Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 833 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment C

Chapter 833 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment CⅠ

May 9, 2056

After nearly a week of wandering at sea, Corey and some of his men came out of the warehouse, put on local clothes, and then disembarked.

The trip was pretty smooth. After paying an extra 1 million, the ship did not dock at any port. Instead, it took a direct detour, avoiding some countries related to the O Alliance, and came directly to this remote small country. Port call.

Corey hurriedly ran as soon as he got off the boat. He went directly to a mobile phone store and bought a mobile phone and a mobile phone card.

In a place like this, as long as you have money, you can get a communication card without your real name. Then Corey directly opened a room in a hotel.

The climate here is a bit hot, which is completely different from where they were before, and Cory also plans to take a good rest for a few days.

Soon several men went to investigate nearby, while Corey was alone in the room. He pressed a series of complicated numbers and characters, and after a while, there was a buzzing sound of electricity coming from the phone.

This is a special communication channel, and it requires many signal transfers before it can finally be dialed.

After a long wait, the call finally came through.

"Mr. Ganesha"

"Sorry, I am not Mr. Ganesha, I am his subordinate, Saka."

Suddenly Corey became alert. The accent didn't sound like someone from that small country.

"Where is Mr. Ganesha? I need to speak to him."

"Mr. Ganisa is temporarily busy and may not come back until an hour later. Where are you now?"

Corey felt something was wrong again. He didn't say it clearly, but spoke vaguely.

"I don't know either. When Mr. Ganesha comes, we will discuss the delivery location."

Just when Corey was about to hang up the phone, the other party immediately started laughing.

"Congratulations on your success, I will notify Mr. Ganisa immediately."

The other party hung up the phone, and Corey became unusually alert at this time. He contacted his employer Ganesha many times, and he picked up the phone every time.

Corey was so furious that he slammed the phone to the ground, crushed it with his feet, and threw it into the toilet.

"The situation has changed. Something may have happened to the client. We have to leave quickly."

Corey summoned the men he brought over and said hurriedly. After discussing for a while, everyone decided to leave here. Although this special channel phone allowed them to avoid their location, with the technology of those developed countries, , it is very simple to know clearly where they are.

In a certain palace building, above a pool, a dying man was hanging upside down. Next to him was a smiling soldier. Frightened people all around looked on silently. The whole building was full of people. It is the special operations force of the SA.

"You'd better continue to explain honestly, Mr. Ganesha."

A sergeant said and motioned to the soldiers to continue. The soldiers immediately began to slowly lower the rope hanging Ganesha. Ganesha was put into the pool again. He struggled violently. After more than a minute, he was was pulled out.

In a luxurious office, there were a large number of electronic equipment. A smiling man stood aside respectfully. The commander and several adjutants were still waiting for inquiries from the information department. Soon the computer The exact signal location of the incoming call will be displayed on the screen.

"Tell the nearest troops to come over immediately."

It has been an hour and the call has not come back. The commander can't sit still. Now he must stabilize the kidnappers.

"Mr. Sarkar, are you sure you can't contact them?"

Saka smiled and said.

"The master used to wait for the other party to call."

The man named Saka glanced sideways at the interrogation in the courtyard, fear written on his face.

"Sir, you must never break your promise to me. I want to leave with my family today."

A colonel in the chair nodded.

"When the matter is over, you can go to country Y. Your entry procedures are already being processed."

Saka immediately nodded. The reason why these people were able to enter here so easily and arrest Ganesha was because Saka provided key evidence. The situation in this small country is very bad now, and the chief is busy fighting with those big troops. countries to discuss some matters.

At this time, the colonel directly asked the soldiers to bring Ganesha over.

"Listen carefully. When the call comes later, you and the other party will agree on the transaction location."

Ganesha laughed. This middle-aged man had been tortured for a whole day. He looked at his former subordinate Saka angrily, and then laughed without saying a word.

Saka lowered his head in fear. There were nearly 400 people in this large mansion, all of whom were temporarily detained here on charges of terrorist riots.

Many uninformed people had no idea what was going on. Soldiers from other countries rushed into the mansion, arrested their owner openly, and then began to execute him.

"You'd better do what we ask honestly, Mr. Ganesha, otherwise."

"I won't say anything!"

Ganesha laughed, and then glanced at everyone here fiercely.

"You can kill me as you please. After I die, everyone you break in today will become a hunting target, and all my inheritance will be used as bonuses!"

Suddenly a sergeant walked over and grabbed Ganesha's head and pressed him on the table. Ganesha looked at Saka with gritted teeth.

"The same goes for you Saka, don't even try to escape."

Waves of women's cries were heard, and a group of women were shouting outside.

"You devils!"

The colonel couldn't sit still. This guy was one of the richest people in the area, and if they continued to stay, they might be in danger.

"Leave here first and return to the base of the neighboring country."

The colonel still gave the order, and the soldiers got busy. However, at this moment, a soldier hurried over.

"Colonel, we are surrounded."

When the colonel came behind the door, he saw a large number of armed guards and some local people. They surrounded the mansion, looking like they wanted to rush in, and gunshots were heard from both sides.

"Calling for reinforcements."

The colonel said, asking everyone to set up defenses near the residence with weapons. The streets outside were already in chaos, and a large number of ordinary people were already shouting and coming towards this direction with some sticks in hand.

At this time, there was a burst of gunfire, and the colonel immediately rushed back to the office in horror. Several servants fell in a pool of blood. Several soldiers looked at the people in the mansion who were completely angry, and the cries disappeared.

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