Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 829 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment XC

Chapter 829 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment XCⅦ

May 3, 2056

"Today is a very important day!"

On an exquisite podium set up in one place, X pressed his hands on the table, surrounded by board members of the science and technology seminar, and on both sides was a blue flag with the image of the earth.

A giant arch crafted with a large number of scientific symbols such as mathematics, chemistry, and physics stands behind the platform.

In front of you is a square crowded with reporters and ordinary people, and opposite is a clean and clear river. Today is a press conference for the official selection of the address of the Space Academy.

"Today! It is a very important day. 191 sovereign countries have reached an agreement. In the future, more than 6,000 scientists will be stationed in this space academy. In the next 20 years, they will make preparations for the Hope Asteroid landing project. Be prepared for everything. At the same time, there will be more than 100,000 scientific workers around the world to escort this plan, 300,000 technical engineers will serve as builders of spaceships from various countries, and millions of ordinary workers will participate. More than Ten million ordinary people will provide support in all aspects!"

X bowed deeply.

"Here, I would like to thank everyone who participated in this plan. Thank you for participating in this plan that carries the hope of scientific and technological progress for all mankind. Because of your steps, this plan can be implemented, and mankind will Have a better future! Thank you to each of you for your efforts, and to the 191 sovereign countries for your assistance. Thank you! Technology has been the only driving force for mankind since its official name. The world has encountered too many There has been too much suffering. The world was frozen due to many factors, and this homeland that belongs to us has suffered too much suffering, whether it is human or natural!"

X said in a loud voice, and then he bowed again.

"Only technology can change all this. As humans, we are too small in front of nature, but one day, we humans will embark on the path of changing nature. This may have been considered impossible in the past. But now humans have reached the moment when they have to take action to change the living environment! There will be more and greater disasters waiting for us humans in the future. This time the asteroid landing plan is for us as humans to knock on the door of the sky. A decisive moment! I won’t say any more. The directors of our Science and Technology Salt Field Association will answer all your questions about the Sky Academy! I have to rush back now, and there is one more thing that is very important to us this time. The core issues of the plan need to be dealt with, please forgive me!"

bang bang bang

Following sporadic applause, violent applause soon erupted from the crowd. X bowed again and walked off the stage, getting into the car that the guards had prepared.

If it weren't for the fact that today was the official announcement of the address of the Space Academy, he would not have come here. X did not want to leave the small town where Weiner was for a moment, because the small town became chaotic. X was very worried about Weiner's safety. Although he had sent a large number of people around to protect Weiner's safety, he still couldn't relax.

After talking with Weiner for more than a month, X was very sure that the person who holds the key to the future is Weiner.

And now Weiner intends to hand over this key, which is the most important core issue for X at the moment.

The young man named Li Ji'en is a person Weiner trusts, and Weiner wants to give the key to that young man.

After many inquiries and contacts, X found it very clear that this young man was very capable.

Although this young man showed indifference in front of X many times, X knew very well that this young man was of the same kind as himself, wandering at the door of a crazy world.

Once this young man steps in, everything will become natural.

"We have found the person behind the kidnapping of the scientific research team at the Mountain Factory. Do you want to inform Country Y?"

The guard driving the car asked, and X said after hesitating for a few seconds.

"Just give it to them as a gift."


This matter is not important to X. X had noticed their genetic improvement of humans 30 years ago, but the technology they had was far less powerful than his own.

The car soon followed the path of the escort vehicle and drove onto a highway heading to several fields. The topic has made X still immersed in the world of quantum physics.

"How about we take over those scientists and it will be better for our biology department."

"No need. That research team has been here before. I have observed them. They are just a group of mediocre people."

X does not need anyone without talent. In his life spanning more than a century, X has become more and more aware of the importance of talent. This is the greatest gift God has given to mankind.

The reason why this world has different classes is that only talent determines it all.

Now all he needs to do is deal with Weiner's problem. Rounds of elections will begin again.

Every time they clone themselves, they compete with each other using the knowledge they have mastered. Only the best clone can replace X and become the new helmsman.

X has survived for 5 years, which is a very long time for a clone, but X still has 5 years left. He must choose his successor clone and keep it with him at all times. Everything you say and do will be recorded.

This is so that when he dies, his successor can take over him well. Only a few directors in the science and technology seminar know about him, and they are only looking forward to getting a way to extend their lifespan.

Cloning is difficult for them to accept, and most people should be like this. X can no longer remember how he felt when his own body died, because the memory transmission method is not perfect.

"Probably also extremely reluctant!"

X smiled, looked at the passing cars, and then closed his eyes.

"Country Y has been notified, and they should take action."

X hummed and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

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