Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 932 Blockade Area (Part 2)

three days later

In front of him was a gray land with no end in sight and no obstruction. Some black buildings could be vaguely seen in the distance. Fredo stopped here.

"We have to be careful next, we have to move slowly through the west."

Fredo said and Jamie nodded.

"Why don't we go around?"

Jamie asked and Fredo shook his head.

"If we go around, many routes cannot be determined. Just determining the route will take a lot of time, and the energy and food are not enough for us to go further west."

Fredo is still waiting for Koko to confirm the route. The Kangaroo Legion in the west does not want to go to the east. In a sense, their strict defense started after Fredo and the others launched a rebellion.

The past marches of Fredo and some humans on this land greatly stimulated the budding resistance in this land. After they were wiped out, the major branches would always break out some resistance incidents. , and even some rebellions occurred among the kangaroos.

There are many kangaroos from the Western Gray Kangaroo Legion to the Eastern Gray Kangaroo Legion. Of course, this is because the Eastern Gray Kangaroo Legion has done some secret planning.

Now the entire kangaroo society is teetering on the edge of war, so because the Eastern Gray Kangaroo Legion is at the back of several major kangaroo branches, the other major kangaroo branches are more afraid of the Western Gray Kangaroo Legion and have begun to unite.

But the Gray Kangaroo Legion in the East has now begun to get closer and closer to the Gray Kangaroo Legion in the West. The other three major Kangaroo Legions will not tolerate the continued development of the two.

So now the Kangaroo Legion in the west is on guard all the time. Fredo did not come directly from the west before, but went to the east and went directly around to the south.

Fredo looked at the densely packed signal points. He left the west two years ago. There were not such a dense number of signal-detecting robots before, but now the number has increased dozens of times compared to two years ago.

It was impossible to travel silently in an area densely populated by detection robots. This time, Kou Kou's search for a route was too long. It had been half an hour, but she still couldn't find a safe route.

"How about we pass slowly like before."

"It won't work. Once a slight mechanical signal is detected, the other party will immediately take action."

Jamie leaned helplessly next to the motorcycle. Imogen was sleeping in the cockpit. It was already 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

"Can't we fight like before?"

Jamie asked and Fredo smiled.

"Fighting requires a loss of mecha energy. It would be best if a battle like the one before does not happen."

At this time, Koko reacted and plotted a route heading northwest. Fredo immediately asked Jamie to get on the motorcycle. After starting it, it started driving quickly. There was a series of time value intervals on the inside of the sunglasses. According to Koko According to Kou's calculations, they would have to pass through some areas within 10 to 15 minutes without being detected by the detector.

Fredo drove the motorcycle forward quickly. After driving for less than 10 minutes, Fredo stopped the motorcycle and drove into an abandoned village on the left, quickly The motorcycle drove into a house.


Fredo got off the motorcycle, and Jamie looked through the small window. He could indeed see some machines passing by with the naked eye.

"It won't be a big deal even if you are discovered, Freddo."

"Once discovered, even if I defeat the enemy who came to stop me, subsequent troops will come one after another. This is the current situation in the west."

Now we can only continue to wait. Whether it is one day or two days, if we want to go from the west to the northwest port, we can only endure it.

Until night, Coco still hadn't found a safe route, and Jamie looked a little irritable.

"Wait slowly. Once we are surrounded, it will be difficult for us to pass through the west smoothly."

Jamie hummed and could only eat dry food, because there were still many detection robots nearby, not just mechanical signals, but also heat source detection. If you are not careful, you will be discovered.

After eating, Jamie sat quietly in front of a crystal screen, looking at the simple numbers and words on it, and began to study seriously. Fredo on the side would explain to Jamie from time to time.

Jamie's current learning progress is quite fast. He is learning new knowledge every day. This kind of learning can bring Jamie a lot of fun. Knowing something little by little every day is satisfying for Jamie now. of.

After teaching for a while, Furui left the house and planned to take a look outside. Koko was still looking for a route. It was obvious that it was impossible for them to pass through the territory of the Western Kangaroo Legion.

Jamie said that going further west was also a way to go around. After thinking about it, Freddo thought that if he still couldn't find a safe route, he would have to take risks and attack nearby farmland to rob some supplies.

There is one thing that Fredo can't figure out right now. Why did the Western Kangaroo Army go to such trouble to carry out such a strict blockade? According to Fredo's experience over the years, if the war really starts, it will definitely start from the Red Kangaroos. Legion starts, because geographically speaking, the east and west are attacking from both sides, and it is most beneficial for the east and west gray kangaroo legions to deal with the red kangaroo legion first.

The dwarf kangaroo legion that participates in any dispute will definitely ignore it, while the remaining red kangaroo legion will wait and see, and may take the opportunity to join the battle and seek benefits for their own legion.

This dilapidated town was not big. Fredo walked around and returned to the house. Jamie was still studying seriously. Fredo walked over and looked at Imogen, who was already asleep.

"By the way Jamie, you said before that Jason and the others suggested that you keep Imogen."

Jamie hummed.

"What's the problem, Fredo?"

Fredo hummed.

"Because the journey in the future will be very long and very dangerous, it is actually a better choice to leave Imogen behind. They will take good care of Imogen."

Jamie shook his head.

"Fredo, we didn't agree at the beginning."

Fredo smiled.

"Go to sleep Jamie, get some rest early, we must act immediately as soon as we determine a safe route. I don't mean anything else, I'm just saying casually."

Jamie hummed, and at this moment he noticed Fredo's slightly grinning mouth. He knew that Fredo was helpless and glanced at the sleeping Imogen. Jamie had also thought about taking Imogen with him. Some dangerous places may not be good, but when he thinks of Imogen's character, Jamie is still full of hope.

If Imogen was conscious, Jamie would never be allowed to leave her behind.


A large aircraft slowly approached a kangaroo branch city numbered 65. This is the branch of the Gray Kangaroo Legion in the west. There are kangaroo soldiers everywhere on the city walls. Many kangaroo soldiers are ready at any time. Once any information is received, If there is an unknown signal in the area, we will check it immediately.

Guided by the guidance signals on the city wall, the aircraft slowly entered the brightly lit branch city of Branch 65. The buildings in the entire city were very tall, with the highest being thirty floors. The streets were filled with groups of kangaroos. , and the slave humans following him one by one.

Earls sat quietly in the cab. The purpose of his coming here today was just to have a good talk with the senior officials of the Western Kangaroo Corps. He started out early this morning and finally arrived now. The Western Conference was close to the front of the Red Kangaroo Corps. The platoon branch city.

The aircraft landed slowly in a large square. There were soldiers lined up outside. A large number of generals from the Western Gray Kangaroo Corps were already waiting. A total of 39 branch generals were present. The leader was always tall and majestic. The Kangaroo was the leader of this meeting, the Western General of the Southern Kangaroo Corps, Niegra.

"Welcome, Speaker Earls."

"General Niegra, I have kept you waiting for a long time."

After the two shook hands, cheerful music played, and the group began to enter the glorious palace in front of them. The soldiers around them bowed their heads and prostrated as a sign of etiquette.

There was a circular hall as soon as you entered, but Niegra and Earls entered a door on the left, walked through a long corridor, and entered a conference room, where other generals sat down.

"Have you completed your strategic deployment?"

Earls asked, and Niegra nodded.

"We have completed the deployment. Once a war breaks out, we will attack the 18 branch cities of the Red Kangaroo Legion in a very short period of time. According to the calculation results, as long as we act quickly, we should be able to resolve the battle within a week."

Earls laughed.

"Very good, what we need is efficiency. We must not let the war sink into a quagmire. We must fight quickly and let the Red Kangaroo Legion make concessions. Otherwise, if it drags on, the volcanoes in the northeast will block the Blue Bloods' war. I’m afraid there will be big problems.”

"Of course, Speaker Earls, it's just that we still have some more detailed arrangements that we haven't completed yet."

Immediately, a general of the Western Gray Kangaroo Corps stood up and began to tell Earls about the deployment of the troops, and that there were still some places that were not ready yet.

Earls thought for a while and then said.

"There is no need to rush for the time being. You still have more than two months to prepare slowly. Although our attack has been prepared, the key is that the red kangaroos are not fools. They have already realized something and have contacted The Red Kangaroo Army."

Niegra laughed.

"Don't worry, Speaker Earls, those red-haired guys will not mix in randomly. After all, they pay attention to their own interests and will only go out in the chaos before everything becomes a foregone conclusion. At that time, you only need to give They have something to keep them from getting involved, and it is even more impossible for those dwarfs to get involved."

The meeting ended quickly, and both parties were very satisfied. Earls and Niegra arrived in the banquet hall.

"By the way, General Niegra, have you seen this kangaroo?"

Earls took out a crystal panel with a video record of the day he went to Red Kangaroo Branch 99. Niegra's eyes soon turned cold.

"Isn't this Fredo?"

Earls laughed. After returning that day, he felt that the kangaroo looked familiar. He couldn't remember where he had seen it, but he was sure that this gray kangaroo was not ordinary.

After returning home, Earls found out that he was the rebel who had caused huge riots in the territory of the Western Gray Kangaroo Legion in the past.

"There were rumors that he was dead."

Earls asked, and Niegra nodded.

"Indeed, the last battle took place in the 12th branch. At that time, they planned to blow up some important facilities. In the end, we used dozens of times their strength to surround them and annihilated hundreds of them. We also lost nearly 3,000 killed and a large number of important facilities were destroyed."

Earls was a little surprised.

"Is that awesome!"

Niegra looked at Fredo in the video and laughed.

"This man is indeed very strong. In our entire western gray kangaroo army, no kangaroo can compete with him one-on-one. It's a pity that he has gone crazy. He doesn't know what he is thinking in his head. But why is he Will he appear in Branch 99?"

Earls laughed.

"Maybe it's for the grain compression technology of Branch 99."

Niegra asked doubtfully.

"What is the use of such a meaningless technology? We have had grain compression technology for a long time, but such compression will destroy the original structure of the food and make it difficult to absorb the nutrients of the food. It is not a high-end technology. When we were cleaning up the corpse before, we did find his body, but after more detailed identification later, we found out that it was not Fredo, he escaped, and we don't know how he escaped."

Earls laughed.

"If he goes to a poor and weak branch like 99, will there be any changes?"

Niegra said with a smile.

"Probably not. He is not the kind of person who is used to meddling in other people's business. We also have a lot of intelligence that shows that he seems to be preparing a plan to leave the island."

Earls asked.

"Want to find Brilliant City?"

Niegra nodded and laughed.

"It's pointless to look for a city that doesn't exist at all, so he really has something wrong with his head. If he wasn't a rebel, he would at least be like me and be able to become a general of the group army. He is indeed very talented. But we went the wrong way.”


Following a prompt, Fredo immediately asked Jamie to get up. Jamie looked very sleepy. Fredo couldn't help but carry him and Imogen directly to the cockpit of the motorcycle, and drove the motorcycle to break through the wall at high speed. Jamie woke up with a start.

"Sorry to wake you up Jamie, we have half an hour, we have to act as soon as possible, otherwise we will have to wait a long time after the next round of detectors is blocked."

Jamie cheered up, put on his helmet, and hugged Imogen. The motorcycle burst into flames and flew violently across the wilderness.

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