Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 941 Branch 0 3 (Part 2)


Dave walked out of the house.

"Where are you going Mr. Dave."

One of the guards asked, Dave said.

"I couldn't sleep and went out for a walk. I made a repair plan for the day today. I overused my brain."

After Dave finished speaking, he came back early this morning. He and Fredo had been tinkering with the grain compressor last night, and it was basically determined that within ten days at most, Dave would have to move the mechas in the underground dock. Transformed well.

Before coming to Undersea Channel No. 3, Dave looked around and saw that there were no kangaroos. When he walked in, lights were on the walls, and all the basic facilities inside had been destroyed.

The monitoring system had also been short-circuited. Dave came to the place where the sea water spread and entered an engineering submarine. After driving the submarine for a while, he came to the opening leading to the underground dock. He used the submarine's With the hook, he carefully removed a piece of metal, and the seawater immediately spread in.

Fortunately, this dock is higher than the channel. Dave drove the submarine into the channel. After a while, he surfaced and Dave got off the submarine.

He jumped onto the steps, and after walking up the somewhat cold steps, Dave turned on the lighting equipment, and the lights came on. The entire warehouse was surrounded by shelves filled with various parts, with a shelf in the middle. There is a mecha more than three meters high and a small aircraft.

Everything inside was so familiar. Dave hadn't been in for almost a month. He quickly jumped to the past and quickly dispatched through AI. With the sound of creaking, he walked towards the workbench where the mechas were placed. Only a mechanical arm came out of the opened hole.

If three people are to ride, the middle of the mecha must be widened, but doing so may affect the performance of the mecha. This mecha is prepared for Fredo to travel. There are too many monsters in the outside world. .

If you want to escape from the hands of monsters, the speed performance of the mecha needs to be maximized, and the stability of the mecha has been debugged by Dave countless times before, and it has become the best it can be. .

But now it would be difficult to widen the control room, and I don’t know how the performance of the mecha will be affected.

With a creaking sound, the arms and legs of the mecha were disassembled, and a hook grabbed the mecha cabin. The mecha cabin was 1.2 meters high, 2 meters apart from left to right, and only 80 centimeters from front to back. It was completely able to let Fu. Rui Duo can move around inside, but if you want to accommodate three people, the height must be increased by at least 30 cm, while the left and right width can be maintained at the original 2 meters, and the front and rear width must be increased to at least 1 meter.

Long after Fredo said he would take the two human children away with him, Dave had made precise calculations for improvement, but doing it was another matter. There were many control circuits in this mecha cabin. If you want to widen the mecha cabin, you have to dismantle all these control circuits and then modify the mecha cabin.

Dave started to move, and the mecha cabin began to be disassembled bit by bit, exposing many control panels. Dave could only take power tools, climb to a high place, and disassemble bit by bit.

After everything was completed, it was already 5 o'clock in the morning. Dave quickly put these control circuit panels into a safe box, entered the submarine and left.

When he just left the small opening, Dave was surprised to find a submarine coming not far away. Dave had no time to put the iron plate on, so he could only use the submarine's knife to block the opening. He looked worriedly at the submarine. The submarine is coming closer.

"Dave, you can't sleep either, and I can't sleep either."

The guy who spoke was Borg, an old friend of Dave's and a colleague in the engineering team who had been with him all year round.

"Go back and rest first, Borg. I'm thinking about what solution can best solve the current problem."

Borg's submarine passed in front of Dave. He didn't seem to notice it, and he didn't sleep all night. Dave watched him come out of the submarine, looked very sleepy and left, and immediately covered the iron plate. At the entrance of the cave.

With an uneasy mood, Dave went to Berg's dormitory and discussed the repair plan with him. Dave was always worried about what Berg might have seen. After chatting for a while, Dave's anxious heart relaxed.

"By the way Dave, why were you over there just now?"

Borg asked and Dave explained.

"I have a bold drainage plan. If it doesn't work, we can only install some pumping pipe facilities in the wall to pump the water out of the pipes as quickly as possible."

Borg laughed upon hearing this.

"This method has been considered before, but it is too difficult to implement, and adding pipelines to the hollow layer will affect the overall stability of the submarine channel."

Dave nodded and stood up to leave.

However, after Dave left, Borg suspiciously took out a crystal panel. He looked at the video just taken by the submarine. Soon Borg noticed a black outline behind Dave's submarine. , after zooming in closer, Borg noticed that it was a hole.

"What on earth was that guy doing there?"

Boger was a little confused, because Dave was not the kind of guy who liked to get close to other kangaroos, and Dave acted a little weird today.

Borg soon made up his mind. He planned to keep an eye on Dave tonight. Dave was 100% doing something secretly. Borg had noticed a long time ago that Dave would behave strangely from time to time.

The whole day's repair plan for No. 3 Undersea Channel ended in controversy again. The Gray Kangaroo Legion branch has come to urge it several times, hoping that they can come up with a solution as soon as possible.

However, the plan was finalized at 9 o'clock in the evening. The Pygmy Kangaroo engineers who had been discussing it all day went back to rest. Borg did not return to the lounge, but found a nearby room facing the dormitory. , staring at the dormitory door.

However, I watched until 3 o'clock in the morning and still didn't see Dave coming out.

"Maybe I'm too worried."

Borg watched the video carefully again, but he still couldn't see clearly. Now that he thought about it carefully, this black outline looked a bit like dirt, because there was a lot of sand and gravel in the sea water, which was on the wall. Adhering dirt can be seen everywhere.

3:20 am

After Dave saw Bog return to the room, he immediately went out. During the day, Dave thought about a lot of things after going back because he felt Bog had noticed it, but due to the relationship between friends, Bog did not say anything clearly. , sure enough after finalizing the plan, Borg did not return to the dormitory, but was nearby. Dave saw all this.

"I'm sorry, if one day I am about to die, I will tell you."

Dave quickly entered the dock, controlled the hook and put the mecha cabin into a small furnace, and used the same amount to build a new mecha cabin. There was no other way. This would cause the mecha cabin to collapse. The protective capability is reduced, and if the mass is increased, it will affect the overall performance of the mecha.

Dave quickly made a design drawing on the crystal screen. When he was halfway through the design drawing, it was already 5:40 in the morning, and Dave left quickly.

After returning home, Dave fell asleep until 11 o'clock in the morning when someone knocked on the door.

"Dave, didn't you sleep well last night?"

Dave laughed and nodded when faced with Borg's question.

"I thought about a lot of things last night and couldn't sleep."

Borg looked around and entered Dave's room.

"To be honest with you Dave, I saw something. It has been like this many times in the past. What are you doing in private?"

Boger's words made the smile in Dave's eyes disappear, and Boger closed the door.

"I wish you could tell me Dave, we've been friends for almost 20 years, I'm sorry I stared at you yesterday, but you went out again last night."

Dave nodded, not expecting Berg to notice.

"I'll talk to you about Borg after a while. Don't ask. This matter is very dangerous, so I'm sorry."

Borg shook his head.

"No matter what it is, you can tell me, I think you need help, because I see that you are very tired recently."

Dave is really anxious at this moment. He has up to four hours every night, and he still needs to work during the day. If this continues, the seawater will be cleaned out before the progress is completed, and the broken holes will be repaired.

"If you knew about it, Borg might be pulled into danger. I'm really sorry that I've been hiding so many things from you."

Berg nodded, and he also guessed that Dave had been doing some dangerous things in the past.

Dave was still hesitating, and Berg sat next to him and patted his shoulder.

"I can help, right?"

Dave hummed.

"I'm sorry, Bog. I do need help. What I'm going to say next may make you unbelievable. I hope you can believe me."

Berg nodded, and Dave began to talk about something about him and Fredo.

An hour later, Borg looked at Dave in shock. He did not expect that his old friend turned out to be the technical supporter behind the rebellion that occurred in the territory of the Western Gray Kangaroo Legion in the past.

"That Fredo is still alive."

Berg was in disbelief, but he believed what Dave said.

"If you want to report me, I won't."

"I'll help you."

Dave was a little surprised when Borg decided.

"Actually, I have had a vague feeling that you are doing something dangerous over the years. I often wonder what you are doing."

Dave didn't expect that Berg would agree without even thinking.

"Thank you, thank you very much Bog."

Then the two of them went to Channel 3 together, and the two of them drove the submarine to the deeper channel and started working according to the plan.

The whole day passed quickly. Dave and Berg went back to rest after dinner. They rested until about 1 o'clock in the morning, when they left the dormitory.

The two entered the passage in a submarine. When they were in the dormitory, Dave had already said what he was going to do. As soon as they got up, the two of them clearly divided the work.

With the helper, Dave feels that it can be completed in five or six days at most, and it can also improve many problems of the mecha. Fredo could help before, but not now.

"Dave, there's something wrong with this design."

Borg soon found the flaw in the mecha's kinetic energy device. Dave nodded. He also noticed it, but there was no time or opportunity to come in and continue to modify it.

"The amount of work is too large. We have to come in earlier. You can get the design drawings of the mecha cabin as soon as possible. After we draw it up tonight, we will try our best to get the circuit control panel done first."

The two got busy quickly. Within an hour, Dave completed the new design of the mecha cabin, while Borg had already begun to improve the kinetic energy device. He still came over and started discussing the mecha with Dave. Cabin design issues.

"I think it's better to use a curved surface here."


Dave began to modify it. After discussing for nearly half an hour, the design drawing of the mecha cabin was completed. Dave directly started to make the mecha cabin, while Borg continued to modify the kinetic energy device.

I did it until after 5 a.m., and one-third of the work progress was completed. This was something Dave didn't dare to think about.

The two of them were very tired, but they returned to the dormitory smoothly. However, when they first entered the dormitory, many engineers had already gathered in the hall, and everyone looked a little solemn.

After listening to the explanations of several colleagues, Dave was horrified because the No. 3 submarine channel would be completed by other pygmy kangaroo engineering teams.

Everyone was angrily discussing the above decision, which they had spent a lot of effort to build. Dave looked at a bunch of people in a daze, and Berg also realized that if people were replaced, they would have no right to do this anymore. Directly enter the No. 3 submarine channel.

It seems that after the problem occurred, their engineering team did not solve it in a short time, so the superiors had to replace them and send a new engineering team to replace them.

There are 87 dwarf kangaroo engineers in the entire engineering team. All engineers are dissatisfied and everyone is discussing. This order was sent just at 5 o'clock in the morning. The leader of the engineering team called all the kangaroos up.

"What should we do Dave? If someone else changes, we might not be able to make it in time."

Boger whispered, and Dave also knew that the team leader planned to let everyone protest together. Soon a group of dwarf kangaroos walked out of the dormitory and went directly to the office, where everyone was discussing countermeasures.

They spent a lot of time and energy to build this No. 3 submarine channel. Once they leave, they will hand over the results to other kangaroos, which is unacceptable in the eyes of most dwarf kangaroos.

A group of people waited until after 7 o'clock, and the team leader finally called his superiors. But soon after the call ended, the team leader fell silent. He looked at all his colleagues and said helplessly.

"We end up leaving next week."

Dave felt relieved. It was now Monday, and there would still be at least six days until next week, which would allow them to complete the current work.

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