November 5, 2276

The sky is always gray, and the sky is the same no matter what time of day. Imogen stands quietly on the balcony, swinging slowly in a large cradle chair. She comes here every day these days, She liked this cradle chair that slowly swayed back and forth. Fredo said that humans used to enjoy the sun on balconies like this.

Imogen had thought about such a scene, but she couldn't imagine what sunlight was. In their understanding, the only things they could imagine were lights that were powered by electricity.

"Fredo, you said the sun is very warm. What do you mean?"

It was just after 8 o'clock in the morning, and Imogen had already had breakfast. She glanced back at the small room opposite the living room behind her, and the door was still closed.

"That idiot."

Imogen cursed. In the past few days, Imogen has been telling Jamie about the trial, but Jamie refused every time. Imogen was very disappointed with Jamie like this. She has been there for more than a day. Haven't spoken to Jamie anymore.

"There is no need to work hard to change someone's mind."

Although Imogen didn't understand clearly, she probably knew what Fredo was talking about.

"Fredo, do you think we can see the sun someday?"

Fredo looked at the gloomy sky, smiled and shook his head.

"Perhaps it is no longer visible. Our Kangaroo scientists have already monitored the envelope in the sky. This material absorbs energy and is very troublesome. If you want to destroy such a huge planet envelope, the current planet It’s impossible to do it with the material and resources we have.”

"I'm going to wake that idiot up."

Imogen got down from the cradle angrily. Just as she was about to go over, she was blocked by Fredo.

"Do you like him very much?"

Fredo asked, and Imogen's cheeks felt a little hot for a moment.

"So and so likes that idiot. He's lazy, timid, and good for nothing. We obviously have a chance now, but..."

Fredo grinned and showed a scary kangaroo smile. Imogen stopped and her expression became dull.

"I'm just a little worried about him."

Fredo has discovered some interesting things in the past few days. Human beings are indeed very good at concealing and concealing their true feelings. Unlike kangaroos, they always go straight. However, since the introduction of the human social model, kangaroos also Gradually becoming more and more human-like.

Fredo discovered that Imogen was actually very dependent on Jamie. In the past few days, no matter where she went, Imogen would always call Jamie or ask Jamie to follow him. When Jamie was not around, Imogen will appear anxious.

Fredo saw all this, but he didn't say anything, because for these two children, what kind of future they need should be pursued and fought for by their own will. This is what Fredo treats. Others' consistent approach.

"It's almost time to start studying, Imogen."

Imogen glanced at the door of the room, made an angry noise on purpose, and went downstairs.

Fredo took a look at the dilapidated city in the distance. Kangaroos are always very impatient. They gave up searching five days ago. After all, kangaroos don't like to do complicated things, especially those that have been spent repeatedly. High things.

Most kangaroos are relatively lazy, because relying on the highly developed machinery created by kangaroo scientists, kangaroos basically do not need to work and can enjoy everything. However, the xenophobia of kangaroos is very serious. At this time Things that are deeply ingrained in genes are difficult to change, which is why the current kangaroo society has begun to become seriously divided.

Kangaroos from different regions have a very serious sense of xenophobia. Freddo has been xenophobic countless times in the past when he was young. Their family has not been very gregarious for a long time. They are a group of wanderers. They will be ostracized by their own kind wherever they go, and they can only use part of their technological products to exchange for things that their ethnic groups need.

Since Fredo got the coordinates of Brilliant City a few years ago, he has had the idea of ​​​​finding this city. In order to overcome the current foggy world, Fredo has collected everything he needs to go to Brilliant City. Information, especially in Melbourne, where he plans to go, there is a very famous library in the past human society. There should be a lot of information about the past human world in it.

"Fredo, you shouldn't hesitate!"

As soon as Fredo finished speaking, the door to the room opposite opened, and Jamie, rubbing his eyes, yawned and walked out lazily.

"Fredo, get me something to eat, I'm hungry."

Fredo pointed to the warm bread on the table behind him. Jamie ran over and ate it hungrily. He finished it in less than 5 minutes, still licking the plate and sniffing it.

"Are you really not going to take part in the trial?"

Fredo asked, and Jamie nodded without hesitation.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Fredo said and leaned against the wall. At this time, Jamie also noticed that Fredo had no tail. Many kangaroos he had seen before had tails, and the direction of travel was forward. He could only lean on the left and right sides. The machine carried on the body can be adjusted, but Fredo is different. He can move flexibly in the front, back, left, and right directions like a human. When he taught Imogen some combat skills, Fredo also demonstrated it himself. .

This is what Jamie is confused about.

"Answer my question, Jamie!"

"There will always be a way. If it doesn't work, just go back to the farmland with your hands raised."

Fredo was a little disappointed. Jamie, like most of the humans he had seen in the past, had already lost everything. Being able to survive was their only criterion.

Fredo said nothing more and walked downstairs.

"I've always been curious about you Fredo, why don't you have a tail?"

Fredo turned his head and glanced at Jamie.

"When you block everything for something, it doesn't matter!"

Jamie didn't understand what Fredo meant. He just watched Fredo go downstairs with cold eyes. He came to the edge of the cradle, sat in and started to sway. A wave of sleepiness came over Jamie. Mi stared at the sky in the distance quietly. He knew very well that the sky he had seen since he was born would not change in any way now or in the future.

Jamie has seen many people who resisted, but the end was the same. After a while, Jamie became more awake. In his mind was the angry Imogen, a girl who was like a flame most of the time. He was always relieved. No less.

Jamie has known Imogen since they were sensible. The two grew up together as slaves in a kangaroo farmland, worked together, played together, fell asleep together, and woke up together.

Jamie doesn't want to watch Imogen die. Although this kangaroo is very powerful, he will not take care of others too much. Jamie is very sure of this.

In Jamie's opinion, it was just Fredo's whim that he would take them, give them food, and teach them some knowledge.

thump thump thump

Hearing the loud sound, Jamie just wanted to get up, but the braid strip under his butt broke and got stuck. Just when he was embarrassed, Imogen had already come to him.

"Are you finally willing to get up?"

Jamie smiled and stretched out his hands, hoping that Imogen would pull him up, because his body was sinking a little bit, and his legs and knees were already touching his chest. Just when Jamie was at a loss, Imogen suddenly pulled her. Holding the sling, he pulled hard, and the sling snapped with a snap. Jamie fell directly on his butt, grinning in pain.

"Will you come with me or not?"

Imogen asked seriously.

"Not going."

Still getting the same answer, Imogen got angry, she grabbed Jamie by the collar and pulled him up from the ground.

"To go or not to go!"

There were tears in Imogen's eyes. Jamie was shaken. His mouth opened slightly, but the next second Imogen loosened his collar and turned around in disappointment and sadness.

"Let's go Fredo."

Jamie felt his chest tighten and wanted to move forward, but found that his legs could not move a step. There was a soreness and heat in his chest, and Fredo's head popped out from the stairs.

"Looks like the decision has been made, good luck to you, Jamie!"

Fredo said and went downstairs. Imogen looked very bad and followed Fredo downstairs.

Jamie's mind went blank. It wasn't until the roar of the motorcycle rang in the yard that Jamie came back to his senses. He stuck his head out and looked out. Fredo put on his sunglasses, and Imogen was sitting on the side. In the pocket of the car, she stood up and untied her hair. In the breeze, Imogen's expression was always sad, but she did not look back because she knew Jamie was looking at her.

With a loud rumble, the motorcycle raised its front in an instant. Amidst the violent sound of the engine, it rushed out with flames, directly destroying the courtyard wall, and in the blink of an eye it was already driving away.

"There's no need to destroy the wall!"

Jamie shouted, but the motorcycle was already far away. Only then did Jamie regain consciousness in his hands and feet. When he went downstairs, he saw a large stack of gambling cakes on the table and a small bucket of water. These were enough for him to live a lot. Oh my god.

After Jamie packed up the stack of gambling cakes, he went upstairs. He planned to continue sleeping for a while and wait until he fell asleep.

"It's nothing! I'm just a coward who gets so scared when he sees a kangaroo that he wants to run away."

Jamie smiled and returned to the room on the second floor. When he opened the door, Jamie saw the laser transmitter on the kangaroo's arm on the ground. He walked over, picked it up, and put it on his arm.

"If I could use this weapon, I wouldn't be afraid!"

The wind was howling violently, and on the bumpy road, the giant motorcycle driven by Fredo was on flat ground, barely feeling any bumps. He stretched out his hand and took out a cigar, lit it with a laser and smoked it. In one breath, the thick smoke was quickly blown away by the wind.

Drops of beads were flying in the wind. Fredo glanced at Imogen, who was still crying next to her. She was even sadder than that morning a few days ago. This was real sadness, just because of Jamie. Didn't follow.

Fredo slowed down the car as much as possible. He just planned to wait for Imogen to regain her composure before speeding up. He would not stop. This journey had already begun, and the short stay for a few days had already disrupted Fu Ruiduo's mind. Redo's plan.

"Want to go back?"

Fredo asked, but Imogen shook her head without saying a word, still wiping tears.

"Then get ready, the trial will begin soon, and if you fail, I will leave your Imogen behind. This is what we agreed from the beginning."

Imogen hummed. Fredo had told her a lot about kangaroos in the past few days. She had never heard of these things in the past.

It wasn't until 10:03 that the motorcycle stopped, and Imogen jumped off the bike. In the distance was a large field of crops swaying in the light. There were many metal fields around the field. Towers, the light emanates bit by bit from the crystals on the surfaces of these towers, and there is a warmth in the air.

Imogen was very familiar with this kind of farmland. She had been working on this kind of farm for eight years since she was a child. Afterwards, there was a riot on the farm, and he and Jamie escaped from the chaos with many people.

At first everyone was happy because they didn’t have to watch the kangaroos’ faces every day while working, but then everything disappeared due to food issues.

Imogen's eyes looked a little angry. Fredo pointed to a large row of mechanical walls opposite the farmland. There was an eye-catching red kangaroo logo and the number 77 on it.

In the distance, behind the light, are large metal towers. This is the first time Imogen has seen such a large kangaroo city. She has only been to a kangaroo society with her slave master, and she still has a deep memory of it. , the humans inside all had their heads lowered, their waists hunched, and collars around their necks. The kangaroos as the masters walked in front, and the slaves followed.

"You only have one chance, Imogen. The cigars I want are in a warehouse near this farmland."

"Why are you so sure?"

Fredo laughed.

"Because this used to be a tobacco planting field, but later the tobacco harvest was not very good, so the crops were changed. But there should be a lot of finished products in the warehouse over there. Bring me some. This is your trial. "

As he said this, Fredo took out a pair of glasses and handed them to Imogen and told her to put them on. As soon as she put on the glasses, Imogen found that for a moment she could actually see the situation in the farmland in the distance. There were many hound-shaped robots patrolling the paths in the farmland. There was a metal room in the farmland, and figures shaking by the window could be seen, which were the slaves of the farmland.

Basically, most kangaroos will adjust their human lives to be like theirs, going out at night and resting during the day. Fredo had already told Imogen the plan a few days ago, and she only needed to follow Fredo's plan. Go and do it, just walk to where Fredo says, get the tobacco and return.

"You only have 3 hours, Imogen. If you haven't come back in 3 hours, I will leave!"

Imogen nodded in understanding, borrowed a small bottle of liquid from Fredo's hand, and then brought out a long piece of machinery. She swallowed it and ran quickly.

"You are indeed very courageous. You didn't hesitate at all."

Fredo held his hands with emotion and leaned on the motorcycle. He took out the last cigar in his pocket, but he looked at it and refrained from lighting it. Looking at 77 in the distance, Fredo couldn't help but fall into Meditated.

If Imogen does not come back in three hours, Fredo will leave and will not go to the farm to get cigars in person. Fredo has bad memories here in the past. This is where Fredo spent his childhood. The 77th branch base of the Red Kangaroo Legion.

The kangaroos here are relatively cruel and famous for their ferocity. They are not as gentle and lazy as the kangaroos in the 69 base more than 70 kilometers away from here. They are the most powerful branch of the Red Kangaroo Legion, with strict discipline and possessing With a considerable number of mechas.

Fredo's parents died here. He was powerless in the past, and he is powerless now.

The reason why Fredo chose to leave on this coastline is just because the past few red kangaroo branches here were much weaker than other branches. Because of the existence of 77 branches, when dealing with some problems in the past, other kangaroo branches only Being able to ask for help from Branch 77 was the last thing Fredo had to do before leaving.

Time passed minute by minute, until 1:30 in the afternoon, Fredo exhaled a puff of smoke. He jumped on the motorcycle, started the motorcycle, and looked at the 77 opposite. He had failed. If everything goes well, Imogen will be back within an hour. If there is any trouble along the way, three hours will be enough.

Originally, Fredo never thought that this girl could come back safe and sound, but in the past few days, he was moved by something about this girl, and Fredo no longer had time to take a good look at humans.

The motorcycle started, Fredo grinned slightly, and then sped away into the distance.

At this time, Imogen was sitting quietly in a metal house full of slaves. This place was much worse than the place she had been before. Many slaves looked malnourished for a long time, and were very thin and had dull eyes. , the language is not very clear either.

Imogen gave up her resistance. The moment she was caught, she remembered the several times Jamie had forced her to stop her, as well as Fredo who was still outside. Imogen still had a trace of fantasy. Redo is able to come in and save himself.

But soon Imogen looked out the window, and a flaming red light lit up in the distant sky.

Imogen stood up in despair. Although she couldn't see clearly, she was sure that Fredo had really left. Sure enough, she thought too simply.

Spraying his body with a mixture of kangaroo scents allowed him to successfully avoid the mechanical patrol dogs, but when he opened the old warehouse and used the cracker that Fredo gave him to unlock it, Immo Jean was caught.


The door of the slave warehouse opened, and several kangaroos walked in. At this time, a strong and muscular kangaroo walked in, wearing a black mechanical vest with the word 77 on it and a crown pattern. There was a scar on his left cheek and he was holding a cigar. The slaves were very scared. Many slaves lowered their heads and huddled towards the wall.

"What's your relationship with Fredo?"

The leader of the kangaroo said, holding the cracker that Imogen used just now in her hand, she shook her head.

"Take her to the brain dissection room!"

When Imoqin didn't know what to do, a kangaroo with a mechanical bag on its back came over. With a crunching sound, black arms appeared from the mechanical bag behind the kangaroo, and he grabbed Imoqin directly. , she cried out in pain, and there was a snapping sound. Imogen only knew that she was in great pain.

"Either you come out now, or you will become fertilizer in this field after we have dissected your brain and learned useful information."

Imogen screamed in horror, but still said nothing and shook her head stubbornly.

Imogen was soon taken out. The leader of the kangaroos held a long piece of machinery and grinned slightly.

"Fredo, I didn't expect you to come back again! It's very interesting. What do you want to do this time?"

2:39 p.m.

Jamie walked quietly on the wilderness. He held a gambling cake in his hand. After eating it, he drank a little water. Looking at the clear tracks on the ground, Jamie started walking. He still followed after waking up. The motorcycle started walking, but Jamie just wanted to take a look.

When he thought that Imogen might have succeeded, Jamie felt a little uncomfortable after leaving with Fredo, so he just wanted to take a look.

Jamie felt a little uneasy when he thought of Imogen's expression when she left.

"Just take a look, just take a look."

Jamie didn't know where Imogen and the others had gone. The only one who knew was the branch of the 77th Red Kangaroo Legion. Jamie had only heard the kangaroos in their branch talk about some things about this powerful red kangaroo branch.

At this moment, some spots of light flashed in the distant sky, and in an instant Jamie sat down on the ground, muttering that it was over.

However, several hovercrafts passed quickly over Jamie's head. He didn't even see it clearly. He only saw the number 77. Jamie swallowed a mouthful, wiped the sweat, and his legs were still shaking. Soft.


Jamie laughed and continued walking along the tire. At this moment, there was a violent roar behind him. Jamie just turned his head, and the two hovercrafts that had just left slowly fell down, and two red The kangaroo jumped down directly, and Jamie was already kneeling on the ground with his hands raised, smiling slightly.

"Kid, have you ever seen a gray kangaroo with a damaged ear and no tail here before?"

Jamie knew immediately they were talking about Freddo, and then he smiled and shook his head.

The two kangaroos immediately jumped back to the suspension device, and went straight away without looking at Jamie again. Jamie sat on the ground again with weak legs.

"Did something happen?"

Jamie looked into the distance with fearful eyes, he got up and ran quickly.

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