed at the aircraft.

"You can go now."

Kimball nodded and returned to the aircraft. He knew that Fredo was doubting him, but this was understandable, but Fredo would definitely figure it out. Kimball had already got what he wanted. And he also feels the current Western Grays are heading down the wrong path.

This path called war can indeed resolve many internal conflicts, but it may drag down the entire kangaroo society.

Regarding the war, there were many voices of opposition within the Western Gray Kangaroo Corps, but without exception, these voices were drowned out by more senior officials who supported the war.

Kimball felt that all this was a bit sad. Obviously many things had become increasingly unreasonable over the years, but there was still no resistance from the kangaroos.

Therefore, Kimball increasingly feels that everything Fredo and the others have done in the past is meaningful. Nowadays, most of the kangaroos at the bottom dare not speak out, and they can only obey some orders from the top.


At this point Jamie ran out and Kimball stopped taking off.

"What's wrong Jamie?"

"Do you know what's going on with Imogen? What's wrong with her? She can't speak, laugh, or cry. She's always cold."

Kimball thought for a moment and then laughed.

"Sorry, I don't know. You have to ask people who have had similar experiences."

Kimball controlled the aircraft to ascend. He did not tell the boy why he thought about it, and it seemed that Fredo did not want the boy to know.

"A massive change is inevitable. If we continue to let those guys do whatever they want, there will only be a ruined future waiting for us."


The 87 pygmy kangaroo engineers responsible for the construction of No. 3 submarine channel stood quietly in front of the channel. Although they had protested, such protest was invalid because the entire kangaroo society has such a system and must obey the orders from the top. Order.

They couldn't disobey such an order, so they had to complete the finishing work. It was Dave who suggested it, and the higher-ups allowed their finishing work.

Berg also convinced many close colleagues that now that they have more time, they will clean up the seawater pouring into the channel as soon as possible.

The plan has been completely drawn up, and after a while of discussion, all the engineers entered the No. 3 submarine channel.

Dave and Berg are responsible for some front-end engineering work. They have planned everything. One person goes into the dock to work, and the other person works outside. This way, the mecha preparation work in the dock can be carried out alternately, which can make the work faster. Finish.

The current situation must be faster, and at this moment, Dave saw many aircraft coming this way, and soon the soldiers of the Gray Kangaroo Legion fell down.

A leading team leader ran over directly. Dave and the others did not go in. Upon hearing this, they found out that they were soldiers sent by the 21st branch of the Gray Kangaroo Corps to help repair the No. 3 submarine channel.

Dave looked at these soldiers with vigilance, and soon they were assigned tasks, but these tasks overlapped with Dave's and his team's homework. However, Dave could not say anything and could only cooperate with Borg on the gray kangaroos. Work below.

The day passed quickly, and Dave and Berg had no chance to enter the dock because there were a large number of gray kangaroo soldiers at the entrance of the No. 3 submarine channel.

"The situation is not good, Dave. If it continues like this tomorrow, we will not be able to enter the dock."

After the day's work, Borg said worriedly, and Dave nodded. He knew what Borg said meant. They might not have any time to enter the dock to carry out operations, because these gray kangaroos would also work at night. Working in undersea passages.

It seems that the purpose of their coming here is to drain the seawater out of Channel 3 as soon as possible. The reason why they are so anxious, Dave can think, is for the upcoming war. After all, the mines in Channel 3 contain a lot of things needed for the war. mineral.

"I'll go out to Borg first."

"What are you going to do?"

Berg looked at Dave worriedly, and he laughed.

"This accident was not man-made. If it doesn't work, the entire No. 3 submarine channel will collapse directly."

Borg looked at Dave suspiciously, and Dave told Borg that the reason why No. 3 Undersea Channel turned out like this was not because the peripheral escort troops failed, but because the peripheral troops did it deliberately.

"Will they still help?"

Berg asked worriedly, and Dave nodded.

"As long as the relationship is consistent, they will definitely help."

Dave quickly left the dormitory and jumped towards the gathering place of western gray kangaroos.

Soon Dave found Captain Kanter, who had helped with the destruction before, and he was playing with some female kangaroos in a room.

"What's wrong Dave, isn't it?"

Dave shook his head.

"It's not who discovered our plan, but I need your help now."

Dave told Kanter what happened today, and Kanter asked some confused questions.

"How do you want us to help you Mr. Dave?"

"This No. 3 submarine channel is our hard work, but the guys at the top don't care about our feelings at all. If possible, I hope you can help directly destroy the entire channel."

This is the only way Dave can think of at the moment, which is to completely destroy the No. 3 submarine channel so that he and Borg have time to continue working in the dock.

"But it doesn't seem to be that easy Dave. Our actions will be easily discovered. Once we are exposed, it will be very troublesome."

Dave naturally knew the danger of this matter, but there was nothing he could do.

"You have to help me Kanter. We will never hand over the results. Isn't this also beneficial to you?"

Kanter thought about it carefully. It is true that if Dave and the others are replaced by the senior management, it will be very disadvantageous for them. Moreover, today are soldiers from the 21st branch of the Gray Kangaroo Legion. Kanter is immediately keenly aware of the matter. Variety.

"Let me first give a message to the general of our 22nd branch."

Kanter returned to the house and came out after a while.

"We will help Dave, but you have to find a way to make your guys over there firm in confidence and not to withdraw from the construction of Submarine Channel 3."

Dave nodded in agreement, and felt a little relieved after receiving Kanter's clear answer.

At 9 p.m., Dave returned to the dormitory, and Berg looked anxious.

"Is there any way?"

"Well, let's destroy the No. 3 submarine channel directly. That way, they won't be able to force us to leave."

Borg looked a little uneasy.

"Do you want to destroy it directly? This is the hard work of all our engineers for two years."

"Sorry Borg, we can only do this. According to the current progress, and with the help of those gray kangaroo soldiers, the water in the channel will be cleared out in at most three days. By then we will have no chance to enter the dock and continue. Completed the preparation of the mecha."

After Dave finished speaking, Borg expressed his understanding. There was nothing that could be done about it. Indeed, as Dave said, they had no choice. After the higher-ups gave the order for them to evacuate, Borg was very angry inside. .

"By the way Dave, I just saw your work log. It seems that you had a visitor today, but the visitor didn't come. He was a guy named Johnny."

Dave looked at Boll in shock, and then said.

"That's Fredo!"

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