Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 834 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment C

Chapter 834 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment CⅡ

3:09 p.m.

Corey quietly explained the situation to everyone. The ship was still sailing, but where the next stop would be was unknown to them. The scientists in the distance became a hot potato.

"Are you really sure? Do you want to contact us again and see?"

Corey shook his head.

"I gave that communication device to Mr. Ganesha. We have agreed that I will contact him directly and no third person will answer. Once the answer is answered, the plan will be deemed to have failed."

More than 20 people shook their heads, and Corey seemed a little irritable. Without a client, who would they entrust their goods to?

The ship should have been exposed, and they would have to change ships at the next port, otherwise they would be in danger.

"We have to find people who are willing to buy these goods immediately, otherwise it will be over. Turn on the satellite network and start publishing product information."

Corey said and directly asked Thomas to be brought over.

"What exactly are you studying? Tell me the technology you have mastered, if you want to survive."

Thomas looked at Corey solemnly.

"Are you serious? This could cause an uproar around the world."


Corey disarmed the gun.

"I'm serious, Mr. Thomas. There was a problem with the client and we couldn't deliver the goods. But we lost nearly 40 people in this operation and it took a year and a half."

Thomas nodded.


Near dusk

Tang Rao was hunched over, picking radishes, and Baitou next to him was carrying a few bags of things. They were going to have a sumptuous dinner tonight.

"Which one is better?"

Tang Rao tidied her hanging hair. At this time, she stared sharply at several men approaching, while Bai Tou was already alert.

"Miss Tang Rao, please."

Before a man approaching could finish speaking, a sharp blade was pressed against his neck. For a moment, everyone around him was frightened. Tang Rao held the knife in his hand with a smile.

"What do you want to do?"

The man raised his hands.

"We just want to talk to you."

After a while, more than ten people came to a restaurant, but Baitou was blocked at the door. Tang Rao glanced at the people behind him.

"He's my partner."

Bai Tou didn't want to follow him at first, but Tang Rao forced him to come over.

"Eleven scientists in a secret facility in our country were kidnapped a month ago. Now the kidnappers have put the research information they have on a trading website, worth 2 million each."

"So you want me to help you trade?"

The other party nodded, and Tang Rao thought about it for a while before speaking.

"I want 5 million for one person, and 55 million for 11 people. As for the transaction amount, you pay."

The other party readily agreed, Baitou was a little surprised, and Tang Rao saw the clues. The 11 kidnapped scientists were probably relatively core scientists, and their value far exceeded the money.

Soon the other party took out the information of 11 scientists, but the next second Tang Rao and Bai Tou were shocked because Ai Li was also among them.

"It's true, it's been so long since we last met."

Bai Tou laughed helplessly.

Tang Rao noticed that when Aili came here before, nearly 50 bodyguards followed her. Basically, these people would follow Aili wherever she went.

"Then what exactly is this girl studying?"

Then Tang Rao stood up.

"I will log in to my trader account now and contact the other party."

Immediately, the other party also stood up. Tang Rao looked at them unhappily and said.

"We have our own rules in this industry. If you dare to use any monitoring methods, don't blame me for being rude."

In the end, the other party gave up the idea of ​​following Tang Rao. Tang Rao returned to a hotel he had rented for a long time and took out a computer from a small hole under the carpet in the room with ease.

"Would you like to come with me and experience everything this world has to offer?"

Tang Rao asked, but Bai Tou didn't answer, his expression was dull.

"You will come with me, after all, that little girl was also kidnapped."

Bai Tou came back to his senses at this time and nodded.

Soon Tang Rao found the contact information posted by the other party and dialed the number directly.

"I want all the 11 products you posted."

"Miss, what's the price? 39 people have already bid."

Tang Rao laughed.

"20 million per person!"

The other party was silent for a while.

"Are you sure you're not joking, miss?"

"Do you think I'm joking? I hope to settle it once and for all."

Bai Tou sat aside and looked at Tang Rao quietly, looking like she was enjoying it.

"I understand, miss. I will call you again. We can discuss the transaction location next time. We are currently in a bit of trouble."

Tang Rao hung up the phone in a good mood.

"You make so much money, can you spend it all?"

Tang Rao thought for a moment and then laughed.

"The key lies in the process, doesn't it? Money doesn't matter to me anymore. After all, if someone has a need in this area, then someone will naturally provide the need, right?"

Bai Tou smiled bitterly and said nothing. Tang Rao noticed the worry on his cheeks.

"It's okay. After all, it's a big deal of 220 million yuan. The other party doesn't do anything."

Soon Tang Rao told the person who entrusted him with the deal he had concluded with the other party, but the other party was a little surprised.

"That's the thing. If you think the price is too high, I will cancel the transaction immediately. After all, I have a relatively high credibility in this industry."

"I leave everything to you, Miss Tang Rao."

Then Tang Rao put down the phone.

"Go back and pack your things. Maybe we have to leave tonight."

Bai Tou hummed and took out a cigarette.

"Haven't you ever thought about doing something else?"

Tang Rao groaned and said with a smile.

"You can make money quickly in this business. Besides, not everyone in this world is blessed with good luck right from birth."

7:09 p.m.

Corey was still looking at the information of some traders. He listed three people. Among them, the woman who offered the highest price had a very high credibility. The other two offered 4 million each and 3.5 million each.

"I think it's better to be on the safe side."

Corey snorted. Although they wanted the 200 million very much, if everyone could get 10 million, they wouldn't need to live like this anymore.

"Give it a try!"

Corey said, and immediately selected the trader. Everyone else laughed happily. Corey looked at the 11 scientists. This was the last gamble in his life. If he lost, he would wait for them. There is only death.

The ship has received many inquiry calls. The traders on the ship have contacted other delivery people and will come directly to pick them up at sea. They can only complete the transaction as soon as possible and get the money.

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