
The strength in his feet had been restored, and Jamie ran quickly along the tires. The previous fear completely disappeared. He ran quickly. Although he didn't know what happened, he could still do it even if he ran over desperately. But Jamie knew very well that something had happened to Imogen.

Why am I running?

Jamie gasped and looked at the motorcycle mark under his feet. Sweat had begun to overflow from his forehead. Jamie looked at his legs that were still moving. This was different from usual times. Normally, he might have stopped long ago. But this time there was something different. After realizing that something had happened to Imogen, Jamie felt his fear disappear.

Gradually, Jamie felt that he had lost consciousness, and the pain in his chest gradually disappeared, but the next second Jamie staggered and fell to the ground.


Jamie was breathing heavily and humming softly from time to time. He could no longer run.

After a while, Jamie stood up, his legs were trembling. He tapped his thighs with both hands to stand up, but found that he could not do anything. He was very anxious inside.

The two kangaroos from the 77th Red Kangaroo Branch that Jamie just saw were different from most of the kangaroos he had seen in the past, and the hovercraft they were riding in had only been seen once by Jamie. Kangaroo executives came to check it out. They were riding a suspension device that looked like an iron box. It looked a bit bulky, but the power was surprisingly good.

This is why Jamie felt that something happened to Imogen. When they came down, they asked him about Fredo, and they were not interested in him at all. They left directly without even wanting to look at him. Moreover, they were in the daytime. Activity.

"what to do?"

Jamie scratched his head. He looked at the tire tracks that stretched into the distant wilderness with annoyance. It was obviously impossible to catch up with Fredo. The wind in the wilderness was drying Fredo's face little by little. With sweat on his face, he lowered his head in frustration.

Countless pictures emerged in Jamie's mind, flashing one after another. Jamie was looking for something from his past memories. He pressed his forehead, and at this moment, in the distant sky, just now Those two hangers are back.

The next second, Jamie had already stood up and started running. He waved his hands, hoping that the two hovercrafts would come down, but in an instant they had passed over Jamie's head.

Jamie stared blankly, but the next second he shouted.

"I know where Fredo is, I know where Wild Knight Fredo is"

Jamie shouted as loud as he could, shouting at the top of his lungs. However, the speed of the hovercraft was too fast. In the blink of an eye, it had already flown towards the distance. Jamie stopped, holding his stomach and gasping. He really I can no longer run even one step.

A strange and complicated emotion rose up from the bottom of Jamie's heart. He pressed his weak knees with both hands, sweat dripping down his hair.

"Do you know Fredo kid?"

The next second, Jamie raised his head in shock and looked at a strong and tall red kangaroo in front of him. There was a golden kangaroo pattern on the dark mechanical vest. He was standing on a blocky black suspension device with a black kangaroo in the middle. There is a control panel and a fixed chair with many regular protruding tooth-shaped objects on the edge.

Jamie immediately laughed. Just as he was about to speak, the red kangaroo in front of him jumped down. For a moment, Jamie only saw a black shadow in front of him.


Jamie felt dizzy and flew more than ten meters away in the next second. He rolled on the ground a few times before stopping. Where he was holding his nose in pain, he had multiple bruises on his body. The most serious ones were There was severe pain in the nose, but Jamie didn't cry, he just curled up into a ball and whimpered in pain on the ground.

"Stop it, Cotesel!"

There was a magnetic female voice, and it turned out to be a female kangaroo. She was a whole circle smaller than the male kangaroo in front of her.

"I just taught this kid a little lesson, otherwise he would be dead by now."

The kangaroo named Cottersell said, and the female kangaroo next to him jumped in front of Jamie, leaned down and took out a small bottle of medicine from his pocket, stretched out his hand, and motioned for Jamie to let go of his hand, and then the female kangaroo took it. The medicine was smeared on Jamie's cheek. After a while, Jamie felt that the pain was gone. He looked at the female kangaroo in front of him with wonder and wiped the blood from his mouth.

"Kid, if you lie again next time, we will kill you."

With a pair of beautiful-looking but cold eyes, Jamie nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Hmph! Meira, I think this kid is hungry, that's why."

Before Cotesle finished speaking, Jamie had already taken out the gambling cake he was carrying and the water storage container that Fredo gave him before. This kind of thing can be stored as long as it is placed in some humid place for a period of time. Out into the water, Jamie looked absolutely amazing.

Meira picked up the water container, took a look at it, nodded and said.

"It is true that such a human child cannot possess the products of the Gray Kangaroo Legion."

Cotesel jumped up to Jamie, a huge tail trembling slightly. Jamie looked at it in fear. The kangaroo just jumped down and swept it over with its tail, hitting him in the cheek.

"Say, where is that guy Fredo?"

Jamie pointed to the tire tracks on the ground.

"Fredo left on a giant motorcycle."

Meira nodded, then stretched out her nose and sniffed Jamie's body.

"It definitely smells like Freddo."

Cotesell grinned and snorted coldly.

"Let's go, Mira."

The two kangaroos turned around. Like Fredo, they could freely control their turns. Jamie pressed his trembling knees firmly. The complex and unforgettable emotion just now came to Jamie's heart again. He I wanted to say something or do something, but I couldn't speak. My body couldn't move, as if my body had been restrained by some unknown force.


There was a sound like tiny mosquitoes, and the two kangaroos stopped. Cotesel turned around, but was grabbed by Meila next to him.

"Kid, what do you want to say?"

In Meira's view, the child was frightened out of his wits. Because of Cotesier's sudden violent behavior, the child had completely fallen into fear. He seemed to have something he wanted to do, but now his emotions were still overwhelmed by his own. Reason is suppressed.


Jamie swallowed, and he wanted to get up, but his body turned to stone involuntarily, and he couldn't move at all.

Will die!

Jamie looked at the ground, his eyes had begun to touch. He was sweating like rain, and his heart seemed to be about to explode. Jamie could only hear his own heartbeat, the sound of wind in his ears disappeared, and his eyes could no longer see anything. A violent roar came from the body, hitting Jamie one after another.

At this time, a faint blue light lit up in Jamie's backpack. Meira, who noticed it, immediately knew what it was. Cotesel next to her had already raised her hand, and the laser transmitter on her arm also lit up. blue light.

Meira held Cotesier's hand.

"Can you take me there? I have something very important to ask Freddo."

Jamie shouted out, and the light in the small bag beside him disappeared.

"You're looking for death, kid, just let me end your miserable life."

Cottersell said angrily, he just wanted to find Fredo quickly along the tire tracks.

But Mela stopped Cotesle.

"Come up kid."

"Meira, we don't have time to waste with this human child, we have to."

Meira glared at Cotesel, then jumped in front of Jamie and grabbed Jamie's collar with one hand. Jamie quickly picked up her small bag and the water storage container, and was Meira pulled directly onto a suspended machine.

"Sit tight kid."

As Meira said, black mechanical arms stretched out from the dark metal surface and fixed Jamie. This was his first time riding on this thing.

"What are you doing with Freddo?"

Meira grinned slightly and asked.

"He took my friend away. Is there something wrong?"

Meera laughed.

"Move quickly and stop wasting time with human children."


Accompanied by a buzzing roar, Jamie saw a large amount of red light emitting from the bottom of the machine. In an instant, two block-shaped hovercrafts were activated, passing quickly at low altitude, clearly visible along the wilderness. The trajectory flew rapidly.

2:01 pm

Fredo quietly checked the ration bags of several kangaroos from the 80th Branch of the Red Kangaroo Legion that he had just killed. Fortunately, Fredo found the cigar. He took it out, lit it, took a puff, and immediately started laughing. .

"Sure enough, the cigars from Branch 77 are better."

There were damaged small aircraft everywhere on the ground, and there were a total of 11 kangaroo corpses. The armor on their bodies was all shattered without exception, having been penetrated by Fredo's fist.

Fredo got on the giant motorcycle, but just when he was about to leave, he looked back behind him again, and he couldn't get rid of everything about the human girl Imogen he had been with for a few days.

"I brought her here."

Fredo muttered and hesitated. Along the way, Fredo thought about why Imogen failed. I'm afraid it was because of the problem with the cracker he gave her. Because he wrote the program himself, this cracker is in It has been used many times in the past and may have been located by the Red Kangaroo Legion because he is a wanted criminal.

Fredo blew out a puff of smoke and took off his sunglasses, still feeling a little worried about Imogen.

In Fredo's view, human beings have always been weak and fragile, but sometimes humans seem a little incredible, and powerful power will burst out from their weak and fragile bodies. Fredo used to not call this Name, but because a human saved his life when he was in danger. Later, when the human was dying, Fredo knew his name.

In order to commemorate that human being, Fredo directly used that human being's name.

Every time like this, Fredo would think of that human being. He was obviously so vulnerable. In the end, he even died because he saved himself. He was just an ordinary slave.

"You helped me."

Fredo still remembered the last words spoken by that human being before his death. He died with a smile.

Fredo still remembers that smile. Over the years, Fredo would often imitate this smile unconsciously. Gradually, Fredo also realized something, what is inner strength in the true sense.

"Forget it, just go back. After all, I'm the one who took care of that."

Before Fredo finished speaking, he stood up in an instant and looked alertly at the two red lights in the distant sky, which were coming towards him quickly, and they were flying at a very low altitude.


For an instant, there was a mechanical sound on Fredo's short arm. A laser transmitter had been retracted into the mechanical vest, and then layers of black extended regular wrappings appeared on the mechanical vest, and they were quickly wrapped. Holding Fredo's short hands.


Following a burst of violent airflow, Fredo was in a defensive state for a moment. His short arms were raised, and a huge black shadow flew out in the light in front of him. A pair of huge feet kicked out like cannonballs. Hit by Freddo.

There was a loud bang, and Fredo flew directly off the motorcycle. At this time, the wheels of the motorcycle automatically started to move, and instantly started to fly towards Fredo who flew out.

With a roaring sound, the giant motorcycle spurted out blue flames in an instant, and the ground seemed to be torn apart. The moment Fredo was about to land, the giant motorcycle had already arrived behind Fredo, With a whooshing sound, black steel cables suddenly shot out from the surface of the motorcycle and intertwined into a mesh. Fredo accurately landed in this metal mesh. With the help of elasticity, Fredo was stable. He stopped and fell to the ground, the cigar in his mouth disappeared.

"Long time no see Fredo!"

Cottersell held half a cigar and his voice sounded mocking.

Fredo was a little surprised. He grinned and took out a cigar from the pocket of his vest. Fredo's hands were already wrapped by two black mechanical fists. He turned around and stood on the motorcycle. He lit a cigar on the red tire and took a pleasant puff. Then he leisurely held his sunglasses and planned to put them on.

"Since you're here, Meira should also be here, she"

"Where is Imogen? Where?"

Just when Fredo was about to continue talking, a childish shout sounded, and Fredo looked over in surprise.

"Isn't this coward Jamie!"

Looking at Jamie running towards him, Fredo was shocked. He obviously shouldn't be here, nor should he come with Cotesel and the others.

"Wait a minute and give him a few minutes to solve the problem."

Meira grabbed Cotesel, who was about to jump forward.

"Where's Imogen?"

Jamie looked around and Fredo put on his sunglasses.

"She failed and should have been caught."

As soon as Fredo finished speaking, he saw Jamie staring at him angrily.

"Why don't you help her?"

"I plan to do it now."

Fredo did not continue talking, because the Jamie he saw was completely different from the one he had gotten along with in the previous few days, because Jamie had already turned around and started running.

"Where are you going Jamie?"

"Of course you surrender, you bastard, you bastard."

Jamie shouted, Fredo swallowed, and the sunglasses he had just put on tilted down as his body tilted, while the other two kangaroos also looked at the human child inexplicably.


Suddenly Fredo jumped out and landed next to Jamie in an instant. A light and dexterous hand held Jamie's back collar while Jamie was still running hard.

"Let me go, let me go."

Jamie shouted emotionally.

"What's the use of surrendering?"

Jamie turned his head resentfully.

"Of course, tell them everything I know about you, and then they will let Imogen go."

"That seems to be the case."

Fredo couldn't refute it. It seemed that this child with a low IQ had pretty good logical abilities.

"Then you should tell these two guys directly, they are both generals of the 77th branch!"

Jamie immediately turned around and ran over.

"You guys let Imogen go. I've already taken you to Furido. At least take me with you. I can still be a slave."

Fredo took off his sunglasses and looked at Jamie who ran over to beg for mercy.

"We did dissect the girl's head and found out where Fredo was. It's just that you don't exist, kid. Why is that?"

Jamie looked at the two of them doubtfully, and at this time Fredo's eyes became angry.

"Did you do an autopsy and scan of that kid's brain?"

"Of course Fredo, otherwise how would we know your whereabouts?"


Following a violent roar, Jamie watched in amazement as the ground beneath his feet cracked, and Fredo had already arrived in front of Cotesle, punching out with his short fists.


Cotesel didn't react, but Meira next to him was already dragging him. Although he avoided the fatal attack on his chest, in an instant, Fredo's fists still hit Steck's machine. Waistcoat.


Cotesel and Meira slid on the ground for a certain distance before stopping. At this time, a scratch appeared on the ground, and Fredo turned his back to the two kangaroos.

Jamie had never seen such a powerful force. He opened his mouth wide, but he was sure that Fredo was extremely angry now. Fredo slowly turned around.

"Are you still using such cruel technology now? The brains of people who are subjected to anatomy scans are very likely to be damaged. In mild cases, they may lose their memory, damage the function of the brain, and in severe cases, they may die!"

Fredo said these words to Jamie, and sure enough, Jamie sat down on the ground. He continued to breathe, and big tears fell down.

"You bastard!"


Fredo took a strong drag on the cigar, and in an instant, nearly half of the cigar was burned.

"You have pissed me off, Cotesel, Meira! Although we had a good friendship in the past, go to hell!"


Fredo bounced towards the two kangaroos again. At this time, the two kangaroos had lost their previous vigor. With two bangs, they flew out in different directions. Fredo stopped and looked. Looking at Jamie, who was still crying in front of him, he had already started running.

Fredo immediately jumped over and landed in front of Jamie.

"Don't you understand me? I'm sorry."

As soon as Fredo finished speaking, Jamie started running.

"Even if you go, nothing will change. At this time, the kangaroos' technology is used to detect intelligence information from kangaroos or humans from other groups."

"It has nothing to do with that."

Jamie stopped, tears flowing like bursting dams, he didn't wipe them away, and looked back at Fredo.

"You are indeed very strong, Fredo. You can obviously change a lot of things, just like you taught me and Imogen how to read numbers, but you did nothing! After all, we are humans and you are a kangaroo."

Fredo pressed his sunglasses, and he felt what he had seen before, something bursting out of the weak human body.

"Indeed, you can decide the life and death of us humans, but you can't stop us from seeing the world with our eyes, and you can't stop me from finding Imogen. Her life and death cannot be determined by the things you say."

The cigar fell from Fredo's hand. He trembled slightly and felt a throbbing revive in his heart. The heart that had cooled down over the years became hot at this moment.

"If you are not as timid as before, just wait for a while, I will deal with these two guys first, and then..."

Fredo took out a cigar again, and the laser transmitter on his left hand appeared again. He lit the cigarette and said leisurely.

"Bring you in."

"Are you crazy Fredo!"

Meira looked at Fredo blankly, but at this time, Cotesel had already rushed to the suspension device.

"If you still think I am Freddo from 15 years ago, then just give it a try."

Fredo smiled confidently, and Cotesel, who was standing in front of the hoverboard, laughed.

"Originally, we were ordered by the commander-in-chief to convince you. The commander-in-chief is very fond of you, but it seems that it is no longer necessary, Fredo. You are still as stupid as before!"

Fredo raised his head and exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Maybe! Do you remember? Why my name is Fredo."

Jamie looked at Fredo blankly.

"Sorry Jamie, please run further away. Thank you for letting me pick up what I left behind. You are not a coward, Jamie!"


The suspension device separated into black metal blocks. In an instant, these blocks began to change. Machines of different sizes were continuously split from the black blocks. A large number of black lines wrapped around Cortez. My body was covered with pieces of overturned mechanical metal plates in regular order, forming something.

After just a few seconds, Jamie looked at the giant standing in front of him in amazement, nearly 5 meters high. In the middle, Cotesier was sitting in a translucent oval mechanical cabin. The humanoid machine has thick mechanical hands and feet, a mechanical cheek on its head, and a large number of laser emission holes on its two thick mechanical arms.

The machine looks sharp and angular, with a streamlined body that looks very light, and there are many regular protrusions on the surface of the body.

Fredo grinned slightly.

"Is this the level of mecha!"

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