Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 798 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment LX

Chapter 798 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment LXⅥ

The sunrise on the grassland is always full of vitality, and the animals that hide after dark begin to move.

The shaking black shadows on the ground almost blocked the sun. A large group of vultures slowly landed next to an old tree. The vultures attacked each other, trying to drive away the weak ones, while the strong ones enjoyed the meal. .

The mutilated corpse was being eaten crazily by vultures, and there were a large number of insects near the bloodstains.

Judging from the appearance of the corpse, many animals and insects have already eaten. The weak vultures that were driven away can only take off again. After all, there will be delicious food in this place every few days. They only need to linger nearby to eat a lot every day. full.

A small town not far from here is still reveling in the carnival. Trucks loaded with supplies form a long queue and are heading into the city. While counting the supplies, the gang members have already opened the wine and started drinking. .

"Sergeant! How about us"

"Don't even think about it, just finish our mission and get out of here."

A large number of people came near the small town. They heard that food was being distributed here and gathered here. The sergeant looked at the coughing people in the crowd vigilantly and ordered the soldiers to wear masks. After all, this land has experienced many outbreaks. A sub-large-scale infectious disease.

Although it is a hot season now, the sergeant doesn't want to catch any disease. It can be seen that the soldiers under his command don't really want to do such an acting thing, but they have to do it.

All the hostages captured in their own country have been successfully rescued, and the reporter who united with the local armed forces to make money also escaped during the fierce battle and was shot dead while escaping.

This incident that caused an uproar all over the world in a short period of time has come to an end. The sergeant clenched his fists. He could do nothing. Looking at the jubilant people around him, the sergeant found it very difficult to accept it.

Although I don’t know which country was the first to do this, everyone followed suit because this approach saves the most time and effort.

The poor reporter endured everything, and no one would speak up for him. Just when the sergeant was about to say something to the soldier, a gang member who was laughing a second ago suddenly fell to the ground and began to twitch. , blood overflowed from his nose and mouth, and something strange appeared on his face, as if there were spots popping up.

"Leave that person alone immediately."

The sergeant shouted, but no one heard him. He felt something was wrong and immediately ordered his men to complete the task quickly and leave here.

The sergeant felt something was wrong, and some soldiers also noticed that the man's abnormal bleeding was caused by the hemorrhagic fever virus. The next second, the sergeant decisively canceled the filming of the field exercise and immediately ordered everyone to leave.

"It's Ebola hemorrhagic fever. We must isolate as soon as possible, keep distance, clean and disinfect, and burn the bodies of the deceased."

An hour later, Amir woke up from his dream. He looked at the panicked doctor in front of him, and then immediately showed a cruel smile.

"Those who are sick will be killed immediately."

The doctor looked at the leader blankly, and finally nodded in acquiescence.

More and more people began to experience symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea, and nose bleeding. People who were still reveling in the festival began to panic at this moment.

The armed forces, armed with weapons, drove people back to their homes and patrolled the streets. Anyone with symptoms would be killed directly, doused with gasoline and burned on the spot.

In just a few hours, the whole town was in chaos, and some people began to escape. Although the gang members tried their best to block the perimeter, some people still wanted to escape.

In a place like this without any protective measures or medical conditions, once you are at home, you can only wait for death.

Amir looked at everything in front of him and felt desperate. He wiped the sweat from his forehead. The cadres gathered in the mansion, and the core members were on guard nearby. Everyone felt creepy.

This virus has wreaked havoc on this land many times in the past. The vaccine is only available in some developed countries. However, due to the rarity of this virus, the fatality rate is too high, causing many people to die before researchers can come to take samples. die.

In this land, the fatality rate of this disease is 100% without medical treatment.

No one knows where this virus came from. Although Amir has little knowledge, basically anyone who gets sick will be driven away or killed directly by him. This is to ensure that there will be no large-scale infectious disease outbreak in this place.

While Amir was contemplating, there were bursts of exclamations outside. The doctor was warning everyone to leave. The moment Amir walked out, he saw a leader falling to the ground in pain. He decisively took out the Gun, killed him directly, and then ordered someone to bring gasoline.

A look of fear was written on everyone's face. Although they were famous for their ferocity, everything was in vain when facing this invisible enemy.

The doctor was still explaining what should be paid attention to, when Amir said decisively.

"Take what you can and move to another place."

We can no longer stay here. Amir is very clear. Now that he has money, he can recruit people and buy weapons wherever he goes.

While the small town was in chaos, a leopard was quietly licking its furry paws. It looked a little uncomfortable. There were many scarlet spots on its tongue. The leopard looked a little depressed.

Next to the leopard, there was a human hand that had been partially eaten away. He was paralyzed on the ground, panting feebly.

10:23 am

At a small national airport located in this hot land, some soldiers were talking to the local soldiers, and the plane carrying the hostages was about to return home.

A group of expressionless and slightly sad-looking hostages sat quietly on the plane, surrounded by some soldiers watching them.

Melinda sat in the back row with a blank expression. She had not said a word in the past few days. No matter what the soldiers told her, she still did not react at all and remained silent.

Melinda did the last thing a doctor should do. When she thought of this, Melinda could already see a tragedy happening in her mind.

Melinda brought over the mutant linear virus developed in the laboratory of the Science and Technology Seminar Center, because she had to do this, otherwise her son would be dead.

After hesitating for several months, and being treated roughly by a gang leader a few days ago, she warned the gang leader as a doctor that he was sick, but she had a vaccine.

Melinda covered her cheeks and let out a chilling laugh.

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