Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 931 Blockade Area (Part 1)

"Are you really leaving?"

The sky turned gray at the edge of the farmland of Branch 99. Sim looked at Fredo reluctantly. He was holding a cigar. He was surrounded by the commanders of Branch 99. Mera stood beside Fredo quietly. holding his arm.

Fredo was waiting for Jamie and the others to come over. One month was coming soon, but Fredo still had some things to finish, so he stayed for an extra week.

Everything Fredo had done during this period made the entire 99 branch executives very satisfied, and Nayin came over.

"Are you really leaving, Fredo?"

Fredo hummed.

"I can't help it. This is a distant dream that I have had all year round with no end in sight. I have to go and see it."

Mira smiled gently.

"What if we find it?"

"I'll be back when I find it."

Fredo said, looking at Meira, Meira nodded, and the two snuggled together.

Branch 99 gave Fredo a lot of energy crystals, so that Fredo didn't need to slowly pass by on the ground. He could go directly to the west from the air, and then go around to the northwest coast, which was better than the original plan. Almost half a month.

Fredo's mecha has been prepared and turned into flight mode. There is a long and slanted cockpit in the middle, which can accommodate three people. On both sides are open circular flight engines. It can no longer be seen that it is the previous one. The wheels are off.

For more than a month, Fredo has personally done his best to help Branch 99 complete the reorganization of the army, and for outsiders like Meira and Cotesel, Branch 99 has also fully accepted them.

In Fredo's view, everything in Branch 99 is a good start. Some slaves left the farmland and joined Jason and the others. Every time Jason and the others came over, they would work hard on the farm and obtain water. and food.

From Fredo's point of view, their faces have gained a lot of brilliance. The entire 99 branch has been quietly changing. Fredo is a little regretful. If he continues to stay here, he will definitely be able to see humans and kangaroos. A picture of them peacefully coexisting.

Furido took out a shiny silver sign from his chest, with a series of numbers and characters on it. This thing fell into Furido's hands when he was almost desperate, as if suddenly in despair The appearance of hope is average.

After the last comrade fell in a pool of blood, everything in Fredo's past was over. They had failed. Fredo clearly realized that they had failed.

And everything they did was meaningless from the beginning, because without a foundation, the humans here had already lost everything and had no basis for resistance. Therefore, their very individual struggles were meaningless in the eyes of many people. Nor can I get any support.

Fredo has deeply understood the truth that it is impossible to survive alone. Fredo once imagined that he was the hero who saved the world. However, when he woke up, Fredo realized that he could not accomplish anything alone.

There is no force that can unite in this land. Although there is a small flame in the 99 branch now, it is a pity that it happened too late, because the kangaroo society is already on the edge of war.

In the wilderness in the distance, a large group of people came over in a mighty manner, there were hundreds of them. Fredo smiled, let go of Mira and got directly into his mecha.

"I have left the technical parameters to help you improve your mecha, Meira."

Meira hummed. All the kangaroos have seen the power of this red and blue mecha. Fredo's use of the mecha shocked all the kangaroos. At first, many military commanders thought it was because of the mecha's performance. Because of his excellence, but later they completely understood that Fredo was too outstanding.

Soon Jamie and the others came over. They had not seen each other for more than ten days. Fredo came over happily. Jamie looked a lot stronger again. He pulled Imogen.

Fredo pointed to the cockpit. After Jamie turned around and said goodbye to Jason, Winnie and other acquaintances, he pulled Imogen and ran over.

Sim moved closer to Meira and looked at the little human girl with dull eyes.

"Her frontal lobe was removed and the boy didn't seem to know."

Meila hummed,

"Fredo said there was no need to tell him."

The flying machine began to slowly lift off. Jamie looked at the two new sets of clothes and two helmets with goggles with joy. He picked up one and put it on himself, and then put it on for Imogen, who was beside him. The translucent crystal cover slowly closed.

"Let's go Jamie, we will arrive in the west today, and it will be very fast."

Jamie nodded excitedly. Once Fredo arrives in the west, he will first find some safe routes, and then go to the territory of the Pygmy Kangaroo Legion in the northwest, and go to sea from there. The territory of the Western Great Gray Kangaroo Legion is Fredo's hometown. , Fredo was born there, they were a group of warlike guys.

In the past, the Western Gray Kangaroos were the main force against the blue-blooded people on the northeastern volcano, so they had rich combat experience. When the five major legions had a good relationship, the Western Gray Kangaroo Legion opened a military academy for all kangaroo branches.

Fredo met Meira in the military academy. Everything in the past was actually very beautiful. At this time, Jamie stood up behind him and looked at the world outside, looking very happy.

"This is the first time I've seen it."

Jamie hummed. He had never been to such a high place, overlooking the world below. Although he had flown in an aircraft before, the kangaroos had said that humans could not go to high places because they would die. Jamie had never Neither dared to open their eyes.

But it's different now. Imogen on the side was also looking blankly at everything outside the window, and Jamie pointed down with a smile.

"Imogen, look at that building over there. I remember seeing it when we came here."

Imogen still couldn't answer, but during this period, Imogen made a sound. Jamie felt that this change was a joy. He felt that as long as he went to Brilliant City, the humans there might be able to cure Imogen. , because Fredo said that if that human civilization exists, it must be a civilization with high technology, and medicine must be much more advanced than theirs.

Because after the disaster in the past, humans were unable to withstand the cold at all. Cold was a major killer that almost wiped out humans. Unlike kangaroos, humans have fur that is enough to keep out the cold, and they have a natural protection system against some external germs.

"Can we leave soon?"

Jamie asked and Fredo smiled.

"We have to pass through the blockade area first. There is no way to fly there directly. Once the gray kangaroos in the west detect unknown signals, they will definitely send soldiers. I don't want to start a fight with them. This will be endless. The west is now almost in total lockdown.”

This was the case when Fredo came over. Over the years, Fredo has been wandering around between the East and the West in order to collect enough out-of-town technology. There is a member of the dwarf kangaroo army who has the same thing as Fredo. An ideal dwarf kangaroo scientist, he helped Fredo build this mecha.

The scientist was still waiting for Fredo to go back. Along the way, Fredo exchanged many of the technologies at hand for some needed technologies.

Now that everything has been collected, all you need to do is return to the dilapidated port in the northwest to set sail. Fredo has been traveling around to collect technology for almost three years before finally collecting everything.

All preparations for the voyage have been made, and all that is needed is to return to the dock and prepare for a period of time before the voyage can go smoothly.

In the midst of his thoughts, Fredo saw Branch City No. 83. The aircraft passed quickly. Fredo did not intend to pass through the red kangaroo territory quietly. Compared with the gray kangaroo legion in the west, the red kangaroo legion did not With such a strict blockade, the relationship between their various branches is not as tight as that of the Western Gray Kangaroo Legion.

However, Fredo soon received a warning message from the 83rd branch.

Please stop in and get inspected now!

Fredo smiled and said.

"Jamie is ready. Intercepting troops will be coming soon."

Jamie hurriedly sat down, and the wrapping on the seat directly wrapped the two of them, Fredo grinned.

"Kou Kou, prepare to fight."

There was a creaking sound, and the aircraft began to change its shape in an instant. Jamie felt that he was standing up, the four-wheel-like engine was retracted, and the mecha's arms and legs were extended. On the right arm of the mecha, there was a A large-caliber laser blade generator.

Arrive after 03827 from the east.

Fredo closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the entire cockpit was filled with light, surrounded by strings of numerical information. There were two mechas coming over.

Accompanied by bursts of roaring sounds, Fredo controlled the mecha to slide out in an instant, fierce red flames piercing the dark sky.

There was a whooshing sound, and in the distant sky, two mechas could already be seen flying over. Fredo controlled the mechas to fly up and down in the air, constantly avoiding beams of lasers and using the left hand of the mecha. The laser launcher inside accurately shot down tracking missiles one after another.

The roaring sound continued. The moment he came into contact with the first mecha, Fu Ruiduo used the left arm of the mecha to clamp the opponent's mechanical arm that had been chopped off, and then pressed his right arm directly on the core part of the opponent's mecha. Rido laughed.

"I've never seen such a method before."

There was a loud bang, and along with the laser blade extending from the arm of the right mecha, one mecha was instantly scrapped. The other mecha saw this and rushed over quickly. Fredo suddenly He smashed the mecha in front of him towards the opponent's path. The moment the opponent dodged, Fredo controlled the mecha and was already in front of the opponent.

With a violent roar, the mecha in front of him was cut in half, and the kangaroos on the surrounding aircraft retreated one after another. After gliding violently for a while, Fredo released the combat mode and returned to the flight mode, rapidly flying towards the distance.

"Awesome Freddo."

Jamie shouted excitedly and Fredo smiled.

"Just taking care of a few miscellaneous soldiers."

After escaping from the control range of Branch 83, Fredo temporarily slowed down. Such a violent flight consumes a lot of energy. Fredo soon found a low ruins of the town, and slowly fell down.

"Let's get something to eat Jamie first."

Jamie hummed, and he carried Imogen, who was already asleep, out of the mecha cockpit. Fredo opened the door of a dilapidated house, walked in, found a relatively clean place, and took out the stove. passed.

Jamie took out a bottle of wine from the small bag and opened it happily. Recently, Jamie discovered that eating while drinking feels good.

"I'm going to make you some fried steak today."

Jamie nodded happily. Today is a day worth celebrating. The three of them were on their way successfully. Soon the room was filled with aroma. Jamie swallowed and looked at the pieces of steak. This was very good for them humans. Kangaroos rarely eat food because their stomachs cannot digest it well.

After a while, Jamie fed Imogen before starting to eat. He first took a big sip of wine, and then picked up a cut piece of meat and put it in his mouth.

"After we get to the place, we may have to wait half a month to a month. After completing the preparations, we can sail."

Jamie hummed, he was ready for everything. He had been training hard for the past month, and the hand holding the wine bottle was still shaking slightly, but this kind of training also made Jamie more and more confident. .

"By the way, Fredo, I always dreamed about some strange things and places before. It was a world I had never seen before, with light, water, and green plants."

Fredo smiled.

"I have had such a dream before. Eat quickly, Jamie. Let's rest for a while and then leave."

Jamie nodded happily.

"Fredo, can you tell me more about that brain wave thing?"

Fredo laughed.

"I've told you everything I know about this kind of brain wave, Jamie. When you get to the dock in the northwest, you can ask the scientist. He might know, because this type of brain wave has no concrete reference. object, so we only know the concept, but the principles are known to only a few kangaroo scientists."

Jamie scratched his head, still a little confused. After eating soon, Jamie became drunk. Although Fredo was tired, he still had to look at Imogen.

Seeing this girl wandering around the house like a zombie, Fredo felt full of regret. If she was still conscious, everyone should be talking and laughing about something now, and she would definitely keep scolding Jamie for something. .


Fredo spoke again, knowing very well that she might not be able to get treatment even if she arrived in Brilliant City.

Looking at Jamie snoring loudly in the room, Jamie was taking care of Imogen all the way without any complaints. What Fredo wanted to do now was to pass through the blockade as quickly as possible and then go to the dock in the northwest. .

"Perhaps the only thing I can do is this, to bring them to see the light."

Fredo jumped over and grabbed Imogen. She turned around slightly, with a flash of light in her eyes. Fredo took off his sunglasses in surprise. She seemed to be smiling, but the look was fleeting.

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