Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 871 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment CLX

Chapter 871 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment CLXⅠ

May 19, 2056

The light of morning light had just pierced the sea level, and a ship with flying chess pieces of the International Rescue Team appeared at the end of the sea level. Facing the rising sun behind it, it slowly approached the vaguely visible port.

The harbor had long been crowded with people. The local managers had already put up welcome banners, and many people from nearby villages who had been suffering from hunger for several months came.

Wanting to get free food and water from international rescue ships as soon as possible, a large-scale famine has broken out in this place, and only this small seaport town can barely sustain life.

Joseph quietly looked at the harbor he was about to arrive at, and smiled with relief. However, at this time, several coast guard ships quickly approached, and someone with a loudspeaker immediately ordered them to stop sailing and undergo inspection.

The captain slowed down, and the coast guards quickly boarded the ship after approaching. Joseph looked at the people who came up, and they immediately ordered a search, but Joseph immediately walked over.

"This is the goods agreed with your minister, and they are all already inside."

The official nodded and then pulled Joseph aside.

"Do you have anything else on board besides weapons and ammunition?"

Joseph asked with a smile, shaking his head.

"what you mean."

"It's fine if there's nothing else, but it's not good if there is anything else."

Joseph nodded understandingly, and at this time, in the distance, a U-shaped cruiser with chess pieces from another country was sailing towards this side. Joseph smiled and quickly saw it with a telescope. Some people from Interpol were a little panicked by the official who got on the boat.

"We have to find a way."

Joseph said as the officer ran over.

"Mr. Ding Wentong! We suspect that there are prohibited smuggled goods on this ship and need to board the ship for search."

The reason why this cruiser, which had previously been docked on the high seas, came over was to cooperate with the maritime military exercises of the upcoming allies, and this small country was also invited.

The president immediately agreed. Ding Wentong looked solemnly at the approaching cruiser. There were a lot of Interpol police on board, wanting to come and search.

"We've checked, this is our country."

"We have powers to search under the Assault Convention Act."

A captain on the opposite side took out a search warrant, and Ding Wentong was a little panicked.

After a bridge was quickly built, an official from Country Y stepped off the ship first.

"Nothing else will be searched."

Ding Wentong breathed a sigh of relief at this time, and soon the criminal police officers headed towards the cabin below, without searching the containers containing the rescue supplies.

Joseph watched quietly, and sure enough, they found the hidden cabin. Joseph followed, watching them move the boxes containing some clothes, and then entered it. There was nothing in it, just some materials.

Joseph probably knew who sold out the information on the ship, so the night before yesterday, he had asked the people inside to get their ship. Last night, they had taken advantage of the calm sea to go around 50 kilometers away from this town. of a southern strait.

And Joseph didn't let anyone who couldn't trust know about this. The only people who knew about it were the captain and a few trustworthy people.

Joseph looked a little shocked when he looked at the expression of a crew member. He was already sure that this guy had sold the information on the ship. He walked slowly to the captain's side and whispered a few words. The captain looked at it angrily. That crew.

The ship was searched from top to bottom, and nothing was found. Even microbial forensics personnel came on board. However, Joseph and a few trustworthy crew members had already thrown some of the things they lived into the sea after they left. The entire cabin was disinfected.

Things that can be called evidence cannot be found. Joseph is very professional in dealing with such matters. Even their feces have long been discharged into the ocean. Looking at a bunch of people busy, Joseph just smiled. watching.

"Gentlemen, your behavior is an obstacle to international rescue operations. Do you know how many people are waiting for food on the shore? How long are you going to investigate? Someone may starve to death."

Joseph gave a reminder. For a moment, the people who were still busy on the ship began to panic. Joseph took out his mobile phone. Upon seeing this, the captain immediately asked the crew to do the same, and everyone began to take pictures.

"This is an unreasonable and blatant obstruction of international rescue operations."

The search soon stopped, the ship arrived at the port at 9:11 in the morning, and relief supplies began to be distributed.

People almost filled the entire Haigang Town, and everyone was queuing up to receive food.

Joseph quietly looked at the bustle of people below and couldn't help laughing.

This is always the case every time I come to a country where famine occurs due to disaster. The guards who maintain order have begun to beat those who do not obey the order with their sticks.

Boxes of supplies were constantly being moved by the crew, and then guards issued by local organizations took over. Piles of weapons and ammunition were already exposed in the containers.

Obviously there are so many weapons and ammunition, and the money to buy these weapons and ammunition is completely enough to deal with this famine, but the people in power have no intention of doing so.

This is only the first batch of rescue, and more than 20 rescue supplies from other countries will arrive later.

In the distance, the cruiser had begun to move away. Joseph was a little relieved. This time it was over. They would rest here for a week. Joseph planned to go to the trading city and have some fun first. Relax and then talk to someone about your next trading plan.

Didi didi

"Joseph, it has been successfully transferred into our account. It's a good deal."

Reano's voice came from the phone, and Joseph smiled and answered in a gentle voice.

"It's true, boss. I still have something to do here, so I have to continue my work. The next transaction has already started."

Joseph didn't want to say more than a few words to Reano, so he hung up the phone.

Reiano originally wanted to do arms, but it would touch the interests of some countries, and once it was linked to the interests of these countries, things would become very complicated, so Joseph persuaded Reiano several times not to It's actually quite good to get involved in this field and be a delivery boy.

"Let's go have a drink together?"

The captain brought the people over with a smile, and Joseph shook his head.

"Sorry Captain, I have other things to attend to."

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