Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 870 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment CLX

Chapter 870 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment CLX

The afterglow of the setting sun dyed this small little place red. Gu Yi and Zhou Yang carried some things, talked and laughed and stepped into the hotel. Many people following them finally felt a little more relaxed.

Zhang Ming exhaled tiredly. Looking at the two people in front of him, Zhang Ming looked a little helpless. The two asked to go out today, but Zhang Ming arranged for more than 100 people in advance before letting them go out.

When the situation was so tense, the two men's escort work became extremely heavy. Their superiors had already called, and a joint fleet was already heading here in the name of an exercise.

Zhang Ming looked at the bustling pedestrians on the street. It won't be long before this place can exist. Zhang Ming had a hunch that everything here used to be calm and slow. Although it was full of all kinds of transactions, in short It's relatively peaceful.

But it's different now. Too many things happened around here in the past few days, and many people died.

During the two days of Duan Duan, Zhang Ming received a variety of intelligence. Personnel from intelligence agencies from more than 50 countries are currently gathered here.

Almost all developed countries in the world have participated, and there have been many heavyweight transactions.

Zhang Ming has become a little tired over the years. He has seen enough intrigues and intrigues. Working in this atmosphere makes him very stressed every day. However, next year Zhang Ming can go back and transfer to other departments.

Most countries want to take advantage of this time when the world starts to heat up and conduct various transactions, because everyone is thinking about the same point, and because during this period, many geopolitical issues have been blurred.

Several major war-torn areas in the world have also ceased fire. This fact that seems peaceful and beautiful to most ordinary people is even more turbulent.

What Zhang Ming can't stand the most is that the local people always treat him with hostility. This hostility shows no signs of disappearing even now.

The army of our country once achieved an overwhelming and absolute victory on this land half a century ago. These nearby countries are always hostile to our country. They are obviously neighboring countries, but they bring There is hostility that seems to have existed since the day he was born.

Zhang Ming has been thinking about these issues a lot recently. Perhaps he is thinking about these things because he is older. At this time, Gu Yi in front stopped.

"Is it really okay?"

Gu Yi asked again to confirm, and Zhang Ming made an OK gesture.

"no problem."

This is the fifth time this man has asked this question. Zhou Yang next to him smiled and patted Gu Yi on the shoulder.

"It's fine."

Half an hour ago, on their way back, there was a car accident. A little girl was run over by a starting vehicle. Her grandmother cried and asked the people around her for help, but many people just looked on indifferently.

Gu Yi originally wanted to go over to help, but Zhang Ming held him back. The little girl was then hugged by her grandma and ran away. It could be seen that they were not too wealthy, and Gu Yi could not understand the conversation from the locals. It could be seen from his expression that the little girl was hopeless.

Seeing that Gu Yi still looked worried, Zhang Ming smiled helplessly.

"It's better for you to ignore the problems in the world here, because only by doing so can you feel a little more at ease."

Gu Yi turned around and put down his things.

"I have to go see it."

Zhang Ming walked in front of Gu Yi and blocked him.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gu Yi, your safety is the first priority. I can't allow you to go out privately like this. Moreover, if you go out, I have to arrange for someone to go to the place you want to go to in advance to conduct various investigations."

Zhou Yang pulled Gu Yi.

"It's okay, there should be no problem."

After returning to the room, Gu Yi was a little depressed. The little girl reminded Gu Yi of his daughter.

"I think we should stay calm during this trip. After all, we are not from here and we don't understand the situation here."

Gu Yi hummed, but the scene that no one cared about just now lingered in his mind.

"We're going to be there in a few days, so be mentally prepared."

Gu Yi hummed and looked at the coffee table with his hands clasped together.

"I always feel that this world will one day be destroyed by such indifference."

Zhou Yang smiled and nodded.

"This is certain and inevitable. Since the era of information explosion, direct communication between people has dropped to a freezing point, and information that is too large and complex has made people worry a lot more. The necessary part, people become more and more complex over time, and complex people are always accompanied by indifference.”

Gu Yi smiled helplessly. He just wanted to complete the transaction quickly and leave this strange place.

This place made Gu Yi uncomfortable. Human beings are always difficult to control and will repeat the same mistakes again and again. Even though there is enough land in the world to feed everyone, many people still starve to death.

In the past, after watching the news, Gu Yi would sigh helplessly from time to time, but after truly seeing the situation here, Gu Yi began to think about these issues.

"What would you do if you were a leader?"

Zhou Yang asked and Gu Yi shook his head.

"I'm not suitable to be a leader. I don't have that talent. I just need to study quietly."

Zhou Yang laughed.

"This place has formed an inherent order. It is almost impossible to improve it. Once order is formed, it is difficult to change. And if there is a problem with the order, everything here will collapse. By then It’s not a personal tragedy, it’s a collective tragedy.”

Gu Yi took the tea from Zhou Yang, said thank you, raised his head, and smiled helplessly.

"We are really a bunch of selfish people, aren't we?"

Zhou Yang was a little stunned at first, but soon nodded with understanding.

"It is indeed selfish. The progress of science and technology does not mean that the world will become better. The frequent problems in the world today are largely caused by technology. Capital is constantly promoting technology, and not everyone can Many people who are firmly on the high-speed train of technology can only be abandoned by the times. This is the case in this place. It has been abandoned for a long time. Only some people can enjoy the light brought by technology."

Gu Yi looked at his hands. He didn't know whether the high-mass energy photons he was currently studying would be good or bad for the future. But Gu Yi couldn't see everything in the future, but after seeing this now, he Somewhat worried.

"I think Weiner once said that technology should not continue to develop too fast and violently. It may be correct."

Zhou Yang hummed.

"Perhaps, but society cannot stop once it has started functioning. Once it stops, more people will fall into misery."

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